#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Catalog.pm # Perl module that extracts info from catalog headers into Perl # data structures # # Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2010, PostgreSQL Global Development Group # Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California # # $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/catalog/Catalog.pm,v 1.1 2010/01/05 01:06:56 tgl Exp $ # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- package Catalog; use strict; use warnings; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = (); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(Catalogs RenameTempFile); # Call this function with an array of names of header files to parse. # Returns a nested data structure describing the data in the headers. sub Catalogs { my (%catalogs, $catname, $declaring_attributes, $most_recent); $catalogs{names} = []; # There are a few types which are given one name in the C source, but a # different name at the SQL level. These are enumerated here. my %RENAME_ATTTYPE = ( 'Oid' => 'oid', 'NameData' => 'name', 'TransactionId' => 'xid' ); foreach my $input_file (@_) { my %catalog; $catalog{columns} = []; $catalog{data} = []; open(INPUT_FILE, '<', $input_file) || die "$input_file: $!"; # Scan the input file. while () { # Strip C-style comments. s;/\*(.|\n)*\*/;;g; if (m;/\*;) { # handle multi-line comments properly. my $next_line = ; die "$input_file: ends within C-style comment\n" if !defined $next_line; $_ .= $next_line; redo; } # Strip useless whitespace and trailing semicolons. chomp; s/^\s+//; s/;\s*$//; s/\s+/ /g; # Push the data into the appropriate data structure. if (/^DATA\(insert(\s+OID\s+=\s+(\d+))?\s+\(\s*(.*)\s*\)\s*\)$/) { push @{ $catalog{data} }, {oid => $2, bki_values => $3}; } elsif (/^DESCR\(\"(.*)\"\)$/) { $most_recent = $catalog{data}->[-1]; # this tests if most recent line is not a DATA() statement if (ref $most_recent ne 'HASH') { die "DESCR() does not apply to any catalog ($input_file)"; } if (!defined $most_recent->{oid}) { die "DESCR() does not apply to any oid ($input_file)"; } elsif ($1 ne '') { $most_recent->{descr} = $1; } } elsif (/^SHDESCR\(\"(.*)\"\)$/) { $most_recent = $catalog{data}->[-1]; # this tests if most recent line is not a DATA() statement if (ref $most_recent ne 'HASH') { die "SHDESCR() does not apply to any catalog ($input_file)"; } if (!defined $most_recent->{oid}) { die "SHDESCR() does not apply to any oid ($input_file)"; } elsif ($1 ne '') { $most_recent->{shdescr} = $1; } } elsif (/^DECLARE_TOAST\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/) { $catname = 'toasting'; my ($toast_name, $toast_oid, $index_oid) = ($1, $2, $3); push @{ $catalog{data} }, "declare toast $toast_oid $index_oid on $toast_name\n"; } elsif (/^DECLARE_(UNIQUE_)?INDEX\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(.+)\)/) { $catname = 'indexing'; my ($is_unique, $index_name, $index_oid, $using) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); push @{ $catalog{data} }, sprintf( "declare %sindex %s %s %s\n", $is_unique ? 'unique ' : '', $index_name, $index_oid, $using ); } elsif (/^BUILD_INDICES/) { push @{ $catalog{data} }, "build indices\n"; } elsif (/^CATALOG\(([^,]*),(\d+)\)/) { $catname = $1; $catalog{relation_oid} = $2; # Store pg_* catalog names in the same order we receive them push @{ $catalogs{names} }, $catname; $catalog{bootstrap} = /BKI_BOOTSTRAP/ ? ' bootstrap' : ''; $catalog{shared_relation} = /BKI_SHARED_RELATION/ ? ' shared_relation' : ''; $catalog{without_oids} = /BKI_WITHOUT_OIDS/ ? ' without_oids' : ''; $catalog{rowtype_oid} = /BKI_ROWTYPE_OID\((\d+)\)/ ? " rowtype_oid $1" : ''; $catalog{schema_macro} = /BKI_SCHEMA_MACRO/ ? 'True' : ''; $declaring_attributes = 1; } elsif ($declaring_attributes) { next if (/^{|^$/); if (/^}/) { undef $declaring_attributes; } else { my ($atttype, $attname) = split /\s+/, $_; if (exists $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype}) { $atttype = $RENAME_ATTTYPE{$atttype}; } if ($attname =~ /(.*)\[.*\]/) # array attribute { $attname = $1; $atttype .= '[]'; # variable-length only } push @{ $catalog{columns} }, {$attname => $atttype}; } } } $catalogs{$catname} = \%catalog; close INPUT_FILE; } return \%catalogs; } # Rename temporary files to final names, if anything has changed. # Call this function with the final file name --- we append .tmp automatically sub RenameTempFile { my $final_name = shift; my $temp_name = $final_name . '.tmp'; if (-e $final_name && -s $temp_name == -s $final_name) { open TN, '<', "$temp_name" || die "$temp_name: $!"; if (open FN, '<', $final_name) { local $/ = undef; my $tn = ; my $fn = ; close FN; if ($tn eq $fn) { print "$final_name unchanged, not replacing\n"; close TN; unlink($temp_name) || die "unlink: $temp_name: $!"; return; } } close TN; } print "Writing $final_name\n"; rename($temp_name, $final_name) || die "rename: $temp_name: $!"; } 1;