Functions Describes the built-in functions available in Postgres. Many data types have functions available for conversion to other related types. In addition, there are some type-specific functions. Some functions are also available through operators and may be documented as operators only. SQL Functions SQL functions are constructs defined by the SQL92 standard which have function-like syntax but which can not be implemented as simple functions. SQL Functions Function Returns Description Example COALESCE(list) non-NULL return first non-NULL value in list COALESCE(rle, c2 + 5, 0) NULLIF(input,value) input or NULL return NULL if input = value, else input NULLIF(c1, 'N/A') CASE WHEN expr THEN expr [...] ELSE expr END expr return expression for first true WHEN clause CASE WHEN c1 = 1 THEN 'match' ELSE 'no match' END
Mathematical Functions Mathematical Functions Function Returns Description Example abs(float8) float8 absolute value abs(-17.4) degrees(float8) float8 radians to degrees degrees(0.5) exp(float8) float8 raise e to the specified exponent exp(2.0) ln(float8) float8 natural logarithm ln(2.0) log(float8) float8 base 10 logarithm log(2.0) pi() float8 fundamental constant pi() pow(float8,float8) float8 raise a number to the specified exponent pow(2.0, 16.0) radians(float8) float8 degrees to radians radians(45.0) round(float8) float8 round to nearest integer round(42.4) sqrt(float8) float8 square root sqrt(2.0) cbrt(float8) float8 cube root cbrt(27.0) trunc(float8) float8 truncate (towards zero) trunc(42.4) float(int) float8 convert integer to floating point float(2) float4(int) float4 convert integer to floating point float4(2) integer(float) int convert floating point to integer integer(2.0)
Most of the functions listed for FLOAT8 are also available for type NUMERIC. Transcendental Mathematical Functions Function Returns Description Example acos(float8) float8 arccosine acos(10.0) asin(float8) float8 arcsine asin(10.0) atan(float8) float8 arctangent atan(10.0) atan2(float8,float8) float8 arctangent atan2(10.0,20.0) cos(float8) float8 cosine cos(0.4) cot(float8) float8 cotangent cot(20.0) sin(float8) float8 sine cos(0.4) tan(float8) float8 tangent tan(0.4)
String Functions SQL92 defines string functions with specific syntax. Some of these are implemented using other Postgres functions. The supported string types for SQL92 are char, varchar, and text. <acronym>SQL92</acronym> String Functions Function Returns Description Example char_length(string) int4 length of string char_length('jose') character_length(string) int4 length of string char_length('jose') lower(string) string convert string to lower case lower('TOM') octet_length(string) int4 storage length of string octet_length('jose') position(string in string) int4 location of specified substring position('o' in 'Tom') substring(string [from int] [for int]) string extract specified substring substring('Tom' from 2 for 2) trim([leading|trailing|both] [string] from string) string trim characters from string trim(both 'x' from 'xTomx') upper(text) text convert text to upper case upper('tom')
Many additional string functions are available for text, varchar(), and char() types. Some are used internally to implement the SQL92 string functions listed above. String Functions Function Returns Description Example char(text) char convert text to char type char('text string') char(varchar) char convert varchar to char type char(varchar 'varchar string') initcap(text) text first letter of each word to upper case initcap('thomas') lpad(text,int,text) text left pad string to specified length lpad('hi',4,'??') ltrim(text,text) text left trim characters from text ltrim('xxxxtrim','x') textpos(text,text) text locate specified substring position('high','ig') rpad(text,int,text) text right pad string to specified length rpad('hi',4,'x') rtrim(text,text) text right trim characters from text rtrim('trimxxxx','x') substr(text,int[,int]) text extract specified substring substr('hi there',3,5) text(char) text convert char to text type text('char string') text(varchar) text convert varchar to text type text(varchar 'varchar string') translate(text,from,to) text convert character in string translate('12345', '1', 'a') varchar(char) varchar convert char to varchar type varchar('char string') varchar(text) varchar convert text to varchar type varchar('text string')
Most functions explicitly defined for text will work for char() and varchar() arguments.
Date/Time Functions The date/time functions provide a powerful set of tools for manipulating various date/time types. Date/Time Functions Function Returns Description Example abstime(timestamp) abstime convert to abstime abstime(timestamp 'now') age(timestamp) interval preserve months and years age(timestamp '1957-06-13') age(timestamp,timestamp) interval preserve months and years age('now', timestamp '1957-06-13') date_part(text,timestamp) float8 portion of date date_part('dow',timestamp 'now') date_part(text,interval) float8 portion of time date_part('hour',interval '4 hrs 3 mins') date_trunc(text,timestamp) timestamp truncate date date_trunc('month',abstime 'now') interval(reltime) interval convert to interval interval(reltime '4 hours') isfinite(timestamp) bool a finite time? isfinite(timestamp 'now') isfinite(interval) bool a finite time? isfinite(interval '4 hrs') reltime(interval) reltime convert to reltime reltime(interval '4 hrs') timestamp(date) timestamp convert to timestamp timestamp(date 'today') timestamp(date,time) timestamp convert to timestamp timestamp(timestamp '1998-02-24',time '23:07'); to_char(timestamp,text) text convert to string to_char(timestamp '1998-02-24','DD');
For the date_part and date_trunc functions, arguments can be `year', `month', `day', `hour', `minute', and `second', as well as the more specialized quantities `decade', `century', `millennium', `millisecond', and `microsecond'. date_part allows `dow' to return day of week, 'week' to return the ISO-defined week of year, and `epoch' to return seconds since 1970 (for timestamp) or 'epoch' to return total elapsed seconds (for interval).
Formatting Functions Author Written by Karel Zak on 2000-01-24. The Postgres formatting functions provide a powerful set of tools for converting various datetypes (date/time, int, float, numeric) to formatted strings and for converting from formatted strings to specific datetypes. The second argument for all formatting functions is a template to be used for the conversion. Formatting Functions Function Returns Description Example to_char(timestamp, text) text convert timestamp to string to_char(timestamp 'now','HH12:MI:SS') to_char(int, text) text convert int4/int8 to string to_char(125, '999') to_char(float, text) text convert float4/float8 to string to_char(125.8, '999D9') to_char(numeric, text) text convert numeric to string to_char(numeric '-125.8', '999D99S') to_date(text, text) date convert string to date to_date('05 Dec 2000', 'DD Mon YYYY') to_timestamp(text, text) date convert string to timestamp to_timestamp('05 Dec 2000', 'DD Mon YYYY') to_number(text, text) numeric convert string to numeric to_number('12,454.8-', '99G999D9S')
Templates for date/time conversions Template Description HH hour of day (01-12) HH12 hour of day (01-12) HH24 hour of day (00-23) MI minute (00-59) SS second (00-59) SSSS seconds past midnight (0-86399) AM or A.M. or PM or P.M. meridian indicator (upper case) am or a.m. or pm or p.m. meridian indicator (lower case) Y,YYY year (4 and more digits) with comma YYYY year (4 and more digits) YYY last 3 digits of year YY last 2 digits of year Y last digit of year BC or B.C. or AD or A.D. year indicator (upper case) bc or b.c. or ad or a.d. year indicator (lower case) MONTH full upper case month name (9 chars) Month full mixed case month name (9 chars) month full lower case month name (9 chars) MON upper case abbreviated month name (3 chars) Mon abbreviated mixed case month name (3 chars) mon abbreviated lower case month name (3 chars) MM month (01-12) DAY full upper case day name (9 chars) Day full mixed case day name (9 chars) day full lower case day name (9 chars) DY abbreviated upper case day name (3 chars) Dy abbreviated mixed case day name (3 chars) dy abbreviated lower case day name (3 chars) DDD day of year (001-366) DD day of month (01-31) D day of week (1-7; SUN=1) W week of month (1-5) where first week start on the first day of the month WW week number of year (1-53) where first week start on the first day of the year CC century (2 digits) J Julian Day (days since January 1, 4712 BC) Q quarter RM month in Roman Numerals (I-XII; I=JAN) - upper case rm month in Roman Numerals (I-XII; I=JAN) - lower case TZ timezone string - upper case (not supported in the to_timestamp()) tz timezone string - lower case (not supported in the to_timestamp())
All templates allow the use of prefix and suffix modifiers. Modifiers are always valid for use in templates. The prefix 'FX' is a global modifier only. Suffixes for templates for date/time to_char() Suffix Description Example FM fill mode prefix FMMonth TH upper ordinal number suffix DDTH th lower ordinal number suffix DDTH FX FiXed format global option (see below) FX Month DD Day SP spell mode (not yet implemented) DDSP
Usage notes: to_timestamp and to_date skip multiple blank space in converted string if the FX option is not used. FX must be specified as the first item in the template; for example to_timestamp('2000 JUN','YYYY MON') is right, but to_timestamp('2000 JUN','FXYYYY MON') returns error, because to_timestamp() expects one blank space only. Backslash ("\") must be specified with a double backslash ("\\"); for example '\\HH\\MI\\SS'. A double quote ('"') between quotation marks is skipped and is not parsed. If you want to write a double quote to output you must preceed it with a double backslash ('\\"), for example '\\"YYYY Month\\"'. to_char supports text without a leading double quote ('"'), but any string between a quotation marks is rapidly handled and you are guaranteed that it will not be interpreted as a template keyword (example: '"Hello Year: "YYYY'). Templates for to_char(<replaceable>numeric</replaceable>) Template Description 9 value with the specified number of digits 0 value with leading zeros . (period) decimal point , (comma) group (thousand) separator PR negative value in angle brackets S negative value with minus sign (use locales) L currency symbol (use locales) D decimal point (use locales) G group separator (use locales) MI minus sign on specified position (if number < 0) PL plus sign on specified position (if number > 0) SG plus/minus sign on specified position RN roman numeral (input between 1 and 3999) TH or th convert to ordinal number V Shift n digits (see notes) EEEE science numbers. Now not supported.
Usage notes: A sign formatted using 'SG', 'PL' or 'MI' is not an anchor in the number; for example, to_char(-12, 'S9999') produces ' -12', but to_char(-12, 'MI9999') produces '- 12'. The Oracle implementation does not allow the use of MI ahead of 9, but rather requires that 9 preceeds MI. PL, SG, and TH are Postgres extensions. 9 specifies a value with the same number of digits as there are 9s. If a digit is not available use blank space. TH does not convert values less than zero and does not convert decimal numbers. TH is a Postgres extension. V effectively multiplies the input values by 10^n, where n is the number of digits following V. to_char does not support the use of V combined with a decimal point (e.g. "99.9V99" is not allowed). <function>to_char</function> Examples Input Output to_char(now(),'Day, HH12:MI:SS') 'Tuesday , 05:39:18' to_char(now(),'FMDay, HH12:MI:SS') 'Tuesday, 05:39:18' to_char(-0.1,'99.99') ' -.10' to_char(-0.1,'FM9.99') '-.1' to_char(0.1,'0.9') ' 0.1' to_char(12,'9990999.9') ' 0012.0' to_char(12,'FM9990999.9') '0012' to_char(485,'999') ' 485' to_char(-485,'999') '-485' to_char(485,'9 9 9') ' 4 8 5' to_char(1485,'9,999') ' 1,485' to_char(1485,'9G999') ' 1 485' to_char(148.5,'999.999') ' 148.500' to_char(148.5,'999D999') ' 148,500' to_char(3148.5,'9G999D999') ' 3 148,500' to_char(-485,'999S') '485-' to_char(-485,'999MI') '485-' to_char(485,'999MI') '485' to_char(485,'PL999') '+485' to_char(485,'SG999') '+485' to_char(-485,'SG999') '-485' to_char(-485,'9SG99') '4-85' to_char(-485,'999PR') '<485>' to_char(485,'L999') 'DM 485 to_char(485,'RN') ' CDLXXXV' to_char(485,'FMRN') 'CDLXXXV' to_char(5.2,'FMRN') V to_char(482,'999th') ' 482nd' to_char(485, '"Good number:"999') 'Good number: 485' to_char(485.8,'"Pre-decimal:"999" Post-decimal:" .999') 'Pre-decimal: 485 Post-decimal: .800' to_char(12,'99V999') ' 12000' to_char(12.4,'99V999') ' 12400' to_char(12.45, '99V9') ' 125'
Geometric Functions The geometric types point, box, lseg, line, path, polygon, and circle have a large set of native support functions. Geometric Functions Function Returns Description Example area(object) float8 area of item area(box '((0,0),(1,1))') box(box,box) box intersection box box(box '((0,0),(1,1))',box '((0.5,0.5),(2,2))') center(object) point center of item center(box '((0,0),(1,2))') diameter(circle) float8 diameter of circle diameter(circle '((0,0),2.0)') height(box) float8 vertical size of box height(box '((0,0),(1,1))') isclosed(path) bool a closed path? isclosed(path '((0,0),(1,1),(2,0))') isopen(path) bool an open path? isopen(path '[(0,0),(1,1),(2,0)]') length(object) float8 length of item length(path '((-1,0),(1,0))') pclose(path) path convert path to closed popen(path '[(0,0),(1,1),(2,0)]') npoint(path) int4 number of points npoints(path '[(0,0),(1,1),(2,0)]') popen(path) path convert path to open path popen(path '((0,0),(1,1),(2,0))') radius(circle) float8 radius of circle radius(circle '((0,0),2.0)') width(box) float8 horizontal size width(box '((0,0),(1,1))')
Geometric Type Conversion Functions Function Returns Description Example box(circle) box circle to box box('((0,0),2.0)'::circle) box(point,point) box points to box box('(0,0)'::point,'(1,1)'::point) box(polygon) box polygon to box box('((0,0),(1,1),(2,0))'::polygon) circle(box) circle to circle circle('((0,0),(1,1))'::box) circle(point,float8) circle point to circle circle('(0,0)'::point,2.0) lseg(box) lseg box diagonal to lseg lseg('((-1,0),(1,0))'::box) lseg(point,point) lseg points to lseg lseg('(-1,0)'::point,'(1,0)'::point) path(polygon) point polygon to path path('((0,0),(1,1),(2,0))'::polygon) point(circle) point center point('((0,0),2.0)'::circle) point(lseg,lseg) point intersection point('((-1,0),(1,0))'::lseg, '((-2,-2),(2,2))'::lseg) point(polygon) point center point('((0,0),(1,1),(2,0))'::polygon) polygon(box) polygon 12 point polygon polygon('((0,0),(1,1))'::box) polygon(circle) polygon 12-point polygon polygon('((0,0),2.0)'::circle) polygon(npts,circle) polygon npts polygon polygon(12,'((0,0),2.0)'::circle) polygon(path) polygon path to polygon polygon('((0,0),(1,1),(2,0))'::path)
Geometric Upgrade Functions Function Returns Description Example isoldpath(path) path test path for pre-v6.1 form isoldpath('(1,3,0,0,1,1,2,0)'::path) revertpoly(polygon) polygon to pre-v6.1 revertpoly('((0,0),(1,1),(2,0))'::polygon) upgradepath(path) path to pre-v6.1 upgradepath('(1,3,0,0,1,1,2,0)'::path) upgradepoly(polygon) polygon to pre-v6.1 upgradepoly('(0,1,2,0,1,0)'::polygon)
IP V4 Functions <productname>Postgres</productname>IP V4 Functions Function Returns Description Example broadcast(cidr) text construct broadcast address as text broadcast('') broadcast(inet) text construct broadcast address as text broadcast('') host(inet) text extract host address as text host('') masklen(cidr) int4 calculate netmask length masklen('') masklen(inet) int4 calculate netmask length masklen('') netmask(inet) text construct netmask as text netmask('')
Aggregate Functions Author Written by Isaac Wilcox on 2000-06-16. Aggregate functions allow the generation of simple statistics about the values of particular columns over the selected set of rows. See also the chapter on aggregates in The PostgreSQL Tutorial and . Aggregate Functions Function Returns Description Example Notes COUNT(*) int4 Counts the selected rows. COUNT(*) COUNT(column-name) int4 Counts the selected rows for which the value of column-name is not NULL. COUNT(age) SUM(column-name) Same as the data type of the column being summed. Finds the total obtained by adding the values of column-name across all selected rows. SUM(hours) Summation is supported on the following data types: int8, int4, int2, float4, float8, money, interval, numeric MAX(column-name) Same as the data type of the column whose maximum value is sought. The maximum value of column-name across all selected rows. MAX(age) Finding the maximum value is supported on the following data types: int8, int4, int2, float4, float8, date, time, timetz, money, timestamp, interval, text, numeric. MIN(column-name) same as the data type of the column whose minimum value is sought. The minimum value of column-name across all selected rows. MIN(age) Finding the minimum value is supported on the following data types: int8, int4, int2, float4, float8, date, time, timetz, money, timestamp, interval, text, numeric. AVG(column-name) Same as the data type of the column being averaged. The average (mean) of the values in the given column across all selected rows. AVG(age) Finding the mean value is supported on the following data types: int8, int4, int2, float4, float8, money, interval, numeric. Note that as the return type is the same as that of the data being averaged, using AVG() on discrete data will give a rounded result.