-- Test basic TRUNCATE functionality. CREATE TABLE truncate_a (col1 integer primary key); INSERT INTO truncate_a VALUES (1); INSERT INTO truncate_a VALUES (2); SELECT * FROM truncate_a; col1 ------ 1 2 (2 rows) -- Roll truncate back BEGIN; TRUNCATE truncate_a; ROLLBACK; SELECT * FROM truncate_a; col1 ------ 1 2 (2 rows) -- Commit the truncate this time BEGIN; TRUNCATE truncate_a; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM truncate_a; col1 ------ (0 rows) -- Test foreign-key checks CREATE TABLE trunc_b (a int REFERENCES truncate_a); CREATE TABLE trunc_c (a serial PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TABLE trunc_d (a int REFERENCES trunc_c); CREATE TABLE trunc_e (a int REFERENCES truncate_a, b int REFERENCES trunc_c); TRUNCATE TABLE truncate_a; -- fail ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "trunc_b" references "truncate_a". HINT: Truncate table "trunc_b" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. TRUNCATE TABLE truncate_a,trunc_b; -- fail ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "trunc_e" references "truncate_a". HINT: Truncate table "trunc_e" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. TRUNCATE TABLE truncate_a,trunc_b,trunc_e; -- ok TRUNCATE TABLE truncate_a,trunc_e; -- fail ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "trunc_b" references "truncate_a". HINT: Truncate table "trunc_b" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. TRUNCATE TABLE trunc_c; -- fail ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "trunc_d" references "trunc_c". HINT: Truncate table "trunc_d" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. TRUNCATE TABLE trunc_c,trunc_d; -- fail ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "trunc_e" references "trunc_c". HINT: Truncate table "trunc_e" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. TRUNCATE TABLE trunc_c,trunc_d,trunc_e; -- ok TRUNCATE TABLE trunc_c,trunc_d,trunc_e,truncate_a; -- fail ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "trunc_b" references "truncate_a". HINT: Truncate table "trunc_b" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. TRUNCATE TABLE trunc_c,trunc_d,trunc_e,truncate_a,trunc_b; -- ok TRUNCATE TABLE truncate_a RESTRICT; -- fail ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "trunc_b" references "truncate_a". HINT: Truncate table "trunc_b" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. TRUNCATE TABLE truncate_a CASCADE; -- ok NOTICE: truncate cascades to table "trunc_b" NOTICE: truncate cascades to table "trunc_e" -- circular references ALTER TABLE truncate_a ADD FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES trunc_c; -- Add some data to verify that truncating actually works ... INSERT INTO trunc_c VALUES (1); INSERT INTO truncate_a VALUES (1); INSERT INTO trunc_b VALUES (1); INSERT INTO trunc_d VALUES (1); INSERT INTO trunc_e VALUES (1,1); TRUNCATE TABLE trunc_c; ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "truncate_a" references "trunc_c". HINT: Truncate table "truncate_a" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. TRUNCATE TABLE trunc_c,truncate_a; ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "trunc_d" references "trunc_c". HINT: Truncate table "trunc_d" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. TRUNCATE TABLE trunc_c,truncate_a,trunc_d; ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "trunc_e" references "trunc_c". HINT: Truncate table "trunc_e" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. TRUNCATE TABLE trunc_c,truncate_a,trunc_d,trunc_e; ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "trunc_b" references "truncate_a". HINT: Truncate table "trunc_b" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. TRUNCATE TABLE trunc_c,truncate_a,trunc_d,trunc_e,trunc_b; -- Verify that truncating did actually work SELECT * FROM truncate_a UNION ALL SELECT * FROM trunc_c UNION ALL SELECT * FROM trunc_b UNION ALL SELECT * FROM trunc_d; col1 ------ (0 rows) SELECT * FROM trunc_e; a | b ---+--- (0 rows) -- Add data again to test TRUNCATE ... CASCADE INSERT INTO trunc_c VALUES (1); INSERT INTO truncate_a VALUES (1); INSERT INTO trunc_b VALUES (1); INSERT INTO trunc_d VALUES (1); INSERT INTO trunc_e VALUES (1,1); TRUNCATE TABLE trunc_c CASCADE; -- ok NOTICE: truncate cascades to table "truncate_a" NOTICE: truncate cascades to table "trunc_d" NOTICE: truncate cascades to table "trunc_e" NOTICE: truncate cascades to table "trunc_b" SELECT * FROM truncate_a UNION ALL SELECT * FROM trunc_c UNION ALL SELECT * FROM trunc_b UNION ALL SELECT * FROM trunc_d; col1 ------ (0 rows) SELECT * FROM trunc_e; a | b ---+--- (0 rows) DROP TABLE truncate_a,trunc_c,trunc_b,trunc_d,trunc_e CASCADE; -- Test TRUNCATE with inheritance CREATE TABLE trunc_f (col1 integer primary key); INSERT INTO trunc_f VALUES (1); INSERT INTO trunc_f VALUES (2); CREATE TABLE trunc_fa (col2a text) INHERITS (trunc_f); INSERT INTO trunc_fa VALUES (3, 'three'); CREATE TABLE trunc_fb (col2b int) INHERITS (trunc_f); INSERT INTO trunc_fb VALUES (4, 444); CREATE TABLE trunc_faa (col3 text) INHERITS (trunc_fa); INSERT INTO trunc_faa VALUES (5, 'five', 'FIVE'); BEGIN; SELECT * FROM trunc_f; col1 ------ 1 2 3 4 5 (5 rows) TRUNCATE trunc_f; SELECT * FROM trunc_f; col1 ------ (0 rows) ROLLBACK; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM trunc_f; col1 ------ 1 2 3 4 5 (5 rows) TRUNCATE ONLY trunc_f; SELECT * FROM trunc_f; col1 ------ 3 4 5 (3 rows) ROLLBACK; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM trunc_f; col1 ------ 1 2 3 4 5 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM trunc_fa; col1 | col2a ------+------- 3 | three 5 | five (2 rows) SELECT * FROM trunc_faa; col1 | col2a | col3 ------+-------+------ 5 | five | FIVE (1 row) TRUNCATE ONLY trunc_fb, ONLY trunc_fa; SELECT * FROM trunc_f; col1 ------ 1 2 5 (3 rows) SELECT * FROM trunc_fa; col1 | col2a ------+------- 5 | five (1 row) SELECT * FROM trunc_faa; col1 | col2a | col3 ------+-------+------ 5 | five | FIVE (1 row) ROLLBACK; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM trunc_f; col1 ------ 1 2 3 4 5 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM trunc_fa; col1 | col2a ------+------- 3 | three 5 | five (2 rows) SELECT * FROM trunc_faa; col1 | col2a | col3 ------+-------+------ 5 | five | FIVE (1 row) TRUNCATE ONLY trunc_fb, trunc_fa; SELECT * FROM trunc_f; col1 ------ 1 2 (2 rows) SELECT * FROM trunc_fa; col1 | col2a ------+------- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM trunc_faa; col1 | col2a | col3 ------+-------+------ (0 rows) ROLLBACK; DROP TABLE trunc_f CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 3 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to table trunc_fa drop cascades to table trunc_faa drop cascades to table trunc_fb -- Test ON TRUNCATE triggers CREATE TABLE trunc_trigger_test (f1 int, f2 text, f3 text); CREATE TABLE trunc_trigger_log (tgop text, tglevel text, tgwhen text, tgargv text, tgtable name, rowcount bigint); CREATE FUNCTION trunctrigger() RETURNS trigger as $$ declare c bigint; begin execute 'select count(*) from ' || quote_ident(tg_table_name) into c; insert into trunc_trigger_log values (TG_OP, TG_LEVEL, TG_WHEN, TG_ARGV[0], tg_table_name, c); return null; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- basic before trigger INSERT INTO trunc_trigger_test VALUES(1, 'foo', 'bar'), (2, 'baz', 'quux'); CREATE TRIGGER t BEFORE TRUNCATE ON trunc_trigger_test FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE trunctrigger('before trigger truncate'); SELECT count(*) as "Row count in test table" FROM trunc_trigger_test; Row count in test table ------------------------- 2 (1 row) SELECT * FROM trunc_trigger_log; tgop | tglevel | tgwhen | tgargv | tgtable | rowcount ------+---------+--------+--------+---------+---------- (0 rows) TRUNCATE trunc_trigger_test; SELECT count(*) as "Row count in test table" FROM trunc_trigger_test; Row count in test table ------------------------- 0 (1 row) SELECT * FROM trunc_trigger_log; tgop | tglevel | tgwhen | tgargv | tgtable | rowcount ----------+-----------+--------+-------------------------+--------------------+---------- TRUNCATE | STATEMENT | BEFORE | before trigger truncate | trunc_trigger_test | 2 (1 row) DROP TRIGGER t ON trunc_trigger_test; truncate trunc_trigger_log; -- same test with an after trigger INSERT INTO trunc_trigger_test VALUES(1, 'foo', 'bar'), (2, 'baz', 'quux'); CREATE TRIGGER tt AFTER TRUNCATE ON trunc_trigger_test FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE trunctrigger('after trigger truncate'); SELECT count(*) as "Row count in test table" FROM trunc_trigger_test; Row count in test table ------------------------- 2 (1 row) SELECT * FROM trunc_trigger_log; tgop | tglevel | tgwhen | tgargv | tgtable | rowcount ------+---------+--------+--------+---------+---------- (0 rows) TRUNCATE trunc_trigger_test; SELECT count(*) as "Row count in test table" FROM trunc_trigger_test; Row count in test table ------------------------- 0 (1 row) SELECT * FROM trunc_trigger_log; tgop | tglevel | tgwhen | tgargv | tgtable | rowcount ----------+-----------+--------+------------------------+--------------------+---------- TRUNCATE | STATEMENT | AFTER | after trigger truncate | trunc_trigger_test | 0 (1 row) DROP TABLE trunc_trigger_test; DROP TABLE trunc_trigger_log; DROP FUNCTION trunctrigger(); -- test TRUNCATE ... RESTART IDENTITY CREATE SEQUENCE truncate_a_id1 START WITH 33; CREATE TABLE truncate_a (id serial, id1 integer default nextval('truncate_a_id1')); ALTER SEQUENCE truncate_a_id1 OWNED BY truncate_a.id1; INSERT INTO truncate_a DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO truncate_a DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM truncate_a; id | id1 ----+----- 1 | 33 2 | 34 (2 rows) TRUNCATE truncate_a; INSERT INTO truncate_a DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO truncate_a DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM truncate_a; id | id1 ----+----- 3 | 35 4 | 36 (2 rows) TRUNCATE truncate_a RESTART IDENTITY; INSERT INTO truncate_a DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO truncate_a DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM truncate_a; id | id1 ----+----- 1 | 33 2 | 34 (2 rows) CREATE TABLE truncate_b (id int GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 44)); INSERT INTO truncate_b DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO truncate_b DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM truncate_b; id ---- 44 45 (2 rows) TRUNCATE truncate_b; INSERT INTO truncate_b DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO truncate_b DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM truncate_b; id ---- 46 47 (2 rows) TRUNCATE truncate_b RESTART IDENTITY; INSERT INTO truncate_b DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO truncate_b DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM truncate_b; id ---- 44 45 (2 rows) -- check rollback of a RESTART IDENTITY operation BEGIN; TRUNCATE truncate_a RESTART IDENTITY; INSERT INTO truncate_a DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM truncate_a; id | id1 ----+----- 1 | 33 (1 row) ROLLBACK; INSERT INTO truncate_a DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO truncate_a DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM truncate_a; id | id1 ----+----- 1 | 33 2 | 34 3 | 35 4 | 36 (4 rows) DROP TABLE truncate_a; SELECT nextval('truncate_a_id1'); -- fail, seq should have been dropped ERROR: relation "truncate_a_id1" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT nextval('truncate_a_id1'); ^ -- partitioned table CREATE TABLE truncparted (a int, b char) PARTITION BY LIST (a); -- error, can't truncate a partitioned table TRUNCATE ONLY truncparted; ERROR: cannot truncate only a partitioned table HINT: Do not specify the ONLY keyword, or use TRUNCATE ONLY on the partitions directly. CREATE TABLE truncparted1 PARTITION OF truncparted FOR VALUES IN (1); INSERT INTO truncparted VALUES (1, 'a'); -- error, must truncate partitions TRUNCATE ONLY truncparted; ERROR: cannot truncate only a partitioned table HINT: Do not specify the ONLY keyword, or use TRUNCATE ONLY on the partitions directly. TRUNCATE truncparted; DROP TABLE truncparted; -- foreign key on partitioned table: partition key is referencing column. -- Make sure truncate did execute on all tables CREATE FUNCTION tp_ins_data() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO truncprim VALUES (1), (100), (150); INSERT INTO truncpart VALUES (1), (100), (150); END $$; CREATE FUNCTION tp_chk_data(OUT pktb regclass, OUT pkval int, OUT fktb regclass, OUT fkval int) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT pk.tableoid::regclass, pk.a, fk.tableoid::regclass, fk.a FROM truncprim pk FULL JOIN truncpart fk USING (a) ORDER BY 2, 4; END $$; CREATE TABLE truncprim (a int PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TABLE truncpart (a int REFERENCES truncprim) PARTITION BY RANGE (a); CREATE TABLE truncpart_1 PARTITION OF truncpart FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (100); CREATE TABLE truncpart_2 PARTITION OF truncpart FOR VALUES FROM (100) TO (200) PARTITION BY RANGE (a); CREATE TABLE truncpart_2_1 PARTITION OF truncpart_2 FOR VALUES FROM (100) TO (150); CREATE TABLE truncpart_2_d PARTITION OF truncpart_2 DEFAULT; TRUNCATE TABLE truncprim; -- should fail ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint DETAIL: Table "truncpart" references "truncprim". HINT: Truncate table "truncpart" at the same time, or use TRUNCATE ... CASCADE. select tp_ins_data(); tp_ins_data ------------- (1 row) -- should truncate everything TRUNCATE TABLE truncprim, truncpart; select * from tp_chk_data(); pktb | pkval | fktb | fkval ------+-------+------+------- (0 rows) select tp_ins_data(); tp_ins_data ------------- (1 row) -- should truncate everything SET client_min_messages TO WARNING; -- suppress cascading notices TRUNCATE TABLE truncprim CASCADE; RESET client_min_messages; SELECT * FROM tp_chk_data(); pktb | pkval | fktb | fkval ------+-------+------+------- (0 rows) SELECT tp_ins_data(); tp_ins_data ------------- (1 row) -- should truncate all partitions TRUNCATE TABLE truncpart; SELECT * FROM tp_chk_data(); pktb | pkval | fktb | fkval -----------+-------+------+------- truncprim | 1 | | truncprim | 100 | | truncprim | 150 | | (3 rows) DROP TABLE truncprim, truncpart; DROP FUNCTION tp_ins_data(), tp_chk_data();