-- Each DefineIndex() ACL check uses either the original userid or the table -- owner userid; see its header comment. Here, confirm that DefineIndex() -- uses its original userid where necessary. The test works by creating -- indexes that refer to as many sorts of objects as possible, with the table -- owner having as few applicable privileges as possible. (The privileges.sql -- regress_sro_user tests look for the opposite defect; they confirm that -- DefineIndex() uses the table owner userid where necessary.) SET allow_in_place_tablespaces = true; CREATE TABLESPACE regress_create_idx_tblspace LOCATION ''; RESET allow_in_place_tablespaces; BEGIN; CREATE ROLE regress_minimal; CREATE SCHEMA s; CREATE EXTENSION citext SCHEMA s; -- Revoke all conceivably-relevant ACLs within the extension. The system -- doesn't check all these ACLs, but this will provide some coverage if that -- ever changes. REVOKE ALL ON TYPE s.citext FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION s.citext_pattern_lt FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION s.citext_pattern_le FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION s.citext_eq FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION s.citext_pattern_ge FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION s.citext_pattern_gt FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION s.citext_pattern_cmp FROM PUBLIC; -- Functions sufficient for making an index column that has the side effect of -- changing search_path at expression planning time. CREATE FUNCTION public.setter() RETURNS bool VOLATILE LANGUAGE SQL AS $$SET search_path = s; SELECT true$$; CREATE FUNCTION s.const() RETURNS bool IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL AS $$SELECT public.setter()$$; CREATE FUNCTION s.index_this_expr(s.citext, bool) RETURNS s.citext IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL AS $$SELECT $1$$; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION public.setter FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION s.const FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION s.index_this_expr FROM PUBLIC; -- Even for an empty table, expression planning calls s.const & public.setter. GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION public.setter TO regress_minimal; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION s.const TO regress_minimal; -- Function for index predicate. CREATE FUNCTION s.index_row_if(s.citext) RETURNS bool IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL AS $$SELECT $1 IS NOT NULL$$; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION s.index_row_if FROM PUBLIC; -- Even for an empty table, CREATE INDEX checks ii_Predicate permissions. GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION s.index_row_if TO regress_minimal; -- Non-extension, non-function objects. CREATE COLLATION s.coll (LOCALE="C"); CREATE TABLE s.x (y s.citext); ALTER TABLE s.x OWNER TO regress_minimal; -- Empty-table DefineIndex() CREATE UNIQUE INDEX u0rows ON s.x USING btree ((s.index_this_expr(y, s.const())) COLLATE s.coll s.citext_pattern_ops) TABLESPACE regress_create_idx_tblspace WHERE s.index_row_if(y); ALTER TABLE s.x ADD CONSTRAINT e0rows EXCLUDE USING btree ((s.index_this_expr(y, s.const())) COLLATE s.coll WITH s.=) USING INDEX TABLESPACE regress_create_idx_tblspace WHERE (s.index_row_if(y)); -- Make the table nonempty. INSERT INTO s.x VALUES ('foo'), ('bar'); -- If the INSERT runs the planner on index expressions, a search_path change -- survives. As of 2022-06, the INSERT reuses a cached plan. It does so even -- under debug_discard_caches, since each index is new-in-transaction. If -- future work changes a cache lifecycle, this RESET may become necessary. RESET search_path; -- For a nonempty table, owner needs permissions throughout ii_Expressions. GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION s.index_this_expr TO regress_minimal; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX u2rows ON s.x USING btree ((s.index_this_expr(y, s.const())) COLLATE s.coll s.citext_pattern_ops) TABLESPACE regress_create_idx_tblspace WHERE s.index_row_if(y); ALTER TABLE s.x ADD CONSTRAINT e2rows EXCLUDE USING btree ((s.index_this_expr(y, s.const())) COLLATE s.coll WITH s.=) USING INDEX TABLESPACE regress_create_idx_tblspace WHERE (s.index_row_if(y)); -- Shall not find s.coll via search_path, despite the s.const->public.setter -- call having set search_path=s during expression planning. Suppress the -- message itself, which depends on the database encoding. \set VERBOSITY sqlstate ALTER TABLE s.x ADD CONSTRAINT underqualified EXCLUDE USING btree ((s.index_this_expr(y, s.const())) COLLATE coll WITH s.=) USING INDEX TABLESPACE regress_create_idx_tblspace WHERE (s.index_row_if(y)); ERROR: 42704 \set VERBOSITY default ROLLBACK; DROP TABLESPACE regress_create_idx_tblspace;