-- -- Tests for psql features that aren't closely connected to any -- specific server features -- -- \set -- fail: invalid name \set invalid/name foo invalid variable name: "invalid/name" -- fail: invalid value for special variable \set AUTOCOMMIT foo unrecognized value "foo" for "AUTOCOMMIT": Boolean expected \set FETCH_COUNT foo invalid value "foo" for "FETCH_COUNT": integer expected -- check handling of built-in boolean variable \echo :ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK off \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK \echo :ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK on \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK foo unrecognized value "foo" for "ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK" Available values are: on, off, interactive. \echo :ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK on \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK on \echo :ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK on \unset ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK \echo :ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK off -- \g and \gx SELECT 1 as one, 2 as two \g one | two -----+----- 1 | 2 (1 row) \gx -[ RECORD 1 ] one | 1 two | 2 SELECT 3 as three, 4 as four \gx -[ RECORD 1 ] three | 3 four | 4 \g three | four -------+------ 3 | 4 (1 row) -- \gx should work in FETCH_COUNT mode too \set FETCH_COUNT 1 SELECT 1 as one, 2 as two \g one | two -----+----- 1 | 2 (1 row) \gx -[ RECORD 1 ] one | 1 two | 2 SELECT 3 as three, 4 as four \gx -[ RECORD 1 ] three | 3 four | 4 \g three | four -------+------ 3 | 4 (1 row) \unset FETCH_COUNT -- \g/\gx with pset options SELECT 1 as one, 2 as two \g (format=csv csv_fieldsep='\t') one two 1 2 \g one | two -----+----- 1 | 2 (1 row) SELECT 1 as one, 2 as two \gx (title='foo bar') foo bar -[ RECORD 1 ] one | 1 two | 2 \g one | two -----+----- 1 | 2 (1 row) -- \bind (extended query protocol) SELECT 1 \bind \g ?column? ---------- 1 (1 row) SELECT $1 \bind 'foo' \g ?column? ---------- foo (1 row) SELECT $1, $2 \bind 'foo' 'bar' \g ?column? | ?column? ----------+---------- foo | bar (1 row) -- errors -- parse error SELECT foo \bind \g ERROR: column "foo" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT foo ^ -- tcop error SELECT 1 \; SELECT 2 \bind \g ERROR: cannot insert multiple commands into a prepared statement -- bind error SELECT $1, $2 \bind 'foo' \g ERROR: bind message supplies 1 parameters, but prepared statement "" requires 2 -- \gset select 10 as test01, 20 as test02, 'Hello' as test03 \gset pref01_ \echo :pref01_test01 :pref01_test02 :pref01_test03 10 20 Hello -- should fail: bad variable name select 10 as "bad name" \gset invalid variable name: "bad name" select 97 as "EOF", 'ok' as _foo \gset IGNORE attempt to \gset into specially treated variable "IGNOREEOF" ignored \echo :IGNORE_foo :IGNOREEOF ok 0 -- multiple backslash commands in one line select 1 as x, 2 as y \gset pref01_ \\ \echo :pref01_x 1 select 3 as x, 4 as y \gset pref01_ \echo :pref01_x \echo :pref01_y 3 4 select 5 as x, 6 as y \gset pref01_ \\ \g \echo :pref01_x :pref01_y x | y ---+--- 5 | 6 (1 row) 5 6 select 7 as x, 8 as y \g \gset pref01_ \echo :pref01_x :pref01_y x | y ---+--- 7 | 8 (1 row) 7 8 -- NULL should unset the variable \set var2 xyz select 1 as var1, NULL as var2, 3 as var3 \gset \echo :var1 :var2 :var3 1 :var2 3 -- \gset requires just one tuple select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,3) \gset more than one row returned for \gset select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,0) \gset no rows returned for \gset -- \gset returns no tuples select a from generate_series(1, 10) as a where a = 11 \gset no rows returned for \gset \echo :ROW_COUNT 0 -- \gset should work in FETCH_COUNT mode too \set FETCH_COUNT 1 select 1 as x, 2 as y \gset pref01_ \\ \echo :pref01_x 1 select 3 as x, 4 as y \gset pref01_ \echo :pref01_x \echo :pref01_y 3 4 select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,3) \gset more than one row returned for \gset select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,0) \gset no rows returned for \gset \unset FETCH_COUNT -- \gdesc SELECT NULL AS zero, 1 AS one, 2.0 AS two, 'three' AS three, $1 AS four, sin($2) as five, 'foo'::varchar(4) as six, CURRENT_DATE AS now \gdesc Column | Type --------+---------------------- zero | text one | integer two | numeric three | text four | text five | double precision six | character varying(4) now | date (8 rows) -- should work with tuple-returning utilities, such as EXECUTE PREPARE test AS SELECT 1 AS first, 2 AS second; EXECUTE test \gdesc Column | Type --------+--------- first | integer second | integer (2 rows) EXPLAIN EXECUTE test \gdesc Column | Type ------------+------ QUERY PLAN | text (1 row) -- should fail cleanly - syntax error SELECT 1 + \gdesc ERROR: syntax error at end of input LINE 1: SELECT 1 + ^ -- check behavior with empty results SELECT \gdesc The command has no result, or the result has no columns. CREATE TABLE bububu(a int) \gdesc The command has no result, or the result has no columns. -- subject command should not have executed TABLE bububu; -- fail ERROR: relation "bububu" does not exist LINE 1: TABLE bububu; ^ -- query buffer should remain unchanged SELECT 1 AS x, 'Hello', 2 AS y, true AS "dirty\name" \gdesc Column | Type ------------+--------- x | integer ?column? | text y | integer dirty\name | boolean (4 rows) \g x | ?column? | y | dirty\name ---+----------+---+------------ 1 | Hello | 2 | t (1 row) -- all on one line SELECT 3 AS x, 'Hello', 4 AS y, true AS "dirty\name" \gdesc \g Column | Type ------------+--------- x | integer ?column? | text y | integer dirty\name | boolean (4 rows) x | ?column? | y | dirty\name ---+----------+---+------------ 3 | Hello | 4 | t (1 row) -- test for server bug #17983 with empty statement in aborted transaction set search_path = default; begin; bogus; ERROR: syntax error at or near "bogus" LINE 1: bogus; ^ ; \gdesc The command has no result, or the result has no columns. rollback; -- \gexec create temporary table gexec_test(a int, b text, c date, d float); select format('create index on gexec_test(%I)', attname) from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'gexec_test'::regclass and attnum > 0 order by attnum \gexec create index on gexec_test(a) create index on gexec_test(b) create index on gexec_test(c) create index on gexec_test(d) -- \gexec should work in FETCH_COUNT mode too -- (though the fetch limit applies to the executed queries not the meta query) \set FETCH_COUNT 1 select 'select 1 as ones', 'select x.y, x.y*2 as double from generate_series(1,4) as x(y)' union all select 'drop table gexec_test', NULL union all select 'drop table gexec_test', 'select ''2000-01-01''::date as party_over' \gexec select 1 as ones ones ------ 1 (1 row) select x.y, x.y*2 as double from generate_series(1,4) as x(y) y | double ---+-------- 1 | 2 2 | 4 3 | 6 4 | 8 (4 rows) drop table gexec_test drop table gexec_test ERROR: table "gexec_test" does not exist select '2000-01-01'::date as party_over party_over ------------ 01-01-2000 (1 row) \unset FETCH_COUNT -- \setenv, \getenv -- ensure MYVAR isn't set \setenv MYVAR -- in which case, reading it doesn't change the target \getenv res MYVAR \echo :res :res -- now set it \setenv MYVAR 'environment value' \getenv res MYVAR \echo :res environment value -- show all pset options \pset border 1 columns 0 csv_fieldsep ',' expanded off fieldsep '|' fieldsep_zero off footer on format aligned linestyle ascii null '' numericlocale off pager 1 pager_min_lines 0 recordsep '\n' recordsep_zero off tableattr title tuples_only off unicode_border_linestyle single unicode_column_linestyle single unicode_header_linestyle single xheader_width full -- test multi-line headers, wrapping, and newline indicators -- in aligned, unaligned, and wrapped formats prepare q as select array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('x',2*n)),E'\n') as "ab c", array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('y',20-2*n)),E'\n') as "a bc" from generate_series(1,10) as n(n) group by n>1 order by n>1; \pset linestyle ascii \pset expanded off \pset columns 40 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|a bc xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy (2 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; ab + a + + bc c -------------------- ------------------ xx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx +yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxx +yyyyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxx +yyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxx +yyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxx +yyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxx +yyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +yyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +yy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (2 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; ab + a + + bc c -------------------- ------------------ xx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx +yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxx +yyyyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxx +yyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxx +yyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxx +yyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxx +yyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +yyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +yy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (2 rows) \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|a bc xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy (2 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; ab +| a + +| bc c | ----------------------+-------------------- xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| yyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| yy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | (2 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; ab +| a + +| bc c | -------------------+-------------------- xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| yyyy + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.| yy + .x +| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.| .xxx | (2 rows) \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|a bc xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy (2 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; +----------------------+--------------------+ | ab +| a +| | +| bc | | c | | +----------------------+--------------------+ | xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +| | xxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyy +| | xxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyy +| | xxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyy +| | xxxxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyy +| | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyy +| | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| yyyy +| | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| yy +| | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | +----------------------+--------------------+ (2 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; +-----------------+--------------------+ | ab +| a +| | +| bc | | c | | +-----------------+--------------------+ | xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +| | xxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyy +| | xxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyyyy +| | xxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyyyy +| | xxxxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyyyy +| | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| yyyyyy +| | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.| yyyy +| |.x +| yy +| | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.| | |.xxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.| | |.xxxxx | | +-----------------+--------------------+ (2 rows) \pset expanded on \pset columns 20 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|xx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ab c|xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy \pset format aligned execute q; * Record 1 ab+ xx + c a + yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bc * Record 2 ab+ xxxx + + xxxxxx + c xxxxxxxx + xxxxxxxxxx + xxxxxxxxxxxx + xxxxxxxxxxxxxx + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a + yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy + bc yyyyyyyyyyyyyy + yyyyyyyyyyyy + yyyyyyyyyy + yyyyyyyy + yyyyyy + yyyy + yy + \pset format wrapped execute q; * Record 1 ab+ xx + c a + yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. bc .yyy * Record 2 ab+ xxxx + + xxxxxx + c xxxxxxxx + xxxxxxxxxx + xxxxxxxxxxxx + xxxxxxxxxxxxxx + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. .x + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. .xxx + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. .xxxxx a + yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. bc .y + yyyyyyyyyyyyyy + yyyyyyyyyyyy + yyyyyyyyyy + yyyyyyyy + yyyyyy + yyyy + yy + \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|xx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ab c|xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy \pset format aligned execute q; -[ RECORD 1 ]------------ ab+| xx +| c | a +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bc | -[ RECORD 2 ]------------ ab+| xxxx + +| xxxxxx + c | xxxxxxxx + | xxxxxxxxxx + | xxxxxxxxxxxx + | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx + | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy + bc | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy + | yyyyyyyyyyyy + | yyyyyyyyyy + | yyyyyyyy + | yyyyyy + | yyyy + | yy + | \pset format wrapped execute q; -[ RECORD 1 ]------ ab+| xx +| c | a +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyy. bc |.yyyy -[ RECORD 2 ]------ ab+| xxxx + +| xxxxxx + c | xxxxxxxx + | xxxxxxxxxx + | xxxxxxxxxxxx + | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx+ | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. |.xx + | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. |.xxxx + | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. |.xxxxxx a +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyy. bc |.yy + | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy+ | yyyyyyyyyyyy + | yyyyyyyyyy + | yyyyyyyy + | yyyyyy + | yyyy + | yy + | \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|xx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ab c|xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy \pset format aligned execute q; +-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+ | ab+| xx | | +| | | c | | | a +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | bc | | +-[ RECORD 2 ]--------------+ | ab+| xxxx +| | +| xxxxxx +| | c | xxxxxxxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxxxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | a +| yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +| | bc | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy +| | | yyyyyyyyyyyy +| | | yyyyyyyyyy +| | | yyyyyyyy +| | | yyyyyy +| | | yyyy +| | | yy +| | | | +----+----------------------+ \pset format wrapped execute q; +-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+ | ab+| xx | | +| | | c | | | a +| yyyyyyyyyyy.| | bc |.yyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+ | ab+| xxxx +| | +| xxxxxx +| | c | xxxxxxxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxxx.| | |.x +| | | xxxxxxxxxxx.| | |.xxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxxx.| | |.xxxxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxxx.| | |.xxxxxxx +| | | xxxxxxxxxxx.| | |.xxxxxxxxx | | a +| yyyyyyyyyyy.| | bc |.yyyyy +| | | yyyyyyyyyyy.| | |.yyy +| | | yyyyyyyyyyy.| | |.y +| | | yyyyyyyyyy +| | | yyyyyyyy +| | | yyyyyy +| | | yyyy +| | | yy +| | | | +----+-------------+ \pset linestyle old-ascii \pset expanded off \pset columns 40 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|a bc xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy (2 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; ab a + bc c + -------------------- ------------------ xx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (2 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; ab a + bc c + -------------------- ------------------ xx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (2 rows) \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|a bc xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy (2 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; ab | a + |+ bc + c |+ ----------------------+-------------------- xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : (2 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; ab | a + |+ bc + c |+ -------------------+-------------------- xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yy x : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx (2 rows) \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|a bc xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy (2 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; +----------------------+--------------------+ | ab | a | |+ |+ bc | |+ c |+ | +----------------------+--------------------+ | xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : | +----------------------+--------------------+ (2 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; +-----------------+--------------------+ | ab | a | |+ |+ bc | |+ c |+ | +-----------------+--------------------+ | xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : yyyy | | x : yy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : | | xxx | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | xxxxx | +-----------------+--------------------+ (2 rows) \pset expanded on \pset columns 20 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|xx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ab c|xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy \pset format aligned execute q; * Record 1 ab xx + +c a yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +bc * Record 2 ab xxxx + xxxxxx +c xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +bc yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy \pset format wrapped execute q; * Record 1 ab xx + +c a yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +bc yy * Record 2 ab xxxx + xxxxxx +c xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx a yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +bc yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|xx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ab c|xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy \pset format aligned execute q; -[ RECORD 1 ]------------- ab | xx + ; +c ; a | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +bc ; -[ RECORD 2 ]------------- ab | xxxx + : xxxxxx +c : xxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +bc : yyyyyyyyyyyyyy : yyyyyyyyyyyy : yyyyyyyyyy : yyyyyyyy : yyyyyy : yyyy : yy : \pset format wrapped execute q; -[ RECORD 1 ]------- ab | xx + ; +c ; a | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy +bc ; yyyy -[ RECORD 2 ]------- ab | xxxx + : xxxxxx +c : xxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; xx : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; xxxx : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; xxxxxx a | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy +bc ; yy : yyyyyyyyyyyyyy : yyyyyyyyyyyy : yyyyyyyyyy : yyyyyyyy : yyyyyy : yyyy : yy : \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; ab c|xx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ab c|xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a bc|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yy \pset format aligned execute q; +-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+ | ab | xx | |+ ; | |+c ; | | a | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | |+bc ; | +-[ RECORD 2 ]--------------+ | ab | xxxx | |+ : xxxxxx | |+c : xxxxxxxx | | : xxxxxxxxxx | | : xxxxxxxxxxxx | | : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | a | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | |+bc : yyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | : yyyyyyyyyyyy | | : yyyyyyyyyy | | : yyyyyyyy | | : yyyyyy | | : yyyy | | : yy | | : | +----+----------------------+ \pset format wrapped execute q; +-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+ | ab | xx | |+ ; | |+c ; | | a | yyyyyyyyyyy | |+bc ; yyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+ | ab | xxxx | |+ : xxxxxx | |+c : xxxxxxxx | | : xxxxxxxxxx | | : xxxxxxxxxxx | | ; x | | : xxxxxxxxxxx | | ; xxx | | : xxxxxxxxxxx | | ; xxxxx | | : xxxxxxxxxxx | | ; xxxxxxx | | : xxxxxxxxxxx | | ; xxxxxxxxx | | a | yyyyyyyyyyy | |+bc ; yyyyy | | : yyyyyyyyyyy | | ; yyy | | : yyyyyyyyyyy | | ; y | | : yyyyyyyyyy | | : yyyyyyyy | | : yyyyyy | | : yyyy | | : yy | | : | +----+-------------+ deallocate q; -- test single-line header and data prepare q as select repeat('x',2*n) as "0123456789abcdef", repeat('y',20-2*n) as "0123456789" from generate_series(1,10) as n; \pset linestyle ascii \pset expanded off \pset columns 40 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|0123456789 xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| (10 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef 0123456789 -------------------- ------------------ xx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (10 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; 0123456789abcdef 0123456789 -------------------- ------------------ xx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (10 rows) \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|0123456789 xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| (10 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef | 0123456789 ----------------------+-------------------- xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | (10 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; 0123456789abcdef | 0123456789 ---------------------+------------------ xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. |.yy xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.| .x | (10 rows) \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|0123456789 xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| (10 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; +----------------------+--------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | 0123456789 | +----------------------+--------------------+ | xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | +----------------------+--------------------+ (10 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; +--------------------+-----------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | 0123456789 | +--------------------+-----------------+ | xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.| | |.yyy | | xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.| | |.y | | xxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.| | |.xx | | +--------------------+-----------------+ (10 rows) \pset expanded on \pset columns 30 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|xx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789| \pset format aligned execute q; * Record 1 0123456789abcdef xx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 2 0123456789abcdef xxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 3 0123456789abcdef xxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 4 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 5 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyy * Record 6 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyy * Record 7 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyy * Record 8 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyy * Record 9 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yy * Record 10 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 \pset format wrapped execute q; * Record 1 0123456789abcdef xx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyy. .yyyyyy * Record 2 0123456789abcdef xxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyy. .yyyy * Record 3 0123456789abcdef xxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyy. .yy * Record 4 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 5 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyy * Record 6 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyy * Record 7 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxx. .xx 0123456789 yyyyyy * Record 8 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxx. .xxxx 0123456789 yyyy * Record 9 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxx. .xxxxxx 0123456789 yy * Record 10 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxx. .xxxxxxxx 0123456789 \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|xx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789| \pset format aligned execute q; -[ RECORD 1 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 2 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 3 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 4 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 5 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 6 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 7 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyy -[ RECORD 8 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyy -[ RECORD 9 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yy -[ RECORD 10 ]---+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | \pset format wrapped execute q; -[ RECORD 1 ]----+----------- 0123456789abcdef | xx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy. |.yyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 2 ]----+----------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy. |.yyyyyy -[ RECORD 3 ]----+----------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy. |.yyyy -[ RECORD 4 ]----+----------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy. |.yy -[ RECORD 5 ]----+----------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 6 ]----+----------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx. |.xx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 7 ]----+----------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx. |.xxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyy -[ RECORD 8 ]----+----------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx. |.xxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyy -[ RECORD 9 ]----+----------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx. |.xxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yy -[ RECORD 10 ]---+----------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx. |.xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|xx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789| \pset format aligned execute q; +-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 3 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 4 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 5 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 6 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 7 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 8 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyy | +-[ RECORD 9 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yy | +-[ RECORD 10 ]----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | | +------------------+----------------------+ \pset format wrapped execute q; +-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+---------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyy.| | |.yyyyyyy.| | |.yyyy | +-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+---------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyy.| | |.yyyyyyy.| | |.yy | +-[ RECORD 3 ]-----+---------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyy.| | |.yyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 4 ]-----+---------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxx.| | |.x | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyy.| | |.yyyyy | +-[ RECORD 5 ]-----+---------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxx.| | |.xxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyy.| | |.yyy | +-[ RECORD 6 ]-----+---------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxx.| | |.xxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyy.| | |.y | +-[ RECORD 7 ]-----+---------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxx.| | |.xxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 8 ]-----+---------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxx.| | |.xxxxxxx.| | |.xx | | 0123456789 | yyyy | +-[ RECORD 9 ]-----+---------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxx.| | |.xxxxxxx.| | |.xxxx | | 0123456789 | yy | +-[ RECORD 10 ]----+---------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxx.| | |.xxxxxxx.| | |.xxxxxx | | 0123456789 | | +------------------+---------+ \pset expanded on \pset columns 20 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|xx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789| \pset format aligned execute q; * Record 1 0123456789abcdef xx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 2 0123456789abcdef xxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 3 0123456789abcdef xxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 4 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 5 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyy * Record 6 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyy * Record 7 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyy * Record 8 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyy * Record 9 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yy * Record 10 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 \pset format wrapped execute q; * Record 1 0123456789abcdef xx 0123456789 yyy. .yyy. .yyy. .yyy. .yyy. .yyy * Record 2 0123456789abcdef xxx. .x 0123456789 yyy. .yyy. .yyy. .yyy. .yyy. .y * Record 3 0123456789abcdef xxx. .xxx 0123456789 yyy. .yyy. .yyy. .yyy. .yy * Record 4 0123456789abcdef xxx. .xxx. .xx 0123456789 yyy. .yyy. .yyy. .yyy * Record 5 0123456789abcdef xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .x 0123456789 yyy. .yyy. .yyy. .y * Record 6 0123456789abcdef xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xxx 0123456789 yyy. .yyy. .yy * Record 7 0123456789abcdef xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xx 0123456789 yyy. .yyy * Record 8 0123456789abcdef xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .x 0123456789 yyy. .y * Record 9 0123456789abcdef xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xxx 0123456789 yy * Record 10 0123456789abcdef xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xxx. .xx 0123456789 \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|xx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789| \pset format aligned execute q; -[ RECORD 1 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 2 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 3 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 4 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 5 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 6 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 7 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyy -[ RECORD 8 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyy -[ RECORD 9 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yy -[ RECORD 10 ]---+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | \pset format wrapped execute q; -[ RECORD 1 ]----+---- 0123456789abcdef | xx 0123456789 | yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy -[ RECORD 2 ]----+---- 0123456789abcdef | xxx. |.x 0123456789 | yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy. |.y -[ RECORD 3 ]----+---- 0123456789abcdef | xxx. |.xxx 0123456789 | yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy. |.yy -[ RECORD 4 ]----+---- 0123456789abcdef | xxx. |.xxx. |.xx 0123456789 | yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy -[ RECORD 5 ]----+---- 0123456789abcdef | xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.x 0123456789 | yyy. |.yyy. |.yyy. |.y -[ RECORD 6 ]----+---- 0123456789abcdef | xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx 0123456789 | yyy. |.yyy. |.yy -[ RECORD 7 ]----+---- 0123456789abcdef | xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xx 0123456789 | yyy. |.yyy -[ RECORD 8 ]----+---- 0123456789abcdef | xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.x 0123456789 | yyy. |.y -[ RECORD 9 ]----+---- 0123456789abcdef | xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx 0123456789 | yy -[ RECORD 10 ]---+---- 0123456789abcdef | xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xxx. |.xx 0123456789 | \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|xx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789| \pset format aligned execute q; +-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 3 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 4 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 5 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 6 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 7 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 8 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyy | +-[ RECORD 9 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yy | +-[ RECORD 10 ]----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | | +------------------+----------------------+ \pset format wrapped execute q; +-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+-----+ | 0123456789abcdef | xx | | 0123456789 | yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy | +-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+-----+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxx.| | |.x | | 0123456789 | yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.y | +-[ RECORD 3 ]-----+-----+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxx.| | |.xxx | | 0123456789 | yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yy | +-[ RECORD 4 ]-----+-----+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xx | | 0123456789 | yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy | +-[ RECORD 5 ]-----+-----+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.x | | 0123456789 | yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.y | +-[ RECORD 6 ]-----+-----+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx | | 0123456789 | yyy.| | |.yyy.| | |.yy | +-[ RECORD 7 ]-----+-----+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xx | | 0123456789 | yyy.| | |.yyy | +-[ RECORD 8 ]-----+-----+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.x | | 0123456789 | yyy.| | |.y | +-[ RECORD 9 ]-----+-----+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx | | 0123456789 | yy | +-[ RECORD 10 ]----+-----+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xxx.| | |.xx | | 0123456789 | | +------------------+-----+ \pset linestyle old-ascii \pset expanded off \pset columns 40 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|0123456789 xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| (10 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef 0123456789 -------------------- ------------------ xx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (10 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; 0123456789abcdef 0123456789 -------------------- ------------------ xx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (10 rows) \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|0123456789 xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| (10 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef | 0123456789 ----------------------+-------------------- xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | (10 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; 0123456789abcdef | 0123456789 ---------------------+------------------ xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ; yy xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | x (10 rows) \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|0123456789 xx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yyyy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|yy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| (10 rows) \pset format aligned execute q; +----------------------+--------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | 0123456789 | +----------------------+--------------------+ | xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | +----------------------+--------------------+ (10 rows) \pset format wrapped execute q; +--------------------+-----------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | 0123456789 | +--------------------+-----------------+ | xx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | ; yyy | | xxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | ; y | | xxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yyyy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | yy | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | | xx | +--------------------+-----------------+ (10 rows) \pset expanded on \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|xx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789| \pset format aligned execute q; * Record 1 0123456789abcdef xx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 2 0123456789abcdef xxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 3 0123456789abcdef xxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 4 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 5 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyy * Record 6 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyy * Record 7 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyy * Record 8 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyy * Record 9 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yy * Record 10 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 \pset format wrapped execute q; * Record 1 0123456789abcdef xx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 2 0123456789abcdef xxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 3 0123456789abcdef xxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 4 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyyyy * Record 5 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyyyy * Record 6 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyyyy * Record 7 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyyyy * Record 8 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yyyy * Record 9 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 yy * Record 10 0123456789abcdef xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|xx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789| \pset format aligned execute q; -[ RECORD 1 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 2 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 3 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 4 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 5 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 6 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 7 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyy -[ RECORD 8 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyy -[ RECORD 9 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yy -[ RECORD 10 ]---+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | \pset format wrapped execute q; -[ RECORD 1 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 2 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 3 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 4 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 5 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 6 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyyyy -[ RECORD 7 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyyyy -[ RECORD 8 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yyyy -[ RECORD 9 ]----+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | yy -[ RECORD 10 ]---+--------------------- 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789 | \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; 0123456789abcdef|xx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yyyy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789|yy 0123456789abcdef|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0123456789| \pset format aligned execute q; +-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 3 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 4 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 5 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 6 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 7 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 8 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyy | +-[ RECORD 9 ]-----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yy | +-[ RECORD 10 ]----+----------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | | +------------------+----------------------+ \pset format wrapped execute q; +-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+-------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | | ; y | +-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+-------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 3 ]-----+-------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 4 ]-----+-------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 5 ]-----+-------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 6 ]-----+-------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 7 ]-----+-------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyyyy | +-[ RECORD 8 ]-----+-------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | 0123456789 | yyyy | +-[ RECORD 9 ]-----+-------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | ; x | | 0123456789 | yy | +-[ RECORD 10 ]----+-------------------+ | 0123456789abcdef | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | | ; xxx | | 0123456789 | | +------------------+-------------------+ deallocate q; \pset linestyle ascii \pset border 1 -- support table for output-format tests (useful to create a footer) create table psql_serial_tab (id serial); -- test header/footer/tuples_only behavior in aligned/unaligned/wrapped cases \pset format aligned \pset expanded off \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq Sequence "public.psql_serial_tab_id_seq" Type | Start | Minimum | Maximum | Increment | Cycles? | Cache ---------+-------+---------+------------+-----------+---------+------- integer | 1 | 1 | 2147483647 | 1 | no | 1 Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id \pset tuples_only true \df exp pg_catalog | exp | double precision | double precision | func pg_catalog | exp | numeric | numeric | func \pset tuples_only false \pset expanded on \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq Sequence "public.psql_serial_tab_id_seq" -[ RECORD 1 ]--------- Type | integer Start | 1 Minimum | 1 Maximum | 2147483647 Increment | 1 Cycles? | no Cache | 1 Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id \pset tuples_only true \df exp Schema | pg_catalog Name | exp Result data type | double precision Argument data types | double precision Type | func --------------------+----------------- Schema | pg_catalog Name | exp Result data type | numeric Argument data types | numeric Type | func \pset tuples_only false -- empty table is a special case for this format select 1 where false; (0 rows) \pset format unaligned \pset expanded off \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq Sequence "public.psql_serial_tab_id_seq" Type|Start|Minimum|Maximum|Increment|Cycles?|Cache integer|1|1|2147483647|1|no|1 Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id \pset tuples_only true \df exp pg_catalog|exp|double precision|double precision|func pg_catalog|exp|numeric|numeric|func \pset tuples_only false \pset expanded on \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq Sequence "public.psql_serial_tab_id_seq" Type|integer Start|1 Minimum|1 Maximum|2147483647 Increment|1 Cycles?|no Cache|1 Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id \pset tuples_only true \df exp Schema|pg_catalog Name|exp Result data type|double precision Argument data types|double precision Type|func Schema|pg_catalog Name|exp Result data type|numeric Argument data types|numeric Type|func \pset tuples_only false \pset format wrapped \pset expanded off \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq Sequence "public.psql_serial_tab_id_seq" Type | Start | Minimum | Maximum | Increment | Cycles? | Cache ---------+-------+---------+------------+-----------+---------+------- integer | 1 | 1 | 2147483647 | 1 | no | 1 Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id \pset tuples_only true \df exp pg_catalog | exp | double precision | double precision | func pg_catalog | exp | numeric | numeric | func \pset tuples_only false \pset expanded on \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq Sequence "public.psql_serial_tab_id_seq" -[ RECORD 1 ]--------- Type | integer Start | 1 Minimum | 1 Maximum | 2147483647 Increment | 1 Cycles? | no Cache | 1 Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id \pset tuples_only true \df exp Schema | pg_catalog Name | exp Result data type | double precision Argument data types | double precision Type | func --------------------+----------------- Schema | pg_catalog Name | exp Result data type | numeric Argument data types | numeric Type | func \pset tuples_only false -- check conditional am display \pset expanded off CREATE SCHEMA tableam_display; CREATE ROLE regress_display_role; ALTER SCHEMA tableam_display OWNER TO regress_display_role; SET search_path TO tableam_display; CREATE ACCESS METHOD heap_psql TYPE TABLE HANDLER heap_tableam_handler; SET ROLE TO regress_display_role; -- Use only relations with a physical size of zero. CREATE TABLE tbl_heap_psql(f1 int, f2 char(100)) using heap_psql; CREATE TABLE tbl_heap(f1 int, f2 char(100)) using heap; CREATE VIEW view_heap_psql AS SELECT f1 from tbl_heap_psql; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mat_view_heap_psql USING heap_psql AS SELECT f1 from tbl_heap_psql; \d+ tbl_heap_psql Table "tableam_display.tbl_heap_psql" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+----------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | | f2 | character(100) | | | | extended | | \d+ tbl_heap Table "tableam_display.tbl_heap" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+----------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | | f2 | character(100) | | | | extended | | \set HIDE_TABLEAM off \d+ tbl_heap_psql Table "tableam_display.tbl_heap_psql" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+----------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | | f2 | character(100) | | | | extended | | Access method: heap_psql \d+ tbl_heap Table "tableam_display.tbl_heap" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+----------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | | f2 | character(100) | | | | extended | | Access method: heap -- AM is displayed for tables, indexes and materialized views. \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Access method | Size | Description -----------------+--------------------+-------------------+----------------------+-------------+---------------+---------+------------- tableam_display | mat_view_heap_psql | materialized view | regress_display_role | permanent | heap_psql | 0 bytes | tableam_display | tbl_heap | table | regress_display_role | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | tableam_display | tbl_heap_psql | table | regress_display_role | permanent | heap_psql | 0 bytes | tableam_display | view_heap_psql | view | regress_display_role | permanent | | 0 bytes | (4 rows) \dt+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Access method | Size | Description -----------------+---------------+-------+----------------------+-------------+---------------+---------+------------- tableam_display | tbl_heap | table | regress_display_role | permanent | heap | 0 bytes | tableam_display | tbl_heap_psql | table | regress_display_role | permanent | heap_psql | 0 bytes | (2 rows) \dm+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Access method | Size | Description -----------------+--------------------+-------------------+----------------------+-------------+---------------+---------+------------- tableam_display | mat_view_heap_psql | materialized view | regress_display_role | permanent | heap_psql | 0 bytes | (1 row) -- But not for views and sequences. \dv+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Size | Description -----------------+----------------+------+----------------------+-------------+---------+------------- tableam_display | view_heap_psql | view | regress_display_role | permanent | 0 bytes | (1 row) \set HIDE_TABLEAM on \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Size | Description -----------------+--------------------+-------------------+----------------------+-------------+---------+------------- tableam_display | mat_view_heap_psql | materialized view | regress_display_role | permanent | 0 bytes | tableam_display | tbl_heap | table | regress_display_role | permanent | 0 bytes | tableam_display | tbl_heap_psql | table | regress_display_role | permanent | 0 bytes | tableam_display | view_heap_psql | view | regress_display_role | permanent | 0 bytes | (4 rows) RESET ROLE; RESET search_path; DROP SCHEMA tableam_display CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 4 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to table tableam_display.tbl_heap_psql drop cascades to table tableam_display.tbl_heap drop cascades to view tableam_display.view_heap_psql drop cascades to materialized view tableam_display.mat_view_heap_psql DROP ACCESS METHOD heap_psql; DROP ROLE regress_display_role; -- test numericlocale (as best we can without control of psql's locale) \pset format aligned \pset expanded off \pset numericlocale true select n, -n as m, n * 111 as x, '1e90'::float8 as f from generate_series(0,3) n; n | m | x | f ---+----+-----+------- 0 | 0 | 0 | 1e+90 1 | -1 | 111 | 1e+90 2 | -2 | 222 | 1e+90 3 | -3 | 333 | 1e+90 (4 rows) \pset numericlocale false -- test asciidoc output format \pset format asciidoc \pset border 1 \pset expanded off \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq .Sequence "public.psql_serial_tab_id_seq" [options="header",cols="l,>l,>l,>l,l",frame="none"] |==== ^l|Type ^l|Start ^l|Minimum ^l|Maximum ^l|Increment ^l|Cycles? ^l|Cache |integer |1 |1 |2147483647 |1 |no |1 |==== .... Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id .... \pset tuples_only true \df exp [cols="l|1 l|1 l|2147483647 l|1 l|1 |==== .... Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id .... \pset tuples_only true \df exp [cols="h,l",frame="none"] |==== 2+| l|1 2+^|Record 2 l|2 |==== \pset border 1 execute q; [cols="h,l",frame="none"] |==== 2+^|Record 1 l|1 2+^|Record 2 l|2 |==== \pset border 2 execute q; [cols="h,l",frame="all",grid="all"] |==== 2+^|Record 1 l|1 2+^|Record 2 l|2 |==== deallocate q; -- test csv output format \pset format csv \pset border 1 \pset expanded off \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq Type,Start,Minimum,Maximum,Increment,Cycles?,Cache integer,1,1,2147483647,1,no,1 \pset tuples_only true \df exp pg_catalog,exp,double precision,double precision,func pg_catalog,exp,numeric,numeric,func \pset tuples_only false \pset expanded on \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq Type,integer Start,1 Minimum,1 Maximum,2147483647 Increment,1 Cycles?,no Cache,1 \pset tuples_only true \df exp Schema,pg_catalog Name,exp Result data type,double precision Argument data types,double precision Type,func Schema,pg_catalog Name,exp Result data type,numeric Argument data types,numeric Type,func \pset tuples_only false prepare q as select 'some"text' as "a""title", E' \n' as "junk", ' ' as "empty", n as int from generate_series(1,2) as n; \pset expanded off execute q; "a""title",junk,empty,int "some""text"," ", ,1 "some""text"," ", ,2 \pset expanded on execute q; "a""title","some""text" junk," " empty, int,1 "a""title","some""text" junk," " empty, int,2 deallocate q; -- special cases \pset expanded off select 'comma,comma' as comma, 'semi;semi' as semi; comma,semi "comma,comma",semi;semi \pset csv_fieldsep ';' select 'comma,comma' as comma, 'semi;semi' as semi; comma;semi comma,comma;"semi;semi" select '\.' as data; data "\." \pset csv_fieldsep '.' select '\' as d1, '' as d2; "d1"."d2" "\"."" -- illegal csv separators \pset csv_fieldsep '' \pset: csv_fieldsep must be a single one-byte character \pset csv_fieldsep '\0' \pset: csv_fieldsep must be a single one-byte character \pset csv_fieldsep '\n' \pset: csv_fieldsep cannot be a double quote, a newline, or a carriage return \pset csv_fieldsep '\r' \pset: csv_fieldsep cannot be a double quote, a newline, or a carriage return \pset csv_fieldsep '"' \pset: csv_fieldsep cannot be a double quote, a newline, or a carriage return \pset csv_fieldsep ',,' \pset: csv_fieldsep must be a single one-byte character \pset csv_fieldsep ',' -- test html output format \pset format html \pset border 1 \pset expanded off \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq
Sequence "public.psql_serial_tab_id_seq"
Type Start Minimum Maximum Increment Cycles? Cache
integer 1 1 2147483647 1 no 1

Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id

\pset tuples_only true \df exp
pg_catalog exp double precision double precision func
pg_catalog exp numeric numeric func
\pset tuples_only false \pset expanded on \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq
Sequence "public.psql_serial_tab_id_seq"
Record 1
Type integer
Start 1
Minimum 1
Maximum 2147483647
Increment 1
Cycles? no
Cache 1

Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id

\pset tuples_only true \df exp
Schema pg_catalog
Name exp
Result data type double precision
Argument data types double precision
Type func
Schema pg_catalog
Name exp
Result data type numeric
Argument data types numeric
Type func
\pset tuples_only false prepare q as select 'some"text' as "a&title", E' \n' as "junk", ' ' as "empty", n as int from generate_series(1,2) as n; \pset expanded off \pset border 0 execute q;
a&title junk empty int
some"text   <foo>
some"text   <foo>

(2 rows)

\pset border 1 execute q;
a&title junk empty int
some"text   <foo>
some"text   <foo>

(2 rows)

\pset tableattr foobar execute q;
a&title junk empty int
some"text   <foo>
some"text   <foo>

(2 rows)

\pset tableattr \pset expanded on \pset border 0 execute q;
Record 1
a&title some"text
junk   <foo>
int 1
Record 2
a&title some"text
junk   <foo>
int 2
\pset border 1 execute q;
Record 1
a&title some"text
junk   <foo>
int 1
Record 2
a&title some"text
junk   <foo>
int 2
\pset tableattr foobar execute q;
Record 1
a&title some"text
junk   <foo>
int 1
Record 2
a&title some"text
junk   <foo>
int 2
\pset tableattr deallocate q; -- test latex output format \pset format latex \pset border 1 \pset expanded off \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq \begin{center} Sequence "public.psql\_serial\_tab\_id\_seq" \end{center} \begin{tabular}{l | r | r | r | r | l | r} \textit{Type} & \textit{Start} & \textit{Minimum} & \textit{Maximum} & \textit{Increment} & \textit{Cycles?} & \textit{Cache} \\ \hline integer & 1 & 1 & 2147483647 & 1 & no & 1 \\ \end{tabular} \noindent Owned by: public.psql\_serial\_tab.id \\ \pset tuples_only true \df exp \begin{tabular}{l | l | l | l | l} pg\_catalog & exp & double precision & double precision & func \\ pg\_catalog & exp & numeric & numeric & func \\ \end{tabular} \noindent \pset tuples_only false \pset expanded on \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq \begin{center} Sequence "public.psql\_serial\_tab\_id\_seq" \end{center} \begin{tabular}{c|l} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textit{Record 1}} \\ \hline Type & integer \\ Start & 1 \\ Minimum & 1 \\ Maximum & 2147483647 \\ Increment & 1 \\ Cycles? & no \\ Cache & 1 \\ \end{tabular} \noindent Owned by: public.psql\_serial\_tab.id \\ \pset tuples_only true \df exp \begin{tabular}{c|l} \hline Schema & pg\_catalog \\ Name & exp \\ Result data type & double precision \\ Argument data types & double precision \\ Type & func \\ \hline Schema & pg\_catalog \\ Name & exp \\ Result data type & numeric \\ Argument data types & numeric \\ Type & func \\ \end{tabular} \noindent \pset tuples_only false prepare q as select 'some\more_text' as "a$title", E' #%&^~|\n{bar}' as "junk", ' ' as "empty", n as int from generate_series(1,2) as n; \pset expanded off \pset border 0 execute q; \begin{tabular}{lllr} \textit{a\$title} & \textit{junk} & \textit{empty} & \textit{int} \\ \hline some\textbackslash{}more\_text & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} & & 1 \\ some\textbackslash{}more\_text & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} & & 2 \\ \end{tabular} \noindent (2 rows) \\ \pset border 1 execute q; \begin{tabular}{l | l | l | r} \textit{a\$title} & \textit{junk} & \textit{empty} & \textit{int} \\ \hline some\textbackslash{}more\_text & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} & & 1 \\ some\textbackslash{}more\_text & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} & & 2 \\ \end{tabular} \noindent (2 rows) \\ \pset border 2 execute q; \begin{tabular}{| l | l | l | r |} \hline \textit{a\$title} & \textit{junk} & \textit{empty} & \textit{int} \\ \hline some\textbackslash{}more\_text & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} & & 1 \\ some\textbackslash{}more\_text & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} & & 2 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \noindent (2 rows) \\ \pset border 3 execute q; \begin{tabular}{| l | l | l | r |} \hline \textit{a\$title} & \textit{junk} & \textit{empty} & \textit{int} \\ \hline some\textbackslash{}more\_text & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} & & 1 \\ \hline some\textbackslash{}more\_text & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} & & 2 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \noindent (2 rows) \\ \pset expanded on \pset border 0 execute q; \begin{tabular}{cl} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textit{Record 1}} \\ a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 1 \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textit{Record 2}} \\ a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 2 \\ \end{tabular} \noindent \pset border 1 execute q; \begin{tabular}{c|l} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textit{Record 1}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 1 \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textit{Record 2}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 2 \\ \end{tabular} \noindent \pset border 2 execute q; \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textit{Record 1}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 1 \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textit{Record 2}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 2 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \noindent \pset border 3 execute q; \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textit{Record 1}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 1 \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textit{Record 2}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 2 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \noindent deallocate q; -- test latex-longtable output format \pset format latex-longtable \pset border 1 \pset expanded off \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq \begin{longtable}{l | r | r | r | r | l | r} \small\textbf{\textit{Type}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Start}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Minimum}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Maximum}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Increment}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Cycles?}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Cache}} \\ \midrule \endfirsthead \small\textbf{\textit{Type}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Start}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Minimum}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Maximum}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Increment}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Cycles?}} & \small\textbf{\textit{Cache}} \\ \midrule \endhead \caption[Sequence "public.psql\_serial\_tab\_id\_seq" (Continued)]{Sequence "public.psql\_serial\_tab\_id\_seq"} \endfoot \caption[Sequence "public.psql\_serial\_tab\_id\_seq"]{Sequence "public.psql\_serial\_tab\_id\_seq"} \endlastfoot \raggedright{integer} & \raggedright{1} & \raggedright{1} & \raggedright{2147483647} & \raggedright{1} & \raggedright{no} & \raggedright{1} \tabularnewline \end{longtable} \pset tuples_only true \df exp \begin{longtable}{l | l | l | l | l} \raggedright{pg\_catalog} & \raggedright{exp} & \raggedright{double precision} & \raggedright{double precision} & \raggedright{func} \tabularnewline \raggedright{pg\_catalog} & \raggedright{exp} & \raggedright{numeric} & \raggedright{numeric} & \raggedright{func} \tabularnewline \end{longtable} \pset tuples_only false \pset expanded on \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq \begin{center} Sequence "public.psql\_serial\_tab\_id\_seq" \end{center} \begin{tabular}{c|l} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textit{Record 1}} \\ \hline Type & integer \\ Start & 1 \\ Minimum & 1 \\ Maximum & 2147483647 \\ Increment & 1 \\ Cycles? & no \\ Cache & 1 \\ \end{tabular} \noindent Owned by: public.psql\_serial\_tab.id \\ \pset tuples_only true \df exp \begin{tabular}{c|l} \hline Schema & pg\_catalog \\ Name & exp \\ Result data type & double precision \\ Argument data types & double precision \\ Type & func \\ \hline Schema & pg\_catalog \\ Name & exp \\ Result data type & numeric \\ Argument data types & numeric \\ Type & func \\ \end{tabular} \noindent \pset tuples_only false prepare q as select 'some\more_text' as "a$title", E' #%&^~|\n{bar}' as "junk", ' ' as "empty", n as int from generate_series(1,2) as n; \pset expanded off \pset border 0 execute q; \begin{longtable}{lllr} \small\textbf{\textit{a\$title}} & \small\textbf{\textit{junk}} & \small\textbf{\textit{empty}} & \small\textbf{\textit{int}} \\ \midrule \endfirsthead \small\textbf{\textit{a\$title}} & \small\textbf{\textit{junk}} & \small\textbf{\textit{empty}} & \small\textbf{\textit{int}} \\ \midrule \endhead \raggedright{some\textbackslash{}more\_text} & \raggedright{ \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\}} & \raggedright{ } & \raggedright{1} \tabularnewline \raggedright{some\textbackslash{}more\_text} & \raggedright{ \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\}} & \raggedright{ } & \raggedright{2} \tabularnewline \end{longtable} \pset border 1 execute q; \begin{longtable}{l | l | l | r} \small\textbf{\textit{a\$title}} & \small\textbf{\textit{junk}} & \small\textbf{\textit{empty}} & \small\textbf{\textit{int}} \\ \midrule \endfirsthead \small\textbf{\textit{a\$title}} & \small\textbf{\textit{junk}} & \small\textbf{\textit{empty}} & \small\textbf{\textit{int}} \\ \midrule \endhead \raggedright{some\textbackslash{}more\_text} & \raggedright{ \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\}} & \raggedright{ } & \raggedright{1} \tabularnewline \raggedright{some\textbackslash{}more\_text} & \raggedright{ \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\}} & \raggedright{ } & \raggedright{2} \tabularnewline \end{longtable} \pset border 2 execute q; \begin{longtable}{| l | l | l | r |} \toprule \small\textbf{\textit{a\$title}} & \small\textbf{\textit{junk}} & \small\textbf{\textit{empty}} & \small\textbf{\textit{int}} \\ \midrule \endfirsthead \toprule \small\textbf{\textit{a\$title}} & \small\textbf{\textit{junk}} & \small\textbf{\textit{empty}} & \small\textbf{\textit{int}} \\ \midrule \endhead \bottomrule \endfoot \bottomrule \endlastfoot \raggedright{some\textbackslash{}more\_text} & \raggedright{ \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\}} & \raggedright{ } & \raggedright{1} \tabularnewline \raggedright{some\textbackslash{}more\_text} & \raggedright{ \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\}} & \raggedright{ } & \raggedright{2} \tabularnewline \end{longtable} \pset border 3 execute q; \begin{longtable}{| l | l | l | r |} \toprule \small\textbf{\textit{a\$title}} & \small\textbf{\textit{junk}} & \small\textbf{\textit{empty}} & \small\textbf{\textit{int}} \\ \midrule \endfirsthead \toprule \small\textbf{\textit{a\$title}} & \small\textbf{\textit{junk}} & \small\textbf{\textit{empty}} & \small\textbf{\textit{int}} \\ \endhead \bottomrule \endfoot \bottomrule \endlastfoot \raggedright{some\textbackslash{}more\_text} & \raggedright{ \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\}} & \raggedright{ } & \raggedright{1} \tabularnewline \hline \raggedright{some\textbackslash{}more\_text} & \raggedright{ \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\}} & \raggedright{ } & \raggedright{2} \tabularnewline \hline \end{longtable} \pset tableattr lr execute q; \begin{longtable}{| p{lr\textwidth} | p{lr\textwidth} | p{lr\textwidth} | r |} \toprule \small\textbf{\textit{a\$title}} & \small\textbf{\textit{junk}} & \small\textbf{\textit{empty}} & \small\textbf{\textit{int}} \\ \midrule \endfirsthead \toprule \small\textbf{\textit{a\$title}} & \small\textbf{\textit{junk}} & \small\textbf{\textit{empty}} & \small\textbf{\textit{int}} \\ \endhead \bottomrule \endfoot \bottomrule \endlastfoot \raggedright{some\textbackslash{}more\_text} & \raggedright{ \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\}} & \raggedright{ } & \raggedright{1} \tabularnewline \hline \raggedright{some\textbackslash{}more\_text} & \raggedright{ \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\}} & \raggedright{ } & \raggedright{2} \tabularnewline \hline \end{longtable} \pset tableattr \pset expanded on \pset border 0 execute q; \begin{tabular}{cl} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textit{Record 1}} \\ a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 1 \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textit{Record 2}} \\ a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 2 \\ \end{tabular} \noindent \pset border 1 execute q; \begin{tabular}{c|l} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textit{Record 1}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 1 \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textit{Record 2}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 2 \\ \end{tabular} \noindent \pset border 2 execute q; \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textit{Record 1}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 1 \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textit{Record 2}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 2 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \noindent \pset border 3 execute q; \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textit{Record 1}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 1 \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textit{Record 2}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 2 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \noindent \pset tableattr lr execute q; \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textit{Record 1}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 1 \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textit{Record 2}} \\ \hline a\$title & some\textbackslash{}more\_text \\ junk & \#\textless{}foo\textgreater{}\%\&\^{}\~{}\textbar{}\\\{bar\} \\ empty & \\ int & 2 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \noindent \pset tableattr deallocate q; -- test troff-ms output format \pset format troff-ms \pset border 1 \pset expanded off \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq .LP .DS C Sequence "public.psql_serial_tab_id_seq" .DE .LP .TS center; l | r | r | r | r | l | r. \fIType\fP \fIStart\fP \fIMinimum\fP \fIMaximum\fP \fIIncrement\fP \fICycles?\fP \fICache\fP _ integer 1 1 2147483647 1 no 1 .TE .DS L Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id .DE \pset tuples_only true \df exp .LP .TS center; l | l | l | l | l. pg_catalog exp double precision double precision func pg_catalog exp numeric numeric func .TE .DS L .DE \pset tuples_only false \pset expanded on \d psql_serial_tab_id_seq .LP .DS C Sequence "public.psql_serial_tab_id_seq" .DE .LP .TS center; c s. \fIRecord 1\fP _ .T& c | l. Type integer Start 1 Minimum 1 Maximum 2147483647 Increment 1 Cycles? no Cache 1 .TE .DS L Owned by: public.psql_serial_tab.id .DE \pset tuples_only true \df exp .LP .TS center; c l; _ Schema pg_catalog Name exp Result data type double precision Argument data types double precision Type func _ Schema pg_catalog Name exp Result data type numeric Argument data types numeric Type func .TE .DS L .DE \pset tuples_only false prepare q as select 'some\text' as "a\title", E' \n' as "junk", ' ' as "empty", n as int from generate_series(1,2) as n; \pset expanded off \pset border 0 execute q; .LP .TS center; lllr. \fIa\(rstitle\fP \fIjunk\fP \fIempty\fP \fIint\fP _ some\(rstext 1 some\(rstext 2 .TE .DS L (2 rows) .DE \pset border 1 execute q; .LP .TS center; l | l | l | r. \fIa\(rstitle\fP \fIjunk\fP \fIempty\fP \fIint\fP _ some\(rstext 1 some\(rstext 2 .TE .DS L (2 rows) .DE \pset border 2 execute q; .LP .TS center box; l | l | l | r. \fIa\(rstitle\fP \fIjunk\fP \fIempty\fP \fIint\fP _ some\(rstext 1 some\(rstext 2 .TE .DS L (2 rows) .DE \pset expanded on \pset border 0 execute q; .LP .TS center; c s. \fIRecord 1\fP .T& c l. a\(rstitle some\(rstext junk empty int 1 .T& c s. \fIRecord 2\fP .T& c l. a\(rstitle some\(rstext junk empty int 2 .TE .DS L .DE \pset border 1 execute q; .LP .TS center; c s. \fIRecord 1\fP _ .T& c | l. a\(rstitle some\(rstext junk empty int 1 .T& c s. \fIRecord 2\fP _ .T& c | l. a\(rstitle some\(rstext junk empty int 2 .TE .DS L .DE \pset border 2 execute q; .LP .TS center box; c s. \fIRecord 1\fP _ .T& c l. a\(rstitle some\(rstext junk empty int 1 _ .T& c s. \fIRecord 2\fP _ .T& c l. a\(rstitle some\(rstext junk empty int 2 .TE .DS L .DE deallocate q; -- check ambiguous format requests \pset format a \pset: ambiguous abbreviation "a" matches both "aligned" and "asciidoc" \pset format l -- clean up after output format tests drop table psql_serial_tab; \pset format aligned \pset expanded off \pset border 1 -- \echo and allied features \echo this is a test this is a test \echo -n without newline without newline\echo with -n newline with -n newline \echo '-n' with newline -n with newline \set foo bar \echo foo = :foo foo = bar \qecho this is a test this is a test \qecho foo = :foo foo = bar \warn this is a test this is a test \warn foo = :foo foo = bar -- tests for \if ... \endif \if true select 'okay'; ?column? ---------- okay (1 row) select 'still okay'; ?column? ------------ still okay (1 row) \else not okay; still not okay \endif -- at this point query buffer should still have last valid line \g ?column? ------------ still okay (1 row) -- \if should work okay on part of a query select \if true 42 \else (bogus \endif forty_two; forty_two ----------- 42 (1 row) select \if false \\ (bogus \else \\ 42 \endif \\ forty_two; forty_two ----------- 42 (1 row) -- test a large nested if using a variety of true-equivalents \if true \if 1 \if yes \if on \echo 'all true' all true \else \echo 'should not print #1-1' \endif \else \echo 'should not print #1-2' \endif \else \echo 'should not print #1-3' \endif \else \echo 'should not print #1-4' \endif -- test a variety of false-equivalents in an if/elif/else structure \if false \echo 'should not print #2-1' \elif 0 \echo 'should not print #2-2' \elif no \echo 'should not print #2-3' \elif off \echo 'should not print #2-4' \else \echo 'all false' all false \endif -- test true-false elif after initial true branch \if true \echo 'should print #2-5' should print #2-5 \elif true \echo 'should not print #2-6' \elif false \echo 'should not print #2-7' \else \echo 'should not print #2-8' \endif -- test simple true-then-else \if true \echo 'first thing true' first thing true \else \echo 'should not print #3-1' \endif -- test simple false-true-else \if false \echo 'should not print #4-1' \elif true \echo 'second thing true' second thing true \else \echo 'should not print #5-1' \endif -- invalid boolean expressions are false \if invalid boolean expression unrecognized value "invalid boolean expression" for "\if expression": Boolean expected \echo 'will not print #6-1' \else \echo 'will print anyway #6-2' will print anyway #6-2 \endif -- test un-matched endif \endif \endif: no matching \if -- test un-matched else \else \else: no matching \if -- test un-matched elif \elif \elif: no matching \if -- test double-else error \if true \else \else \else: cannot occur after \else \endif -- test elif out-of-order \if false \else \elif \elif: cannot occur after \else \endif -- test if-endif matching in a false branch \if false \if false \echo 'should not print #7-1' \else \echo 'should not print #7-2' \endif \echo 'should not print #7-3' \else \echo 'should print #7-4' should print #7-4 \endif -- show that vars and backticks are not expanded when ignoring extra args \set foo bar \echo :foo :'foo' :"foo" bar 'bar' "bar" \pset fieldsep | `nosuchcommand` :foo :'foo' :"foo" \pset: extra argument "nosuchcommand" ignored \pset: extra argument ":foo" ignored \pset: extra argument ":'foo'" ignored \pset: extra argument ":"foo"" ignored -- show that vars and backticks are not expanded and commands are ignored -- when in a false if-branch \set try_to_quit '\\q' \if false :try_to_quit \echo `nosuchcommand` :foo :'foo' :"foo" \pset fieldsep | `nosuchcommand` :foo :'foo' :"foo" \a \C arg1 \c arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 \cd arg1 \conninfo \copy arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 \copyright SELECT 1 as one, 2, 3 \crosstabview \dt arg1 \e arg1 arg2 \ef whole_line \ev whole_line \echo arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 \echo arg1 \encoding arg1 \errverbose \f arg1 \g arg1 \gx arg1 \gexec SELECT 1 AS one \gset \h \? \html \i arg1 \ir arg1 \l arg1 \lo arg1 arg2 invalid command \lo \lo_list \o arg1 \p \password arg1 \prompt arg1 arg2 \pset arg1 arg2 \q \reset \s arg1 \set arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 \setenv arg1 arg2 \sf whole_line \sv whole_line \t arg1 \T arg1 \timing arg1 \unset arg1 \w arg1 \watch arg1 arg2 \x arg1 -- \else here is eaten as part of OT_FILEPIPE argument \w |/no/such/file \else -- \endif here is eaten as part of whole-line argument \! whole_line \endif \z \else \echo 'should print #8-1' should print #8-1 \endif -- :{?...} defined variable test \set i 1 \if :{?i} \echo '#9-1 ok, variable i is defined' #9-1 ok, variable i is defined \else \echo 'should not print #9-2' \endif \if :{?no_such_variable} \echo 'should not print #10-1' \else \echo '#10-2 ok, variable no_such_variable is not defined' #10-2 ok, variable no_such_variable is not defined \endif SELECT :{?i} AS i_is_defined; i_is_defined -------------- t (1 row) SELECT NOT :{?no_such_var} AS no_such_var_is_not_defined; no_such_var_is_not_defined ---------------------------- t (1 row) -- SHOW_CONTEXT \set SHOW_CONTEXT never do $$ begin raise notice 'foo'; raise exception 'bar'; end $$; NOTICE: foo ERROR: bar \set SHOW_CONTEXT errors do $$ begin raise notice 'foo'; raise exception 'bar'; end $$; NOTICE: foo ERROR: bar CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 4 at RAISE \set SHOW_CONTEXT always do $$ begin raise notice 'foo'; raise exception 'bar'; end $$; NOTICE: foo CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 3 at RAISE ERROR: bar CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 4 at RAISE -- test printing and clearing the query buffer SELECT 1; ?column? ---------- 1 (1 row) \p SELECT 1; SELECT 2 \r \p SELECT 1; SELECT 3 \p SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 \p SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 ORDER BY 1; ?column? ---------- 3 4 5 (3 rows) \r \p SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 ORDER BY 1; -- tests for special result variables -- working query, 2 rows selected SELECT 1 AS stuff UNION SELECT 2; stuff ------- 1 2 (2 rows) \echo 'error:' :ERROR error: false \echo 'error code:' :SQLSTATE error code: 00000 \echo 'number of rows:' :ROW_COUNT number of rows: 2 -- syntax error SELECT 1 UNION; ERROR: syntax error at or near ";" LINE 1: SELECT 1 UNION; ^ \echo 'error:' :ERROR error: true \echo 'error code:' :SQLSTATE error code: 42601 \echo 'number of rows:' :ROW_COUNT number of rows: 0 \echo 'last error message:' :LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE last error message: syntax error at or near ";" \echo 'last error code:' :LAST_ERROR_SQLSTATE last error code: 42601 -- empty query ; \echo 'error:' :ERROR error: false \echo 'error code:' :SQLSTATE error code: 00000 \echo 'number of rows:' :ROW_COUNT number of rows: 0 -- must have kept previous values \echo 'last error message:' :LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE last error message: syntax error at or near ";" \echo 'last error code:' :LAST_ERROR_SQLSTATE last error code: 42601 -- other query error DROP TABLE this_table_does_not_exist; ERROR: table "this_table_does_not_exist" does not exist \echo 'error:' :ERROR error: true \echo 'error code:' :SQLSTATE error code: 42P01 \echo 'number of rows:' :ROW_COUNT number of rows: 0 \echo 'last error message:' :LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE last error message: table "this_table_does_not_exist" does not exist \echo 'last error code:' :LAST_ERROR_SQLSTATE last error code: 42P01 -- nondefault verbosity error settings (except verbose, which is too unstable) \set VERBOSITY terse SELECT 1 UNION; ERROR: syntax error at or near ";" at character 15 \echo 'error:' :ERROR error: true \echo 'error code:' :SQLSTATE error code: 42601 \echo 'last error message:' :LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE last error message: syntax error at or near ";" \set VERBOSITY sqlstate SELECT 1/0; ERROR: 22012 \echo 'error:' :ERROR error: true \echo 'error code:' :SQLSTATE error code: 22012 \echo 'last error message:' :LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE last error message: division by zero \set VERBOSITY default -- working \gdesc SELECT 3 AS three, 4 AS four \gdesc Column | Type --------+--------- three | integer four | integer (2 rows) \echo 'error:' :ERROR error: false \echo 'error code:' :SQLSTATE error code: 00000 \echo 'number of rows:' :ROW_COUNT number of rows: 2 -- \gdesc with an error SELECT 4 AS \gdesc ERROR: syntax error at end of input LINE 1: SELECT 4 AS ^ \echo 'error:' :ERROR error: true \echo 'error code:' :SQLSTATE error code: 42601 \echo 'number of rows:' :ROW_COUNT number of rows: 0 \echo 'last error message:' :LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE last error message: syntax error at end of input \echo 'last error code:' :LAST_ERROR_SQLSTATE last error code: 42601 -- check row count for a cursor-fetched query \set FETCH_COUNT 10 select unique2 from tenk1 order by unique2 limit 19; unique2 --------- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (19 rows) \echo 'error:' :ERROR error: false \echo 'error code:' :SQLSTATE error code: 00000 \echo 'number of rows:' :ROW_COUNT number of rows: 19 -- cursor-fetched query with an error after the first group select 1/(15-unique2) from tenk1 order by unique2 limit 19; ?column? ---------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ERROR: division by zero \echo 'error:' :ERROR error: true \echo 'error code:' :SQLSTATE error code: 22012 \echo 'number of rows:' :ROW_COUNT number of rows: 0 \echo 'last error message:' :LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE last error message: division by zero \echo 'last error code:' :LAST_ERROR_SQLSTATE last error code: 22012 \unset FETCH_COUNT create schema testpart; create role regress_partitioning_role; alter schema testpart owner to regress_partitioning_role; set role to regress_partitioning_role; -- run test inside own schema and hide other partitions set search_path to testpart; create table testtable_apple(logdate date); create table testtable_orange(logdate date); create index testtable_apple_index on testtable_apple(logdate); create index testtable_orange_index on testtable_orange(logdate); create table testpart_apple(logdate date) partition by range(logdate); create table testpart_orange(logdate date) partition by range(logdate); create index testpart_apple_index on testpart_apple(logdate); create index testpart_orange_index on testpart_orange(logdate); -- only partition related object should be displayed \dP test*apple* List of partitioned relations Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Parent name | Table ----------+----------------------+---------------------------+-------------------+-------------+---------------- testpart | testpart_apple | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | | testpart | testpart_apple_index | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | | testpart_apple (2 rows) \dPt test*apple* List of partitioned tables Schema | Name | Owner | Parent name ----------+----------------+---------------------------+------------- testpart | testpart_apple | regress_partitioning_role | (1 row) \dPi test*apple* List of partitioned indexes Schema | Name | Owner | Parent name | Table ----------+----------------------+---------------------------+-------------+---------------- testpart | testpart_apple_index | regress_partitioning_role | | testpart_apple (1 row) drop table testtable_apple; drop table testtable_orange; drop table testpart_apple; drop table testpart_orange; create table parent_tab (id int) partition by range (id); create index parent_index on parent_tab (id); create table child_0_10 partition of parent_tab for values from (0) to (10); create table child_10_20 partition of parent_tab for values from (10) to (20); create table child_20_30 partition of parent_tab for values from (20) to (30); insert into parent_tab values (generate_series(0,29)); create table child_30_40 partition of parent_tab for values from (30) to (40) partition by range(id); create table child_30_35 partition of child_30_40 for values from (30) to (35); create table child_35_40 partition of child_30_40 for values from (35) to (40); insert into parent_tab values (generate_series(30,39)); \dPt List of partitioned tables Schema | Name | Owner ----------+------------+--------------------------- testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role (1 row) \dPi List of partitioned indexes Schema | Name | Owner | Table ----------+--------------+---------------------------+------------ testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | parent_tab (1 row) \dP testpart.* List of partitioned relations Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Parent name | Table ----------+--------------------+---------------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------- testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | | testpart | child_30_40 | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | parent_tab | testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | | parent_tab testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | parent_index | child_30_40 (4 rows) \dP List of partitioned relations Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Table ----------+--------------+---------------------------+-------------------+------------ testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | parent_tab (2 rows) \dPtn List of partitioned tables Schema | Name | Owner | Parent name ----------+-------------+---------------------------+------------- testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role | testpart | child_30_40 | regress_partitioning_role | parent_tab (2 rows) \dPin List of partitioned indexes Schema | Name | Owner | Parent name | Table ----------+--------------------+---------------------------+--------------+------------- testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | | parent_tab testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | regress_partitioning_role | parent_index | child_30_40 (2 rows) \dPn List of partitioned relations Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Parent name | Table ----------+--------------------+---------------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------- testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | | testpart | child_30_40 | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | parent_tab | testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | | parent_tab testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | parent_index | child_30_40 (4 rows) \dPn testpart.* List of partitioned relations Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Parent name | Table ----------+--------------------+---------------------------+-------------------+--------------+------------- testpart | parent_tab | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | | testpart | child_30_40 | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned table | parent_tab | testpart | parent_index | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | | parent_tab testpart | child_30_40_id_idx | regress_partitioning_role | partitioned index | parent_index | child_30_40 (4 rows) drop table parent_tab cascade; drop schema testpart; set search_path to default; set role to default; drop role regress_partitioning_role; -- \d on toast table (use pg_statistic's toast table, which has a known name) \d pg_toast.pg_toast_2619 TOAST table "pg_toast.pg_toast_2619" Column | Type ------------+--------- chunk_id | oid chunk_seq | integer chunk_data | bytea Owning table: "pg_catalog.pg_statistic" Indexes: "pg_toast_2619_index" PRIMARY KEY, btree (chunk_id, chunk_seq) -- check printing info about access methods \dA List of access methods Name | Type --------+------- brin | Index btree | Index gin | Index gist | Index hash | Index heap | Table heap2 | Table spgist | Index (8 rows) \dA * List of access methods Name | Type --------+------- brin | Index btree | Index gin | Index gist | Index hash | Index heap | Table heap2 | Table spgist | Index (8 rows) \dA h* List of access methods Name | Type -------+------- hash | Index heap | Table heap2 | Table (3 rows) \dA foo List of access methods Name | Type ------+------ (0 rows) \dA foo bar List of access methods Name | Type ------+------ (0 rows) \dA: extra argument "bar" ignored \dA+ List of access methods Name | Type | Handler | Description --------+-------+----------------------+---------------------------------------- brin | Index | brinhandler | block range index (BRIN) access method btree | Index | bthandler | b-tree index access method gin | Index | ginhandler | GIN index access method gist | Index | gisthandler | GiST index access method hash | Index | hashhandler | hash index access method heap | Table | heap_tableam_handler | heap table access method heap2 | Table | heap_tableam_handler | spgist | Index | spghandler | SP-GiST index access method (8 rows) \dA+ * List of access methods Name | Type | Handler | Description --------+-------+----------------------+---------------------------------------- brin | Index | brinhandler | block range index (BRIN) access method btree | Index | bthandler | b-tree index access method gin | Index | ginhandler | GIN index access method gist | Index | gisthandler | GiST index access method hash | Index | hashhandler | hash index access method heap | Table | heap_tableam_handler | heap table access method heap2 | Table | heap_tableam_handler | spgist | Index | spghandler | SP-GiST index access method (8 rows) \dA+ h* List of access methods Name | Type | Handler | Description -------+-------+----------------------+-------------------------- hash | Index | hashhandler | hash index access method heap | Table | heap_tableam_handler | heap table access method heap2 | Table | heap_tableam_handler | (3 rows) \dA+ foo List of access methods Name | Type | Handler | Description ------+------+---------+------------- (0 rows) \dAc brin pg*.oid* List of operator classes AM | Input type | Storage type | Operator class | Default? ------+------------+--------------+----------------------+---------- brin | oid | | oid_bloom_ops | no brin | oid | | oid_minmax_multi_ops | no brin | oid | | oid_minmax_ops | yes (3 rows) \dAf spgist List of operator families AM | Operator family | Applicable types --------+-----------------+------------------ spgist | box_ops | box spgist | kd_point_ops | point spgist | network_ops | inet spgist | poly_ops | polygon spgist | quad_point_ops | point spgist | range_ops | anyrange spgist | text_ops | text (7 rows) \dAf btree int4 List of operator families AM | Operator family | Applicable types -------+-----------------+--------------------------- btree | integer_ops | smallint, integer, bigint (1 row) \dAo+ btree float_ops List of operators of operator families AM | Operator family | Operator | Strategy | Purpose | Sort opfamily -------+-----------------+---------------------------------------+----------+---------+--------------- btree | float_ops | <(double precision,double precision) | 1 | search | btree | float_ops | <=(double precision,double precision) | 2 | search | btree | float_ops | =(double precision,double precision) | 3 | search | btree | float_ops | >=(double precision,double precision) | 4 | search | btree | float_ops | >(double precision,double precision) | 5 | search | btree | float_ops | <(real,real) | 1 | search | btree | float_ops | <=(real,real) | 2 | search | btree | float_ops | =(real,real) | 3 | search | btree | float_ops | >=(real,real) | 4 | search | btree | float_ops | >(real,real) | 5 | search | btree | float_ops | <(double precision,real) | 1 | search | btree | float_ops | <=(double precision,real) | 2 | search | btree | float_ops | =(double precision,real) | 3 | search | btree | float_ops | >=(double precision,real) | 4 | search | btree | float_ops | >(double precision,real) | 5 | search | btree | float_ops | <(real,double precision) | 1 | search | btree | float_ops | <=(real,double precision) | 2 | search | btree | float_ops | =(real,double precision) | 3 | search | btree | float_ops | >=(real,double precision) | 4 | search | btree | float_ops | >(real,double precision) | 5 | search | (20 rows) \dAo * pg_catalog.jsonb_path_ops List of operators of operator families AM | Operator family | Operator | Strategy | Purpose -----+-----------------+--------------------+----------+--------- gin | jsonb_path_ops | @>(jsonb,jsonb) | 7 | search gin | jsonb_path_ops | @?(jsonb,jsonpath) | 15 | search gin | jsonb_path_ops | @@(jsonb,jsonpath) | 16 | search (3 rows) \dAp+ btree float_ops List of support functions of operator families AM | Operator family | Registered left type | Registered right type | Number | Function -------+-----------------+----------------------+-----------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ btree | float_ops | double precision | double precision | 1 | btfloat8cmp(double precision,double precision) btree | float_ops | double precision | double precision | 2 | btfloat8sortsupport(internal) btree | float_ops | double precision | double precision | 3 | in_range(double precision,double precision,double precision,boolean,boolean) btree | float_ops | real | real | 1 | btfloat4cmp(real,real) btree | float_ops | real | real | 2 | btfloat4sortsupport(internal) btree | float_ops | double precision | real | 1 | btfloat84cmp(double precision,real) btree | float_ops | real | double precision | 1 | btfloat48cmp(real,double precision) btree | float_ops | real | double precision | 3 | in_range(real,real,double precision,boolean,boolean) (8 rows) \dAp * pg_catalog.uuid_ops List of support functions of operator families AM | Operator family | Registered left type | Registered right type | Number | Function -------+-----------------+----------------------+-----------------------+--------+-------------------- btree | uuid_ops | uuid | uuid | 1 | uuid_cmp btree | uuid_ops | uuid | uuid | 2 | uuid_sortsupport btree | uuid_ops | uuid | uuid | 4 | btequalimage hash | uuid_ops | uuid | uuid | 1 | uuid_hash hash | uuid_ops | uuid | uuid | 2 | uuid_hash_extended (5 rows) -- check \dconfig set work_mem = 10240; \dconfig work_mem List of configuration parameters Parameter | Value -----------+------- work_mem | 10MB (1 row) \dconfig+ work* List of configuration parameters Parameter | Value | Type | Context | Access privileges -----------+-------+---------+---------+------------------- work_mem | 10MB | integer | user | (1 row) reset work_mem; -- check \df, \do with argument specifications \df *sqrt List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type ------------+--------------+------------------+---------------------+------ pg_catalog | dsqrt | double precision | double precision | func pg_catalog | numeric_sqrt | numeric | numeric | func pg_catalog | sqrt | double precision | double precision | func pg_catalog | sqrt | numeric | numeric | func (4 rows) \df *sqrt num* List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type ------------+--------------+------------------+---------------------+------ pg_catalog | numeric_sqrt | numeric | numeric | func pg_catalog | sqrt | numeric | numeric | func (2 rows) \df int*pl List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type ------------+-------------+------------------+---------------------+------ pg_catalog | int24pl | integer | smallint, integer | func pg_catalog | int28pl | bigint | smallint, bigint | func pg_catalog | int2pl | smallint | smallint, smallint | func pg_catalog | int42pl | integer | integer, smallint | func pg_catalog | int48pl | bigint | integer, bigint | func pg_catalog | int4pl | integer | integer, integer | func pg_catalog | int82pl | bigint | bigint, smallint | func pg_catalog | int84pl | bigint | bigint, integer | func pg_catalog | int8pl | bigint | bigint, bigint | func pg_catalog | interval_pl | interval | interval, interval | func (10 rows) \df int*pl int4 List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type ------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+------ pg_catalog | int42pl | integer | integer, smallint | func pg_catalog | int48pl | bigint | integer, bigint | func pg_catalog | int4pl | integer | integer, integer | func (3 rows) \df int*pl * pg_catalog.int8 List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type ------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+------ pg_catalog | int28pl | bigint | smallint, bigint | func pg_catalog | int48pl | bigint | integer, bigint | func pg_catalog | int8pl | bigint | bigint, bigint | func (3 rows) \df acl* aclitem[] List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type ------------+-------------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------ pg_catalog | aclcontains | boolean | aclitem[], aclitem | func pg_catalog | aclexplode | SETOF record | acl aclitem[], OUT grantor oid, OUT grantee oid, OUT privilege_type text, OUT is_grantable boolean | func pg_catalog | aclinsert | aclitem[] | aclitem[], aclitem | func pg_catalog | aclremove | aclitem[] | aclitem[], aclitem | func (4 rows) \df has_database_privilege oid text List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type ------------+------------------------+------------------+---------------------+------ pg_catalog | has_database_privilege | boolean | oid, text | func pg_catalog | has_database_privilege | boolean | oid, text, text | func (2 rows) \df has_database_privilege oid text - List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type ------------+------------------------+------------------+---------------------+------ pg_catalog | has_database_privilege | boolean | oid, text | func (1 row) \dfa bit* small* List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type ------------+---------+------------------+---------------------+------ pg_catalog | bit_and | smallint | smallint | agg pg_catalog | bit_or | smallint | smallint | agg pg_catalog | bit_xor | smallint | smallint | agg (3 rows) \df *._pg_expandarray List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type --------------------+-----------------+------------------+-------------------------------------------+------ information_schema | _pg_expandarray | SETOF record | anyarray, OUT x anyelement, OUT n integer | func (1 row) \do - pg_catalog.int4 List of operators Schema | Name | Left arg type | Right arg type | Result type | Description ------------+------+---------------+----------------+-------------+------------- pg_catalog | - | | integer | integer | negate (1 row) \do && anyarray * List of operators Schema | Name | Left arg type | Right arg type | Result type | Description ------------+------+---------------+----------------+-------------+------------- pg_catalog | && | anyarray | anyarray | boolean | overlaps (1 row) -- check \df+ -- we have to use functions with a predictable owner name, so make a role create role regress_psql_user superuser; begin; set session authorization regress_psql_user; create function psql_df_internal (float8) returns float8 language internal immutable parallel safe strict as 'dsin'; create function psql_df_sql (x integer) returns integer security definer begin atomic select x + 1; end; create function psql_df_plpgsql () returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin return; end; $$; comment on function psql_df_plpgsql () is 'some comment'; \df+ psql_df_* List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Parallel | Owner | Security | Access privileges | Language | Internal name | Description --------+------------------+------------------+---------------------+------+------------+----------+-------------------+----------+-------------------+----------+---------------+-------------- public | psql_df_internal | double precision | double precision | func | immutable | safe | regress_psql_user | invoker | | internal | dsin | public | psql_df_plpgsql | void | | func | volatile | unsafe | regress_psql_user | invoker | | plpgsql | | some comment public | psql_df_sql | integer | x integer | func | volatile | unsafe | regress_psql_user | definer | | sql | | (3 rows) rollback; drop role regress_psql_user; -- check \sf \sf information_schema._pg_expandarray CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION information_schema._pg_expandarray(anyarray, OUT x anyelement, OUT n integer) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT AS $function$select $1[s], s operator(pg_catalog.-) pg_catalog.array_lower($1,1) operator(pg_catalog.+) 1 from pg_catalog.generate_series(pg_catalog.array_lower($1,1), pg_catalog.array_upper($1,1), 1) as g(s)$function$ \sf+ information_schema._pg_expandarray CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION information_schema._pg_expandarray(anyarray, OUT x anyelement, OUT n integer) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT 1 AS $function$select $1[s], 2 s operator(pg_catalog.-) pg_catalog.array_lower($1,1) operator(pg_catalog.+) 1 3 from pg_catalog.generate_series(pg_catalog.array_lower($1,1), 4 pg_catalog.array_upper($1,1), 5 1) as g(s)$function$ \sf+ interval_pl_time CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.interval_pl_time(interval, time without time zone) RETURNS time without time zone LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT COST 1 1 RETURN ($2 + $1) \sf ts_debug(text) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.ts_debug(document text, OUT alias text, OUT description text, OUT token text, OUT dictionaries regdictionary[], OUT dictionary regdictionary, OUT lexemes text[]) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql STABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT BEGIN ATOMIC SELECT ts_debug.alias, ts_debug.description, ts_debug.token, ts_debug.dictionaries, ts_debug.dictionary, ts_debug.lexemes FROM ts_debug(get_current_ts_config(), ts_debug.document) ts_debug(alias, description, token, dictionaries, dictionary, lexemes); END \sf+ ts_debug(text) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.ts_debug(document text, OUT alias text, OUT description text, OUT token text, OUT dictionaries regdictionary[], OUT dictionary regdictionary, OUT lexemes text[]) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql STABLE PARALLEL SAFE STRICT 1 BEGIN ATOMIC 2 SELECT ts_debug.alias, 3 ts_debug.description, 4 ts_debug.token, 5 ts_debug.dictionaries, 6 ts_debug.dictionary, 7 ts_debug.lexemes 8 FROM ts_debug(get_current_ts_config(), ts_debug.document) ts_debug(alias, description, token, dictionaries, dictionary, lexemes); 9 END -- AUTOCOMMIT CREATE TABLE ac_test (a int); \set AUTOCOMMIT off INSERT INTO ac_test VALUES (1); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM ac_test; a --- 1 (1 row) COMMIT; INSERT INTO ac_test VALUES (2); ROLLBACK; SELECT * FROM ac_test; a --- 1 (1 row) COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO ac_test VALUES (3); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM ac_test; a --- 1 3 (2 rows) COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO ac_test VALUES (4); ROLLBACK; SELECT * FROM ac_test; a --- 1 3 (2 rows) COMMIT; \set AUTOCOMMIT on DROP TABLE ac_test; SELECT * FROM ac_test; -- should be gone now ERROR: relation "ac_test" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT * FROM ac_test; ^ -- ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK on CREATE TABLE oer_test (a int); BEGIN; INSERT INTO oer_test VALUES (1); INSERT INTO oer_test VALUES ('foo'); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: "foo" LINE 1: INSERT INTO oer_test VALUES ('foo'); ^ INSERT INTO oer_test VALUES (3); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM oer_test; a --- 1 3 (2 rows) BEGIN; INSERT INTO oer_test VALUES (4); ROLLBACK; SELECT * FROM oer_test; a --- 1 3 (2 rows) BEGIN; INSERT INTO oer_test VALUES (5); COMMIT AND CHAIN; INSERT INTO oer_test VALUES (6); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM oer_test; a --- 1 3 5 6 (4 rows) DROP TABLE oer_test; \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK off -- ECHO errors \set ECHO errors ERROR: relation "notexists" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT * FROM notexists; ^ STATEMENT: SELECT * FROM notexists; -- -- combined queries -- CREATE FUNCTION warn(msg TEXT) RETURNS BOOLEAN LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'warn %', msg ; RETURN TRUE ; END $$; -- show both SELECT 1 AS one \; SELECT warn('1.5') \; SELECT 2 AS two ; NOTICE: warn 1.5 CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function warn(text) line 2 at RAISE one ----- 1 (1 row) warn ------ t (1 row) two ----- 2 (1 row) -- \gset applies to last query only SELECT 3 AS three \; SELECT warn('3.5') \; SELECT 4 AS four \gset NOTICE: warn 3.5 CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function warn(text) line 2 at RAISE three ------- 3 (1 row) warn ------ t (1 row) \echo :three :four :three 4 -- syntax error stops all processing SELECT 5 \; SELECT 6 + \; SELECT warn('6.5') \; SELECT 7 ; ERROR: syntax error at or near ";" LINE 1: SELECT 5 ; SELECT 6 + ; SELECT warn('6.5') ; SELECT 7 ; ^ -- with aborted transaction, stop on first error BEGIN \; SELECT 8 AS eight \; SELECT 9/0 AS nine \; ROLLBACK \; SELECT 10 AS ten ; eight ------- 8 (1 row) ERROR: division by zero -- close previously aborted transaction ROLLBACK; -- miscellaneous SQL commands -- (non SELECT output is sent to stderr, thus is not shown in expected results) SELECT 'ok' AS "begin" \; CREATE TABLE psql_comics(s TEXT) \; INSERT INTO psql_comics VALUES ('Calvin'), ('hobbes') \; COPY psql_comics FROM STDIN \; UPDATE psql_comics SET s = 'Hobbes' WHERE s = 'hobbes' \; DELETE FROM psql_comics WHERE s = 'Moe' \; COPY psql_comics TO STDOUT \; TRUNCATE psql_comics \; DROP TABLE psql_comics \; SELECT 'ok' AS "done" ; begin ------- ok (1 row) Calvin Susie Hobbes done ------ ok (1 row) \set SHOW_ALL_RESULTS off SELECT 1 AS one \; SELECT warn('1.5') \; SELECT 2 AS two ; NOTICE: warn 1.5 CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function warn(text) line 2 at RAISE two ----- 2 (1 row) \set SHOW_ALL_RESULTS on DROP FUNCTION warn(TEXT); -- -- \g with file -- \getenv abs_builddir PG_ABS_BUILDDIR \set g_out_file :abs_builddir '/results/psql-output1' CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE reload_output( lineno int NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, line text ); SELECT 1 AS a \g :g_out_file COPY reload_output(line) FROM :'g_out_file'; SELECT 2 AS b\; SELECT 3 AS c\; SELECT 4 AS d \g :g_out_file COPY reload_output(line) FROM :'g_out_file'; COPY (SELECT 'foo') TO STDOUT \; COPY (SELECT 'bar') TO STDOUT \g :g_out_file COPY reload_output(line) FROM :'g_out_file'; SELECT line FROM reload_output ORDER BY lineno; line --------- a --- 1 (1 row) b --- 2 (1 row) c --- 3 (1 row) d --- 4 (1 row) foo bar (22 rows) TRUNCATE TABLE reload_output; -- -- \o with file -- \set o_out_file :abs_builddir '/results/psql-output2' \o :o_out_file SELECT max(unique1) FROM onek; SELECT 1 AS a\; SELECT 2 AS b\; SELECT 3 AS c; -- COPY TO file -- The data goes to :g_out_file and the status to :o_out_file \set QUIET false COPY (SELECT unique1 FROM onek ORDER BY unique1 LIMIT 10) TO :'g_out_file'; -- DML command status UPDATE onek SET unique1 = unique1 WHERE false; \set QUIET true \o -- Check the contents of the files generated. COPY reload_output(line) FROM :'g_out_file'; SELECT line FROM reload_output ORDER BY lineno; line ------ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (10 rows) TRUNCATE TABLE reload_output; COPY reload_output(line) FROM :'o_out_file'; SELECT line FROM reload_output ORDER BY lineno; line ---------- max ----- 999 (1 row) a --- 1 (1 row) b --- 2 (1 row) c --- 3 (1 row) COPY 10 UPDATE 0 (22 rows) TRUNCATE TABLE reload_output; -- Multiple COPY TO STDOUT with output file \o :o_out_file -- The data goes to :o_out_file with no status generated. COPY (SELECT 'foo1') TO STDOUT \; COPY (SELECT 'bar1') TO STDOUT; -- Combination of \o and \g file with multiple COPY queries. COPY (SELECT 'foo2') TO STDOUT \; COPY (SELECT 'bar2') TO STDOUT \g :g_out_file \o -- Check the contents of the files generated. COPY reload_output(line) FROM :'g_out_file'; SELECT line FROM reload_output ORDER BY lineno; line ------ foo2 bar2 (2 rows) TRUNCATE TABLE reload_output; COPY reload_output(line) FROM :'o_out_file'; SELECT line FROM reload_output ORDER BY lineno; line ------ foo1 bar1 (2 rows) DROP TABLE reload_output; -- -- AUTOCOMMIT and combined queries -- \set AUTOCOMMIT off \echo '# AUTOCOMMIT:' :AUTOCOMMIT # AUTOCOMMIT: off -- BEGIN is now implicit CREATE TABLE foo(s TEXT) \; ROLLBACK; CREATE TABLE foo(s TEXT) \; INSERT INTO foo(s) VALUES ('hello'), ('world') \; COMMIT; DROP TABLE foo \; ROLLBACK; -- table foo is still there SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY 1 \; DROP TABLE foo \; COMMIT; s ------- hello world (2 rows) \set AUTOCOMMIT on \echo '# AUTOCOMMIT:' :AUTOCOMMIT # AUTOCOMMIT: on -- BEGIN now explicit for multi-statement transactions BEGIN \; CREATE TABLE foo(s TEXT) \; INSERT INTO foo(s) VALUES ('hello'), ('world') \; COMMIT; BEGIN \; DROP TABLE foo \; ROLLBACK \; -- implicit transactions SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY 1 \; DROP TABLE foo; s ------- hello world (2 rows) -- -- test ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK and combined queries -- CREATE FUNCTION psql_error(msg TEXT) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN RAISE EXCEPTION 'error %', msg; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK on \echo '# ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK:' :ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK # ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK: on \echo '# AUTOCOMMIT:' :AUTOCOMMIT # AUTOCOMMIT: on BEGIN; CREATE TABLE bla(s NO_SUCH_TYPE); -- fails ERROR: type "no_such_type" does not exist LINE 1: CREATE TABLE bla(s NO_SUCH_TYPE); ^ CREATE TABLE bla(s TEXT); -- succeeds SELECT psql_error('oops!'); -- fails ERROR: error oops! CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function psql_error(text) line 3 at RAISE INSERT INTO bla VALUES ('Calvin'), ('Hobbes'); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM bla ORDER BY 1; s -------- Calvin Hobbes (2 rows) BEGIN; INSERT INTO bla VALUES ('Susie'); -- succeeds -- now with combined queries INSERT INTO bla VALUES ('Rosalyn') \; -- will rollback SELECT 'before error' AS show \; -- will show nevertheless! SELECT psql_error('boum!') \; -- failure SELECT 'after error' AS noshow; -- hidden by preceding error show -------------- before error (1 row) ERROR: error boum! CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function psql_error(text) line 3 at RAISE INSERT INTO bla(s) VALUES ('Moe') \; -- will rollback SELECT psql_error('bam!'); ERROR: error bam! CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function psql_error(text) line 3 at RAISE INSERT INTO bla VALUES ('Miss Wormwood'); -- succeeds COMMIT; SELECT * FROM bla ORDER BY 1; s --------------- Calvin Hobbes Miss Wormwood Susie (4 rows) -- some with autocommit off \set AUTOCOMMIT off \echo '# AUTOCOMMIT:' :AUTOCOMMIT # AUTOCOMMIT: off -- implicit BEGIN INSERT INTO bla VALUES ('Dad'); -- succeeds SELECT psql_error('bad!'); -- implicit partial rollback ERROR: error bad! CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function psql_error(text) line 3 at RAISE INSERT INTO bla VALUES ('Mum') \; -- will rollback SELECT COUNT(*) AS "#mum" FROM bla WHERE s = 'Mum' \; -- but be counted here SELECT psql_error('bad!'); -- implicit partial rollback #mum ------ 1 (1 row) ERROR: error bad! CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function psql_error(text) line 3 at RAISE COMMIT; SELECT COUNT(*) AS "#mum" FROM bla WHERE s = 'Mum' \; -- no mum here SELECT * FROM bla ORDER BY 1; #mum ------ 0 (1 row) s --------------- Calvin Dad Hobbes Miss Wormwood Susie (5 rows) -- reset all \set AUTOCOMMIT on \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK off \echo '# final ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK:' :ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK # final ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK: off DROP TABLE bla; DROP FUNCTION psql_error; -- check describing invalid multipart names \dA regression.heap improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.heap \dA nonesuch.heap improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.heap \dt host.regression.pg_catalog.pg_class improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.pg_catalog.pg_class \dt |.pg_catalog.pg_class cross-database references are not implemented: |.pg_catalog.pg_class \dt nonesuch.pg_catalog.pg_class cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.pg_catalog.pg_class \da host.regression.pg_catalog.sum improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.pg_catalog.sum \da +.pg_catalog.sum cross-database references are not implemented: +.pg_catalog.sum \da nonesuch.pg_catalog.sum cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.pg_catalog.sum \dAc nonesuch.brin improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.brin \dAc regression.brin improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.brin \dAf nonesuch.brin improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.brin \dAf regression.brin improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.brin \dAo nonesuch.brin improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.brin \dAo regression.brin improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.brin \dAp nonesuch.brin improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.brin \dAp regression.brin improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.brin \db nonesuch.pg_default improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.pg_default \db regression.pg_default improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.pg_default \dc host.regression.public.conversion improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.conversion \dc (.public.conversion cross-database references are not implemented: (.public.conversion \dc nonesuch.public.conversion cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.conversion \dC host.regression.pg_catalog.int8 improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.pg_catalog.int8 \dC ).pg_catalog.int8 cross-database references are not implemented: ).pg_catalog.int8 \dC nonesuch.pg_catalog.int8 cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.pg_catalog.int8 \dd host.regression.pg_catalog.pg_class improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.pg_catalog.pg_class \dd [.pg_catalog.pg_class cross-database references are not implemented: [.pg_catalog.pg_class \dd nonesuch.pg_catalog.pg_class cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.pg_catalog.pg_class \dD host.regression.public.gtestdomain1 improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.gtestdomain1 \dD ].public.gtestdomain1 cross-database references are not implemented: ].public.gtestdomain1 \dD nonesuch.public.gtestdomain1 cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.gtestdomain1 \ddp host.regression.pg_catalog.pg_class improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.pg_catalog.pg_class \ddp {.pg_catalog.pg_class cross-database references are not implemented: {.pg_catalog.pg_class \ddp nonesuch.pg_catalog.pg_class cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.pg_catalog.pg_class \dE host.regression.public.ft improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.ft \dE }.public.ft cross-database references are not implemented: }.public.ft \dE nonesuch.public.ft cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.ft \di host.regression.public.tenk1_hundred improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.tenk1_hundred \di ..public.tenk1_hundred improper qualified name (too many dotted names): ..public.tenk1_hundred \di nonesuch.public.tenk1_hundred cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.tenk1_hundred \dm host.regression.public.mvtest_bb improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.mvtest_bb \dm ^.public.mvtest_bb cross-database references are not implemented: ^.public.mvtest_bb \dm nonesuch.public.mvtest_bb cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.mvtest_bb \ds host.regression.public.check_seq improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.check_seq \ds regression|mydb.public.check_seq cross-database references are not implemented: regression|mydb.public.check_seq \ds nonesuch.public.check_seq cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.check_seq \dt host.regression.public.b_star improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.b_star \dt regres+ion.public.b_star cross-database references are not implemented: regres+ion.public.b_star \dt nonesuch.public.b_star cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.b_star \dv host.regression.public.shoe improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.shoe \dv regress(ion).public.shoe cross-database references are not implemented: regress(ion).public.shoe \dv nonesuch.public.shoe cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.shoe \des nonesuch.server improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.server \des regression.server improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.server \des nonesuch.server improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.server \des regression.server improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.server \des nonesuch.username improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.username \des regression.username improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.username \dew nonesuch.fdw improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.fdw \dew regression.fdw improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.fdw \df host.regression.public.namelen improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.namelen \df regres[qrstuv]ion.public.namelen cross-database references are not implemented: regres[qrstuv]ion.public.namelen \df nonesuch.public.namelen cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.namelen \dF host.regression.pg_catalog.arabic improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.pg_catalog.arabic \dF regres{1,2}ion.pg_catalog.arabic cross-database references are not implemented: regres{1,2}ion.pg_catalog.arabic \dF nonesuch.pg_catalog.arabic cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.pg_catalog.arabic \dFd host.regression.pg_catalog.arabic_stem improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.pg_catalog.arabic_stem \dFd regres?ion.pg_catalog.arabic_stem cross-database references are not implemented: regres?ion.pg_catalog.arabic_stem \dFd nonesuch.pg_catalog.arabic_stem cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.pg_catalog.arabic_stem \dFp host.regression.pg_catalog.default improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.pg_catalog.default \dFp ^regression.pg_catalog.default cross-database references are not implemented: ^regression.pg_catalog.default \dFp nonesuch.pg_catalog.default cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.pg_catalog.default \dFt host.regression.pg_catalog.ispell improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.pg_catalog.ispell \dFt regression$.pg_catalog.ispell cross-database references are not implemented: regression$.pg_catalog.ispell \dFt nonesuch.pg_catalog.ispell cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.pg_catalog.ispell \dg nonesuch.pg_database_owner improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.pg_database_owner \dg regression.pg_database_owner improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.pg_database_owner \dL host.regression.plpgsql improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.plpgsql \dL *.plpgsql cross-database references are not implemented: *.plpgsql \dL nonesuch.plpgsql cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.plpgsql \dn host.regression.public improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public \dn """".public cross-database references are not implemented: """".public \dn nonesuch.public cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public \do host.regression.public.!=- improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.!=- \do "regression|mydb".public.!=- cross-database references are not implemented: "regression|mydb".public.!=- \do nonesuch.public.!=- cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.!=- \dO host.regression.pg_catalog.POSIX improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.pg_catalog.POSIX \dO .pg_catalog.POSIX cross-database references are not implemented: .pg_catalog.POSIX \dO nonesuch.pg_catalog.POSIX cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.pg_catalog.POSIX \dp host.regression.public.a_star improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.a_star \dp "regres+ion".public.a_star cross-database references are not implemented: "regres+ion".public.a_star \dp nonesuch.public.a_star cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.a_star \dP host.regression.public.mlparted improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.mlparted \dP "regres(sion)".public.mlparted cross-database references are not implemented: "regres(sion)".public.mlparted \dP nonesuch.public.mlparted cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.mlparted \drds nonesuch.lc_messages improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.lc_messages \drds regression.lc_messages improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.lc_messages \dRp public.mypub improper qualified name (too many dotted names): public.mypub \dRp regression.mypub improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.mypub \dRs public.mysub improper qualified name (too many dotted names): public.mysub \dRs regression.mysub improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.mysub \dT host.regression.public.widget improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.widget \dT "regression{1,2}".public.widget cross-database references are not implemented: "regression{1,2}".public.widget \dT nonesuch.public.widget cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.widget \dx regression.plpgsql improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.plpgsql \dx nonesuch.plpgsql improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.plpgsql \dX host.regression.public.func_deps_stat improper qualified name (too many dotted names): host.regression.public.func_deps_stat \dX "^regression$".public.func_deps_stat cross-database references are not implemented: "^regression$".public.func_deps_stat \dX nonesuch.public.func_deps_stat cross-database references are not implemented: nonesuch.public.func_deps_stat \dy regression.myevt improper qualified name (too many dotted names): regression.myevt \dy nonesuch.myevt improper qualified name (too many dotted names): nonesuch.myevt -- check that dots within quoted name segments are not counted \dA "no.such.access.method" List of access methods Name | Type ------+------ (0 rows) \dt "no.such.table.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \da "no.such.aggregate.function" List of aggregate functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Description --------+------+------------------+---------------------+------------- (0 rows) \dAc "no.such.operator.class" List of operator classes AM | Input type | Storage type | Operator class | Default? ----+------------+--------------+----------------+---------- (0 rows) \dAf "no.such.operator.family" List of operator families AM | Operator family | Applicable types ----+-----------------+------------------ (0 rows) \dAo "no.such.operator.of.operator.family" List of operators of operator families AM | Operator family | Operator | Strategy | Purpose ----+-----------------+----------+----------+--------- (0 rows) \dAp "no.such.operator.support.function.of.operator.family" List of support functions of operator families AM | Operator family | Registered left type | Registered right type | Number | Function ----+-----------------+----------------------+-----------------------+--------+---------- (0 rows) \db "no.such.tablespace" List of tablespaces Name | Owner | Location ------+-------+---------- (0 rows) \dc "no.such.conversion" List of conversions Schema | Name | Source | Destination | Default? --------+------+--------+-------------+---------- (0 rows) \dC "no.such.cast" List of casts Source type | Target type | Function | Implicit? -------------+-------------+----------+----------- (0 rows) \dd "no.such.object.description" Object descriptions Schema | Name | Object | Description --------+------+--------+------------- (0 rows) \dD "no.such.domain" List of domains Schema | Name | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Check --------+------+------+-----------+----------+---------+------- (0 rows) \ddp "no.such.default.access.privilege" Default access privileges Owner | Schema | Type | Access privileges -------+--------+------+------------------- (0 rows) \di "no.such.index.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table --------+------+------+-------+------- (0 rows) \dm "no.such.materialized.view" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \ds "no.such.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \dt "no.such.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \dv "no.such.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \des "no.such.foreign.server" List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper ------+-------+---------------------- (0 rows) \dew "no.such.foreign.data.wrapper" List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Handler | Validator ------+-------+---------+----------- (0 rows) \df "no.such.function" List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type --------+------+------------------+---------------------+------ (0 rows) \dF "no.such.text.search.configuration" List of text search configurations Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dFd "no.such.text.search.dictionary" List of text search dictionaries Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dFp "no.such.text.search.parser" List of text search parsers Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dFt "no.such.text.search.template" List of text search templates Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dg "no.such.role" List of roles Role name | Attributes -----------+------------ \dL "no.such.language" List of languages Name | Owner | Trusted | Description ------+-------+---------+------------- (0 rows) \dn "no.such.schema" List of schemas Name | Owner ------+------- (0 rows) \do "no.such.operator" List of operators Schema | Name | Left arg type | Right arg type | Result type | Description --------+------+---------------+----------------+-------------+------------- (0 rows) \dO "no.such.collation" List of collations Schema | Name | Provider | Collate | Ctype | ICU Locale | ICU Rules | Deterministic? --------+------+----------+---------+-------+------------+-----------+---------------- (0 rows) \dp "no.such.access.privilege" Access privileges Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies --------+------+------+-------------------+-------------------+---------- (0 rows) \dP "no.such.partitioned.relation" List of partitioned relations Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Parent name | Table --------+------+-------+------+-------------+------- (0 rows) \drds "no.such.setting" List of settings Role | Database | Settings ------+----------+---------- (0 rows) \dRp "no.such.publication" List of publications Name | Owner | All tables | Inserts | Updates | Deletes | Truncates | Via root ------+-------+------------+---------+---------+---------+-----------+---------- (0 rows) \dRs "no.such.subscription" List of subscriptions Name | Owner | Enabled | Publication ------+-------+---------+------------- (0 rows) \dT "no.such.data.type" List of data types Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dx "no.such.installed.extension" List of installed extensions Name | Version | Schema | Description ------+---------+--------+------------- (0 rows) \dX "no.such.extended.statistics" List of extended statistics Schema | Name | Definition | Ndistinct | Dependencies | MCV --------+------+------------+-----------+--------------+----- (0 rows) \dy "no.such.event.trigger" List of event triggers Name | Event | Owner | Enabled | Function | Tags ------+-------+-------+---------+----------+------ (0 rows) -- again, but with dotted schema qualifications. \dA "no.such.schema"."no.such.access.method" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.access.method" \dt "no.such.schema"."no.such.table.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \da "no.such.schema"."no.such.aggregate.function" List of aggregate functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Description --------+------+------------------+---------------------+------------- (0 rows) \dAc "no.such.schema"."no.such.operator.class" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.operator.class" \dAf "no.such.schema"."no.such.operator.family" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.operator.family" \dAo "no.such.schema"."no.such.operator.of.operator.family" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.operator.of.operator.family" \dAp "no.such.schema"."no.such.operator.support.function.of.operator.family" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.operator.support.function.of.operator.family" \db "no.such.schema"."no.such.tablespace" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.tablespace" \dc "no.such.schema"."no.such.conversion" List of conversions Schema | Name | Source | Destination | Default? --------+------+--------+-------------+---------- (0 rows) \dC "no.such.schema"."no.such.cast" List of casts Source type | Target type | Function | Implicit? -------------+-------------+----------+----------- (0 rows) \dd "no.such.schema"."no.such.object.description" Object descriptions Schema | Name | Object | Description --------+------+--------+------------- (0 rows) \dD "no.such.schema"."no.such.domain" List of domains Schema | Name | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Check --------+------+------+-----------+----------+---------+------- (0 rows) \ddp "no.such.schema"."no.such.default.access.privilege" Default access privileges Owner | Schema | Type | Access privileges -------+--------+------+------------------- (0 rows) \di "no.such.schema"."no.such.index.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table --------+------+------+-------+------- (0 rows) \dm "no.such.schema"."no.such.materialized.view" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \ds "no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \dt "no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \dv "no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \des "no.such.schema"."no.such.foreign.server" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.foreign.server" \dew "no.such.schema"."no.such.foreign.data.wrapper" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.foreign.data.wrapper" \df "no.such.schema"."no.such.function" List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type --------+------+------------------+---------------------+------ (0 rows) \dF "no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.configuration" List of text search configurations Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dFd "no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.dictionary" List of text search dictionaries Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dFp "no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.parser" List of text search parsers Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dFt "no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.template" List of text search templates Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dg "no.such.schema"."no.such.role" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.role" \dL "no.such.schema"."no.such.language" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.schema"."no.such.language" \do "no.such.schema"."no.such.operator" List of operators Schema | Name | Left arg type | Right arg type | Result type | Description --------+------+---------------+----------------+-------------+------------- (0 rows) \dO "no.such.schema"."no.such.collation" List of collations Schema | Name | Provider | Collate | Ctype | ICU Locale | ICU Rules | Deterministic? --------+------+----------+---------+-------+------------+-----------+---------------- (0 rows) \dp "no.such.schema"."no.such.access.privilege" Access privileges Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies --------+------+------+-------------------+-------------------+---------- (0 rows) \dP "no.such.schema"."no.such.partitioned.relation" List of partitioned relations Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Parent name | Table --------+------+-------+------+-------------+------- (0 rows) \drds "no.such.schema"."no.such.setting" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.setting" \dRp "no.such.schema"."no.such.publication" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.publication" \dRs "no.such.schema"."no.such.subscription" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.subscription" \dT "no.such.schema"."no.such.data.type" List of data types Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dx "no.such.schema"."no.such.installed.extension" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.installed.extension" \dX "no.such.schema"."no.such.extended.statistics" List of extended statistics Schema | Name | Definition | Ndistinct | Dependencies | MCV --------+------+------------+-----------+--------------+----- (0 rows) \dy "no.such.schema"."no.such.event.trigger" improper qualified name (too many dotted names): "no.such.schema"."no.such.event.trigger" -- again, but with current database and dotted schema qualifications. \dt regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.table.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \da regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.aggregate.function" List of aggregate functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Description --------+------+------------------+---------------------+------------- (0 rows) \dc regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.conversion" List of conversions Schema | Name | Source | Destination | Default? --------+------+--------+-------------+---------- (0 rows) \dC regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.cast" List of casts Source type | Target type | Function | Implicit? -------------+-------------+----------+----------- (0 rows) \dd regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.object.description" Object descriptions Schema | Name | Object | Description --------+------+--------+------------- (0 rows) \dD regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.domain" List of domains Schema | Name | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Check --------+------+------+-----------+----------+---------+------- (0 rows) \di regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.index.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table --------+------+------+-------+------- (0 rows) \dm regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.materialized.view" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \ds regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \dt regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \dv regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+------+------- (0 rows) \df regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.function" List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type --------+------+------------------+---------------------+------ (0 rows) \dF regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.configuration" List of text search configurations Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dFd regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.dictionary" List of text search dictionaries Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dFp regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.parser" List of text search parsers Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dFt regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.template" List of text search templates Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \do regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.operator" List of operators Schema | Name | Left arg type | Right arg type | Result type | Description --------+------+---------------+----------------+-------------+------------- (0 rows) \dO regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.collation" List of collations Schema | Name | Provider | Collate | Ctype | ICU Locale | ICU Rules | Deterministic? --------+------+----------+---------+-------+------------+-----------+---------------- (0 rows) \dp regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.access.privilege" Access privileges Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies --------+------+------+-------------------+-------------------+---------- (0 rows) \dP regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.partitioned.relation" List of partitioned relations Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Parent name | Table --------+------+-------+------+-------------+------- (0 rows) \dT regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.data.type" List of data types Schema | Name | Description --------+------+------------- (0 rows) \dX regression."no.such.schema"."no.such.extended.statistics" List of extended statistics Schema | Name | Definition | Ndistinct | Dependencies | MCV --------+------+------------+-----------+--------------+----- (0 rows) -- again, but with dotted database and dotted schema qualifications. \dt "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.table.relation" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.table.relation" \da "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.aggregate.function" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.aggregate.function" \dc "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.conversion" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.conversion" \dC "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.cast" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.cast" \dd "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.object.description" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.object.description" \dD "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.domain" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.domain" \ddp "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.default.access.privilege" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.default.access.privilege" \di "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.index.relation" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.index.relation" \dm "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.materialized.view" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.materialized.view" \ds "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" \dt "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" \dv "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.relation" \df "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.function" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.function" \dF "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.configuration" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.configuration" \dFd "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.dictionary" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.dictionary" \dFp "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.parser" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.parser" \dFt "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.template" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.text.search.template" \do "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.operator" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.operator" \dO "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.collation" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.collation" \dp "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.access.privilege" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.access.privilege" \dP "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.partitioned.relation" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.partitioned.relation" \dT "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.data.type" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.data.type" \dX "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.extended.statistics" cross-database references are not implemented: "no.such.database"."no.such.schema"."no.such.extended.statistics" -- check \drg and \du CREATE ROLE regress_du_role0; CREATE ROLE regress_du_role1; CREATE ROLE regress_du_role2; CREATE ROLE regress_du_admin; GRANT regress_du_role0 TO regress_du_admin WITH ADMIN TRUE; GRANT regress_du_role1 TO regress_du_admin WITH ADMIN TRUE; GRANT regress_du_role2 TO regress_du_admin WITH ADMIN TRUE; GRANT regress_du_role0 TO regress_du_role1 WITH ADMIN TRUE, INHERIT TRUE, SET TRUE GRANTED BY regress_du_admin; GRANT regress_du_role0 TO regress_du_role2 WITH ADMIN TRUE, INHERIT FALSE, SET FALSE GRANTED BY regress_du_admin; GRANT regress_du_role1 TO regress_du_role2 WITH ADMIN TRUE , INHERIT FALSE, SET TRUE GRANTED BY regress_du_admin; GRANT regress_du_role0 TO regress_du_role1 WITH ADMIN FALSE, INHERIT TRUE, SET FALSE GRANTED BY regress_du_role1; GRANT regress_du_role0 TO regress_du_role2 WITH ADMIN FALSE, INHERIT TRUE , SET TRUE GRANTED BY regress_du_role1; GRANT regress_du_role0 TO regress_du_role1 WITH ADMIN FALSE, INHERIT FALSE, SET TRUE GRANTED BY regress_du_role2; GRANT regress_du_role0 TO regress_du_role2 WITH ADMIN FALSE, INHERIT FALSE, SET FALSE GRANTED BY regress_du_role2; \drg regress_du_role* List of role grants Role name | Member of | Options | Grantor ------------------+------------------+---------------------+------------------ regress_du_role1 | regress_du_role0 | ADMIN, INHERIT, SET | regress_du_admin regress_du_role1 | regress_du_role0 | INHERIT | regress_du_role1 regress_du_role1 | regress_du_role0 | SET | regress_du_role2 regress_du_role2 | regress_du_role0 | ADMIN | regress_du_admin regress_du_role2 | regress_du_role0 | INHERIT, SET | regress_du_role1 regress_du_role2 | regress_du_role0 | | regress_du_role2 regress_du_role2 | regress_du_role1 | ADMIN, SET | regress_du_admin (7 rows) \du regress_du_role* List of roles Role name | Attributes ------------------+-------------- regress_du_role0 | Cannot login regress_du_role1 | Cannot login regress_du_role2 | Cannot login DROP ROLE regress_du_role0; DROP ROLE regress_du_role1; DROP ROLE regress_du_role2; DROP ROLE regress_du_admin;