-- -- Commit Timestamp -- SHOW track_commit_timestamp; track_commit_timestamp ------------------------ off (1 row) CREATE TABLE committs_test(id serial, ts timestamptz default now()); INSERT INTO committs_test DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO committs_test DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO committs_test DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT id, pg_xact_commit_timestamp(xmin) >= ts, pg_xact_commit_timestamp(xmin) <= now(), pg_xact_commit_timestamp(xmin) - ts < '60s' -- 60s should give a lot of reserve FROM committs_test ORDER BY id; ERROR: could not get commit timestamp data HINT: Make sure the configuration parameter track_commit_timestamp is set. DROP TABLE committs_test; SELECT pg_xact_commit_timestamp('0'::xid); ERROR: cannot retrieve commit timestamp for transaction 0 SELECT pg_xact_commit_timestamp('1'::xid); pg_xact_commit_timestamp -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_xact_commit_timestamp('2'::xid); pg_xact_commit_timestamp -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT x.xid::text::bigint > 0 as xid_valid, x.timestamp > '-infinity'::timestamptz AS ts_low, x.timestamp <= now() AS ts_high, roident != 0 AS valid_roident FROM pg_last_committed_xact() x; ERROR: could not get commit timestamp data HINT: Make sure the configuration parameter track_commit_timestamp is set. -- Test non-normal transaction ids. SELECT * FROM pg_xact_commit_timestamp_origin(NULL); -- ok, NULL timestamp | roident -----------+--------- | (1 row) SELECT * FROM pg_xact_commit_timestamp_origin('0'::xid); -- error ERROR: cannot retrieve commit timestamp for transaction 0 SELECT * FROM pg_xact_commit_timestamp_origin('1'::xid); -- ok, NULL timestamp | roident -----------+--------- | (1 row) SELECT * FROM pg_xact_commit_timestamp_origin('2'::xid); -- ok, NULL timestamp | roident -----------+--------- | (1 row) -- Test transaction without replication origin SELECT txid_current() as txid_no_origin \gset SELECT x.timestamp > '-infinity'::timestamptz AS ts_low, x.timestamp <= now() AS ts_high, roident != 0 AS valid_roident FROM pg_last_committed_xact() x; ERROR: could not get commit timestamp data HINT: Make sure the configuration parameter track_commit_timestamp is set. SELECT x.timestamp > '-infinity'::timestamptz AS ts_low, x.timestamp <= now() AS ts_high, roident != 0 AS valid_roident FROM pg_xact_commit_timestamp_origin(:'txid_no_origin') x; ERROR: could not get commit timestamp data HINT: Make sure the configuration parameter track_commit_timestamp is set. -- Test transaction with replication origin SELECT pg_replication_origin_create('regress_commit_ts: get_origin') != 0 AS valid_roident; valid_roident --------------- t (1 row) SELECT pg_replication_origin_session_setup('regress_commit_ts: get_origin'); pg_replication_origin_session_setup ------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT txid_current() as txid_with_origin \gset SELECT x.timestamp > '-infinity'::timestamptz AS ts_low, x.timestamp <= now() AS ts_high, r.roname FROM pg_last_committed_xact() x, pg_replication_origin r WHERE r.roident = x.roident; ERROR: could not get commit timestamp data HINT: Make sure the configuration parameter track_commit_timestamp is set. SELECT x.timestamp > '-infinity'::timestamptz AS ts_low, x.timestamp <= now() AS ts_high, r.roname FROM pg_xact_commit_timestamp_origin(:'txid_with_origin') x, pg_replication_origin r WHERE r.roident = x.roident; ERROR: could not get commit timestamp data HINT: Make sure the configuration parameter track_commit_timestamp is set. SELECT pg_replication_origin_session_reset(); pg_replication_origin_session_reset ------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_replication_origin_drop('regress_commit_ts: get_origin'); pg_replication_origin_drop ---------------------------- (1 row)