-- -- PARALLEL -- create or replace function parallel_restricted(int) returns int as $$begin return $1; end$$ language plpgsql parallel restricted; -- Serializable isolation would disable parallel query, so explicitly use an -- arbitrary other level. begin isolation level repeatable read; -- encourage use of parallel plans set parallel_setup_cost=0; set parallel_tuple_cost=0; set min_parallel_table_scan_size=0; set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=4; explain (costs off) select count(*) from a_star; select count(*) from a_star; -- test that parallel_restricted function doesn't run in worker alter table tenk1 set (parallel_workers = 4); explain (verbose, costs off) select parallel_restricted(unique1) from tenk1 where stringu1 = 'GRAAAA' order by 1; -- test parallel plan when group by expression is in target list. explain (costs off) select length(stringu1) from tenk1 group by length(stringu1); select length(stringu1) from tenk1 group by length(stringu1); explain (costs off) select stringu1, count(*) from tenk1 group by stringu1 order by stringu1; -- test that parallel plan for aggregates is not selected when -- target list contains parallel restricted clause. explain (costs off) select sum(parallel_restricted(unique1)) from tenk1 group by(parallel_restricted(unique1)); -- test parallel plans for queries containing un-correlated subplans. alter table tenk2 set (parallel_workers = 0); explain (costs off) select count(*) from tenk1 where (two, four) not in (select hundred, thousand from tenk2 where thousand > 100); select count(*) from tenk1 where (two, four) not in (select hundred, thousand from tenk2 where thousand > 100); -- this is not parallel-safe due to use of random() within SubLink's testexpr: explain (costs off) select * from tenk1 where (unique1 + random())::integer not in (select ten from tenk2); alter table tenk2 reset (parallel_workers); -- test parallel index scans. set enable_seqscan to off; set enable_bitmapscan to off; explain (costs off) select count((unique1)) from tenk1 where hundred > 1; select count((unique1)) from tenk1 where hundred > 1; -- test parallel index-only scans. explain (costs off) select count(*) from tenk1 where thousand > 95; select count(*) from tenk1 where thousand > 95; reset enable_seqscan; reset enable_bitmapscan; -- test parallel bitmap heap scan. set enable_seqscan to off; set enable_indexscan to off; set enable_hashjoin to off; set enable_mergejoin to off; set enable_material to off; -- test prefetching, if the platform allows it DO $$ BEGIN SET effective_io_concurrency = 50; EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_parameter_value THEN END $$; set work_mem='64kB'; --set small work mem to force lossy pages explain (costs off) select count(*) from tenk1, tenk2 where tenk1.hundred > 1 and tenk2.thousand=0; select count(*) from tenk1, tenk2 where tenk1.hundred > 1 and tenk2.thousand=0; create table bmscantest (a int, t text); insert into bmscantest select r, 'fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' FROM generate_series(1,100000) r; create index i_bmtest ON bmscantest(a); select count(*) from bmscantest where a>1; reset enable_seqscan; reset enable_indexscan; reset enable_hashjoin; reset enable_mergejoin; reset enable_material; reset effective_io_concurrency; reset work_mem; drop table bmscantest; -- test parallel merge join path. set enable_hashjoin to off; set enable_nestloop to off; explain (costs off) select count(*) from tenk1, tenk2 where tenk1.unique1 = tenk2.unique1; select count(*) from tenk1, tenk2 where tenk1.unique1 = tenk2.unique1; reset enable_hashjoin; reset enable_nestloop; -- test gather merge set enable_hashagg = false; explain (costs off) select count(*) from tenk1 group by twenty; select count(*) from tenk1 group by twenty; --test rescan behavior of gather merge set enable_material = false; explain (costs off) select * from (select string4, count(unique2) from tenk1 group by string4 order by string4) ss right join (values (1),(2),(3)) v(x) on true; select * from (select string4, count(unique2) from tenk1 group by string4 order by string4) ss right join (values (1),(2),(3)) v(x) on true; reset enable_material; reset enable_hashagg; -- gather merge test with a LIMIT explain (costs off) select fivethous from tenk1 order by fivethous limit 4; select fivethous from tenk1 order by fivethous limit 4; -- gather merge test with 0 worker set max_parallel_workers = 0; explain (costs off) select string4 from tenk1 order by string4 limit 5; select string4 from tenk1 order by string4 limit 5; reset max_parallel_workers; SAVEPOINT settings; SET LOCAL force_parallel_mode = 1; explain (costs off) select stringu1::int2 from tenk1 where unique1 = 1; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT settings; -- exercise record typmod remapping between backends CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION make_record(n int) RETURNS RECORD LANGUAGE plpgsql PARALLEL SAFE AS $$ BEGIN RETURN CASE n WHEN 1 THEN ROW(1) WHEN 2 THEN ROW(1, 2) WHEN 3 THEN ROW(1, 2, 3) WHEN 4 THEN ROW(1, 2, 3, 4) ELSE ROW(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) END; END; $$; SAVEPOINT settings; SET LOCAL force_parallel_mode = 1; SELECT make_record(x) FROM (SELECT generate_series(1, 5) x) ss ORDER BY x; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT settings; DROP function make_record(n int); -- to increase the parallel query test coverage SAVEPOINT settings; SET LOCAL force_parallel_mode = 1; EXPLAIN (analyze, timing off, summary off, costs off) SELECT * FROM tenk1; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT settings; -- provoke error in worker SAVEPOINT settings; SET LOCAL force_parallel_mode = 1; select stringu1::int2 from tenk1 where unique1 = 1; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT settings; rollback;