#include #include #include #include #include "postgres.h" #include "spell.h" #define MAX_NORM 1024 #define MAXNORMLEN 256 #define STRNCASECMP(x,y) (strncasecmp(x,y,strlen(y))) #define GETWCHAR(W,L,N,T) ( ((u_int8_t*)(W))[ ((T)=='p') ? (N) : ( (L) - 1 - (N) ) ] ) #define GETCHAR(A,N,T) GETWCHAR( (A)->repl, (A)->replen, N, T ) #define MEMOUT(X) if ( !(X) ) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY), errmsg("out of memory"))) static int cmpspell(const void *s1, const void *s2) { return (strcmp(((const SPELL *) s1)->word, ((const SPELL *) s2)->word)); } static int cmpspellaffix(const void *s1, const void *s2) { return (strcmp(((const SPELL *) s1)->p.flag, ((const SPELL *) s2)->p.flag)); } static void strlower(char *str) { unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *) str; while (*ptr) { *ptr = tolower(*ptr); ptr++; } } static char* strndup(char *s, int len) { char *d=(char*)palloc( len + 1 ); memcpy(d, s, len ); d[len]='\0'; return d; } /* backward string compaire for suffix tree operations */ static int strbcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { int l1 = strlen(s1) - 1, l2 = strlen(s2) - 1; while (l1 >= 0 && l2 >= 0) { if (s1[l1] < s2[l2]) return -1; if (s1[l1] > s2[l2]) return 1; l1--; l2--; } if (l1 < l2) return -1; if (l1 > l2) return 1; return 0; } static int strbncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t count) { int l1 = strlen(s1) - 1, l2 = strlen(s2) - 1, l = count; while (l1 >= 0 && l2 >= 0 && l > 0) { if (s1[l1] < s2[l2]) return -1; if (s1[l1] > s2[l2]) return 1; l1--; l2--; l--; } if (l == 0) return 0; if (l1 < l2) return -1; if (l1 > l2) return 1; return 0; } static int cmpaffix(const void *s1, const void *s2) { if (((const AFFIX *) s1)->type < ((const AFFIX *) s2)->type) return -1; if (((const AFFIX *) s1)->type > ((const AFFIX *) s2)->type) return 1; if (((const AFFIX *) s1)->type == 'p') return (strcmp(((const AFFIX *) s1)->repl, ((const AFFIX *) s2)->repl)); else return (strbcmp(((const AFFIX *) s1)->repl, ((const AFFIX *) s2)->repl)); } int NIAddSpell(IspellDict * Conf, const char *word, const char *flag) { if (Conf->nspell >= Conf->mspell) { if (Conf->mspell) { Conf->mspell += 1024 * 20; Conf->Spell = (SPELL *) realloc(Conf->Spell, Conf->mspell * sizeof(SPELL)); } else { Conf->mspell = 1024 * 20; Conf->Spell = (SPELL *) malloc(Conf->mspell * sizeof(SPELL)); } MEMOUT(Conf->Spell); } Conf->Spell[Conf->nspell].word = strdup(word); MEMOUT(Conf->Spell[Conf->nspell].word); strncpy(Conf->Spell[Conf->nspell].p.flag, flag, 16); Conf->nspell++; return (0); } int NIImportDictionary(IspellDict * Conf, const char *filename) { unsigned char str[BUFSIZ]; FILE *dict; if (!(dict = fopen(filename, "r"))) return (1); while (fgets(str, sizeof(str), dict)) { unsigned char *s; const unsigned char *flag; flag = NULL; if ((s = strchr(str, '/'))) { *s = 0; s++; flag = s; while (*s) { if (isprint(*s) && !isspace(*s)) s++; else { *s = 0; break; } } } else flag = ""; strlower(str); /* Dont load words if first letter is not required */ /* It allows to optimize loading at search time */ s = str; while (*s) { if (*s == '\r') *s = 0; if (*s == '\n') *s = 0; s++; } NIAddSpell(Conf, str, flag); } fclose(dict); return (0); } static int FindWord(IspellDict * Conf, const char *word, int affixflag, char compoundonly) { SPNode *node = Conf->Dictionary; SPNodeData *StopLow, *StopHigh, *StopMiddle; int level=0, wrdlen=strlen(word); while( node && leveldata; StopHigh = node->data+node->length; while (StopLow < StopHigh) { StopMiddle = StopLow + (StopHigh - StopLow) / 2; if ( StopMiddle->val == ((u_int8_t*)(word))[level] ) { if ( wrdlen==level+1 && StopMiddle->isword ) { if ( compoundonly && !StopMiddle->compoundallow ) return 0; if ( (affixflag == 0) || (strchr(Conf->AffixData[StopMiddle->affix], affixflag) != NULL)) return 1; } node=StopMiddle->node; level++; break; } else if ( StopMiddle->val < ((u_int8_t*)(word))[level] ) { StopLow = StopMiddle + 1; } else { StopHigh = StopMiddle; } } if ( StopLow >= StopHigh ) break; } return 0; } int NIAddAffix(IspellDict * Conf, int flag, char flagflags, const char *mask, const char *find, const char *repl, int type) { if (Conf->naffixes >= Conf->maffixes) { if (Conf->maffixes) { Conf->maffixes += 16; Conf->Affix = (AFFIX *) realloc((void *) Conf->Affix, Conf->maffixes * sizeof(AFFIX)); } else { Conf->maffixes = 16; Conf->Affix = (AFFIX *) malloc(Conf->maffixes * sizeof(AFFIX)); } MEMOUT(Conf->Affix); } if (type == 's') sprintf(Conf->Affix[Conf->naffixes].mask, "%s$", mask); else sprintf(Conf->Affix[Conf->naffixes].mask, "^%s", mask); Conf->Affix[Conf->naffixes].compile = 1; Conf->Affix[Conf->naffixes].flagflags = flagflags; Conf->Affix[Conf->naffixes].flag = flag; Conf->Affix[Conf->naffixes].type = type; strcpy(Conf->Affix[Conf->naffixes].find, find); strcpy(Conf->Affix[Conf->naffixes].repl, repl); Conf->Affix[Conf->naffixes].replen = strlen(repl); Conf->naffixes++; return (0); } static char * remove_spaces(char *dist, char *src) { char *d, *s; d = dist; s = src; while (*s) { if (*s != ' ' && *s != '-' && *s != '\t') { *d = *s; d++; } s++; } *d = 0; return (dist); } int NIImportAffixes(IspellDict * Conf, const char *filename) { unsigned char str[BUFSIZ]; unsigned char flag = 0; unsigned char mask[BUFSIZ] = ""; unsigned char find[BUFSIZ] = ""; unsigned char repl[BUFSIZ] = ""; unsigned char *s; int i; int suffixes = 0; int prefixes = 0; unsigned char flagflags = 0; FILE *affix; if (!(affix = fopen(filename, "r"))) return (1); Conf->compoundcontrol='\t'; while (fgets(str, sizeof(str), affix)) { if (STRNCASECMP(str, "compoundwords")==0) { s=strchr(str, 'l'); if ( s ) { while( *s!=' ' ) s++; while( *s==' ' ) s++; Conf->compoundcontrol = *s; continue; } } if (!STRNCASECMP(str, "suffixes")) { suffixes = 1; prefixes = 0; continue; } if (!STRNCASECMP(str, "prefixes")) { suffixes = 0; prefixes = 1; continue; } if (!STRNCASECMP(str, "flag ")) { s = str + 5; flagflags=0; while( *s==' ' ) s++; if ( *s=='*' ) { flagflags|=FF_CROSSPRODUCT; s++; } else if ( *s=='~' ) { flagflags|=FF_COMPOUNDONLYAFX; s++; } if ( *s=='\\' ) s++; flag = *s; continue; } if ((!suffixes) && (!prefixes)) continue; if ((s = strchr(str, '#'))) *s = 0; if (!*str) continue; strlower(str); strcpy(mask, ""); strcpy(find, ""); strcpy(repl, ""); i = sscanf(str, "%[^>\n]>%[^,\n],%[^\n]", mask, find, repl); remove_spaces(str, repl); strcpy(repl, str); remove_spaces(str, find); strcpy(find, str); remove_spaces(str, mask); strcpy(mask, str); switch (i) { case 3: break; case 2: if (*find != '\0') { strcpy(repl, find); strcpy(find, ""); } break; default: continue; } NIAddAffix(Conf, (int) flag, (char) flagflags, mask, find, repl, suffixes ? 's' : 'p'); } fclose(affix); return (0); } static int MergeAffix(IspellDict *Conf, int a1, int a2) { int naffix=0; char **ptr=Conf->AffixData; while(*ptr) { naffix++; ptr++; } Conf->AffixData=(char**)realloc( Conf->AffixData, (naffix+2)*sizeof(char*) ); MEMOUT(Conf->AffixData); ptr = Conf->AffixData + naffix; *ptr=malloc( strlen(Conf->AffixData[a1]) + strlen(Conf->AffixData[a2]) + 1 /* space */ + 1 /* \0 */ ); MEMOUT(ptr); sprintf(*ptr, "%s %s", Conf->AffixData[a1], Conf->AffixData[a2]); ptr++; *ptr='\0'; return naffix; } static SPNode* mkSPNode(IspellDict *Conf, int low, int high, int level) { int i; int nchar=0; char lastchar='\0'; SPNode *rs; SPNodeData *data; int lownew=low; for(i=low; iSpell[i].p.d.len>level && lastchar!=Conf->Spell[i].word[level] ) { nchar++; lastchar=Conf->Spell[i].word[level]; } if (!nchar) return NULL; rs=(SPNode*)malloc(SPNHRDSZ+nchar*sizeof(SPNodeData)); MEMOUT(rs); memset(rs,0,SPNHRDSZ+nchar*sizeof(SPNodeData)); rs->length = nchar; data=rs->data; lastchar='\0'; for(i=low; iSpell[i].p.d.len>level ) { if ( lastchar!=Conf->Spell[i].word[level] ) { if ( lastchar ) { data->node = mkSPNode(Conf, lownew, i, level+1); lownew=i; data++; } lastchar=Conf->Spell[i].word[level]; } data->val=((u_int8_t*)(Conf->Spell[i].word))[level]; if ( Conf->Spell[i].p.d.len == level+1 ) { if ( data->isword && data->affix!=Conf->Spell[i].p.d.affix) { /* fprintf(stderr,"Word already exists: %s (affixes: '%s' and '%s')\n", Conf->Spell[i].word, Conf->AffixData[data->affix], Conf->AffixData[Conf->Spell[i].p.d.affix] ); */ /* MergeAffix called a few times */ data->affix = MergeAffix(Conf, data->affix, Conf->Spell[i].p.d.affix); } else data->affix = Conf->Spell[i].p.d.affix; data->isword=1; if ( strchr( Conf->AffixData[ data->affix ], Conf->compoundcontrol ) ) data->compoundallow=1; } } data->node = mkSPNode(Conf, lownew, high, level+1); return rs; } void NISortDictionary(IspellDict * Conf) { size_t i; int naffix=3; /* compress affixes */ qsort((void *) Conf->Spell, Conf->nspell, sizeof(SPELL), cmpspellaffix); for (i = 1; i < Conf->nspell; i++) if ( strcmp(Conf->Spell[i].p.flag,Conf->Spell[i-1].p.flag) ) naffix++; Conf->AffixData=(char**)malloc( naffix*sizeof(char*) ); MEMOUT(Conf->AffixData); memset(Conf->AffixData, 0, naffix*sizeof(char*)); naffix=1; Conf->AffixData[0]=strdup(""); MEMOUT(Conf->AffixData[0]); Conf->AffixData[1]=strdup( Conf->Spell[0].p.flag ); MEMOUT(Conf->AffixData[1]); Conf->Spell[0].p.d.affix = 1; Conf->Spell[0].p.d.len = strlen(Conf->Spell[0].word); for (i = 1; i < Conf->nspell; i++) { if ( strcmp(Conf->Spell[i].p.flag, Conf->AffixData[naffix]) ) { naffix++; Conf->AffixData[naffix] = strdup( Conf->Spell[i].p.flag ); MEMOUT(Conf->AffixData[naffix]); } Conf->Spell[i].p.d.affix = naffix; Conf->Spell[i].p.d.len = strlen(Conf->Spell[i].word); } qsort((void *) Conf->Spell, Conf->nspell, sizeof(SPELL), cmpspell); Conf->Dictionary = mkSPNode(Conf, 0, Conf->nspell, 0); for (i = 0; i < Conf->nspell; i++) free( Conf->Spell[i].word ); free( Conf->Spell ); Conf->Spell=NULL; } static AffixNode* mkANode(IspellDict *Conf, int low, int high, int level, int type) { int i; int nchar=0; u_int8_t lastchar='\0'; AffixNode *rs; AffixNodeData *data; int lownew=low; for(i=low; iAffix[i].replen>level && lastchar!=GETCHAR( Conf->Affix + i, level, type ) ) { nchar++; lastchar=GETCHAR( Conf->Affix + i, level, type ); } if (!nchar) return NULL; rs=(AffixNode*)malloc(ANHRDSZ+nchar*sizeof(AffixNodeData)); MEMOUT(rs); memset(rs,0,ANHRDSZ+nchar*sizeof(AffixNodeData)); rs->length = nchar; data=rs->data; lastchar='\0'; for(i=low; iAffix[i].replen>level ) { if ( lastchar!=GETCHAR( Conf->Affix + i, level, type ) ) { if ( lastchar ) { data->node = mkANode(Conf, lownew, i, level+1, type); lownew=i; data++; } lastchar=GETCHAR( Conf->Affix + i, level, type ); } data->val=GETCHAR( Conf->Affix + i, level, type ); if ( Conf->Affix[i].replen == level+1 ) { /* affix stopped */ if ( !data->naff ) data->aff=(AFFIX**)malloc(sizeof(AFFIX*)*(high-i+1)); MEMOUT(data); data->aff[ data->naff ] = Conf->Affix + i; data->naff++; } } data->node = mkANode(Conf, lownew, high, level+1, type); return rs; } void NISortAffixes(IspellDict * Conf) { AFFIX *Affix; size_t i; CMPDAffix* ptr; int firstsuffix=-1; if (Conf->naffixes > 1) qsort((void *) Conf->Affix, Conf->naffixes, sizeof(AFFIX), cmpaffix); Conf->CompoundAffix = ptr = (CMPDAffix*)malloc( sizeof(CMPDAffix) * Conf->naffixes ); MEMOUT(Conf->CompoundAffix); ptr->affix=NULL; for (i = 0; i < Conf->naffixes; i++) { Affix = &(((AFFIX *) Conf->Affix)[i]); if ( Affix->type == 's' ) { if ( firstsuffix<0 ) firstsuffix=i; if ( Affix->flagflags & FF_COMPOUNDONLYAFX ) { if ( !ptr->affix || strbncmp((ptr-1)->affix, Affix->repl, (ptr-1)->len) ) { /* leave only unique and minimals suffixes */ ptr->affix=Affix->repl; ptr->len=Affix->replen; ptr++; } } } } ptr->affix = NULL; Conf->CompoundAffix = (CMPDAffix*)realloc( Conf->CompoundAffix, sizeof(CMPDAffix) * (ptr-Conf->CompoundAffix+1) ); Conf->Prefix = mkANode(Conf, 0, firstsuffix, 0, 'p'); Conf->Suffix = mkANode(Conf, firstsuffix, Conf->naffixes, 0, 's'); } static AffixNodeData* FinfAffixes(AffixNode *node, const char *word, int wrdlen, int *level, int type) { AffixNodeData *StopLow, *StopHigh, *StopMiddle; u_int8_t symbol; while( node && *leveldata; StopHigh = node->data+node->length; while (StopLow < StopHigh) { StopMiddle = StopLow + (StopHigh - StopLow) / 2; symbol = GETWCHAR(word,wrdlen,*level,type); if ( StopMiddle->val == symbol ) { if ( StopMiddle->naff ) return StopMiddle; node=StopMiddle->node; (*level)++; break; } else if ( StopMiddle->val < symbol ) { StopLow = StopMiddle + 1; } else { StopHigh = StopMiddle; } } if ( StopLow >= StopHigh ) break; } return NULL; } static char * CheckAffix(const char *word, size_t len, AFFIX * Affix, char flagflags, char *newword) { regmatch_t subs[2]; /* workaround for apache&linux */ int err; if ( flagflags & FF_COMPOUNDONLYAFX ) { if ( (Affix->flagflags & FF_COMPOUNDONLYAFX) == 0 ) return NULL; } else { if ( Affix->flagflags & FF_COMPOUNDONLYAFX ) return NULL; } if ( Affix->type=='s' ) { strcpy(newword, word); strcpy(newword + len - Affix->replen, Affix->find); } else { strcpy(newword, Affix->find); strcat(newword, word + Affix->replen); } if (Affix->compile) { err = regcomp(&(Affix->reg), Affix->mask, REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE | REG_NOSUB); if (err) { /* regerror(err, &(Affix->reg), regerrstr, ERRSTRSIZE); */ regfree(&(Affix->reg)); return (NULL); } Affix->compile = 0; } if (!(err = regexec(&(Affix->reg), newword, 1, subs, 0))) return newword; return NULL; } static char ** NormalizeSubWord(IspellDict * Conf, char *word, char flag) { AffixNodeData *suffix=NULL, *prefix=NULL; int slevel=0, plevel=0; int wrdlen = strlen(word), swrdlen; char **forms; char **cur; char newword[2 * MAXNORMLEN] = ""; char pnewword[2 * MAXNORMLEN] = ""; AffixNode *snode = Conf->Suffix, *pnode; int i,j; if (wrdlen > MAXNORMLEN) return NULL; strlower(word); cur = forms = (char **) palloc(MAX_NORM * sizeof(char *)); *cur = NULL; /* Check that the word itself is normal form */ if (FindWord(Conf, word, 0, flag & FF_COMPOUNDWORD)) { *cur = pstrdup(word); cur++; *cur = NULL; } /* Find all other NORMAL forms of the 'word' (check only prefix)*/ pnode=Conf->Prefix; plevel=0; while(pnode) { prefix=FinfAffixes(pnode, word, wrdlen, &plevel,'p'); if (!prefix) break; for(j=0;jnaff;j++) { if ( CheckAffix(word,wrdlen,prefix->aff[j], flag, newword) ) { /* prefix success */ if ( FindWord(Conf, newword, prefix->aff[j]->flag, flag&FF_COMPOUNDWORD) && (cur - forms) < (MAX_NORM-1) ) { /* word search success */ *cur = pstrdup(newword); cur++; *cur=NULL; } } } pnode = prefix->node; plevel++; } /* Find all other NORMAL forms of the 'word' (check suffix and then prefix)*/ while( snode ) { /* find possible suffix */ suffix = FinfAffixes(snode, word, wrdlen, &slevel, 's'); if (!suffix) break; /* foreach suffix check affix */ for(i=0;inaff;i++) { if ( CheckAffix(word, wrdlen, suffix->aff[i], flag, newword) ) { /* suffix success */ if ( FindWord(Conf, newword, suffix->aff[i]->flag, flag&FF_COMPOUNDWORD) && (cur - forms) < (MAX_NORM-1) ) { /* word search success */ *cur = pstrdup(newword); cur++; *cur=NULL; } /* now we will look changed word with prefixes */ pnode=Conf->Prefix; plevel=0; swrdlen=strlen(newword); while(pnode) { prefix=FinfAffixes(pnode, newword, swrdlen, &plevel,'p'); if (!prefix) break; for(j=0;jnaff;j++) { if ( CheckAffix(newword,swrdlen,prefix->aff[j], flag, pnewword) ) { /* prefix success */ int ff=( prefix->aff[j]->flagflags & suffix->aff[i]->flagflags & FF_CROSSPRODUCT ) ? 0 : prefix->aff[j]->flag; if ( FindWord(Conf, pnewword, ff, flag&FF_COMPOUNDWORD) && (cur - forms) < (MAX_NORM-1) ) { /* word search success */ *cur = pstrdup(pnewword); cur++; *cur=NULL; } } } pnode = prefix->node; plevel++; } } } snode=suffix->node; slevel++; } if (cur == forms) { pfree(forms); return (NULL); } return (forms); } typedef struct SplitVar { int nstem; char **stem; struct SplitVar *next; } SplitVar; static int CheckCompoundAffixes(CMPDAffix **ptr, char *word, int len) { while( (*ptr)->affix ) { if ( len > (*ptr)->len && strncmp((*ptr)->affix, word, (*ptr)->len)==0 ) { len = (*ptr)->len; (*ptr)++; return len; } (*ptr)++; } return 0; } static SplitVar* CopyVar(SplitVar *s, int makedup) { SplitVar *v = (SplitVar*)palloc(sizeof(SplitVar)); v->stem=(char**)palloc( sizeof(char*) * (MAX_NORM) ); v->next=NULL; if ( s ) { int i; v->nstem = s->nstem; for(i=0;instem;i++) v->stem[i] = (makedup) ? pstrdup( s->stem[i] ) : s->stem[i]; } else { v->nstem=0; } return v; } static SplitVar* SplitToVariants( IspellDict * Conf, SPNode *snode, SplitVar * orig, char *word, int wordlen, int startpos, int minpos ) { SplitVar *var=NULL; SPNodeData *StopLow, *StopHigh, *StopMiddle; SPNode *node = (snode) ? snode : Conf->Dictionary; int level=(snode) ? minpos : startpos; /* recursive minpos==level*/ int lenaff; CMPDAffix *caff; char notprobed[wordlen]; memset(notprobed,1,wordlen); var = CopyVar(orig,1); while( node && leveldata; StopHigh = node->data+node->length; while (StopLow < StopHigh) { StopMiddle = StopLow + (StopHigh - StopLow) / 2; if ( StopMiddle->val == ((u_int8_t*)(word))[level] ) { break; } else if ( StopMiddle->val < ((u_int8_t*)(word))[level] ) { StopLow = StopMiddle + 1; } else { StopHigh = StopMiddle; } } if ( StopLow >= StopHigh ) break; /* find word with epenthetic */ caff = Conf->CompoundAffix; while ( level>startpos && (lenaff=CheckCompoundAffixes( &caff, word + level, wordlen - level ))>0 ) { /* there is one of compound suffixes, so check word for existings */ char buf[MAXNORMLEN]; char **subres; lenaff=level-startpos+lenaff; if ( !notprobed[startpos+lenaff-1] ) continue; if ( level+lenaff-1 <= minpos ) continue; memcpy(buf, word+startpos, lenaff); buf[lenaff]='\0'; subres = NormalizeSubWord(Conf, buf, FF_COMPOUNDWORD | FF_COMPOUNDONLYAFX); if ( subres ) { /* Yes, it was a word from dictionary */ SplitVar *new=CopyVar(var,0); SplitVar *ptr=var; char **sptr=subres; notprobed[startpos+lenaff-1]=0; while(*sptr) { new->stem[ new->nstem ] = *sptr; new->nstem++; sptr++; } pfree(subres); while( ptr->next ) ptr = ptr->next; ptr->next = SplitToVariants(Conf, NULL, new, word, wordlen, startpos+lenaff, startpos+lenaff); pfree(new->stem); pfree(new); } } /* find infinitive */ if ( StopMiddle->isword && StopMiddle->compoundallow && notprobed[level] ) { /* ok, we found full compoundallowed word*/ if ( level>minpos ) { /* and its length more than minimal */ if ( wordlen==level+1 ) { /* well, it was last word */ var->stem[ var->nstem ] = strndup(word + startpos, wordlen - startpos); var->nstem++; return var; } else { /* then we will search more big word at the same point */ SplitVar *ptr=var; while( ptr->next ) ptr = ptr->next; ptr->next=SplitToVariants(Conf, node, var, word, wordlen, startpos, level); /* we can find next word */ level++; var->stem[ var->nstem ] = strndup(word + startpos, level - startpos); var->nstem++; node = Conf->Dictionary; startpos=level; continue; } } } level++; node=StopMiddle->node; } var->stem[ var->nstem ] = strndup(word + startpos, wordlen - startpos); var->nstem++; return var; } char ** NINormalizeWord(IspellDict * Conf, char *word) { char **res= NormalizeSubWord(Conf, word, 0); if ( Conf->compoundcontrol != '\t' ) { int wordlen=strlen(word); SplitVar *ptr, *var = SplitToVariants(Conf,NULL,NULL, word, wordlen, 0, -1); char **cur=res; int i; while(var) { if ( var->nstem > 1 ) { char **subres = NormalizeSubWord(Conf, var->stem[ var->nstem-1 ], FF_COMPOUNDWORD); if ( subres ) { char **ptr=subres; if ( cur ) { while(*cur) cur++; } else { res=cur=(char **) palloc(MAX_NORM * sizeof(char *)); } for(i=0;instem-1;i++) { *cur=var->stem[ i ]; cur++; } while(*ptr) { *cur=*ptr; cur++; ptr++; } *cur=NULL; pfree(subres); var->stem[ 0 ] = NULL; } } for(i=0;instem && var->stem[ i ];i++) pfree( var->stem[i] ); ptr = var->next; pfree(var->stem); pfree(var); var=ptr; } } return res; } static void freeSPNode(SPNode *node) { SPNodeData *data; if (!node) return; data=node->data; while( node->length ) { freeSPNode(data->node); data++; node->length--; } free(node); } static void freeANode(AffixNode *node) { AffixNodeData *data; if (!node) return; data=node->data; while( node->length ) { freeANode(data->node); if (data->naff) free(data->aff); data++; node->length--; } free(node); } void NIFree(IspellDict * Conf) { int i; AFFIX *Affix = (AFFIX *) Conf->Affix; char** aff = Conf->AffixData; if ( aff ) { while(*aff) { free(*aff); aff++; } free(Conf->AffixData); } for (i = 0; i < Conf->naffixes; i++) { if (Affix[i].compile == 0) regfree(&(Affix[i].reg)); } if (Conf->Spell) { for (i = 0; i < Conf->nspell; i++) free(Conf->Spell[i].word); free(Conf->Spell); } if (Conf->Affix) free(Conf->Affix); if ( Conf->CompoundAffix ) free(Conf->CompoundAffix); freeSPNode(Conf->Dictionary); freeANode(Conf->Suffix); freeANode(Conf->Prefix); memset((void *) Conf, 0, sizeof(IspellDict)); return; }