/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * parse_target.c * handle target lists * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2005, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_target.c,v 1.131 2005/04/06 16:34:06 tgl Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "commands/dbcommands.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "nodes/bitmapset.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "parser/parsetree.h" #include "parser/parse_coerce.h" #include "parser/parse_expr.h" #include "parser/parse_func.h" #include "parser/parse_relation.h" #include "parser/parse_target.h" #include "parser/parse_type.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/typcache.h" static void markTargetListOrigin(ParseState *pstate, TargetEntry *tle, Var *var, int levelsup); static Node *transformAssignmentIndirection(ParseState *pstate, Node *basenode, const char *targetName, bool targetIsArray, Oid targetTypeId, int32 targetTypMod, ListCell *indirection, Node *rhs); static List *ExpandColumnRefStar(ParseState *pstate, ColumnRef *cref); static List *ExpandAllTables(ParseState *pstate); static List *ExpandIndirectionStar(ParseState *pstate, A_Indirection *ind); static int FigureColnameInternal(Node *node, char **name); /* * transformTargetEntry() * Transform any ordinary "expression-type" node into a targetlist entry. * This is exported so that parse_clause.c can generate targetlist entries * for ORDER/GROUP BY items that are not already in the targetlist. * * node the (untransformed) parse tree for the value expression. * expr the transformed expression, or NULL if caller didn't do it yet. * colname the column name to be assigned, or NULL if none yet set. * resjunk true if the target should be marked resjunk, ie, it is not * wanted in the final projected tuple. */ TargetEntry * transformTargetEntry(ParseState *pstate, Node *node, Node *expr, char *colname, bool resjunk) { /* Transform the node if caller didn't do it already */ if (expr == NULL) expr = transformExpr(pstate, node); if (colname == NULL && !resjunk) { /* * Generate a suitable column name for a column without any * explicit 'AS ColumnName' clause. */ colname = FigureColname(node); } return makeTargetEntry((Expr *) expr, (AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++, colname, resjunk); } /* * transformTargetList() * Turns a list of ResTarget's into a list of TargetEntry's. * * At this point, we don't care whether we are doing SELECT, INSERT, * or UPDATE; we just transform the given expressions (the "val" fields). */ List * transformTargetList(ParseState *pstate, List *targetlist) { List *p_target = NIL; ListCell *o_target; foreach(o_target, targetlist) { ResTarget *res = (ResTarget *) lfirst(o_target); /* * Check for "something.*". Depending on the complexity of the * "something", the star could appear as the last name in * ColumnRef, or as the last indirection item in A_Indirection. */ if (IsA(res->val, ColumnRef)) { ColumnRef *cref = (ColumnRef *) res->val; if (strcmp(strVal(llast(cref->fields)), "*") == 0) { /* It is something.*, expand into multiple items */ p_target = list_concat(p_target, ExpandColumnRefStar(pstate, cref)); continue; } } else if (IsA(res->val, A_Indirection)) { A_Indirection *ind = (A_Indirection *) res->val; Node *lastitem = llast(ind->indirection); if (IsA(lastitem, String) && strcmp(strVal(lastitem), "*") == 0) { /* It is something.*, expand into multiple items */ p_target = list_concat(p_target, ExpandIndirectionStar(pstate, ind)); continue; } } /* * Not "something.*", so transform as a single expression */ p_target = lappend(p_target, transformTargetEntry(pstate, res->val, NULL, res->name, false)); } return p_target; } /* * markTargetListOrigins() * Mark targetlist columns that are simple Vars with the source * table's OID and column number. * * Currently, this is done only for SELECT targetlists, since we only * need the info if we are going to send it to the frontend. */ void markTargetListOrigins(ParseState *pstate, List *targetlist) { ListCell *l; foreach(l, targetlist) { TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(l); markTargetListOrigin(pstate, tle, (Var *) tle->expr, 0); } } /* * markTargetListOrigin() * If 'var' is a Var of a plain relation, mark 'tle' with its origin * * levelsup is an extra offset to interpret the Var's varlevelsup correctly. * * This is split out so it can recurse for join references. Note that we * do not drill down into views, but report the view as the column owner. */ static void markTargetListOrigin(ParseState *pstate, TargetEntry *tle, Var *var, int levelsup) { int netlevelsup; RangeTblEntry *rte; AttrNumber attnum; if (var == NULL || !IsA(var, Var)) return; netlevelsup = var->varlevelsup + levelsup; rte = GetRTEByRangeTablePosn(pstate, var->varno, netlevelsup); attnum = var->varattno; switch (rte->rtekind) { case RTE_RELATION: /* It's a table or view, report it */ tle->resorigtbl = rte->relid; tle->resorigcol = attnum; break; case RTE_SUBQUERY: { /* Subselect-in-FROM: copy up from the subselect */ TargetEntry *ste = get_tle_by_resno(rte->subquery->targetList, attnum); if (ste == NULL || ste->resjunk) elog(ERROR, "subquery %s does not have attribute %d", rte->eref->aliasname, attnum); tle->resorigtbl = ste->resorigtbl; tle->resorigcol = ste->resorigcol; } break; case RTE_JOIN: { /* Join RTE --- recursively inspect the alias variable */ Var *aliasvar; Assert(attnum > 0 && attnum <= list_length(rte->joinaliasvars)); aliasvar = (Var *) list_nth(rte->joinaliasvars, attnum - 1); markTargetListOrigin(pstate, tle, aliasvar, netlevelsup); } break; case RTE_SPECIAL: case RTE_FUNCTION: /* not a simple relation, leave it unmarked */ break; } } /* * updateTargetListEntry() * This is used in INSERT and UPDATE statements only. It prepares a * TargetEntry for assignment to a column of the target table. * This includes coercing the given value to the target column's type * (if necessary), and dealing with any subfield names or subscripts * attached to the target column itself. * * pstate parse state * tle target list entry to be modified * colname target column name (ie, name of attribute to be assigned to) * attrno target attribute number * indirection subscripts/field names for target column, if any */ void updateTargetListEntry(ParseState *pstate, TargetEntry *tle, char *colname, int attrno, List *indirection) { Oid type_id; /* type of value provided */ Oid attrtype; /* type of target column */ int32 attrtypmod; Relation rd = pstate->p_target_relation; Assert(rd != NULL); if (attrno <= 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot assign to system column \"%s\"", colname))); attrtype = attnumTypeId(rd, attrno); attrtypmod = rd->rd_att->attrs[attrno - 1]->atttypmod; /* * If the expression is a DEFAULT placeholder, insert the attribute's * type/typmod into it so that exprType will report the right things. * (We expect that the eventually substituted default expression will * in fact have this type and typmod.) Also, reject trying to update * a subfield or array element with DEFAULT, since there can't be any * default for portions of a column. */ if (tle->expr && IsA(tle->expr, SetToDefault)) { SetToDefault *def = (SetToDefault *) tle->expr; def->typeId = attrtype; def->typeMod = attrtypmod; if (indirection) { if (IsA(linitial(indirection), A_Indices)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot set an array element to DEFAULT"))); else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot set a subfield to DEFAULT"))); } } /* Now we can use exprType() safely. */ type_id = exprType((Node *) tle->expr); /* * If there is indirection on the target column, prepare an array or * subfield assignment expression. This will generate a new column * value that the source value has been inserted into, which can then * be placed in the new tuple constructed by INSERT or UPDATE. */ if (indirection) { Node *colVar; if (pstate->p_is_insert) { /* * The command is INSERT INTO table (col.something) ... so * there is not really a source value to work with. Insert a * NULL constant as the source value. */ colVar = (Node *) makeNullConst(attrtype); } else { /* * Build a Var for the column to be updated. */ colVar = (Node *) make_var(pstate, pstate->p_target_rangetblentry, attrno); } tle->expr = (Expr *) transformAssignmentIndirection(pstate, colVar, colname, false, attrtype, attrtypmod, list_head(indirection), (Node *) tle->expr); } else { /* * For normal non-qualified target column, do type checking and * coercion. */ tle->expr = (Expr *) coerce_to_target_type(pstate, (Node *) tle->expr, type_id, attrtype, attrtypmod, COERCION_ASSIGNMENT, COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST); if (tle->expr == NULL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("column \"%s\" is of type %s" " but expression is of type %s", colname, format_type_be(attrtype), format_type_be(type_id)), errhint("You will need to rewrite or cast the expression."))); } /* * Set the resno to identify the target column --- the rewriter and * planner depend on this. We also set the resname to identify the * target column, but this is only for debugging purposes; it should * not be relied on. (In particular, it might be out of date in a * stored rule.) */ tle->resno = (AttrNumber) attrno; tle->resname = colname; } /* * Process indirection (field selection or subscripting) of the target * column in INSERT/UPDATE. This routine recurses for multiple levels * of indirection --- but note that several adjacent A_Indices nodes in * the indirection list are treated as a single multidimensional subscript * operation. * * In the initial call, basenode is a Var for the target column in UPDATE, * or a null Const of the target's type in INSERT. In recursive calls, * basenode is NULL, indicating that a substitute node should be consed up if * needed. * * targetName is the name of the field or subfield we're assigning to, and * targetIsArray is true if we're subscripting it. These are just for * error reporting. * * targetTypeId and targetTypMod indicate the datatype of the object to * be assigned to (initially the target column, later some subobject). * * indirection is the sublist remaining to process. When it's NULL, we're * done recursing and can just coerce and return the RHS. * * rhs is the already-transformed value to be assigned; note it has not been * coerced to any particular type. */ static Node * transformAssignmentIndirection(ParseState *pstate, Node *basenode, const char *targetName, bool targetIsArray, Oid targetTypeId, int32 targetTypMod, ListCell *indirection, Node *rhs) { Node *result; List *subscripts = NIL; bool isSlice = false; ListCell *i; if (indirection && !basenode) { /* Set up a substitution. We reuse CaseTestExpr for this. */ CaseTestExpr *ctest = makeNode(CaseTestExpr); ctest->typeId = targetTypeId; ctest->typeMod = targetTypMod; basenode = (Node *) ctest; } /* * We have to split any field-selection operations apart from * subscripting. Adjacent A_Indices nodes have to be treated as a * single multidimensional subscript operation. */ for_each_cell(i, indirection) { Node *n = lfirst(i); if (IsA(n, A_Indices)) { subscripts = lappend(subscripts, n); if (((A_Indices *) n)->lidx != NULL) isSlice = true; } else { FieldStore *fstore; Oid typrelid; AttrNumber attnum; Oid fieldTypeId; int32 fieldTypMod; Assert(IsA(n, String)); /* process subscripts before this field selection */ if (subscripts) { Oid elementTypeId = transformArrayType(targetTypeId); Oid typeNeeded = isSlice ? targetTypeId : elementTypeId; /* recurse to create appropriate RHS for array assign */ rhs = transformAssignmentIndirection(pstate, NULL, targetName, true, typeNeeded, targetTypMod, i, rhs); /* process subscripts */ return (Node *) transformArraySubscripts(pstate, basenode, targetTypeId, elementTypeId, targetTypMod, subscripts, rhs); } /* No subscripts, so can process field selection here */ typrelid = typeidTypeRelid(targetTypeId); if (!typrelid) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("cannot assign to field \"%s\" of column \"%s\" because its type %s is not a composite type", strVal(n), targetName, format_type_be(targetTypeId)))); attnum = get_attnum(typrelid, strVal(n)); if (attnum == InvalidAttrNumber) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_COLUMN), errmsg("cannot assign to field \"%s\" of column \"%s\" because there is no such column in data type %s", strVal(n), targetName, format_type_be(targetTypeId)))); if (attnum < 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_COLUMN), errmsg("cannot assign to system column \"%s\"", strVal(n)))); get_atttypetypmod(typrelid, attnum, &fieldTypeId, &fieldTypMod); /* recurse to create appropriate RHS for field assign */ rhs = transformAssignmentIndirection(pstate, NULL, strVal(n), false, fieldTypeId, fieldTypMod, lnext(i), rhs); /* and build a FieldStore node */ fstore = makeNode(FieldStore); fstore->arg = (Expr *) basenode; fstore->newvals = list_make1(rhs); fstore->fieldnums = list_make1_int(attnum); fstore->resulttype = targetTypeId; return (Node *) fstore; } } /* process trailing subscripts, if any */ if (subscripts) { Oid elementTypeId = transformArrayType(targetTypeId); Oid typeNeeded = isSlice ? targetTypeId : elementTypeId; /* recurse to create appropriate RHS for array assign */ rhs = transformAssignmentIndirection(pstate, NULL, targetName, true, typeNeeded, targetTypMod, NULL, rhs); /* process subscripts */ return (Node *) transformArraySubscripts(pstate, basenode, targetTypeId, elementTypeId, targetTypMod, subscripts, rhs); } /* base case: just coerce RHS to match target type ID */ result = coerce_to_target_type(pstate, rhs, exprType(rhs), targetTypeId, targetTypMod, COERCION_ASSIGNMENT, COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST); if (result == NULL) { if (targetIsArray) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("array assignment to \"%s\" requires type %s" " but expression is of type %s", targetName, format_type_be(targetTypeId), format_type_be(exprType(rhs))), errhint("You will need to rewrite or cast the expression."))); else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("subfield \"%s\" is of type %s" " but expression is of type %s", targetName, format_type_be(targetTypeId), format_type_be(exprType(rhs))), errhint("You will need to rewrite or cast the expression."))); } return result; } /* * checkInsertTargets - * generate a list of INSERT column targets if not supplied, or * test supplied column names to make sure they are in target table. * Also return an integer list of the columns' attribute numbers. */ List * checkInsertTargets(ParseState *pstate, List *cols, List **attrnos) { *attrnos = NIL; if (cols == NIL) { /* * Generate default column list for INSERT. */ Form_pg_attribute *attr = pstate->p_target_relation->rd_att->attrs; int numcol = pstate->p_target_relation->rd_rel->relnatts; int i; for (i = 0; i < numcol; i++) { ResTarget *col; if (attr[i]->attisdropped) continue; col = makeNode(ResTarget); col->name = pstrdup(NameStr(attr[i]->attname)); col->indirection = NIL; col->val = NULL; cols = lappend(cols, col); *attrnos = lappend_int(*attrnos, i + 1); } } else { /* * Do initial validation of user-supplied INSERT column list. */ Bitmapset *wholecols = NULL; Bitmapset *partialcols = NULL; ListCell *tl; foreach(tl, cols) { ResTarget *col = (ResTarget *) lfirst(tl); char *name = col->name; int attrno; /* Lookup column name, ereport on failure */ attrno = attnameAttNum(pstate->p_target_relation, name, false); /* * Check for duplicates, but only of whole columns --- we * allow INSERT INTO foo (col.subcol1, col.subcol2) */ if (col->indirection == NIL) { /* whole column; must not have any other assignment */ if (bms_is_member(attrno, wholecols) || bms_is_member(attrno, partialcols)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_COLUMN), errmsg("column \"%s\" specified more than once", name))); wholecols = bms_add_member(wholecols, attrno); } else { /* partial column; must not have any whole assignment */ if (bms_is_member(attrno, wholecols)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_COLUMN), errmsg("column \"%s\" specified more than once", name))); partialcols = bms_add_member(partialcols, attrno); } *attrnos = lappend_int(*attrnos, attrno); } } return cols; } /* * ExpandColumnRefStar() * Turns foo.* (in the target list) into a list of targetlist entries. * * This handles the case where '*' appears as the last or only name in a * ColumnRef. */ static List * ExpandColumnRefStar(ParseState *pstate, ColumnRef *cref) { List *fields = cref->fields; int numnames = list_length(fields); if (numnames == 1) { /* * Target item is a bare '*', expand all tables * * (e.g., SELECT * FROM emp, dept) */ return ExpandAllTables(pstate); } else { /* * Target item is relation.*, expand that table * * (e.g., SELECT emp.*, dname FROM emp, dept) */ char *schemaname; char *relname; RangeTblEntry *rte; int sublevels_up; int rtindex; List *rtable; switch (numnames) { case 2: schemaname = NULL; relname = strVal(linitial(fields)); break; case 3: schemaname = strVal(linitial(fields)); relname = strVal(lsecond(fields)); break; case 4: { char *name1 = strVal(linitial(fields)); /* * We check the catalog name and then ignore it. */ if (strcmp(name1, get_database_name(MyDatabaseId)) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cross-database references are not implemented: %s", NameListToString(fields)))); schemaname = strVal(lsecond(fields)); relname = strVal(lthird(fields)); break; } default: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("improper qualified name (too many dotted names): %s", NameListToString(fields)))); schemaname = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ relname = NULL; break; } rte = refnameRangeTblEntry(pstate, schemaname, relname, &sublevels_up); if (rte == NULL) rte = addImplicitRTE(pstate, makeRangeVar(schemaname, relname)); rtindex = RTERangeTablePosn(pstate, rte, &sublevels_up); rtable = GetLevelNRangeTable(pstate, sublevels_up); return expandRelAttrs(pstate, rtable, rtindex, sublevels_up); } } /* * ExpandAllTables() * Turns '*' (in the target list) into a list of targetlist entries. * * tlist entries are generated for each relation appearing at the top level * of the query's namespace, except for RTEs marked not inFromCl. (These * may include NEW/OLD pseudo-entries, implicit RTEs, etc.) */ static List * ExpandAllTables(ParseState *pstate) { List *target = NIL; bool found_table = false; ListCell *ns; foreach(ns, pstate->p_namespace) { Node *n = (Node *) lfirst(ns); int rtindex; RangeTblEntry *rte; if (IsA(n, RangeTblRef)) rtindex = ((RangeTblRef *) n)->rtindex; else if (IsA(n, JoinExpr)) rtindex = ((JoinExpr *) n)->rtindex; else { elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(n)); rtindex = 0; /* keep compiler quiet */ } /* * Ignore added-on relations that were not listed in the FROM * clause. */ rte = rt_fetch(rtindex, pstate->p_rtable); if (!rte->inFromCl) continue; found_table = true; target = list_concat(target, expandRelAttrs(pstate, pstate->p_rtable, rtindex, 0)); } /* Check for SELECT *; */ if (!found_table) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("SELECT * with no tables specified is not valid"))); return target; } /* * ExpandIndirectionStar() * Turns foo.* (in the target list) into a list of targetlist entries. * * This handles the case where '*' appears as the last item in A_Indirection. */ static List * ExpandIndirectionStar(ParseState *pstate, A_Indirection *ind) { Node *expr; TupleDesc tupleDesc; int numAttrs; int i; List *te_list = NIL; /* Strip off the '*' to create a reference to the rowtype object */ ind = copyObject(ind); ind->indirection = list_truncate(ind->indirection, list_length(ind->indirection) - 1); /* And transform that */ expr = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) ind); /* Verify it's a composite type, and get the tupdesc */ tupleDesc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc(exprType(expr), exprTypmod(expr)); /* Generate a list of references to the individual fields */ numAttrs = tupleDesc->natts; for (i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) { Form_pg_attribute att = tupleDesc->attrs[i]; Node *fieldnode; TargetEntry *te; if (att->attisdropped) continue; /* * If we got a whole-row Var from the rowtype reference, we can * expand the fields as simple Vars. Otherwise we must generate * multiple copies of the rowtype reference and do FieldSelects. */ if (IsA(expr, Var) && ((Var *) expr)->varattno == InvalidAttrNumber) { Var *var = (Var *) expr; fieldnode = (Node *) makeVar(var->varno, i + 1, att->atttypid, att->atttypmod, var->varlevelsup); } else { FieldSelect *fselect = makeNode(FieldSelect); fselect->arg = (Expr *) copyObject(expr); fselect->fieldnum = i + 1; fselect->resulttype = att->atttypid; fselect->resulttypmod = att->atttypmod; fieldnode = (Node *) fselect; } te = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) fieldnode, (AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++, pstrdup(NameStr(att->attname)), false); te_list = lappend(te_list, te); } return te_list; } /* * FigureColname - * if the name of the resulting column is not specified in the target * list, we have to guess a suitable name. The SQL spec provides some * guidance, but not much... * * Note that the argument is the *untransformed* parse tree for the target * item. This is a shade easier to work with than the transformed tree. */ char * FigureColname(Node *node) { char *name = NULL; FigureColnameInternal(node, &name); if (name != NULL) return name; /* default result if we can't guess anything */ return "?column?"; } static int FigureColnameInternal(Node *node, char **name) { int strength = 0; if (node == NULL) return strength; switch (nodeTag(node)) { case T_ColumnRef: { char *fname = NULL; ListCell *l; /* find last field name, if any, ignoring "*" */ foreach(l, ((ColumnRef *) node)->fields) { Node *i = lfirst(l); if (strcmp(strVal(i), "*") != 0) fname = strVal(i); } if (fname) { *name = fname; return 2; } } break; case T_A_Indirection: { A_Indirection *ind = (A_Indirection *) node; char *fname = NULL; ListCell *l; /* find last field name, if any, ignoring "*" */ foreach(l, ind->indirection) { Node *i = lfirst(l); if (IsA(i, String) && strcmp(strVal(i), "*") != 0) fname = strVal(i); } if (fname) { *name = fname; return 2; } return FigureColnameInternal(ind->arg, name); } break; case T_FuncCall: *name = strVal(llast(((FuncCall *) node)->funcname)); return 2; case T_A_Expr: /* make nullif() act like a regular function */ if (((A_Expr *) node)->kind == AEXPR_NULLIF) { *name = "nullif"; return 2; } break; case T_A_Const: if (((A_Const *) node)->typename != NULL) { *name = strVal(llast(((A_Const *) node)->typename->names)); return 1; } break; case T_TypeCast: strength = FigureColnameInternal(((TypeCast *) node)->arg, name); if (strength <= 1) { if (((TypeCast *) node)->typename != NULL) { *name = strVal(llast(((TypeCast *) node)->typename->names)); return 1; } } break; case T_CaseExpr: strength = FigureColnameInternal((Node *) ((CaseExpr *) node)->defresult, name); if (strength <= 1) { *name = "case"; return 1; } break; case T_ArrayExpr: /* make ARRAY[] act like a function */ *name = "array"; return 2; case T_RowExpr: /* make ROW() act like a function */ *name = "row"; return 2; case T_CoalesceExpr: /* make coalesce() act like a regular function */ *name = "coalesce"; return 2; default: break; } return strength; }