-- -- Test foreign-data wrapper file_fdw. -- -- directory paths are passed to us in environment variables \getenv abs_srcdir PG_ABS_SRCDIR -- Clean up in case a prior regression run failed SET client_min_messages TO 'warning'; DROP ROLE IF EXISTS regress_file_fdw_superuser, regress_file_fdw_user, regress_no_priv_user; RESET client_min_messages; CREATE ROLE regress_file_fdw_superuser LOGIN SUPERUSER; -- is a superuser CREATE ROLE regress_file_fdw_user LOGIN; -- has priv and user mapping CREATE ROLE regress_no_priv_user LOGIN; -- has priv but no user mapping -- Install file_fdw CREATE EXTENSION file_fdw; -- create function to filter unstable results of EXPLAIN CREATE FUNCTION explain_filter(text) RETURNS setof text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ declare ln text; begin for ln in execute $1 loop -- Remove the path portion of foreign file names ln := regexp_replace(ln, 'Foreign File: .*/([a-z.]+)$', 'Foreign File: .../\1'); return next ln; end loop; end; $$; -- regress_file_fdw_superuser owns fdw-related objects SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_superuser; CREATE SERVER file_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER file_fdw; -- privilege tests SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_user; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER file_fdw2 HANDLER file_fdw_handler VALIDATOR file_fdw_validator; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to create foreign-data wrapper "file_fdw2" HINT: Must be superuser to create a foreign-data wrapper. CREATE SERVER file_server2 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER file_fdw; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign-data wrapper file_fdw CREATE USER MAPPING FOR regress_file_fdw_user SERVER file_server; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign server file_server SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_superuser; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER file_server TO regress_file_fdw_user; SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_user; CREATE USER MAPPING FOR regress_file_fdw_user SERVER file_server; -- create user mappings and grant privilege to test users SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_superuser; CREATE USER MAPPING FOR regress_file_fdw_superuser SERVER file_server; CREATE USER MAPPING FOR regress_no_priv_user SERVER file_server; -- validator tests CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'xml'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY format "xml" not recognized CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'text', quote ':'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY quote available only in CSV mode CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'text', escape ':'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY escape available only in CSV mode CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'binary', header 'true'); -- ERROR ERROR: cannot specify HEADER in BINARY mode CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'binary', quote ':'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY quote available only in CSV mode CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'binary', escape ':'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY escape available only in CSV mode CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'text', delimiter 'a'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY delimiter cannot be "a" CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'text', escape '-'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY escape available only in CSV mode CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', quote '-', null '=-='); -- ERROR ERROR: CSV quote character must not appear in the NULL specification CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', delimiter '-', null '=-='); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY delimiter must not appear in the NULL specification CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', delimiter '-', quote '-'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY delimiter and quote must be different CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', delimiter '---'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY delimiter must be a single one-byte character CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', quote '---'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY quote must be a single one-byte character CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', escape '---'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY escape must be a single one-byte character CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'text', delimiter '\'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY delimiter cannot be "\" CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'text', delimiter '.'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY delimiter cannot be "." CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'text', delimiter '1'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY delimiter cannot be "1" CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'text', delimiter 'a'); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY delimiter cannot be "a" CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', delimiter ' '); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY delimiter cannot be newline or carriage return CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', null ' '); -- ERROR ERROR: COPY null representation cannot use newline or carriage return CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server; -- ERROR ERROR: either filename or program is required for file_fdw foreign tables \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/agg.data' CREATE FOREIGN TABLE agg_text ( a int2 CHECK (a >= 0), b float4 ) SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'text', filename :'filename', delimiter ' ', null '\N'); GRANT SELECT ON agg_text TO regress_file_fdw_user; \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/agg.csv' CREATE FOREIGN TABLE agg_csv ( a int2, b float4 ) SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', filename :'filename', header 'true', delimiter ';', quote '@', escape '"', null ''); ALTER FOREIGN TABLE agg_csv ADD CHECK (a >= 0); \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/agg.bad' CREATE FOREIGN TABLE agg_bad ( a int2, b float4 ) SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', filename :'filename', header 'true', delimiter ';', quote '@', escape '"', null ''); ALTER FOREIGN TABLE agg_bad ADD CHECK (a >= 0); -- test header matching \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/list1.csv' CREATE FOREIGN TABLE header_match ("1" int, foo text) SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', filename :'filename', delimiter ',', header 'match'); SELECT * FROM header_match; 1 | foo ---+----- 1 | bar (1 row) CREATE FOREIGN TABLE header_doesnt_match (a int, foo text) SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', filename :'filename', delimiter ',', header 'match'); SELECT * FROM header_doesnt_match; -- ERROR ERROR: column name mismatch in header line field 1: got "1", expected "a" CONTEXT: COPY header_doesnt_match, line 1: "1,foo" -- per-column options tests \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/text.csv' CREATE FOREIGN TABLE text_csv ( word1 text OPTIONS (force_not_null 'true'), word2 text OPTIONS (force_not_null 'off'), word3 text OPTIONS (force_null 'true'), word4 text OPTIONS (force_null 'off') ) SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'text', filename :'filename', null 'NULL'); SELECT * FROM text_csv; -- ERROR ERROR: COPY force not null available only in CSV mode ALTER FOREIGN TABLE text_csv OPTIONS (SET format 'csv'); \pset null _null_ SELECT * FROM text_csv; word1 | word2 | word3 | word4 -------+--------+--------+-------- AAA | aaa | 123 | XYZ | xyz | | 321 NULL | _null_ | _null_ | _null_ NULL | _null_ | _null_ | _null_ ABC | abc | | (5 rows) -- force_not_null and force_null can be used together on the same column ALTER FOREIGN TABLE text_csv ALTER COLUMN word1 OPTIONS (force_null 'true'); ALTER FOREIGN TABLE text_csv ALTER COLUMN word3 OPTIONS (force_not_null 'true'); -- force_not_null is not allowed to be specified at any foreign object level: ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER file_fdw OPTIONS (ADD force_not_null '*'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "force_not_null" HINT: There are no valid options in this context. ALTER SERVER file_server OPTIONS (ADD force_not_null '*'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "force_not_null" HINT: There are no valid options in this context. CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER file_server OPTIONS (force_not_null '*'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "force_not_null" HINT: There are no valid options in this context. CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (force_not_null '*'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "force_not_null" -- force_null is not allowed to be specified at any foreign object level: ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER file_fdw OPTIONS (ADD force_null '*'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "force_null" HINT: There are no valid options in this context. ALTER SERVER file_server OPTIONS (ADD force_null '*'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "force_null" HINT: There are no valid options in this context. CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER file_server OPTIONS (force_null '*'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "force_null" HINT: There are no valid options in this context. CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tbl () SERVER file_server OPTIONS (force_null '*'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "force_null" -- basic query tests SELECT * FROM agg_text WHERE b > 10.0 ORDER BY a; a | b -----+-------- 42 | 324.78 100 | 99.097 (2 rows) SELECT * FROM agg_csv ORDER BY a; a | b -----+--------- 0 | 0.09561 42 | 324.78 100 | 99.097 (3 rows) SELECT * FROM agg_csv c JOIN agg_text t ON (t.a = c.a) ORDER BY c.a; a | b | a | b -----+---------+-----+--------- 0 | 0.09561 | 0 | 0.09561 42 | 324.78 | 42 | 324.78 100 | 99.097 | 100 | 99.097 (3 rows) -- error context report tests SELECT * FROM agg_bad; -- ERROR ERROR: invalid input syntax for type real: "aaa" CONTEXT: COPY agg_bad, line 3, column b: "aaa" -- misc query tests \t on SELECT explain_filter('EXPLAIN (VERBOSE, COSTS FALSE) SELECT * FROM agg_csv'); Foreign Scan on public.agg_csv Output: a, b Foreign File: .../agg.csv \t off PREPARE st(int) AS SELECT * FROM agg_csv WHERE a = $1; EXECUTE st(100); a | b -----+-------- 100 | 99.097 (1 row) EXECUTE st(100); a | b -----+-------- 100 | 99.097 (1 row) DEALLOCATE st; -- tableoid SELECT tableoid::regclass, b FROM agg_csv; tableoid | b ----------+--------- agg_csv | 99.097 agg_csv | 0.09561 agg_csv | 324.78 (3 rows) -- updates aren't supported INSERT INTO agg_csv VALUES(1,2.0); ERROR: cannot insert into foreign table "agg_csv" UPDATE agg_csv SET a = 1; ERROR: cannot update foreign table "agg_csv" DELETE FROM agg_csv WHERE a = 100; ERROR: cannot delete from foreign table "agg_csv" TRUNCATE agg_csv; ERROR: cannot truncate foreign table "agg_csv" -- but this should be allowed SELECT * FROM agg_csv FOR UPDATE; a | b -----+--------- 100 | 99.097 0 | 0.09561 42 | 324.78 (3 rows) -- copy from isn't supported either COPY agg_csv FROM STDIN; ERROR: cannot insert into foreign table "agg_csv" -- constraint exclusion tests \t on SELECT explain_filter('EXPLAIN (VERBOSE, COSTS FALSE) SELECT * FROM agg_csv WHERE a < 0'); Foreign Scan on public.agg_csv Output: a, b Filter: (agg_csv.a < 0) Foreign File: .../agg.csv \t off SELECT * FROM agg_csv WHERE a < 0; a | b ---+--- (0 rows) SET constraint_exclusion = 'on'; \t on SELECT explain_filter('EXPLAIN (VERBOSE, COSTS FALSE) SELECT * FROM agg_csv WHERE a < 0'); Result Output: a, b One-Time Filter: false \t off SELECT * FROM agg_csv WHERE a < 0; a | b ---+--- (0 rows) RESET constraint_exclusion; -- table inheritance tests CREATE TABLE agg (a int2, b float4); ALTER FOREIGN TABLE agg_csv INHERIT agg; SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM agg; tableoid | a | b ----------+-----+--------- agg_csv | 100 | 99.097 agg_csv | 0 | 0.09561 agg_csv | 42 | 324.78 (3 rows) SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM agg_csv; tableoid | a | b ----------+-----+--------- agg_csv | 100 | 99.097 agg_csv | 0 | 0.09561 agg_csv | 42 | 324.78 (3 rows) SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM ONLY agg; tableoid | a | b ----------+---+--- (0 rows) -- updates aren't supported UPDATE agg SET a = 1; ERROR: cannot update foreign table "agg_csv" DELETE FROM agg WHERE a = 100; ERROR: cannot delete from foreign table "agg_csv" -- but this should be allowed SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM agg FOR UPDATE; tableoid | a | b ----------+-----+--------- agg_csv | 100 | 99.097 agg_csv | 0 | 0.09561 agg_csv | 42 | 324.78 (3 rows) ALTER FOREIGN TABLE agg_csv NO INHERIT agg; DROP TABLE agg; -- declarative partitioning tests SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_superuser; CREATE TABLE pt (a int, b text) partition by list (a); \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/list1.csv' CREATE FOREIGN TABLE p1 partition of pt for values in (1) SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', filename :'filename', delimiter ','); CREATE TABLE p2 partition of pt for values in (2); SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM pt; tableoid | a | b ----------+---+----- p1 | 1 | foo p1 | 1 | bar (2 rows) SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM p1; tableoid | a | b ----------+---+----- p1 | 1 | foo p1 | 1 | bar (2 rows) SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM p2; tableoid | a | b ----------+---+--- (0 rows) \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/list2.bad' COPY pt FROM :'filename' with (format 'csv', delimiter ','); -- ERROR ERROR: cannot insert into foreign table "p1" CONTEXT: COPY pt, line 2: "1,qux" \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/list2.csv' COPY pt FROM :'filename' with (format 'csv', delimiter ','); SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM pt; tableoid | a | b ----------+---+----- p1 | 1 | foo p1 | 1 | bar p2 | 2 | baz p2 | 2 | qux (4 rows) SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM p1; tableoid | a | b ----------+---+----- p1 | 1 | foo p1 | 1 | bar (2 rows) SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM p2; tableoid | a | b ----------+---+----- p2 | 2 | baz p2 | 2 | qux (2 rows) INSERT INTO pt VALUES (1, 'xyzzy'); -- ERROR ERROR: cannot insert into foreign table "p1" INSERT INTO pt VALUES (2, 'xyzzy'); UPDATE pt set a = 1 where a = 2; -- ERROR ERROR: cannot insert into foreign table "p1" SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM pt; tableoid | a | b ----------+---+------- p1 | 1 | foo p1 | 1 | bar p2 | 2 | baz p2 | 2 | qux p2 | 2 | xyzzy (5 rows) SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM p1; tableoid | a | b ----------+---+----- p1 | 1 | foo p1 | 1 | bar (2 rows) SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM p2; tableoid | a | b ----------+---+------- p2 | 2 | baz p2 | 2 | qux p2 | 2 | xyzzy (3 rows) DROP TABLE pt; -- generated column tests \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/list1.csv' CREATE FOREIGN TABLE gft1 (a int, b text, c text GENERATED ALWAYS AS ('foo') STORED) SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', filename :'filename', delimiter ','); SELECT a, c FROM gft1; a | c ---+-------- 1 | _null_ 1 | _null_ (2 rows) DROP FOREIGN TABLE gft1; -- copy default tests \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/copy_default.csv' CREATE FOREIGN TABLE copy_default ( id integer, text_value text not null default 'test', ts_value timestamp without time zone not null default '2022-07-05' ) SERVER file_server OPTIONS (format 'csv', filename :'filename', default '\D'); SELECT id, text_value, ts_value FROM copy_default; id | text_value | ts_value ----+------------+-------------------------- 1 | value | Mon Jul 04 00:00:00 2022 2 | test | Sun Jul 03 00:00:00 2022 3 | test | Tue Jul 05 00:00:00 2022 (3 rows) DROP FOREIGN TABLE copy_default; -- privilege tests SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_superuser; SELECT * FROM agg_text ORDER BY a; a | b -----+--------- 0 | 0.09561 42 | 324.78 56 | 7.8 100 | 99.097 (4 rows) SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_user; SELECT * FROM agg_text ORDER BY a; a | b -----+--------- 0 | 0.09561 42 | 324.78 56 | 7.8 100 | 99.097 (4 rows) SET ROLE regress_no_priv_user; SELECT * FROM agg_text ORDER BY a; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign table agg_text SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_user; \t on SELECT explain_filter('EXPLAIN (VERBOSE, COSTS FALSE) SELECT * FROM agg_text WHERE a > 0'); Foreign Scan on public.agg_text Output: a, b Filter: (agg_text.a > 0) Foreign File: .../agg.data \t off -- file FDW allows foreign tables to be accessed without user mapping DROP USER MAPPING FOR regress_file_fdw_user SERVER file_server; SELECT * FROM agg_text ORDER BY a; a | b -----+--------- 0 | 0.09561 42 | 324.78 56 | 7.8 100 | 99.097 (4 rows) -- privilege tests for object SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_superuser; ALTER FOREIGN TABLE agg_text OWNER TO regress_file_fdw_user; ALTER FOREIGN TABLE agg_text OPTIONS (SET format 'text'); SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_user; ALTER FOREIGN TABLE agg_text OPTIONS (SET format 'text'); ERROR: only superuser or a role with privileges of the pg_read_server_files role may specify the filename option of a file_fdw foreign table SET ROLE regress_file_fdw_superuser; -- cleanup RESET ROLE; DROP EXTENSION file_fdw CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 9 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to server file_server drop cascades to user mapping for regress_file_fdw_superuser on server file_server drop cascades to user mapping for regress_no_priv_user on server file_server drop cascades to foreign table agg_text drop cascades to foreign table agg_csv drop cascades to foreign table agg_bad drop cascades to foreign table header_match drop cascades to foreign table header_doesnt_match drop cascades to foreign table text_csv DROP ROLE regress_file_fdw_superuser, regress_file_fdw_user, regress_no_priv_user;