/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * keywords.c * lexical token lookup for reserved words in postgres SQL * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/keywords.c,v 1.60 1999/07/17 20:17:22 momjian Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include "postgres.h" #include "nodes/parsenodes.h" #include "nodes/pg_list.h" #include "parse.h" #include "parser/keywords.h" /* * List of (keyword-name, keyword-token-value) pairs. * * !!WARNING!!: This list must be sorted, because binary * search is used to locate entries. */ static ScanKeyword ScanKeywords[] = { /* name, value */ {"abort", ABORT_TRANS}, {"absolute", ABSOLUTE}, {"access", ACCESS}, {"action", ACTION}, {"add", ADD}, {"after", AFTER}, {"aggregate", AGGREGATE}, {"all", ALL}, {"alter", ALTER}, {"analyze", ANALYZE}, {"and", AND}, {"any", ANY}, {"as", AS}, {"asc", ASC}, {"backward", BACKWARD}, {"before", BEFORE}, {"begin", BEGIN_TRANS}, {"between", BETWEEN}, {"binary", BINARY}, {"both", BOTH}, {"by", BY}, {"cache", CACHE}, {"cascade", CASCADE}, {"case", CASE}, {"cast", CAST}, {"char", CHAR}, {"character", CHARACTER}, {"check", CHECK}, {"close", CLOSE}, {"cluster", CLUSTER}, {"coalesce", COALESCE}, {"collate", COLLATE}, {"column", COLUMN}, {"commit", COMMIT}, {"committed", COMMITTED}, {"constraint", CONSTRAINT}, {"copy", COPY}, {"create", CREATE}, {"createdb", CREATEDB}, {"createuser", CREATEUSER}, {"cross", CROSS}, {"current_date", CURRENT_DATE}, {"current_time", CURRENT_TIME}, {"current_timestamp", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}, {"current_user", CURRENT_USER}, {"cursor", CURSOR}, {"cycle", CYCLE}, {"database", DATABASE}, {"day", DAY_P}, {"decimal", DECIMAL}, {"declare", DECLARE}, {"default", DEFAULT}, {"delete", DELETE}, {"delimiters", DELIMITERS}, {"desc", DESC}, {"distinct", DISTINCT}, {"do", DO}, {"double", DOUBLE}, {"drop", DROP}, {"each", EACH}, {"else", ELSE}, {"encoding", ENCODING}, {"end", END_TRANS}, {"except", EXCEPT}, {"exclusive", EXCLUSIVE}, {"execute", EXECUTE}, {"exists", EXISTS}, {"explain", EXPLAIN}, {"extend", EXTEND}, {"extract", EXTRACT}, {"false", FALSE_P}, {"fetch", FETCH}, {"float", FLOAT}, {"for", FOR}, {"foreign", FOREIGN}, {"forward", FORWARD}, {"from", FROM}, {"full", FULL}, {"function", FUNCTION}, {"global", GLOBAL}, {"grant", GRANT}, {"group", GROUP}, {"handler", HANDLER}, {"having", HAVING}, {"hour", HOUR_P}, {"in", IN}, {"increment", INCREMENT}, {"index", INDEX}, {"inherits", INHERITS}, {"inner", INNER_P}, {"insensitive", INSENSITIVE}, {"insert", INSERT}, {"instead", INSTEAD}, {"intersect", INTERSECT}, {"interval", INTERVAL}, {"into", INTO}, {"is", IS}, {"isnull", ISNULL}, {"isolation", ISOLATION}, {"join", JOIN}, {"key", KEY}, {"lancompiler", LANCOMPILER}, {"language", LANGUAGE}, {"leading", LEADING}, {"left", LEFT}, {"level", LEVEL}, {"like", LIKE}, {"limit", LIMIT}, {"listen", LISTEN}, {"load", LOAD}, {"local", LOCAL}, {"location", LOCATION}, {"lock", LOCK_P}, {"match", MATCH}, {"maxvalue", MAXVALUE}, {"minute", MINUTE_P}, {"minvalue", MINVALUE}, {"mode", MODE}, {"month", MONTH_P}, {"move", MOVE}, {"names", NAMES}, {"national", NATIONAL}, {"natural", NATURAL}, {"nchar", NCHAR}, {"new", NEW}, {"next", NEXT}, {"no", NO}, {"nocreatedb", NOCREATEDB}, {"nocreateuser", NOCREATEUSER}, {"none", NONE}, {"not", NOT}, {"nothing", NOTHING}, {"notify", NOTIFY}, {"notnull", NOTNULL}, {"null", NULL_P}, {"nullif", NULLIF}, {"numeric", NUMERIC}, {"of", OF}, {"offset", OFFSET}, {"oids", OIDS}, {"old", CURRENT}, {"on", ON}, {"only", ONLY}, {"operator", OPERATOR}, {"option", OPTION}, {"or", OR}, {"order", ORDER}, {"outer", OUTER_P}, {"partial", PARTIAL}, {"password", PASSWORD}, {"position", POSITION}, {"precision", PRECISION}, {"primary", PRIMARY}, {"prior", PRIOR}, {"privileges", PRIVILEGES}, {"procedural", PROCEDURAL}, {"procedure", PROCEDURE}, {"public", PUBLIC}, {"read", READ}, {"references", REFERENCES}, {"relative", RELATIVE}, {"rename", RENAME}, {"reset", RESET}, {"returns", RETURNS}, {"revoke", REVOKE}, {"right", RIGHT}, {"rollback", ROLLBACK}, {"row", ROW}, {"rule", RULE}, {"scroll", SCROLL}, {"second", SECOND_P}, {"select", SELECT}, {"sequence", SEQUENCE}, {"serial", SERIAL}, {"serializable", SERIALIZABLE}, {"set", SET}, {"setof", SETOF}, {"share", SHARE}, {"show", SHOW}, {"start", START}, {"statement", STATEMENT}, {"stdin", STDIN}, {"stdout", STDOUT}, {"substring", SUBSTRING}, {"table", TABLE}, {"temp", TEMP}, {"temporary", TEMPORARY}, {"then", THEN}, {"time", TIME}, {"timestamp", TIMESTAMP}, {"timezone_hour", TIMEZONE_HOUR}, {"timezone_minute", TIMEZONE_MINUTE}, {"to", TO}, {"trailing", TRAILING}, {"transaction", TRANSACTION}, {"trigger", TRIGGER}, {"trim", TRIM}, {"true", TRUE_P}, {"trusted", TRUSTED}, {"type", TYPE_P}, {"union", UNION}, {"unique", UNIQUE}, {"unlisten", UNLISTEN}, {"until", UNTIL}, {"update", UPDATE}, {"user", USER}, {"using", USING}, {"vacuum", VACUUM}, {"valid", VALID}, {"values", VALUES}, {"varchar", VARCHAR}, {"varying", VARYING}, {"verbose", VERBOSE}, {"version", VERSION}, {"view", VIEW}, {"when", WHEN}, {"where", WHERE}, {"with", WITH}, {"work", WORK}, {"year", YEAR_P}, {"zone", ZONE}, }; ScanKeyword * ScanKeywordLookup(char *text) { ScanKeyword *low = &ScanKeywords[0]; ScanKeyword *high = endof(ScanKeywords) - 1; ScanKeyword *middle; int difference; while (low <= high) { middle = low + (high - low) / 2; difference = strcmp(middle->name, text); if (difference == 0) return middle; else if (difference < 0) low = middle + 1; else high = middle - 1; } return NULL; }