# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group use strict; use warnings; use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils; use Test::More; use IPC::Run; # List of URIs tests. For each test the first element is the input string, the # second the expected stdout and the third the expected stderr. my @tests = ( [ q{postgresql://uri-user:secret@host:12345/db}, q{user='uri-user' password='secret' dbname='db' host='host' port='12345' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://uri-user@host:12345/db}, q{user='uri-user' dbname='db' host='host' port='12345' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://uri-user@host/db}, q{user='uri-user' dbname='db' host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host:12345/db}, q{dbname='db' host='host' port='12345' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host/db}, q{dbname='db' host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://uri-user@host:12345/}, q{user='uri-user' host='host' port='12345' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://uri-user@host/}, q{user='uri-user' host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://uri-user@}, q{user='uri-user' (local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host:12345/}, q{host='host' port='12345' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host:12345}, q{host='host' port='12345' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host/db}, q{dbname='db' host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host/}, q{host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host}, q{host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://}, q{(local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://?hostaddr=}, q{hostaddr='' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://example.com?hostaddr=}, q{host='example.com' hostaddr='' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://%68ost/}, q{host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host/db?user=uri-user}, q{user='uri-user' dbname='db' host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host/db?user=uri-user&port=12345}, q{user='uri-user' dbname='db' host='host' port='12345' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host/db?u%73er=someotheruser&port=12345}, q{user='someotheruser' dbname='db' host='host' port='12345' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host/db?u%7aer=someotheruser&port=12345}, q{}, q{uri-regress: invalid URI query parameter: "uzer"}, ], [ q{postgresql://host:12345?user=uri-user}, q{user='uri-user' host='host' port='12345' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host?user=uri-user}, q{user='uri-user' host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host?}, q{host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://[::1]:12345/db}, q{dbname='db' host='::1' port='12345' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://[::1]/db}, q{dbname='db' host='::1' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://[2001:db8::1234]/}, q{host='2001:db8::1234' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://[200z:db8::1234]/}, q{host='200z:db8::1234' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://[::1]}, q{host='::1' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://}, q{(local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres:///}, q{(local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres:///db}, q{dbname='db' (local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://uri-user@/db}, q{user='uri-user' dbname='db' (local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://?host=/path/to/socket/dir}, q{host='/path/to/socket/dir' (local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgresql://host?uzer=}, q{}, q{uri-regress: invalid URI query parameter: "uzer"}, ], [ q{postgre://}, q{}, q{uri-regress: missing "=" after "postgre://" in connection info string}, ], [ q{postgres://[::1}, q{}, q{uri-regress: end of string reached when looking for matching "]" in IPv6 host address in URI: "postgres://[::1"}, ], [ q{postgres://[]}, q{}, q{uri-regress: IPv6 host address may not be empty in URI: "postgres://[]"}, ], [ q{postgres://[::1]z}, q{}, q{uri-regress: unexpected character "z" at position 17 in URI (expected ":" or "/"): "postgres://[::1]z"}, ], [ q{postgresql://host?zzz}, q{}, q{uri-regress: missing key/value separator "=" in URI query parameter: "zzz"}, ], [ q{postgresql://host?value1&value2}, q{}, q{uri-regress: missing key/value separator "=" in URI query parameter: "value1"}, ], [ q{postgresql://host?key=key=value}, q{}, q{uri-regress: extra key/value separator "=" in URI query parameter: "key"}, ], [ q{postgres://host?dbname=%XXfoo}, q{}, q{uri-regress: invalid percent-encoded token: "%XXfoo"}, ], [ q{postgresql://a%00b}, q{}, q{uri-regress: forbidden value %00 in percent-encoded value: "a%00b"}, ], [ q{postgresql://%zz}, q{}, q{uri-regress: invalid percent-encoded token: "%zz"}, ], [ q{postgresql://%1}, q{}, q{uri-regress: invalid percent-encoded token: "%1"}, ], [ q{postgresql://%}, q{}, q{uri-regress: invalid percent-encoded token: "%"}, ], [ q{postgres://@host}, q{host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://host:/}, q{host='host' (inet)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://:12345/}, q{port='12345' (local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://otheruser@?host=/no/such/directory}, q{user='otheruser' host='/no/such/directory' (local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://otheruser@/?host=/no/such/directory}, q{user='otheruser' host='/no/such/directory' (local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://otheruser@:12345?host=/no/such/socket/path}, q{user='otheruser' host='/no/such/socket/path' port='12345' (local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://otheruser@:12345/db?host=/path/to/socket}, q{user='otheruser' dbname='db' host='/path/to/socket' port='12345' (local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://:12345/db?host=/path/to/socket}, q{dbname='db' host='/path/to/socket' port='12345' (local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://:12345?host=/path/to/socket}, q{host='/path/to/socket' port='12345' (local)}, q{}, ], [ q{postgres://%2Fvar%2Flib%2Fpostgresql/dbname}, q{dbname='dbname' host='/var/lib/postgresql' (local)}, q{}, ]); # test to run for each of the above test definitions sub test_uri { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; my $uri; my %expect; my %result; ($uri, $expect{stdout}, $expect{stderr}) = @$_; $expect{'exit'} = $expect{stderr} eq ''; my $cmd = [ 'uri-regress', $uri ]; $result{exit} = IPC::Run::run $cmd, '>', \$result{stdout}, '2>', \$result{stderr}; chomp($result{stdout}); chomp($result{stderr}); # use is_deeply so there's one test result for each test above, without # loosing the information whether stdout/stderr mismatched. is_deeply(\%result, \%expect, $uri); } foreach (@tests) { test_uri($_); } done_testing();