/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * nodeSubqueryscan.c * Support routines for scanning subqueries (subselects in rangetable). * * This is just enough different from sublinks (nodeSubplan.c) to mean that * we need two sets of code. Ought to look at trying to unify the cases. * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/executor/nodeSubqueryscan.c,v 1.2 2000/10/05 19:11:26 tgl Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * INTERFACE ROUTINES * ExecSubqueryScan scans a subquery. * ExecSubqueryNext retrieve next tuple in sequential order. * ExecInitSubqueryScan creates and initializes a subqueryscan node. * ExecEndSubqueryScan releases any storage allocated. * ExecSubqueryReScan rescans the relation * */ #include "postgres.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "executor/execdebug.h" #include "executor/execdefs.h" #include "executor/execdesc.h" #include "executor/nodeSubqueryscan.h" #include "parser/parsetree.h" #include "tcop/pquery.h" static TupleTableSlot *SubqueryNext(SubqueryScan *node); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Scan Support * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * SubqueryNext * * This is a workhorse for ExecSubqueryScan * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static TupleTableSlot * SubqueryNext(SubqueryScan *node) { SubqueryScanState *subquerystate; EState *estate; ScanDirection direction; TupleTableSlot *slot; /* ---------------- * get information from the estate and scan state * ---------------- */ estate = node->scan.plan.state; subquerystate = (SubqueryScanState *) node->scan.scanstate; direction = estate->es_direction; slot = subquerystate->csstate.css_ScanTupleSlot; /* * Check if we are evaluating PlanQual for tuple of this relation. * Additional checking is not good, but no other way for now. We could * introduce new nodes for this case and handle SubqueryScan --> NewNode * switching in Init/ReScan plan... */ if (estate->es_evTuple != NULL && estate->es_evTuple[node->scan.scanrelid - 1] != NULL) { ExecClearTuple(slot); if (estate->es_evTupleNull[node->scan.scanrelid - 1]) return slot; /* return empty slot */ /* probably ought to use ExecStoreTuple here... */ slot->val = estate->es_evTuple[node->scan.scanrelid - 1]; slot->ttc_shouldFree = false; /* Flag for the next call that no more tuples */ estate->es_evTupleNull[node->scan.scanrelid - 1] = true; return (slot); } /* ---------------- * get the next tuple from the sub-query * ---------------- */ subquerystate->sss_SubEState->es_direction = direction; slot = ExecProcNode(node->subplan, node->subplan); subquerystate->csstate.css_ScanTupleSlot = slot; return slot; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecSubqueryScan(node) * * Scans the subquery sequentially and returns the next qualifying * tuple. * It calls the ExecScan() routine and passes it the access method * which retrieve tuples sequentially. * */ TupleTableSlot * ExecSubqueryScan(SubqueryScan *node) { /* ---------------- * use SubqueryNext as access method * ---------------- */ return ExecScan(&node->scan, (ExecScanAccessMtd) SubqueryNext); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecInitSubqueryScan * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool ExecInitSubqueryScan(SubqueryScan *node, EState *estate, Plan *parent) { SubqueryScanState *subquerystate; RangeTblEntry *rte; EState *sp_estate; /* ---------------- * SubqueryScan should not have any "normal" children. * ---------------- */ Assert(outerPlan((Plan *) node) == NULL); Assert(innerPlan((Plan *) node) == NULL); /* ---------------- * assign the node's execution state * ---------------- */ node->scan.plan.state = estate; /* ---------------- * create new SubqueryScanState for node * ---------------- */ subquerystate = makeNode(SubqueryScanState); node->scan.scanstate = (CommonScanState *) subquerystate; /* ---------------- * Miscellaneous initialization * * + create expression context for node * ---------------- */ ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &subquerystate->csstate.cstate); #define SUBQUERYSCAN_NSLOTS 2 /* ---------------- * tuple table initialization * ---------------- */ ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &subquerystate->csstate.cstate); /* ---------------- * initialize subquery * * This should agree with ExecInitSubPlan * ---------------- */ rte = rt_fetch(node->scan.scanrelid, estate->es_range_table); Assert(rte->subquery != NULL); sp_estate = CreateExecutorState(); subquerystate->sss_SubEState = sp_estate; sp_estate->es_range_table = rte->subquery->rtable; sp_estate->es_param_list_info = estate->es_param_list_info; sp_estate->es_param_exec_vals = estate->es_param_exec_vals; sp_estate->es_tupleTable = ExecCreateTupleTable(ExecCountSlotsNode(node->subplan) + 10); sp_estate->es_snapshot = estate->es_snapshot; if (!ExecInitNode(node->subplan, sp_estate, NULL)) return false; subquerystate->csstate.css_ScanTupleSlot = NULL; subquerystate->csstate.cstate.cs_TupFromTlist = false; /* ---------------- * initialize tuple type * ---------------- */ ExecAssignResultTypeFromTL((Plan *) node, &subquerystate->csstate.cstate); ExecAssignProjectionInfo((Plan *) node, &subquerystate->csstate.cstate); return TRUE; } int ExecCountSlotsSubqueryScan(SubqueryScan *node) { /* * The subplan has its own tuple table and must not be counted here! */ return ExecCountSlotsNode(outerPlan(node)) + ExecCountSlotsNode(innerPlan(node)) + SUBQUERYSCAN_NSLOTS; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecEndSubqueryScan * * frees any storage allocated through C routines. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecEndSubqueryScan(SubqueryScan *node) { SubqueryScanState *subquerystate; /* ---------------- * get information from node * ---------------- */ subquerystate = (SubqueryScanState *) node->scan.scanstate; /* ---------------- * Free the projection info and the scan attribute info * * Note: we don't ExecFreeResultType(subquerystate) * because the rule manager depends on the tupType * returned by ExecMain(). So for now, this * is freed at end-transaction time. -cim 6/2/91 * ---------------- */ ExecFreeProjectionInfo(&subquerystate->csstate.cstate); ExecFreeExprContext(&subquerystate->csstate.cstate); /* ---------------- * close down subquery * ---------------- */ ExecEndNode(node->subplan, node->subplan); /* XXX we seem to be leaking the sub-EState and tuple table... */ subquerystate->csstate.css_ScanTupleSlot = NULL; /* ---------------- * clean out the tuple table * ---------------- */ ExecClearTuple(subquerystate->csstate.cstate.cs_ResultTupleSlot); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecSubqueryReScan * * Rescans the relation. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecSubqueryReScan(SubqueryScan *node, ExprContext *exprCtxt, Plan *parent) { SubqueryScanState *subquerystate; EState *estate; subquerystate = (SubqueryScanState *) node->scan.scanstate; estate = node->scan.plan.state; /* If this is re-scanning of PlanQual ... */ if (estate->es_evTuple != NULL && estate->es_evTuple[node->scan.scanrelid - 1] != NULL) { estate->es_evTupleNull[node->scan.scanrelid - 1] = false; return; } ExecReScan(node->subplan, NULL, node->subplan); subquerystate->csstate.css_ScanTupleSlot = NULL; }