# -*- perl -*- # MasterInit # Vadim Mikheev, (c) 2000, PostgreSQL Inc. eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; use Pg; use Getopt::Long; $| = 1; $result = GetOptions("debug!", "verbose!", "help", "host=s", "user=s", "password=s"); my $debug = $opt_debug || 0; my $verbose = $opt_verbose || 0; if (defined($opt_help) || (scalar(@ARGV) < 1)) { print "Usage: $0 --host=name --user=name --password=string masterdb\n"; exit ((scalar(@ARGV) < 1)? 1:0); } my $module_filename = '@MODULE_FILENAME@'; my $master = $ARGV[0] || "master"; my $minfo = "dbname=$master"; $minfo = "$minfo host=$opt_host" if (defined($opt_host)); $minfo = "$minfo user=$opt_user" if (defined($opt_user)); $minfo = "$minfo password=$opt_password" if (defined($opt_password)); sub RollbackAndQuit { $conn = shift @_; print STDERR "Error in query: ", $conn->errorMessage; $conn->exec("ROLLBACK"); exit (-1); } my $conn = Pg::connectdb($minfo); if ($conn->status != PGRES_CONNECTION_OK) { print STDERR "Failed opening $minfo\n"; exit 1; } my $result = $conn->exec("BEGIN"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); $result = $conn->exec("set transaction isolation level serializable"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); # List of slave servers $result = $conn->exec("create table _RSERV_SERVERS_" . " (server serial, host text, post int4, dbase text)"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); # List of replicated tables $result = $conn->exec("create table _RSERV_TABLES_" . " (tname name, cname name, reloid oid, key int4)"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); # Bookkeeping log for row replication $result = $conn->exec("create table _RSERV_LOG_" . " (reloid oid, logid int4, logtime timestamp, deleted int4, key text)"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); # This is to speedup lookup of deleted tuples $result = $conn->exec("create index _RSERV_LOG_INDX_DLT_ID_ on _RSERV_LOG_ (deleted, logid)"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); # This is to speedup cleanup $result = $conn->exec("create index _RSERV_LOG_INDX_TM_ID_ on _RSERV_LOG_ (logtime, logid)"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); # This is to speedup trigger and lookup of updated tuples $result = $conn->exec("create index _RSERV_LOG_INDX_REL_KEY_ on _RSERV_LOG_ (reloid, key)"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); # Sync point for each slave server $result = $conn->exec("create table _RSERV_SYNC_" . " (server int4, syncid int4, synctime timestamp" . ", status int4, minid int4, maxid int4, active text)"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); $result = $conn->exec("create index _RSERV_SYNC_INDX_SRV_ID_ on _RSERV_SYNC_ (server, syncid)"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); # Sync point reference numbers $result = $conn->exec("create sequence _rserv_sync_seq_"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); $result = $conn->exec("CREATE FUNCTION _rserv_log_() RETURNS trigger" . " AS '$module_filename' LANGUAGE 'c'"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); $result = $conn->exec("CREATE FUNCTION _rserv_sync_(int4) RETURNS int4" . " AS '$module_filename' LANGUAGE 'c'"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); $result = $conn->exec("CREATE FUNCTION _rserv_debug_(int4) RETURNS int4" . " AS '$module_filename' LANGUAGE 'c'"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); $result = $conn->exec("COMMIT"); RollbackAndQuit($conn) if ($result->resultStatus ne PGRES_COMMAND_OK); exit (0);