-- -- Test cumulative stats system -- -- Must be run after tenk2 has been created (by create_table), -- populated (by create_misc) and indexed (by create_index). -- -- conditio sine qua non SHOW track_counts; -- must be on track_counts -------------- on (1 row) -- ensure that both seqscan and indexscan plans are allowed SET enable_seqscan TO on; SET enable_indexscan TO on; -- for the moment, we don't want index-only scans here SET enable_indexonlyscan TO off; -- not enabled by default, but we want to test it... SET track_functions TO 'all'; -- record dboid for later use SELECT oid AS dboid from pg_database where datname = current_database() \gset -- save counters BEGIN; SET LOCAL stats_fetch_consistency = snapshot; CREATE TABLE prevstats AS SELECT t.seq_scan, t.seq_tup_read, t.idx_scan, t.idx_tup_fetch, (b.heap_blks_read + b.heap_blks_hit) AS heap_blks, (b.idx_blks_read + b.idx_blks_hit) AS idx_blks, pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() as snap_ts FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_tables AS t, pg_catalog.pg_statio_user_tables AS b WHERE t.relname='tenk2' AND b.relname='tenk2'; COMMIT; -- test effects of TRUNCATE on n_live_tup/n_dead_tup counters CREATE TABLE trunc_stats_test(id serial); CREATE TABLE trunc_stats_test1(id serial, stuff text); CREATE TABLE trunc_stats_test2(id serial); CREATE TABLE trunc_stats_test3(id serial, stuff text); CREATE TABLE trunc_stats_test4(id serial); -- check that n_live_tup is reset to 0 after truncate INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test DEFAULT VALUES; TRUNCATE trunc_stats_test; -- test involving a truncate in a transaction; 4 ins but only 1 live INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test1 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test1 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test1 DEFAULT VALUES; UPDATE trunc_stats_test1 SET id = id + 10 WHERE id IN (1, 2); DELETE FROM trunc_stats_test1 WHERE id = 3; BEGIN; UPDATE trunc_stats_test1 SET id = id + 100; TRUNCATE trunc_stats_test1; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test1 DEFAULT VALUES; COMMIT; -- use a savepoint: 1 insert, 1 live BEGIN; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test2 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test2 DEFAULT VALUES; SAVEPOINT p1; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test2 DEFAULT VALUES; TRUNCATE trunc_stats_test2; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test2 DEFAULT VALUES; RELEASE SAVEPOINT p1; COMMIT; -- rollback a savepoint: this should count 4 inserts and have 2 -- live tuples after commit (and 2 dead ones due to aborted subxact) BEGIN; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test3 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test3 DEFAULT VALUES; SAVEPOINT p1; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test3 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test3 DEFAULT VALUES; TRUNCATE trunc_stats_test3; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test3 DEFAULT VALUES; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT p1; COMMIT; -- rollback a truncate: this should count 2 inserts and produce 2 dead tuples BEGIN; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test4 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test4 DEFAULT VALUES; TRUNCATE trunc_stats_test4; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test4 DEFAULT VALUES; ROLLBACK; -- do a seqscan SELECT count(*) FROM tenk2; count ------- 10000 (1 row) -- do an indexscan -- make sure it is not a bitmap scan, which might skip fetching heap tuples SET enable_bitmapscan TO off; SELECT count(*) FROM tenk2 WHERE unique1 = 1; count ------- 1 (1 row) RESET enable_bitmapscan; -- ensure pending stats are flushed SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) -- check effects BEGIN; SET LOCAL stats_fetch_consistency = snapshot; SELECT relname, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd, n_tup_del, n_live_tup, n_dead_tup FROM pg_stat_user_tables WHERE relname like 'trunc_stats_test%' order by relname; relname | n_tup_ins | n_tup_upd | n_tup_del | n_live_tup | n_dead_tup -------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------ trunc_stats_test | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 trunc_stats_test1 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 trunc_stats_test2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 trunc_stats_test3 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 trunc_stats_test4 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 (5 rows) SELECT st.seq_scan >= pr.seq_scan + 1, st.seq_tup_read >= pr.seq_tup_read + cl.reltuples, st.idx_scan >= pr.idx_scan + 1, st.idx_tup_fetch >= pr.idx_tup_fetch + 1 FROM pg_stat_user_tables AS st, pg_class AS cl, prevstats AS pr WHERE st.relname='tenk2' AND cl.relname='tenk2'; ?column? | ?column? | ?column? | ?column? ----------+----------+----------+---------- t | t | t | t (1 row) SELECT st.heap_blks_read + st.heap_blks_hit >= pr.heap_blks + cl.relpages, st.idx_blks_read + st.idx_blks_hit >= pr.idx_blks + 1 FROM pg_statio_user_tables AS st, pg_class AS cl, prevstats AS pr WHERE st.relname='tenk2' AND cl.relname='tenk2'; ?column? | ?column? ----------+---------- t | t (1 row) SELECT pr.snap_ts < pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() as snapshot_newer FROM prevstats AS pr; snapshot_newer ---------------- t (1 row) COMMIT; ---- -- Basic tests for track_functions --- CREATE FUNCTION stats_test_func1() RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$BEGIN END;$$; SELECT 'stats_test_func1()'::regprocedure::oid AS stats_test_func1_oid \gset CREATE FUNCTION stats_test_func2() RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$BEGIN END;$$; SELECT 'stats_test_func2()'::regprocedure::oid AS stats_test_func2_oid \gset -- test that stats are accumulated BEGIN; SET LOCAL stats_fetch_consistency = none; SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls --------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT stats_test_func1(); stats_test_func1 ------------------ (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls --------------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT stats_test_func1(); stats_test_func1 ------------------ (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls --------------------------------- 2 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- 0 (1 row) COMMIT; -- Verify that function stats are not transactional -- rolled back savepoint in committing transaction BEGIN; SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) SAVEPOINT foo; SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT foo; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(:stats_test_func2_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls --------------------------------- 2 (1 row) SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) COMMIT; -- rolled back transaction BEGIN; SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) ROLLBACK; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) -- check collected stats SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func1_oid; funcname | calls ------------------+------- stats_test_func1 | 2 (1 row) SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func2_oid; funcname | calls ------------------+------- stats_test_func2 | 4 (1 row) -- check that a rolled back drop function stats leaves stats alive BEGIN; SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func1_oid; funcname | calls ------------------+------- stats_test_func1 | 2 (1 row) DROP FUNCTION stats_test_func1(); -- shouldn't be visible via view SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func1_oid; funcname | calls ----------+------- (0 rows) -- but still via oid access SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- 2 (1 row) ROLLBACK; SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func1_oid; funcname | calls ------------------+------- stats_test_func1 | 2 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- 2 (1 row) -- check that function dropped in main transaction leaves no stats behind BEGIN; DROP FUNCTION stats_test_func1(); COMMIT; SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func1_oid; funcname | calls ----------+------- (0 rows) SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- (1 row) -- check that function dropped in a subtransaction leaves no stats behind BEGIN; SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) SAVEPOINT a; SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) SAVEPOINT b; DROP FUNCTION stats_test_func2(); COMMIT; SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func2_oid; funcname | calls ----------+------- (0 rows) SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func2_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- (1 row) -- Check that stats for relations are dropped. For that we need to access stats -- by oid after the DROP TABLE. Save oids. CREATE TABLE drop_stats_test(); INSERT INTO drop_stats_test DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT 'drop_stats_test'::regclass::oid AS drop_stats_test_oid \gset CREATE TABLE drop_stats_test_xact(); INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_xact DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT 'drop_stats_test_xact'::regclass::oid AS drop_stats_test_xact_oid \gset CREATE TABLE drop_stats_test_subxact(); INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_subxact DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT 'drop_stats_test_subxact'::regclass::oid AS drop_stats_test_subxact_oid \gset SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 1 (1 row) DROP TABLE drop_stats_test; SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 0 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 0 (1 row) -- check that rollback protects against having stats dropped and that local -- modifications don't pose a problem SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted ----------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 0 (1 row) BEGIN; INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_xact DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 1 (1 row) DROP TABLE drop_stats_test_xact; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 0 (1 row) ROLLBACK; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted ----------------------------- 2 (1 row) -- transactional drop SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted ----------------------------- 2 (1 row) BEGIN; INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_xact DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 1 (1 row) DROP TABLE drop_stats_test_xact; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 0 (1 row) COMMIT; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 0 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted ----------------------------- 0 (1 row) -- savepoint rollback (2 levels) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 1 (1 row) BEGIN; INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_subxact DEFAULT VALUES; SAVEPOINT sp1; INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_subxact DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 2 (1 row) SAVEPOINT sp2; DROP TABLE drop_stats_test_subxact; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT sp2; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 2 (1 row) COMMIT; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 3 (1 row) -- savepoint rolback (1 level) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 3 (1 row) BEGIN; SAVEPOINT sp1; DROP TABLE drop_stats_test_subxact; SAVEPOINT sp2; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT sp1; COMMIT; SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 3 (1 row) -- and now actually drop SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 3 (1 row) BEGIN; SAVEPOINT sp1; DROP TABLE drop_stats_test_subxact; SAVEPOINT sp2; RELEASE SAVEPOINT sp1; COMMIT; SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 0 (1 row) DROP TABLE trunc_stats_test, trunc_stats_test1, trunc_stats_test2, trunc_stats_test3, trunc_stats_test4; DROP TABLE prevstats; ----- -- Test that last_seq_scan, last_idx_scan are correctly maintained -- -- Perform test using a temporary table. That way autovacuum etc won't -- interfere. To be able to check that timestamps increase, we sleep for 100ms -- between tests, assuming that there aren't systems with a coarser timestamp -- granularity. ----- BEGIN; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test_last_scan(idx_col int primary key, noidx_col int); INSERT INTO test_last_scan(idx_col, noidx_col) VALUES(1, 1); SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT last_seq_scan, last_idx_scan FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relid = 'test_last_scan'::regclass; last_seq_scan | last_idx_scan ---------------+--------------- | (1 row) COMMIT; SELECT pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters('test_last_scan'::regclass); pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters ------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT seq_scan, idx_scan FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relid = 'test_last_scan'::regclass; seq_scan | idx_scan ----------+---------- 0 | 0 (1 row) -- ensure we start out with exactly one index and sequential scan BEGIN; SET LOCAL enable_seqscan TO on; SET LOCAL enable_indexscan TO on; SET LOCAL enable_bitmapscan TO off; EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT count(*) FROM test_last_scan WHERE noidx_col = 1; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------- Aggregate -> Seq Scan on test_last_scan Filter: (noidx_col = 1) (3 rows) SELECT count(*) FROM test_last_scan WHERE noidx_col = 1; count ------- 1 (1 row) SET LOCAL enable_seqscan TO off; EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT count(*) FROM test_last_scan WHERE idx_col = 1; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate -> Index Scan using test_last_scan_pkey on test_last_scan Index Cond: (idx_col = 1) (3 rows) SELECT count(*) FROM test_last_scan WHERE idx_col = 1; count ------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) COMMIT; -- fetch timestamps from before the next test SELECT last_seq_scan AS test_last_seq, last_idx_scan AS test_last_idx FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relid = 'test_last_scan'::regclass \gset SELECT pg_sleep(0.1); -- assume a minimum timestamp granularity of 100ms pg_sleep ---------- (1 row) -- cause one sequential scan BEGIN; SET LOCAL enable_seqscan TO on; SET LOCAL enable_indexscan TO off; SET LOCAL enable_bitmapscan TO off; EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT count(*) FROM test_last_scan WHERE noidx_col = 1; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------- Aggregate -> Seq Scan on test_last_scan Filter: (noidx_col = 1) (3 rows) SELECT count(*) FROM test_last_scan WHERE noidx_col = 1; count ------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) COMMIT; -- check that just sequential scan stats were incremented SELECT seq_scan, :'test_last_seq' < last_seq_scan AS seq_ok, idx_scan, :'test_last_idx' = last_idx_scan AS idx_ok FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relid = 'test_last_scan'::regclass; seq_scan | seq_ok | idx_scan | idx_ok ----------+--------+----------+-------- 2 | t | 1 | t (1 row) -- fetch timestamps from before the next test SELECT last_seq_scan AS test_last_seq, last_idx_scan AS test_last_idx FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relid = 'test_last_scan'::regclass \gset SELECT pg_sleep(0.1); pg_sleep ---------- (1 row) -- cause one index scan BEGIN; SET LOCAL enable_seqscan TO off; SET LOCAL enable_indexscan TO on; SET LOCAL enable_bitmapscan TO off; EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT count(*) FROM test_last_scan WHERE idx_col = 1; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate -> Index Scan using test_last_scan_pkey on test_last_scan Index Cond: (idx_col = 1) (3 rows) SELECT count(*) FROM test_last_scan WHERE idx_col = 1; count ------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) COMMIT; -- check that just index scan stats were incremented SELECT seq_scan, :'test_last_seq' = last_seq_scan AS seq_ok, idx_scan, :'test_last_idx' < last_idx_scan AS idx_ok FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relid = 'test_last_scan'::regclass; seq_scan | seq_ok | idx_scan | idx_ok ----------+--------+----------+-------- 2 | t | 2 | t (1 row) -- fetch timestamps from before the next test SELECT last_seq_scan AS test_last_seq, last_idx_scan AS test_last_idx FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relid = 'test_last_scan'::regclass \gset SELECT pg_sleep(0.1); pg_sleep ---------- (1 row) -- cause one bitmap index scan BEGIN; SET LOCAL enable_seqscan TO off; SET LOCAL enable_indexscan TO off; SET LOCAL enable_bitmapscan TO on; EXPLAIN (COSTS off) SELECT count(*) FROM test_last_scan WHERE idx_col = 1; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------ Aggregate -> Bitmap Heap Scan on test_last_scan Recheck Cond: (idx_col = 1) -> Bitmap Index Scan on test_last_scan_pkey Index Cond: (idx_col = 1) (5 rows) SELECT count(*) FROM test_last_scan WHERE idx_col = 1; count ------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) COMMIT; -- check that just index scan stats were incremented SELECT seq_scan, :'test_last_seq' = last_seq_scan AS seq_ok, idx_scan, :'test_last_idx' < last_idx_scan AS idx_ok FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relid = 'test_last_scan'::regclass; seq_scan | seq_ok | idx_scan | idx_ok ----------+--------+----------+-------- 2 | t | 3 | t (1 row) ----- -- Test reset of some stats for shared table ----- -- This updates the comment of the database currently in use in -- pg_shdescription with a fake value, then sets it back to its -- original value. SELECT shobj_description(d.oid, 'pg_database') as description_before FROM pg_database d WHERE datname = current_database() \gset -- force some stats in pg_shdescription. BEGIN; SELECT current_database() as datname \gset COMMENT ON DATABASE :"datname" IS 'This is a test comment'; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) COMMIT; -- check that the stats are reset. SELECT (n_tup_ins + n_tup_upd) > 0 AS has_data FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relid = 'pg_shdescription'::regclass; has_data ---------- t (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters('pg_shdescription'::regclass); pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters ------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT (n_tup_ins + n_tup_upd) > 0 AS has_data FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relid = 'pg_shdescription'::regclass; has_data ---------- f (1 row) -- set back comment \if :{?description_before} COMMENT ON DATABASE :"datname" IS :'description_before'; \else COMMENT ON DATABASE :"datname" IS NULL; \endif ----- -- Test that various stats views are being properly populated ----- -- Test that sessions is incremented when a new session is started in pg_stat_database SELECT sessions AS db_stat_sessions FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname = (SELECT current_database()) \gset \c SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT sessions > :db_stat_sessions FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname = (SELECT current_database()); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- Test pg_stat_bgwriter checkpointer-related stats, together with pg_stat_wal SELECT checkpoints_req AS rqst_ckpts_before FROM pg_stat_bgwriter \gset -- Test pg_stat_wal (and make a temp table so our temp schema exists) SELECT wal_bytes AS wal_bytes_before FROM pg_stat_wal \gset CREATE TEMP TABLE test_stats_temp AS SELECT 17; DROP TABLE test_stats_temp; -- Checkpoint twice: The checkpointer reports stats after reporting completion -- of the checkpoint. But after a second checkpoint we'll see at least the -- results of the first. CHECKPOINT; CHECKPOINT; SELECT checkpoints_req > :rqst_ckpts_before FROM pg_stat_bgwriter; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT wal_bytes > :wal_bytes_before FROM pg_stat_wal; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- Test pg_stat_get_backend_idset() and some allied functions. -- In particular, verify that their notion of backend ID matches -- our temp schema index. SELECT (current_schemas(true))[1] = ('pg_temp_' || beid::text) AS match FROM pg_stat_get_backend_idset() beid WHERE pg_stat_get_backend_pid(beid) = pg_backend_pid(); match ------- t (1 row) ----- -- Test that resetting stats works for reset timestamp ----- -- Test that reset_slru with a specified SLRU works. SELECT stats_reset AS slru_commit_ts_reset_ts FROM pg_stat_slru WHERE name = 'CommitTs' \gset SELECT stats_reset AS slru_notify_reset_ts FROM pg_stat_slru WHERE name = 'Notify' \gset SELECT pg_stat_reset_slru('CommitTs'); pg_stat_reset_slru -------------------- (1 row) SELECT stats_reset > :'slru_commit_ts_reset_ts'::timestamptz FROM pg_stat_slru WHERE name = 'CommitTs'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT stats_reset AS slru_commit_ts_reset_ts FROM pg_stat_slru WHERE name = 'CommitTs' \gset -- Test that multiple SLRUs are reset when no specific SLRU provided to reset function SELECT pg_stat_reset_slru(NULL); pg_stat_reset_slru -------------------- (1 row) SELECT stats_reset > :'slru_commit_ts_reset_ts'::timestamptz FROM pg_stat_slru WHERE name = 'CommitTs'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT stats_reset > :'slru_notify_reset_ts'::timestamptz FROM pg_stat_slru WHERE name = 'Notify'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- Test that reset_shared with archiver specified as the stats type works SELECT stats_reset AS archiver_reset_ts FROM pg_stat_archiver \gset SELECT pg_stat_reset_shared('archiver'); pg_stat_reset_shared ---------------------- (1 row) SELECT stats_reset > :'archiver_reset_ts'::timestamptz FROM pg_stat_archiver; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT stats_reset AS archiver_reset_ts FROM pg_stat_archiver \gset -- Test that reset_shared with bgwriter specified as the stats type works SELECT stats_reset AS bgwriter_reset_ts FROM pg_stat_bgwriter \gset SELECT pg_stat_reset_shared('bgwriter'); pg_stat_reset_shared ---------------------- (1 row) SELECT stats_reset > :'bgwriter_reset_ts'::timestamptz FROM pg_stat_bgwriter; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT stats_reset AS bgwriter_reset_ts FROM pg_stat_bgwriter \gset -- Test that reset_shared with wal specified as the stats type works SELECT stats_reset AS wal_reset_ts FROM pg_stat_wal \gset SELECT pg_stat_reset_shared('wal'); pg_stat_reset_shared ---------------------- (1 row) SELECT stats_reset > :'wal_reset_ts'::timestamptz FROM pg_stat_wal; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT stats_reset AS wal_reset_ts FROM pg_stat_wal \gset -- Test that reset_shared with no specified stats type doesn't reset anything SELECT pg_stat_reset_shared(NULL); pg_stat_reset_shared ---------------------- (1 row) SELECT stats_reset = :'archiver_reset_ts'::timestamptz FROM pg_stat_archiver; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT stats_reset = :'bgwriter_reset_ts'::timestamptz FROM pg_stat_bgwriter; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT stats_reset = :'wal_reset_ts'::timestamptz FROM pg_stat_wal; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- Test that reset works for pg_stat_database -- Since pg_stat_database stats_reset starts out as NULL, reset it once first so we have something to compare it to SELECT pg_stat_reset(); pg_stat_reset --------------- (1 row) SELECT stats_reset AS db_reset_ts FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname = (SELECT current_database()) \gset SELECT pg_stat_reset(); pg_stat_reset --------------- (1 row) SELECT stats_reset > :'db_reset_ts'::timestamptz FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname = (SELECT current_database()); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) ---- -- pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp behavior ---- BEGIN; SET LOCAL stats_fetch_consistency = snapshot; -- no snapshot yet, return NULL SELECT pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp(); pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp -------------------------------- (1 row) -- any attempt at accessing stats will build snapshot SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(0); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() >= NOW(); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- shows NULL again after clearing SELECT pg_stat_clear_snapshot(); pg_stat_clear_snapshot ------------------------ (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp(); pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp -------------------------------- (1 row) COMMIT; ---- -- Changing stats_fetch_consistency in a transaction. ---- BEGIN; -- Stats filled under the cache mode SET LOCAL stats_fetch_consistency = cache; SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(0); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() IS NOT NULL AS snapshot_ok; snapshot_ok ------------- f (1 row) -- Success in accessing pre-existing snapshot data. SET LOCAL stats_fetch_consistency = snapshot; SELECT pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() IS NOT NULL AS snapshot_ok; snapshot_ok ------------- f (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(0); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() IS NOT NULL AS snapshot_ok; snapshot_ok ------------- t (1 row) -- Snapshot cleared. SET LOCAL stats_fetch_consistency = none; SELECT pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() IS NOT NULL AS snapshot_ok; snapshot_ok ------------- f (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(0); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() IS NOT NULL AS snapshot_ok; snapshot_ok ------------- f (1 row) ROLLBACK; ---- -- pg_stat_have_stats behavior ---- -- fixed-numbered stats exist SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('bgwriter', 0, 0); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- t (1 row) -- unknown stats kinds error out SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('zaphod', 0, 0); ERROR: invalid statistics kind: "zaphod" -- db stats have objoid 0 SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('database', :dboid, 1); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- f (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('database', :dboid, 0); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- t (1 row) -- pg_stat_have_stats returns true for committed index creation CREATE table stats_test_tab1 as select generate_series(1,10) a; CREATE index stats_test_idx1 on stats_test_tab1(a); SELECT 'stats_test_idx1'::regclass::oid AS stats_test_idx1_oid \gset SET enable_seqscan TO off; select a from stats_test_tab1 where a = 3; a --- 3 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('relation', :dboid, :stats_test_idx1_oid); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- t (1 row) -- pg_stat_have_stats returns false for dropped index with stats SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('relation', :dboid, :stats_test_idx1_oid); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- t (1 row) DROP index stats_test_idx1; SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('relation', :dboid, :stats_test_idx1_oid); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- f (1 row) -- pg_stat_have_stats returns false for rolled back index creation BEGIN; CREATE index stats_test_idx1 on stats_test_tab1(a); SELECT 'stats_test_idx1'::regclass::oid AS stats_test_idx1_oid \gset select a from stats_test_tab1 where a = 3; a --- 3 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('relation', :dboid, :stats_test_idx1_oid); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- t (1 row) ROLLBACK; SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('relation', :dboid, :stats_test_idx1_oid); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- f (1 row) -- pg_stat_have_stats returns true for reindex CONCURRENTLY CREATE index stats_test_idx1 on stats_test_tab1(a); SELECT 'stats_test_idx1'::regclass::oid AS stats_test_idx1_oid \gset select a from stats_test_tab1 where a = 3; a --- 3 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('relation', :dboid, :stats_test_idx1_oid); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- t (1 row) REINDEX index CONCURRENTLY stats_test_idx1; -- false for previous oid SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('relation', :dboid, :stats_test_idx1_oid); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- f (1 row) -- true for new oid SELECT 'stats_test_idx1'::regclass::oid AS stats_test_idx1_oid \gset SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('relation', :dboid, :stats_test_idx1_oid); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- t (1 row) -- pg_stat_have_stats returns true for a rolled back drop index with stats BEGIN; SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('relation', :dboid, :stats_test_idx1_oid); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- t (1 row) DROP index stats_test_idx1; ROLLBACK; SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('relation', :dboid, :stats_test_idx1_oid); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- t (1 row) -- put enable_seqscan back to on SET enable_seqscan TO on; -- ensure that stats accessors handle NULL input correctly SELECT pg_stat_get_replication_slot(NULL); pg_stat_get_replication_slot ------------------------------ (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_subscription_stats(NULL); pg_stat_get_subscription_stats -------------------------------- (1 row) -- Test that the following operations are tracked in pg_stat_io: -- - reads of target blocks into shared buffers -- - writes of shared buffers to permanent storage -- - extends of relations using shared buffers -- - fsyncs done to ensure the durability of data dirtying shared buffers -- - shared buffer hits -- There is no test for blocks evicted from shared buffers, because we cannot -- be sure of the state of shared buffers at the point the test is run. -- Create a regular table and insert some data to generate IOCONTEXT_NORMAL -- extends. SELECT sum(extends) AS io_sum_shared_before_extends FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'normal' AND object = 'relation' \gset SELECT sum(writes) AS writes, sum(fsyncs) AS fsyncs FROM pg_stat_io WHERE object = 'relation' \gset io_sum_shared_before_ CREATE TABLE test_io_shared(a int); INSERT INTO test_io_shared SELECT i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT sum(extends) AS io_sum_shared_after_extends FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'normal' AND object = 'relation' \gset SELECT :io_sum_shared_after_extends > :io_sum_shared_before_extends; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- After a checkpoint, there should be some additional IOCONTEXT_NORMAL writes -- and fsyncs. -- See comment above for rationale for two explicit CHECKPOINTs. CHECKPOINT; CHECKPOINT; SELECT sum(writes) AS writes, sum(fsyncs) AS fsyncs FROM pg_stat_io WHERE object = 'relation' \gset io_sum_shared_after_ SELECT :io_sum_shared_after_writes > :io_sum_shared_before_writes; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT current_setting('fsync') = 'off' OR :io_sum_shared_after_fsyncs > :io_sum_shared_before_fsyncs; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- Change the tablespace so that the table is rewritten directly, then SELECT -- from it to cause it to be read back into shared buffers. SELECT sum(reads) AS io_sum_shared_before_reads FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'normal' AND object = 'relation' \gset -- Do this in a transaction to prevent spurious failures due to concurrent accesses to our newly -- rewritten table, e.g. by autovacuum. BEGIN; ALTER TABLE test_io_shared SET TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; -- SELECT from the table so that the data is read into shared buffers and -- context 'normal', object 'relation' reads are counted. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_io_shared; count ------- 100 (1 row) COMMIT; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT sum(reads) AS io_sum_shared_after_reads FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'normal' AND object = 'relation' \gset SELECT :io_sum_shared_after_reads > :io_sum_shared_before_reads; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT sum(hits) AS io_sum_shared_before_hits FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'normal' AND object = 'relation' \gset -- Select from the table again to count hits. -- Ensure we generate hits by forcing a nested loop self-join with no -- materialize node. The outer side's buffer will stay pinned, preventing its -- eviction, while we loop through the inner side and generate hits. BEGIN; SET LOCAL enable_nestloop TO on; SET LOCAL enable_mergejoin TO off; SET LOCAL enable_hashjoin TO off; SET LOCAL enable_material TO off; -- ensure plan stays as we expect it to EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_io_shared t1 INNER JOIN test_io_shared t2 USING (a); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------- Aggregate -> Nested Loop Join Filter: (t1.a = t2.a) -> Seq Scan on test_io_shared t1 -> Seq Scan on test_io_shared t2 (5 rows) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_io_shared t1 INNER JOIN test_io_shared t2 USING (a); count ------- 100 (1 row) COMMIT; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT sum(hits) AS io_sum_shared_after_hits FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'normal' AND object = 'relation' \gset SELECT :io_sum_shared_after_hits > :io_sum_shared_before_hits; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) DROP TABLE test_io_shared; -- Test that the follow IOCONTEXT_LOCAL IOOps are tracked in pg_stat_io: -- - eviction of local buffers in order to reuse them -- - reads of temporary table blocks into local buffers -- - writes of local buffers to permanent storage -- - extends of temporary tables -- Set temp_buffers to its minimum so that we can trigger writes with fewer -- inserted tuples. Do so in a new session in case temporary tables have been -- accessed by previous tests in this session. \c SET temp_buffers TO 100; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test_io_local(a int, b TEXT); SELECT sum(extends) AS extends, sum(evictions) AS evictions, sum(writes) AS writes FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'normal' AND object = 'temp relation' \gset io_sum_local_before_ -- Insert tuples into the temporary table, generating extends in the stats. -- Insert enough values that we need to reuse and write out dirty local -- buffers, generating evictions and writes. INSERT INTO test_io_local SELECT generate_series(1, 5000) as id, repeat('a', 200); -- Ensure the table is large enough to exceed our temp_buffers setting. SELECT pg_relation_size('test_io_local') / current_setting('block_size')::int8 > 100; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT sum(reads) AS io_sum_local_before_reads FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'normal' AND object = 'temp relation' \gset -- Read in evicted buffers, generating reads. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_io_local; count ------- 5000 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT sum(evictions) AS evictions, sum(reads) AS reads, sum(writes) AS writes, sum(extends) AS extends FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'normal' AND object = 'temp relation' \gset io_sum_local_after_ SELECT :io_sum_local_after_evictions > :io_sum_local_before_evictions, :io_sum_local_after_reads > :io_sum_local_before_reads, :io_sum_local_after_writes > :io_sum_local_before_writes, :io_sum_local_after_extends > :io_sum_local_before_extends; ?column? | ?column? | ?column? | ?column? ----------+----------+----------+---------- t | t | t | t (1 row) -- Change the tablespaces so that the temporary table is rewritten to other -- local buffers, exercising a different codepath than standard local buffer -- writes. ALTER TABLE test_io_local SET TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT sum(writes) AS io_sum_local_new_tblspc_writes FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'normal' AND object = 'temp relation' \gset SELECT :io_sum_local_new_tblspc_writes > :io_sum_local_after_writes; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) RESET temp_buffers; -- Test that reuse of strategy buffers and reads of blocks into these reused -- buffers while VACUUMing are tracked in pg_stat_io. If there is sufficient -- demand for shared buffers from concurrent queries, some buffers may be -- pinned by other backends before they can be reused. In such cases, the -- backend will evict a buffer from outside the ring and add it to the -- ring. This is considered an eviction and not a reuse. -- Set wal_skip_threshold smaller than the expected size of -- test_io_vac_strategy so that, even if wal_level is minimal, VACUUM FULL will -- fsync the newly rewritten test_io_vac_strategy instead of writing it to WAL. -- Writing it to WAL will result in the newly written relation pages being in -- shared buffers -- preventing us from testing BAS_VACUUM BufferAccessStrategy -- reads. SET wal_skip_threshold = '1 kB'; SELECT sum(reuses) AS reuses, sum(reads) AS reads, sum(evictions) AS evictions FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'vacuum' \gset io_sum_vac_strategy_before_ CREATE TABLE test_io_vac_strategy(a int, b int) WITH (autovacuum_enabled = 'false'); INSERT INTO test_io_vac_strategy SELECT i, i from generate_series(1, 4500)i; -- Ensure that the next VACUUM will need to perform IO by rewriting the table -- first with VACUUM (FULL). VACUUM (FULL) test_io_vac_strategy; -- Use the minimum BUFFER_USAGE_LIMIT to cause reuses or evictions with the -- smallest table possible. VACUUM (PARALLEL 0, BUFFER_USAGE_LIMIT 128) test_io_vac_strategy; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT sum(reuses) AS reuses, sum(reads) AS reads, sum(evictions) AS evictions FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'vacuum' \gset io_sum_vac_strategy_after_ SELECT :io_sum_vac_strategy_after_reads > :io_sum_vac_strategy_before_reads; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT (:io_sum_vac_strategy_after_reuses + :io_sum_vac_strategy_after_evictions) > (:io_sum_vac_strategy_before_reuses + :io_sum_vac_strategy_before_evictions); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) RESET wal_skip_threshold; -- Test that extends done by a CTAS, which uses a BAS_BULKWRITE -- BufferAccessStrategy, are tracked in pg_stat_io. SELECT sum(extends) AS io_sum_bulkwrite_strategy_extends_before FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'bulkwrite' \gset CREATE TABLE test_io_bulkwrite_strategy AS SELECT i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT sum(extends) AS io_sum_bulkwrite_strategy_extends_after FROM pg_stat_io WHERE context = 'bulkwrite' \gset SELECT :io_sum_bulkwrite_strategy_extends_after > :io_sum_bulkwrite_strategy_extends_before; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- Test IO stats reset SELECT pg_stat_have_stats('io', 0, 0); pg_stat_have_stats -------------------- t (1 row) SELECT sum(evictions) + sum(reuses) + sum(extends) + sum(fsyncs) + sum(reads) + sum(writes) + sum(writebacks) + sum(hits) AS io_stats_pre_reset FROM pg_stat_io \gset SELECT pg_stat_reset_shared('io'); pg_stat_reset_shared ---------------------- (1 row) SELECT sum(evictions) + sum(reuses) + sum(extends) + sum(fsyncs) + sum(reads) + sum(writes) + sum(writebacks) + sum(hits) AS io_stats_post_reset FROM pg_stat_io \gset SELECT :io_stats_post_reset < :io_stats_pre_reset; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- test BRIN index doesn't block HOT update CREATE TABLE brin_hot ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, val integer NOT NULL ) WITH (autovacuum_enabled = off, fillfactor = 70); INSERT INTO brin_hot SELECT *, 0 FROM generate_series(1, 235); CREATE INDEX val_brin ON brin_hot using brin(val); CREATE FUNCTION wait_for_hot_stats() RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE start_time timestamptz := clock_timestamp(); updated bool; BEGIN -- we don't want to wait forever; loop will exit after 30 seconds FOR i IN 1 .. 300 LOOP SELECT (pg_stat_get_tuples_hot_updated('brin_hot'::regclass::oid) > 0) INTO updated; EXIT WHEN updated; -- wait a little PERFORM pg_sleep_for('100 milliseconds'); -- reset stats snapshot so we can test again PERFORM pg_stat_clear_snapshot(); END LOOP; -- report time waited in postmaster log (where it won't change test output) RAISE log 'wait_for_hot_stats delayed % seconds', EXTRACT(epoch FROM clock_timestamp() - start_time); END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; UPDATE brin_hot SET val = -3 WHERE id = 42; -- We can't just call wait_for_hot_stats() at this point, because we only -- transmit stats when the session goes idle, and we probably didn't -- transmit the last couple of counts yet thanks to the rate-limiting logic -- in pgstat_report_stat(). But instead of waiting for the rate limiter's -- timeout to elapse, let's just start a new session. The old one will -- then send its stats before dying. \c - SELECT wait_for_hot_stats(); wait_for_hot_stats -------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_tuples_hot_updated('brin_hot'::regclass::oid); pg_stat_get_tuples_hot_updated -------------------------------- 1 (1 row) DROP TABLE brin_hot; DROP FUNCTION wait_for_hot_stats(); -- Test handling of index predicates - updating attributes in precicates -- should not block HOT when summarizing indexes are involved. We update -- a row that was not indexed due to the index predicate, and becomes -- indexable - the HOT-updated tuple is forwarded to the BRIN index. CREATE TABLE brin_hot_2 (a int, b int); INSERT INTO brin_hot_2 VALUES (1, 100); CREATE INDEX ON brin_hot_2 USING brin (b) WHERE a = 2; UPDATE brin_hot_2 SET a = 2; EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_hot_2 WHERE a = 2 AND b = 100; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------- Seq Scan on brin_hot_2 Filter: ((a = 2) AND (b = 100)) (2 rows) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM brin_hot_2 WHERE a = 2 AND b = 100; count ------- 1 (1 row) SET enable_seqscan = off; EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_hot_2 WHERE a = 2 AND b = 100; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on brin_hot_2 Recheck Cond: ((b = 100) AND (a = 2)) -> Bitmap Index Scan on brin_hot_2_b_idx Index Cond: (b = 100) (4 rows) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM brin_hot_2 WHERE a = 2 AND b = 100; count ------- 1 (1 row) DROP TABLE brin_hot_2; -- Test that updates to indexed columns are still propagated to the -- BRIN column. -- https://postgr.es/m/05ebcb44-f383-86e3-4f31-0a97a55634cf@enterprisedb.com CREATE TABLE brin_hot_3 (a int, filler text) WITH (fillfactor = 10); INSERT INTO brin_hot_3 SELECT 1, repeat(' ', 500) FROM generate_series(1, 20); CREATE INDEX ON brin_hot_3 USING brin (a) WITH (pages_per_range = 1); UPDATE brin_hot_3 SET a = 2; EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_hot_3 WHERE a = 2; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on brin_hot_3 Recheck Cond: (a = 2) -> Bitmap Index Scan on brin_hot_3_a_idx Index Cond: (a = 2) (4 rows) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM brin_hot_3 WHERE a = 2; count ------- 20 (1 row) DROP TABLE brin_hot_3; SET enable_seqscan = on; -- End of Stats Test