-- -- CREATE_TABLE -- -- -- CLASS DEFINITIONS -- CREATE TABLE hobbies_r ( name text, person text ); CREATE TABLE equipment_r ( name text, hobby text ); CREATE TABLE onek ( unique1 int4, unique2 int4, two int4, four int4, ten int4, twenty int4, hundred int4, thousand int4, twothousand int4, fivethous int4, tenthous int4, odd int4, even int4, stringu1 name, stringu2 name, string4 name ); CREATE TABLE tenk1 ( unique1 int4, unique2 int4, two int4, four int4, ten int4, twenty int4, hundred int4, thousand int4, twothousand int4, fivethous int4, tenthous int4, odd int4, even int4, stringu1 name, stringu2 name, string4 name ) WITH OIDS; CREATE TABLE tenk2 ( unique1 int4, unique2 int4, two int4, four int4, ten int4, twenty int4, hundred int4, thousand int4, twothousand int4, fivethous int4, tenthous int4, odd int4, even int4, stringu1 name, stringu2 name, string4 name ); CREATE TABLE person ( name text, age int4, location point ); CREATE TABLE emp ( salary int4, manager name ) INHERITS (person) WITH OIDS; CREATE TABLE student ( gpa float8 ) INHERITS (person); CREATE TABLE stud_emp ( percent int4 ) INHERITS (emp, student); NOTICE: merging multiple inherited definitions of column "name" NOTICE: merging multiple inherited definitions of column "age" NOTICE: merging multiple inherited definitions of column "location" CREATE TABLE city ( name name, location box, budget city_budget ); CREATE TABLE dept ( dname name, mgrname text ); CREATE TABLE slow_emp4000 ( home_base box ); CREATE TABLE fast_emp4000 ( home_base box ); CREATE TABLE road ( name text, thepath path ); CREATE TABLE ihighway () INHERITS (road); CREATE TABLE shighway ( surface text ) INHERITS (road); CREATE TABLE real_city ( pop int4, cname text, outline path ); -- -- test the "star" operators a bit more thoroughly -- this time, -- throw in lots of NULL fields... -- -- a is the type root -- b and c inherit from a (one-level single inheritance) -- d inherits from b and c (two-level multiple inheritance) -- e inherits from c (two-level single inheritance) -- f inherits from e (three-level single inheritance) -- CREATE TABLE a_star ( class char, a int4 ); CREATE TABLE b_star ( b text ) INHERITS (a_star); CREATE TABLE c_star ( c name ) INHERITS (a_star); CREATE TABLE d_star ( d float8 ) INHERITS (b_star, c_star); NOTICE: merging multiple inherited definitions of column "class" NOTICE: merging multiple inherited definitions of column "a" CREATE TABLE e_star ( e int2 ) INHERITS (c_star); CREATE TABLE f_star ( f polygon ) INHERITS (e_star); CREATE TABLE aggtest ( a int2, b float4 ); CREATE TABLE hash_i4_heap ( seqno int4, random int4 ); CREATE TABLE hash_name_heap ( seqno int4, random name ); CREATE TABLE hash_txt_heap ( seqno int4, random text ); CREATE TABLE hash_f8_heap ( seqno int4, random float8 ); -- don't include the hash_ovfl_heap stuff in the distribution -- the data set is too large for what it's worth -- -- CREATE TABLE hash_ovfl_heap ( -- x int4, -- y int4 -- ); CREATE TABLE bt_i4_heap ( seqno int4, random int4 ); CREATE TABLE bt_name_heap ( seqno name, random int4 ); CREATE TABLE bt_txt_heap ( seqno text, random int4 ); CREATE TABLE bt_f8_heap ( seqno float8, random int4 ); CREATE TABLE array_op_test ( seqno int4, i int4[], t text[] ); CREATE TABLE array_index_op_test ( seqno int4, i int4[], t text[] ); CREATE TABLE testjsonb ( j jsonb ); CREATE TABLE unknowntab ( u unknown -- fail ); ERROR: column "u" has pseudo-type unknown CREATE TYPE unknown_comptype AS ( u unknown -- fail ); ERROR: column "u" has pseudo-type unknown CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_tsvector( t text, a tsvector ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_tsvector( t text ); NOTICE: relation "test_tsvector" already exists, skipping CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE unlogged1 (a int primary key); -- OK CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE unlogged2 (a int primary key); -- OK SELECT relname, relkind, relpersistence FROM pg_class WHERE relname ~ '^unlogged\d' ORDER BY relname; relname | relkind | relpersistence ----------------+---------+---------------- unlogged1 | r | u unlogged1_pkey | i | u unlogged2 | r | t unlogged2_pkey | i | t (4 rows) REINDEX INDEX unlogged1_pkey; REINDEX INDEX unlogged2_pkey; SELECT relname, relkind, relpersistence FROM pg_class WHERE relname ~ '^unlogged\d' ORDER BY relname; relname | relkind | relpersistence ----------------+---------+---------------- unlogged1 | r | u unlogged1_pkey | i | u unlogged2 | r | t unlogged2_pkey | i | t (4 rows) DROP TABLE unlogged2; INSERT INTO unlogged1 VALUES (42); CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE public.unlogged2 (a int primary key); -- also OK CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE pg_temp.unlogged3 (a int primary key); -- not OK ERROR: only temporary relations may be created in temporary schemas LINE 1: CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE pg_temp.unlogged3 (a int primary key); ^ CREATE TABLE pg_temp.implicitly_temp (a int primary key); -- OK CREATE TEMP TABLE explicitly_temp (a int primary key); -- also OK CREATE TEMP TABLE pg_temp.doubly_temp (a int primary key); -- also OK CREATE TEMP TABLE public.temp_to_perm (a int primary key); -- not OK ERROR: cannot create temporary relation in non-temporary schema LINE 1: CREATE TEMP TABLE public.temp_to_perm (a int primary key); ^ DROP TABLE unlogged1, public.unlogged2; CREATE TABLE as_select1 AS SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'r'; CREATE TABLE as_select1 AS SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'r'; ERROR: relation "as_select1" already exists CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS as_select1 AS SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'r'; NOTICE: relation "as_select1" already exists, skipping DROP TABLE as_select1; -- check that the oid column is added before the primary key is checked CREATE TABLE oid_pk (f1 INT, PRIMARY KEY(oid)) WITH OIDS; DROP TABLE oid_pk; -- -- Partitioned tables -- -- cannot combine INHERITS and PARTITION BY (although grammar allows) CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) INHERITS (some_table) PARTITION BY LIST (a); ERROR: cannot create partitioned table as inheritance child -- cannot use more than 1 column as partition key for list partitioned table CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a1 int, a2 int ) PARTITION BY LIST (a1, a2); -- fail ERROR: cannot list partition using more than one column -- unsupported constraint type for partitioned tables CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int PRIMARY KEY ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a); ERROR: primary key constraints are not supported on partitioned tables LINE 2: a int PRIMARY KEY ^ CREATE TABLE pkrel ( a int PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int REFERENCES pkrel(a) ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a); ERROR: foreign key constraints are not supported on partitioned tables LINE 2: a int REFERENCES pkrel(a) ^ DROP TABLE pkrel; CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int UNIQUE ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a); ERROR: unique constraints are not supported on partitioned tables LINE 2: a int UNIQUE ^ CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int, EXCLUDE USING gist (a WITH &&) ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a); ERROR: exclusion constraints are not supported on partitioned tables LINE 3: EXCLUDE USING gist (a WITH &&) ^ -- prevent column from being used twice in the partition key CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a, a); ERROR: column "a" appears more than once in partition key -- prevent using prohibited expressions in the key CREATE FUNCTION retset (a int) RETURNS SETOF int AS $$ SELECT 1; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (retset(a)); ERROR: set-returning functions are not allowed in partition key expression DROP FUNCTION retset(int); CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE ((avg(a))); ERROR: aggregate functions are not allowed in partition key expression CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int, b int ) PARTITION BY RANGE ((avg(a) OVER (PARTITION BY b))); ERROR: window functions are not allowed in partition key expression CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) PARTITION BY LIST ((a LIKE (SELECT 1))); ERROR: cannot use subquery in partition key expression CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (('a')); ERROR: cannot use constant expression as partition key CREATE FUNCTION const_func () RETURNS int AS $$ SELECT 1; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (const_func()); ERROR: cannot use constant expression as partition key DROP FUNCTION const_func(); -- only accept "list" and "range" as partitioning strategy CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) PARTITION BY HASH (a); ERROR: unrecognized partitioning strategy "hash" -- specified column must be present in the table CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (b); ERROR: column "b" named in partition key does not exist -- cannot use system columns in partition key CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (xmin); ERROR: cannot use system column "xmin" in partition key -- functions in key must be immutable CREATE FUNCTION immut_func (a int) RETURNS int AS $$ SELECT a + random()::int; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (immut_func(a)); ERROR: functions in partition key expression must be marked IMMUTABLE DROP FUNCTION immut_func(int); -- cannot contain whole-row references CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE ((partitioned)); ERROR: partition key expressions cannot contain whole-row references -- prevent using columns of unsupported types in key (type must have a btree operator class) CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a point ) PARTITION BY LIST (a); ERROR: data type point has no default btree operator class HINT: You must specify a btree operator class or define a default btree operator class for the data type. CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a point ) PARTITION BY LIST (a point_ops); ERROR: operator class "point_ops" does not exist for access method "btree" CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a point ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a); ERROR: data type point has no default btree operator class HINT: You must specify a btree operator class or define a default btree operator class for the data type. CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a point ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a point_ops); ERROR: operator class "point_ops" does not exist for access method "btree" -- cannot add NO INHERIT constraints to partitioned tables CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int, CONSTRAINT check_a CHECK (a > 0) NO INHERIT ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a); ERROR: cannot add NO INHERIT constraint to partitioned table "partitioned" -- some checks after successful creation of a partitioned table CREATE FUNCTION plusone(a int) RETURNS INT AS $$ SELECT a+1; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE TABLE partitioned ( a int, b int, c text, d text ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a oid_ops, plusone(b), c collate "default", d collate "C"); -- check relkind SELECT relkind FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'partitioned'; relkind --------- p (1 row) -- check that range partition key columns are marked NOT NULL SELECT attname, attnotnull FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'partitioned'::regclass AND attnum > 0 ORDER BY attnum; attname | attnotnull ---------+------------ a | t b | f c | t d | t (4 rows) -- prevent a function referenced in partition key from being dropped DROP FUNCTION plusone(int); ERROR: cannot drop function plusone(integer) because other objects depend on it DETAIL: table partitioned depends on function plusone(integer) HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. -- partitioned table cannot participate in regular inheritance CREATE TABLE partitioned2 ( a int ) PARTITION BY LIST ((a+1)); CREATE TABLE fail () INHERITS (partitioned2); ERROR: cannot inherit from partitioned table "partitioned2" -- Partition key in describe output \d partitioned Table "public.partitioned" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | | c | text | | not null | d | text | | not null | Partition key: RANGE (a oid_ops, plusone(b), c, d COLLATE "C") \d partitioned2 Table "public.partitioned2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | Partition key: LIST ((a + 1)) DROP TABLE partitioned, partitioned2; -- -- Partitions -- -- check partition bound syntax CREATE TABLE list_parted ( a int ) PARTITION BY LIST (a); -- syntax allows only string literal, numeric literal and null to be -- specified for a partition bound value CREATE TABLE part_1 PARTITION OF list_parted FOR VALUES IN ('1'); CREATE TABLE part_2 PARTITION OF list_parted FOR VALUES IN (2); CREATE TABLE part_null PARTITION OF list_parted FOR VALUES IN (null); CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF list_parted FOR VALUES IN (int '1'); ERROR: syntax error at or near "int" LINE 1: ... fail_part PARTITION OF list_parted FOR VALUES IN (int '1'); ^ CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF list_parted FOR VALUES IN ('1'::int); ERROR: syntax error at or near "::" LINE 1: ...fail_part PARTITION OF list_parted FOR VALUES IN ('1'::int); ^ -- syntax does not allow empty list of values for list partitions CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF list_parted FOR VALUES IN (); ERROR: syntax error at or near ")" LINE 1: ...E TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF list_parted FOR VALUES IN (); ^ -- trying to specify range for list partitioned table CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF list_parted FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (2); ERROR: invalid bound specification for a list partition LINE 1: ...BLE fail_part PARTITION OF list_parted FOR VALUES FROM (1) T... ^ -- specified literal can't be cast to the partition column data type CREATE TABLE bools ( a bool ) PARTITION BY LIST (a); CREATE TABLE bools_true PARTITION OF bools FOR VALUES IN (1); ERROR: specified value cannot be cast to type "boolean" of column "a" LINE 1: ...REATE TABLE bools_true PARTITION OF bools FOR VALUES IN (1); ^ DROP TABLE bools; CREATE TABLE range_parted ( a date ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a); -- trying to specify list for range partitioned table CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted FOR VALUES IN ('a'); ERROR: invalid bound specification for a range partition LINE 1: ...BLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted FOR VALUES IN ('a'); ^ -- each of start and end bounds must have same number of values as the -- length of the partition key CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted FOR VALUES FROM ('a', 1) TO ('z'); ERROR: FROM must specify exactly one value per partitioning column CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted FOR VALUES FROM ('a') TO ('z', 1); ERROR: TO must specify exactly one value per partitioning column -- cannot specify null values in range bounds CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted FOR VALUES FROM (null) TO (unbounded); ERROR: cannot specify NULL in range bound -- check if compatible with the specified parent -- cannot create as partition of a non-partitioned table CREATE TABLE unparted ( a int ); CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF unparted FOR VALUES IN ('a'); ERROR: "unparted" is not partitioned DROP TABLE unparted; -- cannot create a permanent rel as partition of a temp rel CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_parted ( a int ) PARTITION BY LIST (a); CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF temp_parted FOR VALUES IN ('a'); ERROR: cannot create a permanent relation as partition of temporary relation "temp_parted" DROP TABLE temp_parted; -- cannot create a table with oids as partition of table without oids CREATE TABLE no_oids_parted ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a) WITHOUT OIDS; CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF no_oids_parted FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (10) WITH OIDS; ERROR: cannot create table with OIDs as partition of table without OIDs DROP TABLE no_oids_parted; -- If the partitioned table has oids, then the partition must have them. -- If the WITHOUT OIDS option is specified for partition, it is overridden. CREATE TABLE oids_parted ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a) WITH OIDS; CREATE TABLE part_forced_oids PARTITION OF oids_parted FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (10) WITHOUT OIDS; \d+ part_forced_oids Table "public.part_forced_oids" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+--------------+------------- a | integer | | not null | | plain | | Partition of: oids_parted FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (10) Has OIDs: yes DROP TABLE oids_parted, part_forced_oids; -- check for partition bound overlap and other invalid specifications CREATE TABLE list_parted2 ( a varchar ) PARTITION BY LIST (a); CREATE TABLE part_null_z PARTITION OF list_parted2 FOR VALUES IN (null, 'z'); CREATE TABLE part_ab PARTITION OF list_parted2 FOR VALUES IN ('a', 'b'); CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF list_parted2 FOR VALUES IN (null); ERROR: partition "fail_part" would overlap partition "part_null_z" CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF list_parted2 FOR VALUES IN ('b', 'c'); ERROR: partition "fail_part" would overlap partition "part_ab" CREATE TABLE range_parted2 ( a int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a); -- trying to create range partition with empty range CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted2 FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (0); ERROR: cannot create range partition with empty range -- note that the range '[1, 1)' has no elements CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted2 FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (1); ERROR: cannot create range partition with empty range CREATE TABLE part0 PARTITION OF range_parted2 FOR VALUES FROM (unbounded) TO (1); CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted2 FOR VALUES FROM (unbounded) TO (2); ERROR: partition "fail_part" would overlap partition "part0" CREATE TABLE part1 PARTITION OF range_parted2 FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (10); CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted2 FOR VALUES FROM (9) TO (unbounded); ERROR: partition "fail_part" would overlap partition "part1" CREATE TABLE part2 PARTITION OF range_parted2 FOR VALUES FROM (20) TO (30); CREATE TABLE part3 PARTITION OF range_parted2 FOR VALUES FROM (30) TO (40); CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted2 FOR VALUES FROM (10) TO (30); ERROR: partition "fail_part" would overlap partition "part2" CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted2 FOR VALUES FROM (10) TO (50); ERROR: partition "fail_part" would overlap partition "part3" -- now check for multi-column range partition key CREATE TABLE range_parted3 ( a int, b int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (a, (b+1)); CREATE TABLE part00 PARTITION OF range_parted3 FOR VALUES FROM (0, unbounded) TO (0, unbounded); CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted3 FOR VALUES FROM (0, unbounded) TO (0, 1); ERROR: partition "fail_part" would overlap partition "part00" CREATE TABLE part10 PARTITION OF range_parted3 FOR VALUES FROM (1, unbounded) TO (1, 1); CREATE TABLE part11 PARTITION OF range_parted3 FOR VALUES FROM (1, 1) TO (1, 10); CREATE TABLE part12 PARTITION OF range_parted3 FOR VALUES FROM (1, 10) TO (1, unbounded); CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted3 FOR VALUES FROM (1, 10) TO (1, 20); ERROR: partition "fail_part" would overlap partition "part12" -- cannot create a partition that says column b is allowed to range -- from -infinity to +infinity, while there exist partitions that have -- more specific ranges CREATE TABLE fail_part PARTITION OF range_parted3 FOR VALUES FROM (1, unbounded) TO (1, unbounded); ERROR: partition "fail_part" would overlap partition "part10" -- check schema propagation from parent CREATE TABLE parted ( a text, b int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT check_a CHECK (length(a) > 0) ) PARTITION BY LIST (a); CREATE TABLE part_a PARTITION OF parted FOR VALUES IN ('a'); -- only inherited attributes (never local ones) SELECT attname, attislocal, attinhcount FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'part_a'::regclass and attnum > 0 ORDER BY attnum; attname | attislocal | attinhcount ---------+------------+------------- a | f | 1 b | f | 1 (2 rows) -- able to specify column default, column constraint, and table constraint CREATE TABLE part_b PARTITION OF parted ( b NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 CHECK (b >= 0), CONSTRAINT check_a CHECK (length(a) > 0) ) FOR VALUES IN ('b'); NOTICE: merging constraint "check_a" with inherited definition -- conislocal should be false for any merged constraints SELECT conislocal, coninhcount FROM pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = 'part_b'::regclass AND conname = 'check_a'; conislocal | coninhcount ------------+------------- f | 1 (1 row) -- specify PARTITION BY for a partition CREATE TABLE fail_part_col_not_found PARTITION OF parted FOR VALUES IN ('c') PARTITION BY RANGE (c); ERROR: column "c" named in partition key does not exist CREATE TABLE part_c PARTITION OF parted FOR VALUES IN ('c') PARTITION BY RANGE ((b)); -- create a level-2 partition CREATE TABLE part_c_1_10 PARTITION OF part_c FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (10); -- Partition bound in describe output \d part_b Table "public.part_b" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | text | | | b | integer | | not null | 1 Partition of: parted FOR VALUES IN ('b') Check constraints: "check_a" CHECK (length(a) > 0) "part_b_b_check" CHECK (b >= 0) -- Both partition bound and partition key in describe output \d part_c Table "public.part_c" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | text | | | b | integer | | not null | 0 Partition of: parted FOR VALUES IN ('c') Partition key: RANGE (b) Check constraints: "check_a" CHECK (length(a) > 0) Number of partitions: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) -- Show partition count in the parent's describe output -- Tempted to include \d+ output listing partitions with bound info but -- output could vary depending on the order in which partition oids are -- returned. \d parted Table "public.parted" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | text | | | b | integer | | not null | 0 Partition key: LIST (a) Check constraints: "check_a" CHECK (length(a) > 0) Number of partitions: 3 (Use \d+ to list them.) -- cleanup DROP TABLE parted, list_parted, range_parted, list_parted2, range_parted2, range_parted3; -- comments on partitioned tables columns CREATE TABLE parted_col_comment (a int, b text) PARTITION BY LIST (a); COMMENT ON TABLE parted_col_comment IS 'Am partitioned table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN parted_col_comment.a IS 'Partition key'; SELECT obj_description('parted_col_comment'::regclass); obj_description ---------------------- Am partitioned table (1 row) \d+ parted_col_comment Table "public.parted_col_comment" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+--------------- a | integer | | | | plain | | Partition key b | text | | | | extended | | Partition key: LIST (a) DROP TABLE parted_col_comment;