/* * stat functions */ #include "tsvector.h" #include "ts_stat.h" #include "funcapi.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "executor/spi.h" #include "common.h" PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(tsstat_in); Datum tsstat_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum tsstat_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { tsstat *stat=palloc(STATHDRSIZE); stat->len=STATHDRSIZE; stat->size=0; PG_RETURN_POINTER(stat); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(tsstat_out); Datum tsstat_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum tsstat_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { elog(ERROR,"Unimplemented"); PG_RETURN_NULL(); } static WordEntry** SEI_realloc( WordEntry** in, uint32 *len ) { if ( *len==0 || in==NULL ) { *len=8; in=palloc( sizeof(WordEntry*)* (*len) ); } else { *len *= 2; in=repalloc( in, sizeof(WordEntry*)* (*len) ); } return in; } static int compareStatWord(StatEntry *a, WordEntry *b, tsstat *stat, tsvector *txt) { if ( a->len == b->len ) return strncmp( STATSTRPTR(stat) + a->pos, STRPTR(txt) + b->pos, a->len ); return ( a->len > b->len ) ? 1 : -1; } static tsstat* formstat(tsstat *stat, tsvector *txt, WordEntry** entry, uint32 len) { tsstat *newstat; uint32 totallen, nentry; uint32 slen=0; WordEntry **ptr=entry; char *curptr; StatEntry *sptr,*nptr; while(ptr-entrylen; ptr++; } nentry=stat->size + len; slen+=STATSTRSIZE(stat); totallen=CALCSTATSIZE(nentry,slen); newstat=palloc(totallen); newstat->len=totallen; newstat->size=nentry; memcpy(STATSTRPTR(newstat), STATSTRPTR(stat), STATSTRSIZE(stat)); curptr=STATSTRPTR(newstat) + STATSTRSIZE(stat); ptr=entry; sptr=STATPTR(stat); nptr=STATPTR(newstat); if ( len == 1 ) { StatEntry *StopLow = STATPTR(stat); StatEntry *StopHigh = (StatEntry*)STATSTRPTR(stat); while (StopLow < StopHigh) { sptr=StopLow + (StopHigh - StopLow) / 2; if ( compareStatWord(sptr,*ptr,stat,txt) < 0 ) StopLow = sptr + 1; else StopHigh = sptr; } nptr =STATPTR(newstat) + (StopLow-STATPTR(stat)); memcpy( STATPTR(newstat), STATPTR(stat), sizeof(StatEntry) * (StopLow-STATPTR(stat)) ); nptr->nentry=POSDATALEN(txt,*ptr); if ( nptr->nentry==0 ) nptr->nentry=1; nptr->ndoc=1; nptr->len=(*ptr)->len; memcpy(curptr, STRPTR(txt) + (*ptr)->pos, nptr->len); nptr->pos = curptr - STATSTRPTR(newstat); memcpy( nptr+1, StopLow, sizeof(StatEntry) * ( ((StatEntry*)STATSTRPTR(stat))-StopLow ) ); } else { while( sptr-STATPTR(stat) < stat->size && ptr-entrynentry=POSDATALEN(txt,*ptr); if ( nptr->nentry==0 ) nptr->nentry=1; nptr->ndoc=1; nptr->len=(*ptr)->len; memcpy(curptr, STRPTR(txt) + (*ptr)->pos, nptr->len); nptr->pos = curptr - STATSTRPTR(newstat); curptr += nptr->len; ptr++; } nptr++; } memcpy( nptr, sptr, sizeof(StatEntry)*( stat->size - (sptr-STATPTR(stat)) ) ); while(ptr-entrynentry=POSDATALEN(txt,*ptr); if ( nptr->nentry==0 ) nptr->nentry=1; nptr->ndoc=1; nptr->len=(*ptr)->len; memcpy(curptr, STRPTR(txt) + (*ptr)->pos, nptr->len); nptr->pos = curptr - STATSTRPTR(newstat); curptr += nptr->len; ptr++; nptr++; } } return newstat; } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(ts_accum); Datum ts_accum(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum ts_accum(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { tsstat *newstat,*stat= (tsstat*)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); tsvector *txt = (tsvector *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(PG_GETARG_DATUM(1)); WordEntry **newentry=NULL; uint32 len=0, cur=0; StatEntry *sptr; WordEntry *wptr; if ( stat==NULL || PG_ARGISNULL(0) ) { /* Init in first */ stat=palloc(STATHDRSIZE); stat->len=STATHDRSIZE; stat->size=0; } /* simple check of correctness */ if ( txt==NULL || PG_ARGISNULL(1) || txt->size==0 ) { PG_FREE_IF_COPY(txt,1); PG_RETURN_POINTER(stat); } sptr=STATPTR(stat); wptr=ARRPTR(txt); if ( stat->size < 100*txt->size ) { /* merge */ while( sptr-STATPTR(stat) < stat->size && wptr-ARRPTR(txt) < txt->size ) { int cmp = compareStatWord(sptr,wptr,stat,txt); if ( cmp<0 ) { sptr++; } else if ( cmp==0 ) { int n=POSDATALEN(txt,wptr); if (n==0) n=1; sptr->ndoc++; sptr->nentry +=n ; sptr++; wptr++; } else { if ( cur==len ) newentry=SEI_realloc(newentry, &len); newentry[cur]=wptr; wptr++; cur++; } } while( wptr-ARRPTR(txt) < txt->size ) { if ( cur==len ) newentry=SEI_realloc(newentry, &len); newentry[cur]=wptr; wptr++; cur++; } } else { /* search */ while( wptr-ARRPTR(txt) < txt->size ) { StatEntry *StopLow = STATPTR(stat); StatEntry *StopHigh = (StatEntry*)STATSTRPTR(stat); int cmp; while (StopLow < StopHigh) { sptr=StopLow + (StopHigh - StopLow) / 2; cmp = compareStatWord(sptr,wptr,stat,txt); if (cmp==0) { int n=POSDATALEN(txt,wptr); if (n==0) n=1; sptr->ndoc++; sptr->nentry +=n ; break; } else if ( cmp < 0 ) StopLow = sptr + 1; else StopHigh = sptr; } if ( StopLow >= StopHigh ) { /* not found */ if ( cur==len ) newentry=SEI_realloc(newentry, &len); newentry[cur]=wptr; cur++; } wptr++; } } if ( cur==0 ) { /* no new words */ PG_FREE_IF_COPY(txt,1); PG_RETURN_POINTER(stat); } newstat = formstat(stat, txt, newentry, cur); pfree(newentry); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(txt,1); /* pfree(stat); */ PG_RETURN_POINTER(newstat); } typedef struct { uint32 cur; tsvector *stat; } StatStorage; static void ts_setup_firstcall(FuncCallContext *funcctx, tsstat *stat) { TupleDesc tupdesc; MemoryContext oldcontext; StatStorage *st; oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx); st=palloc( sizeof(StatStorage) ); st->cur=0; st->stat=palloc( stat->len ); memcpy(st->stat, stat, stat->len); funcctx->user_fctx = (void*)st; tupdesc = RelationNameGetTupleDesc("statinfo"); funcctx->slot = TupleDescGetSlot(tupdesc); funcctx->attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(tupdesc); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); } static Datum ts_process_call(FuncCallContext *funcctx) { StatStorage *st; st=(StatStorage*)funcctx->user_fctx; if ( st->cur < st->stat->size ) { Datum result; char* values[3]; char ndoc[16]; char nentry[16]; StatEntry *entry=STATPTR(st->stat) + st->cur; HeapTuple tuple; values[1]=ndoc; sprintf(ndoc,"%d",entry->ndoc); values[2]=nentry; sprintf(nentry,"%d",entry->nentry); values[0]=palloc( entry->len+1 ); memcpy( values[0], STATSTRPTR(st->stat)+entry->pos, entry->len); (values[0])[entry->len]='\0'; tuple = BuildTupleFromCStrings(funcctx->attinmeta, values); result = TupleGetDatum(funcctx->slot, tuple); pfree(values[0]); st->cur++; return result; } else { pfree(st->stat); pfree(st); } return (Datum)0; } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(ts_accum_finish); Datum ts_accum_finish(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum ts_accum_finish(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { FuncCallContext *funcctx; Datum result; if (SRF_IS_FIRSTCALL()) { funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT(); ts_setup_firstcall(funcctx, (tsstat*)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0) ); } funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP(); if ( (result=ts_process_call(funcctx)) != (Datum)0 ) SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, result); SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx); } static Oid tiOid=InvalidOid; static void get_ti_Oid(void) { int ret; bool isnull; if ( (ret = SPI_exec("select oid from pg_type where typname='tsvector'",1)) < 0 ) elog(ERROR, "SPI_exec to get tsvector oid returns %d", ret); if ( SPI_processed<0 ) elog(ERROR, "There is no tsvector type"); tiOid = DatumGetObjectId( SPI_getbinval(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1, &isnull) ); if ( tiOid==InvalidOid ) elog(ERROR, "tsvector type has InvalidOid"); } static tsstat* ts_stat_sql(text *txt) { char *query=text2char(txt); int i; tsstat *newstat,*stat; bool isnull; Portal portal; void *plan; if ( tiOid==InvalidOid ) get_ti_Oid(); if ( (plan = SPI_prepare(query,0,NULL))==NULL ) elog(ERROR, "SPI_prepare('%s') returns NULL",query); if ( (portal = SPI_cursor_open(NULL, plan, NULL, NULL)) == NULL ) elog(ERROR, "SPI_cursor_open('%s') returns NULL",query); SPI_cursor_fetch(portal, true, 100); if ( SPI_tuptable->tupdesc->natts != 1 ) elog(ERROR, "Number of fields doesn't equal to 1"); if ( SPI_gettypeid(SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1) != tiOid ) elog(ERROR, "Column isn't of tsvector type"); stat=palloc(STATHDRSIZE); stat->len=STATHDRSIZE; stat->size=0; while(SPI_processed>0) { for(i=0;ivals[i], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1, &isnull); if ( !isnull ) { newstat = (tsstat*)DatumGetPointer(DirectFunctionCall2( ts_accum, PointerGetDatum(stat), data )); if ( stat!=newstat && stat ) pfree(stat); stat=newstat; } } SPI_freetuptable(SPI_tuptable); SPI_cursor_fetch(portal, true, 100); } SPI_freetuptable(SPI_tuptable); SPI_cursor_close(portal); SPI_freeplan(plan); pfree(query); return stat; } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(ts_stat); Datum ts_stat(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum ts_stat(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { FuncCallContext *funcctx; Datum result; if (SRF_IS_FIRSTCALL()) { tsstat *stat; text *txt=PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0); funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT(); SPI_connect(); stat = ts_stat_sql(txt); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(txt,0); ts_setup_firstcall(funcctx, stat ); SPI_finish(); } funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP(); if ( (result=ts_process_call(funcctx)) != (Datum)0 ) SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, result); SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx); }