SHOW SQL - Language Statements SHOW show the value of a run-time parameter SHOW name SHOW ALL Inputs name The name of a run-time parameter. See for a list. ALL Show all current session parameters. Description SHOW will display the current setting of run-time parameters. These variables can be set using the SET statement, by editing the postgresql.conf configuration file, through the PGOPTIONS environmental variable (when using libpq or a libpq-based application), or through command-line flags when starting the postmaster. Even with autocommit set to off, SHOW does not start a new transaction block. See the autocommit section in for details. Available parameters are documented in and on the reference page. In addition, there are a few parameters that can be shown but not set: SERVER_VERSION Shows the server's version number. SERVER_ENCODING Shows the server-side multibyte encoding. At present, this parameter can be shown but not set, because the encoding is determined at database creation time. LC_COLLATE Shows the database's locale setting for collation (text ordering). At present, this parameter can be shown but not set, because the setting is determined at initdb time. LC_CTYPE Shows the database's locale setting for character set considerations. At present, this parameter can be shown but not set, because the setting is determined at initdb time. Use to set the value of settable parameters. Diagnostics ERROR: Option 'name' is not recognized Message returned if name does not stand for a known parameter. Notes The function current_setting produces equivalent output. See . Examples Show the current DateStyle setting: SHOW DateStyle; DateStyle --------------------------------------- ISO with US (NonEuropean) conventions (1 row) Show whether the genetic query optimizer is enabled by displaying the geqo setting: SHOW GEQO; geqo ------ on (1 row) Show all settings: SHOW ALL; name | setting -------------------------------+--------------------------------------- australian_timezones | off authentication_timeout | 60 checkpoint_segments | 3 . . . wal_debug | 0 wal_sync_method | fdatasync (94 rows) Compatibility The SHOW command is a PostgreSQL extension.