/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * common.c * Catalog routines used by pg_dump; long ago these were shared * by another dump tool, but not anymore. * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/bin/pg_dump/common.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres_fe.h" #include #include "catalog/pg_class_d.h" #include "fe_utils/string_utils.h" #include "pg_backup_archiver.h" #include "pg_backup_utils.h" #include "pg_dump.h" /* * Variables for mapping DumpId to DumpableObject */ static DumpableObject **dumpIdMap = NULL; static int allocedDumpIds = 0; static DumpId lastDumpId = 0; /* Note: 0 is InvalidDumpId */ /* * Variables for mapping CatalogId to DumpableObject */ static bool catalogIdMapValid = false; static DumpableObject **catalogIdMap = NULL; static int numCatalogIds = 0; /* * These variables are static to avoid the notational cruft of having to pass * them into findTableByOid() and friends. For each of these arrays, we build * a sorted-by-OID index array immediately after the objects are fetched, * and then we use binary search in findTableByOid() and friends. (qsort'ing * the object arrays themselves would be simpler, but it doesn't work because * pg_dump.c may have already established pointers between items.) */ static DumpableObject **tblinfoindex; static DumpableObject **typinfoindex; static DumpableObject **funinfoindex; static DumpableObject **oprinfoindex; static DumpableObject **collinfoindex; static DumpableObject **nspinfoindex; static DumpableObject **extinfoindex; static int numTables; static int numTypes; static int numFuncs; static int numOperators; static int numCollations; static int numNamespaces; static int numExtensions; /* This is an array of object identities, not actual DumpableObjects */ static ExtensionMemberId *extmembers; static int numextmembers; static void flagInhTables(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables, InhInfo *inhinfo, int numInherits); static void flagInhIndexes(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables); static void flagInhAttrs(DumpOptions *dopt, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables); static DumpableObject **buildIndexArray(void *objArray, int numObjs, Size objSize); static int DOCatalogIdCompare(const void *p1, const void *p2); static int ExtensionMemberIdCompare(const void *p1, const void *p2); static void findParentsByOid(TableInfo *self, InhInfo *inhinfo, int numInherits); static int strInArray(const char *pattern, char **arr, int arr_size); static IndxInfo *findIndexByOid(Oid oid, DumpableObject **idxinfoindex, int numIndexes); /* * getSchemaData * Collect information about all potentially dumpable objects */ TableInfo * getSchemaData(Archive *fout, int *numTablesPtr) { TableInfo *tblinfo; TypeInfo *typinfo; FuncInfo *funinfo; OprInfo *oprinfo; CollInfo *collinfo; NamespaceInfo *nspinfo; ExtensionInfo *extinfo; InhInfo *inhinfo; int numAggregates; int numInherits; int numRules; int numProcLangs; int numCasts; int numTransforms; int numAccessMethods; int numOpclasses; int numOpfamilies; int numConversions; int numTSParsers; int numTSTemplates; int numTSDicts; int numTSConfigs; int numForeignDataWrappers; int numForeignServers; int numDefaultACLs; int numEventTriggers; /* * We must read extensions and extension membership info first, because * extension membership needs to be consultable during decisions about * whether other objects are to be dumped. */ pg_log_info("reading extensions"); extinfo = getExtensions(fout, &numExtensions); extinfoindex = buildIndexArray(extinfo, numExtensions, sizeof(ExtensionInfo)); pg_log_info("identifying extension members"); getExtensionMembership(fout, extinfo, numExtensions); pg_log_info("reading schemas"); nspinfo = getNamespaces(fout, &numNamespaces); nspinfoindex = buildIndexArray(nspinfo, numNamespaces, sizeof(NamespaceInfo)); /* * getTables should be done as soon as possible, so as to minimize the * window between starting our transaction and acquiring per-table locks. * However, we have to do getNamespaces first because the tables get * linked to their containing namespaces during getTables. */ pg_log_info("reading user-defined tables"); tblinfo = getTables(fout, &numTables); tblinfoindex = buildIndexArray(tblinfo, numTables, sizeof(TableInfo)); /* Do this after we've built tblinfoindex */ getOwnedSeqs(fout, tblinfo, numTables); pg_log_info("reading user-defined functions"); funinfo = getFuncs(fout, &numFuncs); funinfoindex = buildIndexArray(funinfo, numFuncs, sizeof(FuncInfo)); /* this must be after getTables and getFuncs */ pg_log_info("reading user-defined types"); typinfo = getTypes(fout, &numTypes); typinfoindex = buildIndexArray(typinfo, numTypes, sizeof(TypeInfo)); /* this must be after getFuncs, too */ pg_log_info("reading procedural languages"); getProcLangs(fout, &numProcLangs); pg_log_info("reading user-defined aggregate functions"); getAggregates(fout, &numAggregates); pg_log_info("reading user-defined operators"); oprinfo = getOperators(fout, &numOperators); oprinfoindex = buildIndexArray(oprinfo, numOperators, sizeof(OprInfo)); pg_log_info("reading user-defined access methods"); getAccessMethods(fout, &numAccessMethods); pg_log_info("reading user-defined operator classes"); getOpclasses(fout, &numOpclasses); pg_log_info("reading user-defined operator families"); getOpfamilies(fout, &numOpfamilies); pg_log_info("reading user-defined text search parsers"); getTSParsers(fout, &numTSParsers); pg_log_info("reading user-defined text search templates"); getTSTemplates(fout, &numTSTemplates); pg_log_info("reading user-defined text search dictionaries"); getTSDictionaries(fout, &numTSDicts); pg_log_info("reading user-defined text search configurations"); getTSConfigurations(fout, &numTSConfigs); pg_log_info("reading user-defined foreign-data wrappers"); getForeignDataWrappers(fout, &numForeignDataWrappers); pg_log_info("reading user-defined foreign servers"); getForeignServers(fout, &numForeignServers); pg_log_info("reading default privileges"); getDefaultACLs(fout, &numDefaultACLs); pg_log_info("reading user-defined collations"); collinfo = getCollations(fout, &numCollations); collinfoindex = buildIndexArray(collinfo, numCollations, sizeof(CollInfo)); pg_log_info("reading user-defined conversions"); getConversions(fout, &numConversions); pg_log_info("reading type casts"); getCasts(fout, &numCasts); pg_log_info("reading transforms"); getTransforms(fout, &numTransforms); pg_log_info("reading table inheritance information"); inhinfo = getInherits(fout, &numInherits); pg_log_info("reading event triggers"); getEventTriggers(fout, &numEventTriggers); /* Identify extension configuration tables that should be dumped */ pg_log_info("finding extension tables"); processExtensionTables(fout, extinfo, numExtensions); /* Link tables to parents, mark parents of target tables interesting */ pg_log_info("finding inheritance relationships"); flagInhTables(fout, tblinfo, numTables, inhinfo, numInherits); pg_log_info("reading column info for interesting tables"); getTableAttrs(fout, tblinfo, numTables); pg_log_info("flagging inherited columns in subtables"); flagInhAttrs(fout->dopt, tblinfo, numTables); pg_log_info("reading indexes"); getIndexes(fout, tblinfo, numTables); pg_log_info("flagging indexes in partitioned tables"); flagInhIndexes(fout, tblinfo, numTables); pg_log_info("reading extended statistics"); getExtendedStatistics(fout); pg_log_info("reading constraints"); getConstraints(fout, tblinfo, numTables); pg_log_info("reading triggers"); getTriggers(fout, tblinfo, numTables); pg_log_info("reading rewrite rules"); getRules(fout, &numRules); pg_log_info("reading policies"); getPolicies(fout, tblinfo, numTables); pg_log_info("reading publications"); getPublications(fout); pg_log_info("reading publication membership"); getPublicationTables(fout, tblinfo, numTables); pg_log_info("reading subscriptions"); getSubscriptions(fout); *numTablesPtr = numTables; return tblinfo; } /* flagInhTables - * Fill in parent link fields of tables for which we need that information, * and mark parents of target tables as interesting * * Note that only direct ancestors of targets are marked interesting. * This is sufficient; we don't much care whether they inherited their * attributes or not. * * modifies tblinfo */ static void flagInhTables(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables, InhInfo *inhinfo, int numInherits) { DumpOptions *dopt = fout->dopt; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { bool find_parents = true; bool mark_parents = true; /* Some kinds never have parents */ if (tblinfo[i].relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE || tblinfo[i].relkind == RELKIND_VIEW || tblinfo[i].relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW) continue; /* * Normally, we don't bother computing anything for non-target tables, * but if load-via-partition-root is specified, we gather information * on every partition in the system so that getRootTableInfo can trace * from any given to leaf partition all the way up to the root. (We * don't need to mark them as interesting for getTableAttrs, though.) */ if (!tblinfo[i].dobj.dump) { mark_parents = false; if (!dopt->load_via_partition_root || !tblinfo[i].ispartition) find_parents = false; } /* If needed, find all the immediate parent tables. */ if (find_parents) findParentsByOid(&tblinfo[i], inhinfo, numInherits); /* * If needed, mark the parents as interesting for getTableAttrs and * getIndexes. */ if (mark_parents) { int numParents = tblinfo[i].numParents; TableInfo **parents = tblinfo[i].parents; for (j = 0; j < numParents; j++) parents[j]->interesting = true; } } } /* * flagInhIndexes - * Create IndexAttachInfo objects for partitioned indexes, and add * appropriate dependency links. */ static void flagInhIndexes(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables) { int i, j, k; DumpableObject ***parentIndexArray; parentIndexArray = (DumpableObject ***) pg_malloc0(getMaxDumpId() * sizeof(DumpableObject **)); for (i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { TableInfo *parenttbl; IndexAttachInfo *attachinfo; if (!tblinfo[i].ispartition || tblinfo[i].numParents == 0) continue; Assert(tblinfo[i].numParents == 1); parenttbl = tblinfo[i].parents[0]; /* * We need access to each parent table's index list, but there is no * index to cover them outside of this function. To avoid having to * sort every parent table's indexes each time we come across each of * its partitions, create an indexed array for each parent the first * time it is required. */ if (parentIndexArray[parenttbl->dobj.dumpId] == NULL) parentIndexArray[parenttbl->dobj.dumpId] = buildIndexArray(parenttbl->indexes, parenttbl->numIndexes, sizeof(IndxInfo)); attachinfo = (IndexAttachInfo *) pg_malloc0(tblinfo[i].numIndexes * sizeof(IndexAttachInfo)); for (j = 0, k = 0; j < tblinfo[i].numIndexes; j++) { IndxInfo *index = &(tblinfo[i].indexes[j]); IndxInfo *parentidx; if (index->parentidx == 0) continue; parentidx = findIndexByOid(index->parentidx, parentIndexArray[parenttbl->dobj.dumpId], parenttbl->numIndexes); if (parentidx == NULL) continue; attachinfo[k].dobj.objType = DO_INDEX_ATTACH; attachinfo[k].dobj.catId.tableoid = 0; attachinfo[k].dobj.catId.oid = 0; AssignDumpId(&attachinfo[k].dobj); attachinfo[k].dobj.name = pg_strdup(index->dobj.name); attachinfo[k].dobj.namespace = index->indextable->dobj.namespace; attachinfo[k].parentIdx = parentidx; attachinfo[k].partitionIdx = index; /* * We must state the DO_INDEX_ATTACH object's dependencies * explicitly, since it will not match anything in pg_depend. * * Give it dependencies on both the partition index and the parent * index, so that it will not be executed till both of those * exist. (There's no need to care what order those are created * in.) * * In addition, give it dependencies on the indexes' underlying * tables. This does nothing of great value so far as serial * restore ordering goes, but it ensures that a parallel restore * will not try to run the ATTACH concurrently with other * operations on those tables. */ addObjectDependency(&attachinfo[k].dobj, index->dobj.dumpId); addObjectDependency(&attachinfo[k].dobj, parentidx->dobj.dumpId); addObjectDependency(&attachinfo[k].dobj, index->indextable->dobj.dumpId); addObjectDependency(&attachinfo[k].dobj, parentidx->indextable->dobj.dumpId); /* keep track of the list of partitions in the parent index */ simple_ptr_list_append(&parentidx->partattaches, &attachinfo[k].dobj); k++; } } for (i = 0; i < numTables; i++) if (parentIndexArray[i]) pg_free(parentIndexArray[i]); pg_free(parentIndexArray); } /* flagInhAttrs - * for each dumpable table in tblinfo, flag its inherited attributes * * What we need to do here is detect child columns that inherit NOT NULL * bits from their parents (so that we needn't specify that again for the * child) and child columns that have DEFAULT NULL when their parents had * some non-null default. In the latter case, we make up a dummy AttrDefInfo * object so that we'll correctly emit the necessary DEFAULT NULL clause; * otherwise the backend will apply an inherited default to the column. * * modifies tblinfo */ static void flagInhAttrs(DumpOptions *dopt, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables) { int i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { TableInfo *tbinfo = &(tblinfo[i]); int numParents; TableInfo **parents; /* Some kinds never have parents */ if (tbinfo->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE || tbinfo->relkind == RELKIND_VIEW || tbinfo->relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW) continue; /* Don't bother computing anything for non-target tables, either */ if (!tbinfo->dobj.dump) continue; numParents = tbinfo->numParents; parents = tbinfo->parents; if (numParents == 0) continue; /* nothing to see here, move along */ /* For each column, search for matching column names in parent(s) */ for (j = 0; j < tbinfo->numatts; j++) { bool foundNotNull; /* Attr was NOT NULL in a parent */ bool foundDefault; /* Found a default in a parent */ /* no point in examining dropped columns */ if (tbinfo->attisdropped[j]) continue; foundNotNull = false; foundDefault = false; for (k = 0; k < numParents; k++) { TableInfo *parent = parents[k]; int inhAttrInd; inhAttrInd = strInArray(tbinfo->attnames[j], parent->attnames, parent->numatts); if (inhAttrInd >= 0) { foundNotNull |= parent->notnull[inhAttrInd]; foundDefault |= (parent->attrdefs[inhAttrInd] != NULL); } } /* Remember if we found inherited NOT NULL */ tbinfo->inhNotNull[j] = foundNotNull; /* Manufacture a DEFAULT NULL clause if necessary */ if (foundDefault && tbinfo->attrdefs[j] == NULL) { AttrDefInfo *attrDef; attrDef = (AttrDefInfo *) pg_malloc(sizeof(AttrDefInfo)); attrDef->dobj.objType = DO_ATTRDEF; attrDef->dobj.catId.tableoid = 0; attrDef->dobj.catId.oid = 0; AssignDumpId(&attrDef->dobj); attrDef->dobj.name = pg_strdup(tbinfo->dobj.name); attrDef->dobj.namespace = tbinfo->dobj.namespace; attrDef->dobj.dump = tbinfo->dobj.dump; attrDef->adtable = tbinfo; attrDef->adnum = j + 1; attrDef->adef_expr = pg_strdup("NULL"); /* Will column be dumped explicitly? */ if (shouldPrintColumn(dopt, tbinfo, j)) { attrDef->separate = false; /* No dependency needed: NULL cannot have dependencies */ } else { /* column will be suppressed, print default separately */ attrDef->separate = true; /* ensure it comes out after the table */ addObjectDependency(&attrDef->dobj, tbinfo->dobj.dumpId); } tbinfo->attrdefs[j] = attrDef; } } } } /* * AssignDumpId * Given a newly-created dumpable object, assign a dump ID, * and enter the object into the lookup table. * * The caller is expected to have filled in objType and catId, * but not any of the other standard fields of a DumpableObject. */ void AssignDumpId(DumpableObject *dobj) { dobj->dumpId = ++lastDumpId; dobj->name = NULL; /* must be set later */ dobj->namespace = NULL; /* may be set later */ dobj->dump = DUMP_COMPONENT_ALL; /* default assumption */ dobj->ext_member = false; /* default assumption */ dobj->depends_on_ext = false; /* default assumption */ dobj->dependencies = NULL; dobj->nDeps = 0; dobj->allocDeps = 0; while (dobj->dumpId >= allocedDumpIds) { int newAlloc; if (allocedDumpIds <= 0) { newAlloc = 256; dumpIdMap = (DumpableObject **) pg_malloc(newAlloc * sizeof(DumpableObject *)); } else { newAlloc = allocedDumpIds * 2; dumpIdMap = (DumpableObject **) pg_realloc(dumpIdMap, newAlloc * sizeof(DumpableObject *)); } memset(dumpIdMap + allocedDumpIds, 0, (newAlloc - allocedDumpIds) * sizeof(DumpableObject *)); allocedDumpIds = newAlloc; } dumpIdMap[dobj->dumpId] = dobj; /* mark catalogIdMap invalid, but don't rebuild it yet */ catalogIdMapValid = false; } /* * Assign a DumpId that's not tied to a DumpableObject. * * This is used when creating a "fixed" ArchiveEntry that doesn't need to * participate in the sorting logic. */ DumpId createDumpId(void) { return ++lastDumpId; } /* * Return the largest DumpId so far assigned */ DumpId getMaxDumpId(void) { return lastDumpId; } /* * Find a DumpableObject by dump ID * * Returns NULL for invalid ID */ DumpableObject * findObjectByDumpId(DumpId dumpId) { if (dumpId <= 0 || dumpId >= allocedDumpIds) return NULL; /* out of range? */ return dumpIdMap[dumpId]; } /* * Find a DumpableObject by catalog ID * * Returns NULL for unknown ID * * We use binary search in a sorted list that is built on first call. * If AssignDumpId() and findObjectByCatalogId() calls were freely intermixed, * the code would work, but possibly be very slow. In the current usage * pattern that does not happen, indeed we build the list at most twice. */ DumpableObject * findObjectByCatalogId(CatalogId catalogId) { DumpableObject **low; DumpableObject **high; if (!catalogIdMapValid) { if (catalogIdMap) free(catalogIdMap); getDumpableObjects(&catalogIdMap, &numCatalogIds); if (numCatalogIds > 1) qsort((void *) catalogIdMap, numCatalogIds, sizeof(DumpableObject *), DOCatalogIdCompare); catalogIdMapValid = true; } /* * We could use bsearch() here, but the notational cruft of calling * bsearch is nearly as bad as doing it ourselves; and the generalized * bsearch function is noticeably slower as well. */ if (numCatalogIds <= 0) return NULL; low = catalogIdMap; high = catalogIdMap + (numCatalogIds - 1); while (low <= high) { DumpableObject **middle; int difference; middle = low + (high - low) / 2; /* comparison must match DOCatalogIdCompare, below */ difference = oidcmp((*middle)->catId.oid, catalogId.oid); if (difference == 0) difference = oidcmp((*middle)->catId.tableoid, catalogId.tableoid); if (difference == 0) return *middle; else if (difference < 0) low = middle + 1; else high = middle - 1; } return NULL; } /* * Find a DumpableObject by OID, in a pre-sorted array of one type of object * * Returns NULL for unknown OID */ static DumpableObject * findObjectByOid(Oid oid, DumpableObject **indexArray, int numObjs) { DumpableObject **low; DumpableObject **high; /* * This is the same as findObjectByCatalogId except we assume we need not * look at table OID because the objects are all the same type. * * We could use bsearch() here, but the notational cruft of calling * bsearch is nearly as bad as doing it ourselves; and the generalized * bsearch function is noticeably slower as well. */ if (numObjs <= 0) return NULL; low = indexArray; high = indexArray + (numObjs - 1); while (low <= high) { DumpableObject **middle; int difference; middle = low + (high - low) / 2; difference = oidcmp((*middle)->catId.oid, oid); if (difference == 0) return *middle; else if (difference < 0) low = middle + 1; else high = middle - 1; } return NULL; } /* * Build an index array of DumpableObject pointers, sorted by OID */ static DumpableObject ** buildIndexArray(void *objArray, int numObjs, Size objSize) { DumpableObject **ptrs; int i; if (numObjs <= 0) return NULL; ptrs = (DumpableObject **) pg_malloc(numObjs * sizeof(DumpableObject *)); for (i = 0; i < numObjs; i++) ptrs[i] = (DumpableObject *) ((char *) objArray + i * objSize); /* We can use DOCatalogIdCompare to sort since its first key is OID */ if (numObjs > 1) qsort((void *) ptrs, numObjs, sizeof(DumpableObject *), DOCatalogIdCompare); return ptrs; } /* * qsort comparator for pointers to DumpableObjects */ static int DOCatalogIdCompare(const void *p1, const void *p2) { const DumpableObject *obj1 = *(DumpableObject *const *) p1; const DumpableObject *obj2 = *(DumpableObject *const *) p2; int cmpval; /* * Compare OID first since it's usually unique, whereas there will only be * a few distinct values of tableoid. */ cmpval = oidcmp(obj1->catId.oid, obj2->catId.oid); if (cmpval == 0) cmpval = oidcmp(obj1->catId.tableoid, obj2->catId.tableoid); return cmpval; } /* * Build an array of pointers to all known dumpable objects * * This simply creates a modifiable copy of the internal map. */ void getDumpableObjects(DumpableObject ***objs, int *numObjs) { int i, j; *objs = (DumpableObject **) pg_malloc(allocedDumpIds * sizeof(DumpableObject *)); j = 0; for (i = 1; i < allocedDumpIds; i++) { if (dumpIdMap[i]) (*objs)[j++] = dumpIdMap[i]; } *numObjs = j; } /* * Add a dependency link to a DumpableObject * * Note: duplicate dependencies are currently not eliminated */ void addObjectDependency(DumpableObject *dobj, DumpId refId) { if (dobj->nDeps >= dobj->allocDeps) { if (dobj->allocDeps <= 0) { dobj->allocDeps = 16; dobj->dependencies = (DumpId *) pg_malloc(dobj->allocDeps * sizeof(DumpId)); } else { dobj->allocDeps *= 2; dobj->dependencies = (DumpId *) pg_realloc(dobj->dependencies, dobj->allocDeps * sizeof(DumpId)); } } dobj->dependencies[dobj->nDeps++] = refId; } /* * Remove a dependency link from a DumpableObject * * If there are multiple links, all are removed */ void removeObjectDependency(DumpableObject *dobj, DumpId refId) { int i; int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < dobj->nDeps; i++) { if (dobj->dependencies[i] != refId) dobj->dependencies[j++] = dobj->dependencies[i]; } dobj->nDeps = j; } /* * findTableByOid * finds the entry (in tblinfo) of the table with the given oid * returns NULL if not found */ TableInfo * findTableByOid(Oid oid) { return (TableInfo *) findObjectByOid(oid, tblinfoindex, numTables); } /* * findTypeByOid * finds the entry (in typinfo) of the type with the given oid * returns NULL if not found */ TypeInfo * findTypeByOid(Oid oid) { return (TypeInfo *) findObjectByOid(oid, typinfoindex, numTypes); } /* * findFuncByOid * finds the entry (in funinfo) of the function with the given oid * returns NULL if not found */ FuncInfo * findFuncByOid(Oid oid) { return (FuncInfo *) findObjectByOid(oid, funinfoindex, numFuncs); } /* * findOprByOid * finds the entry (in oprinfo) of the operator with the given oid * returns NULL if not found */ OprInfo * findOprByOid(Oid oid) { return (OprInfo *) findObjectByOid(oid, oprinfoindex, numOperators); } /* * findCollationByOid * finds the entry (in collinfo) of the collation with the given oid * returns NULL if not found */ CollInfo * findCollationByOid(Oid oid) { return (CollInfo *) findObjectByOid(oid, collinfoindex, numCollations); } /* * findNamespaceByOid * finds the entry (in nspinfo) of the namespace with the given oid * returns NULL if not found */ NamespaceInfo * findNamespaceByOid(Oid oid) { return (NamespaceInfo *) findObjectByOid(oid, nspinfoindex, numNamespaces); } /* * findExtensionByOid * finds the entry (in extinfo) of the extension with the given oid * returns NULL if not found */ ExtensionInfo * findExtensionByOid(Oid oid) { return (ExtensionInfo *) findObjectByOid(oid, extinfoindex, numExtensions); } /* * findIndexByOid * find the entry of the index with the given oid * * This one's signature is different from the previous ones because we lack a * global array of all indexes, so caller must pass their array as argument. */ static IndxInfo * findIndexByOid(Oid oid, DumpableObject **idxinfoindex, int numIndexes) { return (IndxInfo *) findObjectByOid(oid, idxinfoindex, numIndexes); } /* * setExtensionMembership * accept and save data about which objects belong to extensions */ void setExtensionMembership(ExtensionMemberId *extmems, int nextmems) { /* Sort array in preparation for binary searches */ if (nextmems > 1) qsort((void *) extmems, nextmems, sizeof(ExtensionMemberId), ExtensionMemberIdCompare); /* And save */ extmembers = extmems; numextmembers = nextmems; } /* * findOwningExtension * return owning extension for specified catalog ID, or NULL if none */ ExtensionInfo * findOwningExtension(CatalogId catalogId) { ExtensionMemberId *low; ExtensionMemberId *high; /* * We could use bsearch() here, but the notational cruft of calling * bsearch is nearly as bad as doing it ourselves; and the generalized * bsearch function is noticeably slower as well. */ if (numextmembers <= 0) return NULL; low = extmembers; high = extmembers + (numextmembers - 1); while (low <= high) { ExtensionMemberId *middle; int difference; middle = low + (high - low) / 2; /* comparison must match ExtensionMemberIdCompare, below */ difference = oidcmp(middle->catId.oid, catalogId.oid); if (difference == 0) difference = oidcmp(middle->catId.tableoid, catalogId.tableoid); if (difference == 0) return middle->ext; else if (difference < 0) low = middle + 1; else high = middle - 1; } return NULL; } /* * qsort comparator for ExtensionMemberIds */ static int ExtensionMemberIdCompare(const void *p1, const void *p2) { const ExtensionMemberId *obj1 = (const ExtensionMemberId *) p1; const ExtensionMemberId *obj2 = (const ExtensionMemberId *) p2; int cmpval; /* * Compare OID first since it's usually unique, whereas there will only be * a few distinct values of tableoid. */ cmpval = oidcmp(obj1->catId.oid, obj2->catId.oid); if (cmpval == 0) cmpval = oidcmp(obj1->catId.tableoid, obj2->catId.tableoid); return cmpval; } /* * findParentsByOid * find a table's parents in tblinfo[] */ static void findParentsByOid(TableInfo *self, InhInfo *inhinfo, int numInherits) { Oid oid = self->dobj.catId.oid; int i, j; int numParents; numParents = 0; for (i = 0; i < numInherits; i++) { if (inhinfo[i].inhrelid == oid) numParents++; } self->numParents = numParents; if (numParents > 0) { self->parents = (TableInfo **) pg_malloc(sizeof(TableInfo *) * numParents); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < numInherits; i++) { if (inhinfo[i].inhrelid == oid) { TableInfo *parent; parent = findTableByOid(inhinfo[i].inhparent); if (parent == NULL) { pg_log_error("failed sanity check, parent OID %u of table \"%s\" (OID %u) not found", inhinfo[i].inhparent, self->dobj.name, oid); exit_nicely(1); } self->parents[j++] = parent; } } } else self->parents = NULL; } /* * parseOidArray * parse a string of numbers delimited by spaces into a character array * * Note: actually this is used for both Oids and potentially-signed * attribute numbers. This should cause no trouble, but we could split * the function into two functions with different argument types if it does. */ void parseOidArray(const char *str, Oid *array, int arraysize) { int j, argNum; char temp[100]; char s; argNum = 0; j = 0; for (;;) { s = *str++; if (s == ' ' || s == '\0') { if (j > 0) { if (argNum >= arraysize) { pg_log_error("could not parse numeric array \"%s\": too many numbers", str); exit_nicely(1); } temp[j] = '\0'; array[argNum++] = atooid(temp); j = 0; } if (s == '\0') break; } else { if (!(isdigit((unsigned char) s) || s == '-') || j >= sizeof(temp) - 1) { pg_log_error("could not parse numeric array \"%s\": invalid character in number", str); exit_nicely(1); } temp[j++] = s; } } while (argNum < arraysize) array[argNum++] = InvalidOid; } /* * strInArray: * takes in a string and a string array and the number of elements in the * string array. * returns the index if the string is somewhere in the array, -1 otherwise */ static int strInArray(const char *pattern, char **arr, int arr_size) { int i; for (i = 0; i < arr_size; i++) { if (strcmp(pattern, arr[i]) == 0) return i; } return -1; }