-- -- ARRAYS -- CREATE TABLE arrtest ( a int2[], b int4[][][], c name[], d text[][], e float8[], f char(5)[], g varchar(5)[] ); -- -- only this array as a 0-based 'e', the others are 1-based. -- 'e' is also a large object. -- INSERT INTO arrtest (a[5], b[2][1][2], c, d, f, g) VALUES ('{1,2,3,4,5}', '{{{0,0},{1,2}}}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}'); UPDATE arrtest SET e[0] = '1.1'; UPDATE arrtest SET e[1] = '2.2'; INSERT INTO arrtest (f) VALUES ('{"too long"}'); ERROR: value too long for type character(5) INSERT INTO arrtest (a, b[2][2][1], c, d, e, f, g) VALUES ('{11,12,23}', '{{3,4},{4,5}}', '{"foobar"}', '{{"elt1", "elt2"}}', '{"3.4", "6.7"}', '{"abc","abcde"}', '{"abc","abcde"}'); INSERT INTO arrtest (a, b[1][2][2], c, d[2][1]) VALUES ('{}', '{3,4}', '{foo,bar}', '{bar,foo}'); SELECT * FROM arrtest; a | b | c | d | e | f | g -------------+-----------------+-----------+---------------+-----------+-----------------+------------- {1,2,3,4,5} | {{{0,0},{1,2}}} | {} | {} | | {} | {} {11,12,23} | {{3,4},{4,5}} | {foobar} | {{elt1,elt2}} | {3.4,6.7} | {"abc ",abcde} | {abc,abcde} {} | {3,4} | {foo,bar} | {bar,foo} | | | (3 rows) SELECT arrtest.a[1], arrtest.b[1][1][1], arrtest.c[1], arrtest.d[1][1], arrtest.e[0] FROM arrtest; a | b | c | d | e ----+---+--------+------+--- 1 | 0 | | | 11 | | foobar | elt1 | | | foo | | (3 rows) SELECT a[1], b[1][1][1], c[1], d[1][1], e[0] FROM arrtest; a | b | c | d | e ----+---+--------+------+--- 1 | 0 | | | 11 | | foobar | elt1 | | | foo | | (3 rows) SELECT a[1:3], b[1:1][1:2][1:2], c[1:2], d[1:1][1:2] FROM arrtest; a | b | c | d ------------+-----------------+-----------+--------------- {1,2,3} | {{{0,0},{1,2}}} | | {11,12,23} | | {foobar} | {{elt1,elt2}} | | {foo,bar} | (3 rows) SELECT array_dims(a) AS a,array_dims(b) AS b,array_dims(c) AS c FROM arrtest; a | b | c -------+-----------------+------- [1:5] | [1:1][1:2][1:2] | [1:3] | [1:2][1:2] | [1:1] | [1:2] | [1:2] (3 rows) -- returns nothing SELECT * FROM arrtest WHERE a[1] < 5 and c = '{"foobar"}'::_name; a | b | c | d | e | f | g ---+---+---+---+---+---+--- (0 rows) UPDATE arrtest SET a[1:2] = '{16,25}' WHERE NOT a = '{}'::_int2; UPDATE arrtest SET b[1:1][1:1][1:2] = '{113, 117}', b[1:1][1:2][2:2] = '{142, 147}' WHERE array_dims(b) = '[1:1][1:2][1:2]'; UPDATE arrtest SET c[2:2] = '{"new_word"}' WHERE array_dims(c) is not null; SELECT a,b,c FROM arrtest; a | b | c ---------------+-----------------------+------------------- {16,25,3,4,5} | {{{113,142},{1,147}}} | {} {} | {3,4} | {foo,new_word} {16,25,23} | {{3,4},{4,5}} | {foobar,new_word} (3 rows) SELECT a[1:3], b[1:1][1:2][1:2], c[1:2], d[1:1][2:2] FROM arrtest; a | b | c | d ------------+-----------------------+-------------------+---------- {16,25,3} | {{{113,142},{1,147}}} | | | | {foo,new_word} | {16,25,23} | | {foobar,new_word} | {{elt2}} (3 rows) -- -- array expressions and operators -- -- table creation and INSERTs CREATE TEMP TABLE arrtest2 (i integer ARRAY[4], f float8[], n numeric[], t text[], d timestamp[]); INSERT INTO arrtest2 VALUES( ARRAY[[[113,142],[1,147]]], ARRAY[1.1,1.2,1.3]::float8[], ARRAY[1.1,1.2,1.3], ARRAY[[['aaa','aab'],['aba','abb'],['aca','acb']],[['baa','bab'],['bba','bbb'],['bca','bcb']]], ARRAY['19620326','19931223','19970117']::timestamp[] ); -- some more test data CREATE TEMP TABLE arrtest_f (f0 int, f1 text, f2 float8); insert into arrtest_f values(1,'cat1',1.21); insert into arrtest_f values(2,'cat1',1.24); insert into arrtest_f values(3,'cat1',1.18); insert into arrtest_f values(4,'cat1',1.26); insert into arrtest_f values(5,'cat1',1.15); insert into arrtest_f values(6,'cat2',1.15); insert into arrtest_f values(7,'cat2',1.26); insert into arrtest_f values(8,'cat2',1.32); insert into arrtest_f values(9,'cat2',1.30); CREATE TEMP TABLE arrtest_i (f0 int, f1 text, f2 int); insert into arrtest_i values(1,'cat1',21); insert into arrtest_i values(2,'cat1',24); insert into arrtest_i values(3,'cat1',18); insert into arrtest_i values(4,'cat1',26); insert into arrtest_i values(5,'cat1',15); insert into arrtest_i values(6,'cat2',15); insert into arrtest_i values(7,'cat2',26); insert into arrtest_i values(8,'cat2',32); insert into arrtest_i values(9,'cat2',30); -- expressions SELECT t.f[1][3][1] AS "131", t.f[2][2][1] AS "221" FROM ( SELECT ARRAY[[[111,112],[121,122],[131,132]],[[211,212],[221,122],[231,232]]] AS f ) AS t; 131 | 221 -----+----- 131 | 221 (1 row) SELECT ARRAY[[[[[['hello'],['world']]]]]]; array --------------------------- {{{{{{hello},{world}}}}}} (1 row) SELECT ARRAY[ARRAY['hello'],ARRAY['world']]; array ------------------- {{hello},{world}} (1 row) SELECT ARRAY(select f2 from arrtest_f order by f2) AS "ARRAY"; ARRAY ----------------------------------------------- {1.15,1.15,1.18,1.21,1.24,1.26,1.26,1.3,1.32} (1 row) -- functions SELECT array_append(array[42], 6) AS "{42,6}"; {42,6} -------- {42,6} (1 row) SELECT array_prepend(6, array[42]) AS "{6,42}"; {6,42} -------- {6,42} (1 row) SELECT array_cat(ARRAY[1,2], ARRAY[3,4]) AS "{{1,2},{3,4}}"; {{1,2},{3,4}} --------------- {{1,2},{3,4}} (1 row) SELECT array_cat(ARRAY[1,2], ARRAY[[3,4],[5,6]]) AS "{{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}"; {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}} --------------------- {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}} (1 row) SELECT array_cat(ARRAY[[3,4],[5,6]], ARRAY[1,2]) AS "{{3,4},{5,6},{1,2}}"; {{3,4},{5,6},{1,2}} --------------------- {{3,4},{5,6},{1,2}} (1 row) -- operators SELECT a FROM arrtest WHERE b = ARRAY[[[113,142],[1,147]]]; a --------------- {16,25,3,4,5} (1 row) SELECT NOT ARRAY[1.1,1.2,1.3] = ARRAY[1.1,1.2,1.3] AS "FALSE"; FALSE ------- f (1 row) SELECT ARRAY[1,2] || 3 AS "{1,2,3}"; {1,2,3} --------- {1,2,3} (1 row) SELECT 0 || ARRAY[1,2] AS "{0,1,2}"; {0,1,2} --------- {0,1,2} (1 row) SELECT ARRAY[1,2] || ARRAY[3,4] AS "{{1,2},{3,4}}"; {{1,2},{3,4}} --------------- {{1,2},{3,4}} (1 row) SELECT ARRAY[[['hello','world']]] || ARRAY[[['happy','birthday']]] AS "ARRAY"; ARRAY ------------------------------------------ {{{{hello,world}}},{{{happy,birthday}}}} (1 row) SELECT ARRAY[[1,2],[3,4]] || ARRAY[5,6] AS "{{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}"; {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}} --------------------- {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}} (1 row) SELECT ARRAY[0,0] || ARRAY[1,1] || ARRAY[2,2] AS "{{0,0},{1,1},{2,2}}"; {{0,0},{1,1},{2,2}} --------------------- {{0,0},{1,1},{2,2}} (1 row) SELECT 0 || ARRAY[1,2] || 3 AS "{0,1,2,3}"; {0,1,2,3} ----------- {0,1,2,3} (1 row) -- array casts SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3]::text[]::int[]::float8[] AS "{1,2,3}"; {1,2,3} --------- {1,2,3} (1 row) SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3]::text[]::int[]::float8[] is of (float8[]) as "TRUE"; TRUE ------ t (1 row) SELECT ARRAY[['a','bc'],['def','hijk']]::text[]::varchar[] AS "{{a,bc},{def,hijk}}"; {{a,bc},{def,hijk}} --------------------- {{a,bc},{def,hijk}} (1 row) SELECT ARRAY[['a','bc'],['def','hijk']]::text[]::varchar[] is of (varchar[]) as "TRUE"; TRUE ------ t (1 row) SELECT CAST(ARRAY[[[[[['a','bb','ccc']]]]]] as text[]) as "{{{{{{a,bb,ccc}}}}}}"; {{{{{{a,bb,ccc}}}}}} ---------------------- {{{{{{a,bb,ccc}}}}}} (1 row) -- scalar op any/all (array) select 33 = any ('{1,2,3}'); ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select 33 = any ('{1,2,33}'); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select 33 = all ('{1,2,33}'); ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select 33 >= all ('{1,2,33}'); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- boundary cases select null::int >= all ('{1,2,33}'); ?column? ---------- (1 row) select null::int >= all ('{}'); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select null::int >= any ('{}'); ?column? ---------- f (1 row) -- cross-datatype select 33.4 = any (array[1,2,3]); ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select 33.4 > all (array[1,2,3]); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- errors select 33 * any ('{1,2,3}'); ERROR: op ANY/ALL (array) requires operator to yield boolean select 33 * any (44); ERROR: op ANY/ALL (array) requires array on right side -- test indexes on arrays create temp table arr_tbl (f1 int[] unique); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index 'arr_tbl_f1_key' for table 'arr_tbl' insert into arr_tbl values ('{1,2,3}'); insert into arr_tbl values ('{1,2}'); -- failure expected: insert into arr_tbl values ('{1,2,3}'); ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index arr_tbl_f1_key insert into arr_tbl values ('{2,3,4}'); insert into arr_tbl values ('{1,5,3}'); insert into arr_tbl values ('{1,2,10}'); set enable_seqscan to off; select * from arr_tbl where f1 > '{1,2,3}' and f1 <= '{1,5,3}'; f1 ---------- {1,2,10} {1,5,3} (2 rows) -- note: if above select doesn't produce the expected tuple order, -- then you didn't get an indexscan plan, and something is busted.