#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pg_dumplo.h" extern int errno; #define LOAD_LOLIST_QUERY "\ SELECT c.relname, a.attname \ FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t \ WHERE a.attnum > 0 \ AND a.attrelid = c.oid \ AND a.atttypid = t.oid \ AND t.typname = 'oid' \ AND c.relname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'" void load_lolist( LODumpMaster *pgLO ) { LOlist *ll; int i; int n; /* ---------- * Now find any candidate tables who have columns of type oid (the * column oid is ignored, as it has attnum < 1) * ---------- */ if (!(pgLO->res = PQexec(pgLO->conn, LOAD_LOLIST_QUERY))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Select from pg_class failed.\n", progname); exit(RE_ERROR); } if ((n = PQntuples(pgLO->res)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: No large objects in the database.\n", progname); exit(RE_ERROR); } pgLO->lolist = (LOlist *) malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(LOlist)); if (!pgLO->lolist) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't allocate memory\n", progname); exit(RE_ERROR); } for (i = 0, ll = pgLO->lolist; i < n; i++, ll++) { ll->lo_table = strdup(PQgetvalue(pgLO->res, i, 0)); ll->lo_attr = strdup(PQgetvalue(pgLO->res, i, 1)); } PQclear(pgLO->res); ll++; ll->lo_table = ll->lo_attr = (char *) NULL; } void pglo_export(LODumpMaster *pgLO) { LOlist *ll; int tuples; char path[BUFSIZ], Qbuff[QUERY_BUFSIZ]; if (pgLO->action != ACTION_SHOW) { time_t t; time(&t); fprintf(pgLO->index, "#\n# This is the PostgreSQL large object dump index\n#\n"); fprintf(pgLO->index, "#\tDate: %s", ctime(&t)); fprintf(pgLO->index, "#\tHost: %s\n", pgLO->host); fprintf(pgLO->index, "#\tDatabase: %s\n", pgLO->db); fprintf(pgLO->index, "#\tUser: %s\n", pgLO->user); fprintf(pgLO->index, "#\n# oid\ttable\tattribut\tinfile\n#\n"); } pgLO->counter = 0; for(ll=pgLO->lolist; ll->lo_table != NULL; ll++) { /* ---------- * Query * ---------- */ sprintf(Qbuff, "SELECT x.%s FROM %s x, pg_class c WHERE x.%s = c.oid and c.relkind = 'l'", ll->lo_attr, ll->lo_table, ll->lo_attr); /* puts(Qbuff); */ pgLO->res = PQexec(pgLO->conn, Qbuff); if ((tuples = PQntuples(pgLO->res)) == 0) { if (!pgLO->quiet && pgLO->action == ACTION_EXPORT_ATTR) printf("%s: not large objets in '%s'\n", progname, ll->lo_table); continue; } else if (check_res(pgLO)) { int t; char *val; /* ---------- * Create DIR/FILE * ---------- */ if (tuples && pgLO->action != ACTION_SHOW) { sprintf(path, "%s/%s/%s", pgLO->space, pgLO->db, ll->lo_table); if (mkdir(path, DIR_UMASK) == -1) { if (errno != EEXIST) { perror(path); exit(RE_ERROR); } } sprintf(path, "%s/%s", path, ll->lo_attr); if (mkdir(path, DIR_UMASK) == -1) { if (errno != EEXIST) { perror(path); exit(RE_ERROR); } } if (!pgLO->quiet) printf("dump %s.%s (%d lagre obj)\n", ll->lo_table, ll->lo_attr, tuples); } pgLO->counter += tuples; for(t=0; tres, t, 0); if (!val) continue; else lo = (Oid) atol(val); if (pgLO->action == ACTION_SHOW) { printf("%s.%s: %ld\n", ll->lo_table, ll->lo_attr, (long) lo); continue; } sprintf(path, "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", pgLO->space, pgLO->db, ll->lo_table, ll->lo_attr, val); if (lo_export(pgLO->conn, lo, path) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(pgLO->conn), progname); else fprintf(pgLO->index, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s/%s/%s/%s\n", val, ll->lo_table, ll->lo_attr, pgLO->db, ll->lo_table, ll->lo_attr, val); } } } }