Edit postgresql-7.0RC5/src/Makefile.global.in Change PG_KRB_SRVTAB to somewhere useful for you, and PG_KRB_SRVNAM to whatever you want your postgres kerberos service called. Uncommment out KRBVERS=5 in Makefile.global.in. Run configure, make, and install PostgreSQL. Generate the keytab (PG_KRB_SRVTAB): kadmin% ank -randkey postgres/server.my.domain.org kadmin% ktadd -k krb5.keytab postgres/server.my.domain.org Make sure the keytab is read-only to the postgres user. Make sure your client binaries can see the new libraries. edit pg_hba.conf and change the authentication method to krb5. Everything should then work. If you use mod_auth_krb and mod_perl on your web server, you can use AuthType KerberosV5SaveCredentials with a mod_perl script. This gives secure database access over the web. No extra passwords required. Cheers, Mike Wyer, Department of Computing, Imperial College -- Mike Wyer || "Woof?" http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~mw || Gaspode the Wonder Dog Work: 020 7594 8440 || from "Moving Pictures" Mobile: 07879 697119 || by Terry Pratchett