/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * reloptions.c * Core support for relation options (pg_class.reloptions) * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/access/common/reloptions.c,v 1.14 2009/01/06 02:44:17 momjian Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/gist_private.h" #include "access/hash.h" #include "access/nbtree.h" #include "access/reloptions.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "commands/defrem.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "utils/array.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/guc.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/rel.h" /* * Contents of pg_class.reloptions * * To add an option: * * (i) decide on a class (integer, real, bool, string), name, default value, * upper and lower bounds (if applicable). * (ii) add a record below. * (iii) add it to StdRdOptions if appropriate * (iv) add a block to the appropriate handling routine (probably * default_reloptions) * (v) don't forget to document the option * * Note that we don't handle "oids" in relOpts because it is handled by * interpretOidsOption(). */ static relopt_bool boolRelOpts[] = { /* list terminator */ { { NULL } } }; static relopt_int intRelOpts[] = { { { "fillfactor", "Packs table pages only to this percentage", RELOPT_KIND_HEAP }, HEAP_DEFAULT_FILLFACTOR, HEAP_MIN_FILLFACTOR, 100 }, { { "fillfactor", "Packs btree index pages only to this percentage", RELOPT_KIND_BTREE }, BTREE_DEFAULT_FILLFACTOR, BTREE_MIN_FILLFACTOR, 100 }, { { "fillfactor", "Packs hash index pages only to this percentage", RELOPT_KIND_HASH }, HASH_DEFAULT_FILLFACTOR, HASH_MIN_FILLFACTOR, 100 }, { { "fillfactor", "Packs gist index pages only to this percentage", RELOPT_KIND_GIST }, GIST_DEFAULT_FILLFACTOR, GIST_MIN_FILLFACTOR, 100 }, /* list terminator */ { { NULL } } }; static relopt_real realRelOpts[] = { /* list terminator */ { { NULL } } }; static relopt_string stringRelOpts[] = { /* list terminator */ { { NULL } } }; static relopt_gen **relOpts = NULL; static int last_assigned_kind = RELOPT_KIND_LAST_DEFAULT + 1; static int num_custom_options = 0; static relopt_gen **custom_options = NULL; static bool need_initialization = true; static void initialize_reloptions(void); static void parse_one_reloption(relopt_value *option, char *text_str, int text_len, bool validate); /* * initialize_reloptions * initialization routine, must be called before parsing * * Initialize the relOpts array and fill each variable's type and name length. */ static void initialize_reloptions(void) { int i; int j = 0; for (i = 0; boolRelOpts[i].gen.name; i++) j++; for (i = 0; intRelOpts[i].gen.name; i++) j++; for (i = 0; realRelOpts[i].gen.name; i++) j++; for (i = 0; stringRelOpts[i].gen.name; i++) j++; j += num_custom_options; if (relOpts) pfree(relOpts); relOpts = MemoryContextAlloc(TopMemoryContext, (j + 1) * sizeof(relopt_gen *)); j = 0; for (i = 0; boolRelOpts[i].gen.name; i++) { relOpts[j] = &boolRelOpts[i].gen; relOpts[j]->type = RELOPT_TYPE_BOOL; relOpts[j]->namelen = strlen(relOpts[j]->name); j++; } for (i = 0; intRelOpts[i].gen.name; i++) { relOpts[j] = &intRelOpts[i].gen; relOpts[j]->type = RELOPT_TYPE_INT; relOpts[j]->namelen = strlen(relOpts[j]->name); j++; } for (i = 0; realRelOpts[i].gen.name; i++) { relOpts[j] = &realRelOpts[i].gen; relOpts[j]->type = RELOPT_TYPE_REAL; relOpts[j]->namelen = strlen(relOpts[j]->name); j++; } for (i = 0; stringRelOpts[i].gen.name; i++) { relOpts[j] = &stringRelOpts[i].gen; relOpts[j]->type = RELOPT_TYPE_STRING; relOpts[j]->namelen = strlen(relOpts[j]->name); j++; } for (i = 0; i < num_custom_options; i++) { relOpts[j] = custom_options[i]; j++; } /* add a list terminator */ relOpts[j] = NULL; } /* * add_reloption_kind * Create a new relopt_kind value, to be used in custom reloptions by * user-defined AMs. */ int add_reloption_kind(void) { if (last_assigned_kind >= RELOPT_KIND_MAX) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("user-defined relation parameter types limit exceeded"))); return last_assigned_kind++; } /* * add_reloption * Add an already-created custom reloption to the list, and recompute the * main parser table. */ static void add_reloption(relopt_gen *newoption) { static int max_custom_options = 0; if (num_custom_options >= max_custom_options) { MemoryContext oldcxt; oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext); if (max_custom_options == 0) { max_custom_options = 8; custom_options = palloc(max_custom_options * sizeof(relopt_gen *)); } else { max_custom_options *= 2; custom_options = repalloc(custom_options, max_custom_options * sizeof(relopt_gen *)); } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); } custom_options[num_custom_options++] = newoption; need_initialization = true; } /* * allocate_reloption * Allocate a new reloption and initialize the type-agnostic fields * (for types other than string) */ static relopt_gen * allocate_reloption(int kind, int type, char *name, char *desc) { MemoryContext oldcxt; size_t size; relopt_gen *newoption; Assert(type != RELOPT_TYPE_STRING); oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext); switch (type) { case RELOPT_TYPE_BOOL: size = sizeof(relopt_bool); break; case RELOPT_TYPE_INT: size = sizeof(relopt_int); break; case RELOPT_TYPE_REAL: size = sizeof(relopt_real); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unsupported option type"); return NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ } newoption = palloc(size); newoption->name = pstrdup(name); if (desc) newoption->desc = pstrdup(desc); else newoption->desc = NULL; newoption->kind = kind; newoption->namelen = strlen(name); newoption->type = type; MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); return newoption; } /* * add_bool_reloption * Add a new boolean reloption */ void add_bool_reloption(int kind, char *name, char *desc, bool default_val) { relopt_bool *newoption; newoption = (relopt_bool *) allocate_reloption(kind, RELOPT_TYPE_BOOL, name, desc); newoption->default_val = default_val; add_reloption((relopt_gen *) newoption); } /* * add_int_reloption * Add a new integer reloption */ void add_int_reloption(int kind, char *name, char *desc, int default_val, int min_val, int max_val) { relopt_int *newoption; newoption = (relopt_int *) allocate_reloption(kind, RELOPT_TYPE_INT, name, desc); newoption->default_val = default_val; newoption->min = min_val; newoption->max = max_val; add_reloption((relopt_gen *) newoption); } /* * add_real_reloption * Add a new float reloption */ void add_real_reloption(int kind, char *name, char *desc, double default_val, double min_val, double max_val) { relopt_real *newoption; newoption = (relopt_real *) allocate_reloption(kind, RELOPT_TYPE_REAL, name, desc); newoption->default_val = default_val; newoption->min = min_val; newoption->max = max_val; add_reloption((relopt_gen *) newoption); } /* * add_string_reloption * Add a new string reloption */ void add_string_reloption(int kind, char *name, char *desc, char *default_val) { MemoryContext oldcxt; relopt_string *newoption; int default_len = 0; oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext); if (default_val) default_len = strlen(default_val); newoption = palloc0(sizeof(relopt_string) + default_len); newoption->gen.name = pstrdup(name); if (desc) newoption->gen.desc = pstrdup(desc); else newoption->gen.desc = NULL; newoption->gen.kind = kind; newoption->gen.namelen = strlen(name); newoption->gen.type = RELOPT_TYPE_STRING; if (default_val) { strcpy(newoption->default_val, default_val); newoption->default_len = default_len; newoption->default_isnull = false; } else { newoption->default_val[0] = '\0'; newoption->default_len = 0; newoption->default_isnull = true; } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); add_reloption((relopt_gen *) newoption); } /* * Transform a relation options list (list of DefElem) into the text array * format that is kept in pg_class.reloptions. * * This is used for three cases: CREATE TABLE/INDEX, ALTER TABLE SET, and * ALTER TABLE RESET. In the ALTER cases, oldOptions is the existing * reloptions value (possibly NULL), and we replace or remove entries * as needed. * * If ignoreOids is true, then we should ignore any occurrence of "oids" * in the list (it will be or has been handled by interpretOidsOption()). * * Note that this is not responsible for determining whether the options * are valid. * * Both oldOptions and the result are text arrays (or NULL for "default"), * but we declare them as Datums to avoid including array.h in reloptions.h. */ Datum transformRelOptions(Datum oldOptions, List *defList, bool ignoreOids, bool isReset) { Datum result; ArrayBuildState *astate; ListCell *cell; /* no change if empty list */ if (defList == NIL) return oldOptions; /* We build new array using accumArrayResult */ astate = NULL; /* Copy any oldOptions that aren't to be replaced */ if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(oldOptions))) { ArrayType *array = DatumGetArrayTypeP(oldOptions); Datum *oldoptions; int noldoptions; int i; Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(array) == TEXTOID); deconstruct_array(array, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i', &oldoptions, NULL, &noldoptions); for (i = 0; i < noldoptions; i++) { text *oldoption = DatumGetTextP(oldoptions[i]); char *text_str = VARDATA(oldoption); int text_len = VARSIZE(oldoption) - VARHDRSZ; /* Search for a match in defList */ foreach(cell, defList) { DefElem *def = lfirst(cell); int kw_len = strlen(def->defname); if (text_len > kw_len && text_str[kw_len] == '=' && pg_strncasecmp(text_str, def->defname, kw_len) == 0) break; } if (!cell) { /* No match, so keep old option */ astate = accumArrayResult(astate, oldoptions[i], false, TEXTOID, CurrentMemoryContext); } } } /* * If CREATE/SET, add new options to array; if RESET, just check that the * user didn't say RESET (option=val). (Must do this because the grammar * doesn't enforce it.) */ foreach(cell, defList) { DefElem *def = lfirst(cell); if (isReset) { if (def->arg != NULL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("RESET must not include values for parameters"))); } else { text *t; const char *value; Size len; if (ignoreOids && pg_strcasecmp(def->defname, "oids") == 0) continue; /* * Flatten the DefElem into a text string like "name=arg". If we * have just "name", assume "name=true" is meant. */ if (def->arg != NULL) value = defGetString(def); else value = "true"; len = VARHDRSZ + strlen(def->defname) + 1 + strlen(value); /* +1 leaves room for sprintf's trailing null */ t = (text *) palloc(len + 1); SET_VARSIZE(t, len); sprintf(VARDATA(t), "%s=%s", def->defname, value); astate = accumArrayResult(astate, PointerGetDatum(t), false, TEXTOID, CurrentMemoryContext); } } if (astate) result = makeArrayResult(astate, CurrentMemoryContext); else result = (Datum) 0; return result; } /* * Convert the text-array format of reloptions into a List of DefElem. * This is the inverse of transformRelOptions(). */ List * untransformRelOptions(Datum options) { List *result = NIL; ArrayType *array; Datum *optiondatums; int noptions; int i; /* Nothing to do if no options */ if (!PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(options))) return result; array = DatumGetArrayTypeP(options); Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(array) == TEXTOID); deconstruct_array(array, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i', &optiondatums, NULL, &noptions); for (i = 0; i < noptions; i++) { char *s; char *p; Node *val = NULL; s = TextDatumGetCString(optiondatums[i]); p = strchr(s, '='); if (p) { *p++ = '\0'; val = (Node *) makeString(pstrdup(p)); } result = lappend(result, makeDefElem(pstrdup(s), val)); } return result; } /* * Interpret reloptions that are given in text-array format. * * options is a reloption text array as constructed by transformRelOptions. * kind specifies the family of options to be processed. * * The return value is a relopt_value * array on which the options actually * set in the options array are marked with isset=true. The length of this * array is returned in *numrelopts. Options not set are also present in the * array; this is so that the caller can easily locate the default values. * * If there are no options of the given kind, numrelopts is set to 0 and NULL * is returned. * * Note: values of type int, bool and real are allocated as part of the * returned array. Values of type string are allocated separately and must * be freed by the caller. */ relopt_value * parseRelOptions(Datum options, bool validate, relopt_kind kind, int *numrelopts) { relopt_value *reloptions; int numoptions = 0; int i; int j; if (need_initialization) initialize_reloptions(); /* Build a list of expected options, based on kind */ for (i = 0; relOpts[i]; i++) if (relOpts[i]->kind == kind) numoptions++; if (numoptions == 0) { *numrelopts = 0; return NULL; } reloptions = palloc(numoptions * sizeof(relopt_value)); for (i = 0, j = 0; relOpts[i]; i++) { if (relOpts[i]->kind == kind) { reloptions[j].gen = relOpts[i]; reloptions[j].isset = false; j++; } } /* Done if no options */ if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(options))) { ArrayType *array; Datum *optiondatums; int noptions; array = DatumGetArrayTypeP(options); Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(array) == TEXTOID); deconstruct_array(array, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i', &optiondatums, NULL, &noptions); for (i = 0; i < noptions; i++) { text *optiontext = DatumGetTextP(optiondatums[i]); char *text_str = VARDATA(optiontext); int text_len = VARSIZE(optiontext) - VARHDRSZ; int j; /* Search for a match in reloptions */ for (j = 0; j < numoptions; j++) { int kw_len = reloptions[j].gen->namelen; if (text_len > kw_len && text_str[kw_len] == '=' && pg_strncasecmp(text_str, reloptions[j].gen->name, kw_len) == 0) { parse_one_reloption(&reloptions[j], text_str, text_len, validate); break; } } if (j >= numoptions && validate) { char *s; char *p; s = TextDatumGetCString(optiondatums[i]); p = strchr(s, '='); if (p) *p = '\0'; ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("unrecognized parameter \"%s\"", s))); } } } *numrelopts = numoptions; return reloptions; } /* * Subroutine for parseRelOptions, to parse and validate a single option's * value */ static void parse_one_reloption(relopt_value *option, char *text_str, int text_len, bool validate) { char *value; int value_len; bool parsed = true; /* quiet compiler */ bool nofree = false; if (option->isset && validate) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("parameter \"%s\" specified more than once", option->gen->name))); value_len = text_len - option->gen->namelen - 1; value = (char *) palloc(value_len + 1); memcpy(value, text_str + option->gen->namelen + 1, value_len); value[value_len] = '\0'; switch (option->gen->type) { case RELOPT_TYPE_BOOL: { parsed = parse_bool(value, &option->values.bool_val); if (validate && !parsed) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("invalid value for boolean option \"%s\": %s", option->gen->name, value))); } break; case RELOPT_TYPE_INT: { relopt_int *optint = (relopt_int *) option->gen; parsed = parse_int(value, &option->values.int_val, 0, NULL); if (validate && !parsed) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("invalid value for integer option \"%s\": %s", option->gen->name, value))); if (validate && (option->values.int_val < optint->min || option->values.int_val > optint->max)) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("value %s out of bounds for option \"%s\"", value, option->gen->name), errdetail("Valid values are between \"%d\" and \"%d\".", optint->min, optint->max))); } break; case RELOPT_TYPE_REAL: { relopt_real *optreal = (relopt_real *) option->gen; parsed = parse_real(value, &option->values.real_val); if (validate && !parsed) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("invalid value for floating point option \"%s\": %s", option->gen->name, value))); if (validate && (option->values.real_val < optreal->min || option->values.real_val > optreal->max)) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("value %s out of bounds for option \"%s\"", value, option->gen->name), errdetail("Valid values are between \"%f\" and \"%f\".", optreal->min, optreal->max))); } break; case RELOPT_TYPE_STRING: option->values.string_val = value; nofree = true; parsed = true; /* no validation possible */ break; default: elog(ERROR, "unsupported reloption type %d", option->gen->type); break; } if (parsed) option->isset = true; if (!nofree) pfree(value); } /* * Option parser for anything that uses StdRdOptions (i.e. fillfactor only) */ bytea * default_reloptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate, relopt_kind kind) { relopt_value *options; StdRdOptions *rdopts; StdRdOptions lopts; int numoptions; int len; int i; options = parseRelOptions(reloptions, validate, kind, &numoptions); /* if none set, we're done */ if (numoptions == 0) return NULL; MemSet(&lopts, 0, sizeof(StdRdOptions)); for (i = 0; i < numoptions; i++) { HANDLE_INT_RELOPTION("fillfactor", lopts.fillfactor, options[i]); } pfree(options); len = sizeof(StdRdOptions); rdopts = palloc(len); memcpy(rdopts, &lopts, len); SET_VARSIZE(rdopts, len); return (bytea *) rdopts; } /* * Parse options for heaps (and perhaps someday toast tables). */ bytea * heap_reloptions(char relkind, Datum reloptions, bool validate) { return default_reloptions(reloptions, validate, RELOPT_KIND_HEAP); } /* * Parse options for indexes. * * amoptions Oid of option parser * reloptions options as text[] datum * validate error flag */ bytea * index_reloptions(RegProcedure amoptions, Datum reloptions, bool validate) { FmgrInfo flinfo; FunctionCallInfoData fcinfo; Datum result; Assert(RegProcedureIsValid(amoptions)); /* Assume function is strict */ if (!PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(reloptions))) return NULL; /* Can't use OidFunctionCallN because we might get a NULL result */ fmgr_info(amoptions, &flinfo); InitFunctionCallInfoData(fcinfo, &flinfo, 2, NULL, NULL); fcinfo.arg[0] = reloptions; fcinfo.arg[1] = BoolGetDatum(validate); fcinfo.argnull[0] = false; fcinfo.argnull[1] = false; result = FunctionCallInvoke(&fcinfo); if (fcinfo.isnull || DatumGetPointer(result) == NULL) return NULL; return DatumGetByteaP(result); }