/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * amvalidate.c * Support routines for index access methods' amvalidate functions. * * Copyright (c) 2016-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/access/index/amvalidate.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/amvalidate.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "catalog/pg_am.h" #include "catalog/pg_amop.h" #include "catalog/pg_amproc.h" #include "catalog/pg_opclass.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc.h" #include "parser/parse_coerce.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" /* * identify_opfamily_groups() returns a List of OpFamilyOpFuncGroup structs, * one for each combination of lefttype/righttype present in the family's * operator and support function lists. If amopstrategy K is present for * this datatype combination, we set bit 1 << K in operatorset, and similarly * for the support functions. With uint64 fields we can handle operator and * function numbers up to 63, which is plenty for the foreseeable future. * * The given CatCLists are expected to represent a single opfamily fetched * from the AMOPSTRATEGY and AMPROCNUM caches, so that they will be in * order by those caches' second and third cache keys, namely the datatypes. */ List * identify_opfamily_groups(CatCList *oprlist, CatCList *proclist) { List *result = NIL; OpFamilyOpFuncGroup *thisgroup; Form_pg_amop oprform; Form_pg_amproc procform; int io, ip; /* We need the lists to be ordered; should be true in normal operation */ if (!oprlist->ordered || !proclist->ordered) elog(ERROR, "cannot validate operator family without ordered data"); /* * Advance through the lists concurrently. Thanks to the ordering, we * should see all operators and functions of a given datatype pair * consecutively. */ thisgroup = NULL; io = ip = 0; if (io < oprlist->n_members) { oprform = (Form_pg_amop) GETSTRUCT(&oprlist->members[io]->tuple); io++; } else oprform = NULL; if (ip < proclist->n_members) { procform = (Form_pg_amproc) GETSTRUCT(&proclist->members[ip]->tuple); ip++; } else procform = NULL; while (oprform || procform) { if (oprform && thisgroup && oprform->amoplefttype == thisgroup->lefttype && oprform->amoprighttype == thisgroup->righttype) { /* Operator belongs to current group; include it and advance */ /* Ignore strategy numbers outside supported range */ if (oprform->amopstrategy > 0 && oprform->amopstrategy < 64) thisgroup->operatorset |= ((uint64) 1) << oprform->amopstrategy; if (io < oprlist->n_members) { oprform = (Form_pg_amop) GETSTRUCT(&oprlist->members[io]->tuple); io++; } else oprform = NULL; continue; } if (procform && thisgroup && procform->amproclefttype == thisgroup->lefttype && procform->amprocrighttype == thisgroup->righttype) { /* Procedure belongs to current group; include it and advance */ /* Ignore function numbers outside supported range */ if (procform->amprocnum > 0 && procform->amprocnum < 64) thisgroup->functionset |= ((uint64) 1) << procform->amprocnum; if (ip < proclist->n_members) { procform = (Form_pg_amproc) GETSTRUCT(&proclist->members[ip]->tuple); ip++; } else procform = NULL; continue; } /* Time for a new group */ thisgroup = (OpFamilyOpFuncGroup *) palloc(sizeof(OpFamilyOpFuncGroup)); if (oprform && (!procform || (oprform->amoplefttype < procform->amproclefttype || (oprform->amoplefttype == procform->amproclefttype && oprform->amoprighttype < procform->amprocrighttype)))) { thisgroup->lefttype = oprform->amoplefttype; thisgroup->righttype = oprform->amoprighttype; } else { thisgroup->lefttype = procform->amproclefttype; thisgroup->righttype = procform->amprocrighttype; } thisgroup->operatorset = thisgroup->functionset = 0; result = lappend(result, thisgroup); } return result; } /* * Validate the signature (argument and result types) of an opclass support * function. Return true if OK, false if not. * * The "..." represents maxargs argument-type OIDs. If "exact" is true, they * must match the function arg types exactly, else only binary-coercibly. * In any case the function result type must match restype exactly. */ bool check_amproc_signature(Oid funcid, Oid restype, bool exact, int minargs, int maxargs,...) { bool result = true; HeapTuple tp; Form_pg_proc procform; va_list ap; int i; tp = SearchSysCache1(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(funcid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for function %u", funcid); procform = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tp); if (procform->prorettype != restype || procform->proretset || procform->pronargs < minargs || procform->pronargs > maxargs) result = false; va_start(ap, maxargs); for (i = 0; i < maxargs; i++) { Oid argtype = va_arg(ap, Oid); if (i >= procform->pronargs) continue; if (exact ? (argtype != procform->proargtypes.values[i]) : !IsBinaryCoercible(argtype, procform->proargtypes.values[i])) result = false; } va_end(ap); ReleaseSysCache(tp); return result; } /* * Validate the signature (argument and result types) of an opclass operator. * Return true if OK, false if not. * * Currently, we can hard-wire this as accepting only binary operators. Also, * we can insist on exact type matches, since the given lefttype/righttype * come from pg_amop and should always match the operator exactly. */ bool check_amop_signature(Oid opno, Oid restype, Oid lefttype, Oid righttype) { bool result = true; HeapTuple tp; Form_pg_operator opform; tp = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(opno)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) /* shouldn't happen */ elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for operator %u", opno); opform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tp); if (opform->oprresult != restype || opform->oprkind != 'b' || opform->oprleft != lefttype || opform->oprright != righttype) result = false; ReleaseSysCache(tp); return result; } /* * Is the datatype a legitimate input type for the btree opfamily? */ bool opfamily_can_sort_type(Oid opfamilyoid, Oid datatypeoid) { bool result = false; CatCList *opclist; int i; /* * We search through all btree opclasses to see if one matches. This is a * bit inefficient but there is no better index available. It also saves * making an explicit check that the opfamily belongs to btree. */ opclist = SearchSysCacheList1(CLAAMNAMENSP, ObjectIdGetDatum(BTREE_AM_OID)); for (i = 0; i < opclist->n_members; i++) { HeapTuple classtup = &opclist->members[i]->tuple; Form_pg_opclass classform = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(classtup); if (classform->opcfamily == opfamilyoid && classform->opcintype == datatypeoid) { result = true; break; } } ReleaseCatCacheList(opclist); return result; }