From: Zeugswetter Andreas Tue Mar 27 10:47:31 MSZ 2001 On AIX 4.3.2 PostgreSQL compiled with the native IBM compiler xlc (vac.C 5.0.1) passes all regression tests. Other versions of OS and compiler should also work. If you don't have a powerpc or use gcc you might see rounding differences in the geometry regression test. Use the following configure flags in addition to your own if you have readline or libz there: --with-includes=/usr/local/include --with-libraries=/usr/local/lib If you need libpq++ and have trouble --with-CXX=xlC make sure you have installed the appropriate C++ include files and use a C++ version that supports the string class (e.g. VisualAge C++ filesets vacpp.cmp.batch 5.0 and vacpp.cmp.include 5.0). There will probably be warnings about int8 - int64 redefines, 0.0/0.0 division and duplicate symbol warnings which you can safely ignore. Compiling PostgreSQL with gcc (2.95.2) on AIX also works. Use the configure flags: --with-CC=gcc Since the mktime() function does not work on AIX for dates before 1970, all localtime formatted datetimes will not use summer time for dates before 1970.