/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * rewriteHandler.c-- * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/rewrite/rewriteHandler.c,v 1.12 1998/02/21 06:31:57 scrappy Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include "postgres.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "utils/palloc.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #include "nodes/pg_list.h" #include "nodes/primnodes.h" #include "parser/parsetree.h" /* for parsetree manipulation */ #include "nodes/parsenodes.h" #include "rewrite/rewriteSupport.h" #include "rewrite/rewriteHandler.h" #include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h" #include "rewrite/locks.h" #include "commands/creatinh.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "utils/acl.h" #include "catalog/pg_user.h" static void ApplyRetrieveRule(Query *parsetree, RewriteRule *rule, int rt_index, int relation_level, Relation relation, int *modified); static List *fireRules(Query *parsetree, int rt_index, CmdType event, bool *instead_flag, List *locks, List **qual_products); static void QueryRewriteSubLink(Node *node); static List *QueryRewriteOne(Query *parsetree); static List *deepRewriteQuery(Query *parsetree); static void CheckViewPerms(Relation view, List *rtable); /* * gatherRewriteMeta - * Gather meta information about parsetree, and rule. Fix rule body * and qualifier so that they can be mixed with the parsetree and * maintain semantic validity */ static RewriteInfo * gatherRewriteMeta(Query *parsetree, Query *rule_action, Node *rule_qual, int rt_index, CmdType event, bool *instead_flag) { RewriteInfo *info; int rt_length; int result_reln; info = (RewriteInfo *) palloc(sizeof(RewriteInfo)); info->rt_index = rt_index; info->event = event; info->instead_flag = *instead_flag; info->rule_action = (Query *) copyObject(rule_action); info->rule_qual = (Node *) copyObject(rule_qual); if (info->rule_action == NULL) info->nothing = TRUE; else { info->nothing = FALSE; info->action = info->rule_action->commandType; info->current_varno = rt_index; info->rt = parsetree->rtable; rt_length = length(info->rt); info->rt = append(info->rt, info->rule_action->rtable); info->new_varno = PRS2_NEW_VARNO + rt_length; OffsetVarNodes(info->rule_action->qual, rt_length); OffsetVarNodes((Node *) info->rule_action->targetList, rt_length); OffsetVarNodes(info->rule_qual, rt_length); ChangeVarNodes((Node *) info->rule_action->qual, PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO + rt_length, rt_index, 0); ChangeVarNodes((Node *) info->rule_action->targetList, PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO + rt_length, rt_index, 0); ChangeVarNodes(info->rule_qual, PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO + rt_length, rt_index, 0); /* * bug here about replace CURRENT -- sort of replace current is * deprecated now so this code shouldn't really need to be so * clutzy but..... */ if (info->action != CMD_SELECT) { /* i.e update XXXXX */ int new_result_reln = 0; result_reln = info->rule_action->resultRelation; switch (result_reln) { case PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO: new_result_reln = rt_index; break; case PRS2_NEW_VARNO: /* XXX */ default: new_result_reln = result_reln + rt_length; break; } info->rule_action->resultRelation = new_result_reln; } } return info; } static List * OptimizeRIRRules(List *locks) { List *attr_level = NIL, *i; List *relation_level = NIL; foreach(i, locks) { RewriteRule *rule_lock = lfirst(i); if (rule_lock->attrno == -1) relation_level = lappend(relation_level, rule_lock); else attr_level = lappend(attr_level, rule_lock); } return nconc(relation_level, attr_level); } /* * idea is to put instead rules before regular rules so that * excess semantically queasy queries aren't processed */ static List * orderRules(List *locks) { List *regular = NIL, *i; List *instead_rules = NIL; foreach(i, locks) { RewriteRule *rule_lock = (RewriteRule *) lfirst(i); if (rule_lock->isInstead) instead_rules = lappend(instead_rules, rule_lock); else regular = lappend(regular, rule_lock); } return nconc(regular, instead_rules); } static int AllRetrieve(List *actions) { List *n; foreach(n, actions) { Query *pt = lfirst(n); /* * in the old postgres code, we check whether command_type is a * consp of '('*'.commandType). but we've never supported * transitive closures. Hence removed - ay 10/94. */ if (pt->commandType != CMD_SELECT) return false; } return true; } static List * FireRetrieveRulesAtQuery(Query *parsetree, int rt_index, Relation relation, bool *instead_flag, int rule_flag) { List *i, *locks; RuleLock *rt_entry_locks = NULL; List *work = NIL; if ((rt_entry_locks = relation->rd_rules) == NULL) return NIL; locks = matchLocks(CMD_SELECT, rt_entry_locks, rt_index, parsetree); /* find all retrieve instead */ foreach(i, locks) { RewriteRule *rule_lock = (RewriteRule *) lfirst(i); if (!rule_lock->isInstead) continue; work = lappend(work, rule_lock); } if (work != NIL) { work = OptimizeRIRRules(locks); foreach(i, work) { RewriteRule *rule_lock = lfirst(i); int relation_level; int modified = FALSE; relation_level = (rule_lock->attrno == -1); if (rule_lock->actions == NIL) { *instead_flag = TRUE; return NIL; } if (!rule_flag && length(rule_lock->actions) >= 2 && AllRetrieve(rule_lock->actions)) { *instead_flag = TRUE; return rule_lock->actions; } ApplyRetrieveRule(parsetree, rule_lock, rt_index, relation_level, relation, &modified); if (modified) { *instead_flag = TRUE; FixResdomTypes(parsetree->targetList); return lcons(parsetree, NIL); } } } return NIL; } /* Idea is like this: * * retrieve-instead-retrieve rules have different semantics than update nodes * Separate RIR rules from others. Pass others to FireRules. * Order RIR rules and process. * * side effect: parsetree's rtable field might be changed */ static void ApplyRetrieveRule(Query *parsetree, RewriteRule *rule, int rt_index, int relation_level, Relation relation, int *modified) { Query *rule_action = NULL; Node *rule_qual; List *rtable, *rt; int nothing, rt_length; int badsql = FALSE; int viewAclOverride = FALSE; rule_qual = rule->qual; if (rule->actions) { if (length(rule->actions) > 1) /* ??? because we don't handle * rules with more than one * action? -ay */ /* WARNING!!! * If we sometimes handle * rules with more than one * action, the view acl checks * might get broken. * viewAclOverride should only * become true (below) if this * is a relation_level, instead, * select query - Jan */ return; rule_action = copyObject(lfirst(rule->actions)); nothing = FALSE; /* * If this rule is on the relation level, the rule action * is a select and the rule is instead then it must be * a view. Permissions for views now follow the owner of * the view, not the current user. */ if (relation_level && rule_action->commandType == CMD_SELECT && rule->isInstead) { CheckViewPerms(relation, rule_action->rtable); viewAclOverride = TRUE; } } else { nothing = TRUE; } rtable = copyObject(parsetree->rtable); foreach(rt, rtable) { RangeTblEntry *rte = lfirst(rt); /* * this is to prevent add_missing_vars_to_base_rels() from adding * a bogus entry to the new target list. */ rte->inFromCl = false; } rt_length = length(rtable); if (viewAclOverride) { List *rule_rtable, *rule_rt; RangeTblEntry *rte; rule_rtable = copyObject(rule_action->rtable); foreach(rule_rt, rule_rtable) { rte = lfirst(rule_rt); /* * tell the executor that the ACL check on this * range table entry is already done */ rte->skipAcl = true; } rtable = nconc(rtable, rule_rtable); } else { rtable = nconc(rtable, copyObject(rule_action->rtable)); } parsetree->rtable = rtable; rule_action->rtable = rtable; OffsetVarNodes(rule_action->qual, rt_length); OffsetVarNodes((Node *) rule_action->targetList, rt_length); OffsetVarNodes(rule_qual, rt_length); ChangeVarNodes(rule_action->qual, PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO + rt_length, rt_index, 0); ChangeVarNodes((Node *) rule_action->targetList, PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO + rt_length, rt_index, 0); ChangeVarNodes(rule_qual, PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO + rt_length, rt_index, 0); if (relation_level) { HandleViewRule(parsetree, rtable, rule_action->targetList, rt_index, modified); } else { HandleRIRAttributeRule(parsetree, rtable, rule_action->targetList, rt_index, rule->attrno, modified, &badsql); } if (*modified && !badsql) AddQual(parsetree, rule_action->qual); } static List * ProcessRetrieveQuery(Query *parsetree, List *rtable, bool *instead_flag, bool rule) { List *rt; List *product_queries = NIL; int rt_index = 0; foreach(rt, rtable) { RangeTblEntry *rt_entry = lfirst(rt); Relation rt_entry_relation = NULL; List *result = NIL; rt_index++; rt_entry_relation = heap_openr(rt_entry->relname); if (rt_entry_relation->rd_rules != NULL) { result = FireRetrieveRulesAtQuery(parsetree, rt_index, rt_entry_relation, instead_flag, rule); } heap_close(rt_entry_relation); if (*instead_flag) return result; } if (rule) return NIL; foreach(rt, rtable) { RangeTblEntry *rt_entry = lfirst(rt); Relation rt_entry_relation = NULL; RuleLock *rt_entry_locks = NULL; List *result = NIL; List *locks = NIL; List *dummy_products; rt_index++; rt_entry_relation = heap_openr(rt_entry->relname); rt_entry_locks = rt_entry_relation->rd_rules; heap_close(rt_entry_relation); if (rt_entry_locks) { locks = matchLocks(CMD_SELECT, rt_entry_locks, rt_index, parsetree); } if (locks != NIL) { result = fireRules(parsetree, rt_index, CMD_SELECT, instead_flag, locks, &dummy_products); if (*instead_flag) return lappend(NIL, result); if (result != NIL) product_queries = nconc(product_queries, result); } } return product_queries; } static Query * CopyAndAddQual(Query *parsetree, List *actions, Node *rule_qual, int rt_index, CmdType event) { Query *new_tree = (Query *) copyObject(parsetree); Node *new_qual = NULL; Query *rule_action = NULL; if (actions) rule_action = lfirst(actions); if (rule_qual != NULL) new_qual = (Node *) copyObject(rule_qual); if (rule_action != NULL) { List *rtable; int rt_length; rtable = new_tree->rtable; rt_length = length(rtable); rtable = append(rtable, listCopy(rule_action->rtable)); new_tree->rtable = rtable; OffsetVarNodes(new_qual, rt_length); ChangeVarNodes(new_qual, PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO + rt_length, rt_index, 0); } /* XXX -- where current doesn't work for instead nothing.... yet */ AddNotQual(new_tree, new_qual); return new_tree; } /* * fireRules - * Iterate through rule locks applying rules. After an instead rule * rule has been applied, return just new parsetree and let RewriteQuery * start the process all over again. The locks are reordered to maintain * sensible semantics. remember: reality is for dead birds -- glass * */ static List * fireRules(Query *parsetree, int rt_index, CmdType event, bool *instead_flag, List *locks, List **qual_products) { RewriteInfo *info; List *results = NIL; List *i; /* choose rule to fire from list of rules */ if (locks == NIL) { ProcessRetrieveQuery(parsetree, parsetree->rtable, instead_flag, TRUE); if (*instead_flag) return lappend(NIL, parsetree); else return NIL; } locks = orderRules(locks); /* instead rules first */ foreach(i, locks) { RewriteRule *rule_lock = (RewriteRule *) lfirst(i); Node *qual, *event_qual; List *actions; List *r; bool orig_instead_flag = *instead_flag; /* multiple rule action time */ *instead_flag = rule_lock->isInstead; event_qual = rule_lock->qual; actions = rule_lock->actions; if (event_qual != NULL && *instead_flag) *qual_products = lappend(*qual_products, CopyAndAddQual(parsetree, actions, event_qual, rt_index, event)); foreach(r, actions) { Query *rule_action = lfirst(r); Node *rule_qual = copyObject(event_qual); /*-------------------------------------------------- * Step 1: * Rewrite current.attribute or current to tuple variable * this appears to be done in parser? *-------------------------------------------------- */ info = gatherRewriteMeta(parsetree, rule_action, rule_qual, rt_index, event, instead_flag); /* handle escapable cases, or those handled by other code */ if (info->nothing) { if (*instead_flag) return NIL; else continue; } if (info->action == info->event && info->event == CMD_SELECT) continue; /* * Event Qualification forces copying of parsetree --- XXX and * splitting into two queries one w/rule_qual, one w/NOT * rule_qual. Also add user query qual onto rule action */ qual = parsetree->qual; AddQual(info->rule_action, qual); if (info->rule_qual != NULL) AddQual(info->rule_action, info->rule_qual); /*-------------------------------------------------- * Step 2: * Rewrite new.attribute w/ right hand side of target-list * entry for appropriate field name in insert/update *-------------------------------------------------- */ if ((info->event == CMD_INSERT) || (info->event == CMD_UPDATE)) { FixNew(info, parsetree); } /*-------------------------------------------------- * Step 3: * rewriting due to retrieve rules *-------------------------------------------------- */ info->rule_action->rtable = info->rt; ProcessRetrieveQuery(info->rule_action, info->rt, &orig_instead_flag, TRUE); /*-------------------------------------------------- * Step 4 * Simplify? hey, no algorithm for simplification... let * the planner do it. *-------------------------------------------------- */ results = lappend(results, info->rule_action); pfree(info); } if (*instead_flag) break; } return results; } static List * RewriteQuery(Query *parsetree, bool *instead_flag, List **qual_products) { CmdType event; List *product_queries = NIL; int result_relation = 0; Assert(parsetree != NULL); event = parsetree->commandType; if (event == CMD_UTILITY) return NIL; /* * only for a delete may the targetlist be NULL */ if (event != CMD_DELETE) { Assert(parsetree->targetList != NULL); } result_relation = parsetree->resultRelation; if (event != CMD_SELECT) { /* * the statement is an update, insert or delete */ RangeTblEntry *rt_entry; Relation rt_entry_relation = NULL; RuleLock *rt_entry_locks = NULL; rt_entry = rt_fetch(result_relation, parsetree->rtable); rt_entry_relation = heap_openr(rt_entry->relname); rt_entry_locks = rt_entry_relation->rd_rules; heap_close(rt_entry_relation); if (rt_entry_locks != NULL) { List *locks = matchLocks(event, rt_entry_locks, result_relation, parsetree); product_queries = fireRules(parsetree, result_relation, event, instead_flag, locks, qual_products); } return product_queries; } else { /* * the statement is a select */ Query *other; /* * ApplyRetrieveRule changes the range table * XXX Unions are copied again. */ other = copyObject(parsetree); return ProcessRetrieveQuery(other, parsetree->rtable, instead_flag, FALSE); } } /* * to avoid infinite recursion, we restrict the number of times a query * can be rewritten. Detecting cycles is left for the reader as an excercise. */ #ifndef REWRITE_INVOKE_MAX #define REWRITE_INVOKE_MAX 10 #endif static int numQueryRewriteInvoked = 0; /* * QueryRewrite - * rewrite one query via QueryRewrite system, possibly returning 0, or many * queries */ List * QueryRewrite(Query *parsetree) { QueryRewriteSubLink(parsetree->qual); return QueryRewriteOne(parsetree); } /* * QueryRewriteSubLink * * This rewrites the SubLink subqueries first, doing the lowest ones first. * We already have code in the main rewrite loops to process correlated * variables from upper queries that exist in subqueries. */ static void QueryRewriteSubLink(Node *node) { if (node == NULL) return; switch (nodeTag(node)) { case T_TargetEntry: break; case T_Aggreg: break; case T_Expr: { Expr *expr = (Expr *) node; QueryRewriteSubLink((Node *)expr->args); } break; case T_Var: break; case T_List: { List *l; foreach(l, (List *) node) QueryRewriteSubLink(lfirst(l)); } break; case T_SubLink: { SubLink *sublink = (SubLink *) node; Query *query = (Query *)sublink->subselect; List *ret; /* * Nest down first. We do this so if a rewrite adds a * SubLink we don't process it as part of this loop. */ QueryRewriteSubLink((Node *)query->qual); ret = QueryRewriteOne(query); if (!ret) sublink->subselect = NULL; else if (lnext(ret) == NIL) sublink->subselect = lfirst(ret); else elog(ERROR,"Don't know how to process subquery that rewrites to multiple queries."); } break; default: /* ignore the others */ break; } return; } /* * QueryOneRewrite - * rewrite one query */ static List * QueryRewriteOne(Query *parsetree) { numQueryRewriteInvoked = 0; /* * take a deep breath and apply all the rewrite rules - ay */ return deepRewriteQuery(parsetree); } /* * deepRewriteQuery - * rewrites the query and apply the rules again on the queries rewritten */ static List * deepRewriteQuery(Query *parsetree) { List *n; List *rewritten = NIL; List *result = NIL; bool instead; List *qual_products = NIL; if (++numQueryRewriteInvoked > REWRITE_INVOKE_MAX) { elog(ERROR, "query rewritten %d times, may contain cycles", numQueryRewriteInvoked - 1); } instead = FALSE; result = RewriteQuery(parsetree, &instead, &qual_products); if (!instead) rewritten = lcons(parsetree, NIL); foreach(n, result) { Query *pt = lfirst(n); List *newstuff = NIL; newstuff = deepRewriteQuery(pt); if (newstuff != NIL) rewritten = nconc(rewritten, newstuff); } if (qual_products != NIL) rewritten = nconc(rewritten, qual_products); return rewritten; } static void CheckViewPerms(Relation view, List *rtable) { HeapTuple utup; NameData uname; List *rt; RangeTblEntry *rte; int32 aclcheck_res; /* * get the usename of the view's owner */ utup = SearchSysCacheTuple(USESYSID, view->rd_rel->relowner, 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(utup)) { elog(ERROR, "cache lookup for userid %d failed", view->rd_rel->relowner); } StrNCpy(uname.data, ((Form_pg_user) GETSTRUCT(utup))->usename.data, NAMEDATALEN); /* * check that we have read access to all the * classes in the range table of the view */ foreach(rt, rtable) { rte = (RangeTblEntry *)lfirst(rt); aclcheck_res = pg_aclcheck(rte->relname, uname.data, ACL_RD); if (aclcheck_res != ACLCHECK_OK) { elog(ERROR, "%s: %s", rte->relname, aclcheck_error_strings[aclcheck_res]); } } }