-- -- POINT -- CREATE TABLE POINT_TBL(f1 point); INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(0.0,0.0)'); INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(-10.0,0.0)'); INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(-3.0,4.0)'); INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(5.1, 34.5)'); INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(-5.0,-12.0)'); -- bad format points INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdfasdf'); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type point: "asdfasdf" INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10.0,10.0'); INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(10.0 10.0)'); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type point: "(10.0 10.0)" INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(10.0,10.0'); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type point: "(10.0,10.0" SELECT '' AS six, POINT_TBL.*; six | f1 -----+------------ | (0,0) | (-10,0) | (-3,4) | (5.1,34.5) | (-5,-12) | (10,10) (6 rows) -- left of SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE p.f1 << '(0.0, 0.0)'; three | f1 -------+---------- | (-10,0) | (-3,4) | (-5,-12) (3 rows) -- right of SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE '(0.0,0.0)' >> p.f1; three | f1 -------+---------- | (-10,0) | (-3,4) | (-5,-12) (3 rows) -- above SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE '(0.0,0.0)' >^ p.f1; one | f1 -----+---------- | (-5,-12) (1 row) -- below SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE p.f1 <^ '(0.0, 0.0)'; one | f1 -----+---------- | (-5,-12) (1 row) -- equal SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(5.1, 34.5)'; one | f1 -----+------------ | (5.1,34.5) (1 row) -- point in box SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE p.f1 @ box '(0,0,100,100)'; three | f1 -------+------------ | (0,0) | (5.1,34.5) | (10,10) (3 rows) SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE not p.f1 @ box '(0,0,100,100)'; three | f1 -------+---------- | (-10,0) | (-3,4) | (-5,-12) (3 rows) SELECT '' AS two, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE p.f1 @ path '[(0,0),(-10,0),(-10,10)]'; two | f1 -----+--------- | (0,0) | (-10,0) (2 rows) SELECT '' AS six, p.f1, p.f1 <-> point '(0,0)' AS dist FROM POINT_TBL p ORDER BY dist; six | f1 | dist -----+------------+------------------ | (0,0) | 0 | (-3,4) | 5 | (-10,0) | 10 | (-5,-12) | 13 | (10,10) | 14.142135623731 | (5.1,34.5) | 34.8749193547455 (6 rows) SET geqo TO 'off'; SELECT '' AS thirtysix, p1.f1 AS point1, p2.f1 AS point2, p1.f1 <-> p2.f1 AS dist FROM POINT_TBL p1, POINT_TBL p2 ORDER BY dist, point1 using <<, point2 using <<; thirtysix | point1 | point2 | dist -----------+------------+------------+------------------ | (-10,0) | (-10,0) | 0 | (-5,-12) | (-5,-12) | 0 | (-3,4) | (-3,4) | 0 | (0,0) | (0,0) | 0 | (5.1,34.5) | (5.1,34.5) | 0 | (10,10) | (10,10) | 0 | (-3,4) | (0,0) | 5 | (0,0) | (-3,4) | 5 | (-10,0) | (-3,4) | 8.06225774829855 | (-3,4) | (-10,0) | 8.06225774829855 | (-10,0) | (0,0) | 10 | (0,0) | (-10,0) | 10 | (-10,0) | (-5,-12) | 13 | (-5,-12) | (-10,0) | 13 | (-5,-12) | (0,0) | 13 | (0,0) | (-5,-12) | 13 | (0,0) | (10,10) | 14.142135623731 | (10,10) | (0,0) | 14.142135623731 | (-3,4) | (10,10) | 14.3178210632764 | (10,10) | (-3,4) | 14.3178210632764 | (-5,-12) | (-3,4) | 16.1245154965971 | (-3,4) | (-5,-12) | 16.1245154965971 | (-10,0) | (10,10) | 22.3606797749979 | (10,10) | (-10,0) | 22.3606797749979 | (5.1,34.5) | (10,10) | 24.9851956166046 | (10,10) | (5.1,34.5) | 24.9851956166046 | (-5,-12) | (10,10) | 26.6270539113887 | (10,10) | (-5,-12) | 26.6270539113887 | (-3,4) | (5.1,34.5) | 31.5572495632937 | (5.1,34.5) | (-3,4) | 31.5572495632937 | (0,0) | (5.1,34.5) | 34.8749193547455 | (5.1,34.5) | (0,0) | 34.8749193547455 | (-10,0) | (5.1,34.5) | 37.6597928831267 | (5.1,34.5) | (-10,0) | 37.6597928831267 | (-5,-12) | (5.1,34.5) | 47.5842410888311 | (5.1,34.5) | (-5,-12) | 47.5842410888311 (36 rows) SELECT '' AS thirty, p1.f1 AS point1, p2.f1 AS point2 FROM POINT_TBL p1, POINT_TBL p2 WHERE (p1.f1 <-> p2.f1) > 3; thirty | point1 | point2 --------+------------+------------ | (0,0) | (-10,0) | (0,0) | (-3,4) | (0,0) | (5.1,34.5) | (0,0) | (-5,-12) | (0,0) | (10,10) | (-10,0) | (0,0) | (-10,0) | (-3,4) | (-10,0) | (5.1,34.5) | (-10,0) | (-5,-12) | (-10,0) | (10,10) | (-3,4) | (0,0) | (-3,4) | (-10,0) | (-3,4) | (5.1,34.5) | (-3,4) | (-5,-12) | (-3,4) | (10,10) | (5.1,34.5) | (0,0) | (5.1,34.5) | (-10,0) | (5.1,34.5) | (-3,4) | (5.1,34.5) | (-5,-12) | (5.1,34.5) | (10,10) | (-5,-12) | (0,0) | (-5,-12) | (-10,0) | (-5,-12) | (-3,4) | (-5,-12) | (5.1,34.5) | (-5,-12) | (10,10) | (10,10) | (0,0) | (10,10) | (-10,0) | (10,10) | (-3,4) | (10,10) | (5.1,34.5) | (10,10) | (-5,-12) (30 rows) -- put distance result into output to allow sorting with GEQ optimizer - tgl 97/05/10 SELECT '' AS fifteen, p1.f1 AS point1, p2.f1 AS point2, (p1.f1 <-> p2.f1) AS distance FROM POINT_TBL p1, POINT_TBL p2 WHERE (p1.f1 <-> p2.f1) > 3 and p1.f1 << p2.f1 ORDER BY distance, point1 using <<, point2 using <<; fifteen | point1 | point2 | distance ---------+------------+------------+------------------ | (-3,4) | (0,0) | 5 | (-10,0) | (-3,4) | 8.06225774829855 | (-10,0) | (0,0) | 10 | (-10,0) | (-5,-12) | 13 | (-5,-12) | (0,0) | 13 | (0,0) | (10,10) | 14.142135623731 | (-3,4) | (10,10) | 14.3178210632764 | (-5,-12) | (-3,4) | 16.1245154965971 | (-10,0) | (10,10) | 22.3606797749979 | (5.1,34.5) | (10,10) | 24.9851956166046 | (-5,-12) | (10,10) | 26.6270539113887 | (-3,4) | (5.1,34.5) | 31.5572495632937 | (0,0) | (5.1,34.5) | 34.8749193547455 | (-10,0) | (5.1,34.5) | 37.6597928831267 | (-5,-12) | (5.1,34.5) | 47.5842410888311 (15 rows) -- put distance result into output to allow sorting with GEQ optimizer - tgl 97/05/10 SELECT '' AS three, p1.f1 AS point1, p2.f1 AS point2, (p1.f1 <-> p2.f1) AS distance FROM POINT_TBL p1, POINT_TBL p2 WHERE (p1.f1 <-> p2.f1) > 3 and p1.f1 << p2.f1 and p1.f1 >^ p2.f1 ORDER BY distance; three | point1 | point2 | distance -------+------------+----------+------------------ | (-3,4) | (0,0) | 5 | (-10,0) | (-5,-12) | 13 | (5.1,34.5) | (10,10) | 24.9851956166046 (3 rows) RESET geqo;