CREATE TABLE xmltest ( id int, data xml ); INSERT INTO xmltest VALUES (1, 'one'); INSERT INTO xmltest VALUES (2, 'two'); INSERT INTO xmltest VALUES (3, 'one 2 | two (2 rows) SELECT xmlcomment('test'); xmlcomment ------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlcomment('-test'); xmlcomment -------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlcomment('test-'); ERROR: invalid XML comment SELECT xmlcomment('--test'); ERROR: invalid XML comment SELECT xmlcomment('te st'); xmlcomment -------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlconcat(xmlcomment('hello'), xmlelement(NAME qux, 'foo'), xmlcomment('world')); xmlconcat ---------------------------------------- foo (1 row) SELECT xmlconcat('hello', 'you'); xmlconcat ----------- helloyou (1 row) SELECT xmlconcat(1, 2); ERROR: argument of XMLCONCAT must be type xml, not type integer LINE 1: SELECT xmlconcat(1, 2); ^ SELECT xmlconcat('bad', '', NULL, ''); xmlconcat -------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlconcat('', NULL, ''); xmlconcat ----------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlconcat(NULL); xmlconcat ----------- (1 row) SELECT xmlconcat(NULL, NULL); xmlconcat ----------- (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name element, xmlattributes (1 as one, 'deuce' as two), 'content'); xmlelement ------------------------------------------------ content (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name element, xmlattributes ('unnamed and wrong')); ERROR: unnamed XML attribute value must be a column reference LINE 2: xmlattributes ('unnamed and wrong')); ^ SELECT xmlelement(name element, xmlelement(name nested, 'stuff')); xmlelement ------------------------------------------- stuff (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name employee, xmlforest(name, age, salary as pay)) FROM emp; xmlelement ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sharon251000 sam302000 bill201000 jeff23600 cim30400 linda19100 (6 rows) SELECT xmlelement(name duplicate, xmlattributes(1 as a, 2 as b, 3 as a)); ERROR: XML attribute name "a" appears more than once LINE 1: ...ment(name duplicate, xmlattributes(1 as a, 2 as b, 3 as a)); ^ SELECT xmlelement(name num, 37); xmlelement --------------- 37 (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name foo, text 'bar'); xmlelement ---------------- bar (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name foo, xml 'bar'); xmlelement ---------------- bar (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name foo, text 'br'); xmlelement ------------------------- b<a/>r (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name foo, xml 'br'); xmlelement ------------------- br (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name foo, array[1, 2, 3]); xmlelement ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123 (1 row) SET xmlbinary TO base64; SELECT xmlelement(name foo, bytea 'bar'); xmlelement ----------------- YmFy (1 row) SET xmlbinary TO hex; SELECT xmlelement(name foo, bytea 'bar'); xmlelement ------------------- 626172 (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name foo, xmlattributes(true as bar)); xmlelement ------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name foo, xmlattributes('2009-04-09 00:24:37'::timestamp as bar)); xmlelement ---------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name foo, xmlattributes('infinity'::timestamp as bar)); ERROR: timestamp out of range DETAIL: XML does not support infinite timestamp values. SELECT xmlelement(name foo, xmlattributes('<>&"''' as funny, xml 'br' as funnier)); xmlelement ------------------------------------------------------------ (1 row) SELECT xmlparse(content ''); xmlparse ---------- (1 row) SELECT xmlparse(content ' '); xmlparse ---------- (1 row) SELECT xmlparse(content 'abc'); xmlparse ---------- abc (1 row) SELECT xmlparse(content 'x'); xmlparse -------------- x (1 row) SELECT xmlparse(content '&'); ERROR: invalid XML content DETAIL: line 1: xmlParseEntityRef: no name & ^ line 1: chunk is not well balanced SELECT xmlparse(content '&idontexist;'); ERROR: invalid XML content DETAIL: line 1: Entity 'idontexist' not defined &idontexist; ^ line 1: chunk is not well balanced SELECT xmlparse(content ''); xmlparse --------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlparse(content ''); xmlparse -------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlparse(content '&idontexist;'); ERROR: invalid XML content DETAIL: line 1: Entity 'idontexist' not defined &idontexist; ^ line 1: Opening and ending tag mismatch: twoerrors line 1 and unbalanced line 1: chunk is not well balanced SELECT xmlparse(content ''); xmlparse --------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlparse(document ' '); ERROR: invalid XML document DETAIL: line 1: Start tag expected, '<' not found SELECT xmlparse(document 'abc'); ERROR: invalid XML document DETAIL: line 1: Start tag expected, '<' not found abc ^ SELECT xmlparse(document 'x'); xmlparse -------------- x (1 row) SELECT xmlparse(document '&'); ERROR: invalid XML document DETAIL: line 1: xmlParseEntityRef: no name & ^ line 1: Opening and ending tag mismatch: invalidentity line 1 and abc SELECT xmlparse(document '&idontexist;'); ERROR: invalid XML document DETAIL: line 1: Entity 'idontexist' not defined &idontexist; ^ line 1: Opening and ending tag mismatch: undefinedentity line 1 and abc SELECT xmlparse(document ''); xmlparse --------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlparse(document ''); xmlparse -------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlparse(document '&idontexist;'); ERROR: invalid XML document DETAIL: line 1: Entity 'idontexist' not defined &idontexist; ^ line 1: Opening and ending tag mismatch: twoerrors line 1 and unbalanced SELECT xmlparse(document ''); xmlparse --------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlpi(name foo); xmlpi --------- (1 row) SELECT xmlpi(name xml); ERROR: invalid XML processing instruction DETAIL: XML processing instruction target name cannot be "xml". SELECT xmlpi(name xmlstuff); xmlpi -------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlpi(name foo, 'bar'); xmlpi ------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlpi(name foo, 'in?>valid'); ERROR: invalid XML processing instruction DETAIL: XML processing instruction cannot contain "?>". SELECT xmlpi(name foo, null); xmlpi ------- (1 row) SELECT xmlpi(name xml, null); ERROR: invalid XML processing instruction DETAIL: XML processing instruction target name cannot be "xml". SELECT xmlpi(name xmlstuff, null); xmlpi ------- (1 row) SELECT xmlpi(name "xml-stylesheet", 'href="mystyle.css" type="text/css"'); xmlpi ------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlpi(name foo, ' bar'); xmlpi ------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlroot(xml '', version no value, standalone no value); xmlroot --------- (1 row) SELECT xmlroot(xml '', version '2.0'); xmlroot ----------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlroot(xml '', version no value, standalone yes); xmlroot ---------------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlroot(xml '', version no value, standalone yes); xmlroot ---------------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlroot(xmlroot(xml '', version '1.0'), version '1.1', standalone no); xmlroot --------------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlroot('', version no value, standalone no); xmlroot --------------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlroot('', version no value, standalone no value); xmlroot --------- (1 row) SELECT xmlroot('', version no value); xmlroot ---------------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlroot ( xmlelement ( name gazonk, xmlattributes ( 'val' AS name, 1 + 1 AS num ), xmlelement ( NAME qux, 'foo' ) ), version '1.0', standalone yes ); xmlroot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ foo (1 row) SELECT xmlserialize(content data as character varying(20)) FROM xmltest; xmlserialize -------------------- one two (2 rows) SELECT xmlserialize(content 'good' as char(10)); xmlserialize -------------- good (1 row) SELECT xmlserialize(document 'bad' as text); ERROR: not an XML document SELECT xml 'bar' IS DOCUMENT; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT xml 'barfoo' IS DOCUMENT; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) SELECT xml '' IS NOT DOCUMENT; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) SELECT xml 'abc' IS NOT DOCUMENT; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT '<>' IS NOT DOCUMENT; ERROR: invalid XML content LINE 1: SELECT '<>' IS NOT DOCUMENT; ^ DETAIL: line 1: StartTag: invalid element name <> ^ SELECT xmlagg(data) FROM xmltest; xmlagg -------------------------------------- onetwo (1 row) SELECT xmlagg(data) FROM xmltest WHERE id > 10; xmlagg -------- (1 row) SELECT xmlelement(name employees, xmlagg(xmlelement(name name, name))) FROM emp; xmlelement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sharonsambilljeffcimlinda (1 row) -- Check mapping SQL identifier to XML name SELECT xmlpi(name ":::_xml_abc135.%-&_"); xmlpi ------------------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT xmlpi(name "123"); xmlpi --------------- (1 row) PREPARE foo (xml) AS SELECT xmlconcat('', $1); SET XML OPTION DOCUMENT; EXECUTE foo (''); xmlconcat -------------- (1 row) EXECUTE foo ('bad'); ERROR: invalid XML document LINE 1: EXECUTE foo ('bad'); ^ DETAIL: line 1: Start tag expected, '<' not found bad ^ SET XML OPTION CONTENT; EXECUTE foo (''); xmlconcat -------------- (1 row) EXECUTE foo ('good'); xmlconcat ------------ good (1 row) -- Test backwards parsing CREATE VIEW xmlview1 AS SELECT xmlcomment('test'); CREATE VIEW xmlview2 AS SELECT xmlconcat('hello', 'you'); CREATE VIEW xmlview3 AS SELECT xmlelement(name element, xmlattributes (1 as ":one:", 'deuce' as two), 'content&'); CREATE VIEW xmlview4 AS SELECT xmlelement(name employee, xmlforest(name, age, salary as pay)) FROM emp; CREATE VIEW xmlview5 AS SELECT xmlparse(content 'x'); CREATE VIEW xmlview6 AS SELECT xmlpi(name foo, 'bar'); CREATE VIEW xmlview7 AS SELECT xmlroot(xml '', version no value, standalone yes); CREATE VIEW xmlview8 AS SELECT xmlserialize(content 'good' as char(10)); CREATE VIEW xmlview9 AS SELECT xmlserialize(content 'good' as text); SELECT table_name, view_definition FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_name LIKE 'xmlview%' ORDER BY 1; table_name | view_definition ------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xmlview1 | SELECT xmlcomment('test'::text) AS xmlcomment; xmlview2 | SELECT XMLCONCAT('hello'::xml, 'you'::xml) AS "xmlconcat"; xmlview3 | SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME element, XMLATTRIBUTES(1 AS ":one:", 'deuce' AS two), 'content&') AS "xmlelement"; xmlview4 | SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME employee, XMLFOREST( AS name, emp.age AS age, emp.salary AS pay)) AS "xmlelement"+ | FROM emp; xmlview5 | SELECT XMLPARSE(CONTENT 'x'::text STRIP WHITESPACE) AS "xmlparse"; xmlview6 | SELECT XMLPI(NAME foo, 'bar'::text) AS "xmlpi"; xmlview7 | SELECT XMLROOT(''::xml, VERSION NO VALUE, STANDALONE YES) AS "xmlroot"; xmlview8 | SELECT (XMLSERIALIZE(CONTENT 'good'::xml AS character(10)))::character(10) AS "xmlserialize"; xmlview9 | SELECT XMLSERIALIZE(CONTENT 'good'::xml AS text) AS "xmlserialize"; (9 rows) -- Text XPath expressions evaluation SELECT xpath('/value', data) FROM xmltest; xpath ---------------------- {one} {two} (2 rows) SELECT xpath(NULL, NULL) IS NULL FROM xmltest; ?column? ---------- t t (2 rows) SELECT xpath('', ''); ERROR: empty XPath expression CONTEXT: SQL function "xpath" statement 1 SELECT xpath('//text()', 'number one'); xpath ---------------- {"number one"} (1 row) SELECT xpath('//loc:piece/@id', 'number one', ARRAY[ARRAY['loc', '']]); xpath ------- {1,2} (1 row) SELECT xpath('//loc:piece', 'number one', ARRAY[ARRAY['loc', '']]); xpath ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {"number one",""} (1 row) SELECT xpath('//loc:piece', 'number one', ARRAY[ARRAY['loc', '']]); xpath -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"+ number one + + ",""} (1 row) SELECT xpath('//b', 'one two three etc'); xpath ------------------------- {two,etc} (1 row) SELECT xpath('//text()', '<'); xpath -------- {<} (1 row) SELECT xpath('//@value', ''); xpath -------- {<} (1 row) SELECT xpath('''<>''', ''); xpath --------------------------- {<<invalid>>} (1 row) SELECT xpath('count(//*)', ''); xpath ------- {3} (1 row) SELECT xpath('count(//*)=0', ''); xpath --------- {false} (1 row) SELECT xpath('count(//*)=3', ''); xpath -------- {true} (1 row) SELECT xpath('name(/*)', ''); xpath -------- {root} (1 row) SELECT xpath('/nosuchtag', ''); xpath ------- {} (1 row) -- Test xmlexists and xpath_exists SELECT xmlexists('//town[text() = ''Toronto'']' PASSING BY REF 'Bidford-on-AvonCwmbranBristol'); xmlexists ----------- f (1 row) SELECT xmlexists('//town[text() = ''Cwmbran'']' PASSING BY REF 'Bidford-on-AvonCwmbranBristol'); xmlexists ----------- t (1 row) SELECT xmlexists('count(/nosuchtag)' PASSING BY REF ''); xmlexists ----------- t (1 row) SELECT xpath_exists('//town[text() = ''Toronto'']','Bidford-on-AvonCwmbranBristol'::xml); xpath_exists -------------- f (1 row) SELECT xpath_exists('//town[text() = ''Cwmbran'']','Bidford-on-AvonCwmbranBristol'::xml); xpath_exists -------------- t (1 row) SELECT xpath_exists('count(/nosuchtag)', ''::xml); xpath_exists -------------- t (1 row) INSERT INTO xmltest VALUES (4, 'BudvarfreeCarlinglots'::xml); INSERT INTO xmltest VALUES (5, 'MolsonfreeCarlinglots'::xml); INSERT INTO xmltest VALUES (6, 'BudvarfreeCarlinglots'::xml); INSERT INTO xmltest VALUES (7, 'MolsonfreeCarlinglots'::xml); SELECT COUNT(id) FROM xmltest WHERE xmlexists('/menu/beer' PASSING data); count ------- 0 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(id) FROM xmltest WHERE xmlexists('/menu/beer' PASSING BY REF data BY REF); count ------- 0 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(id) FROM xmltest WHERE xmlexists('/menu/beers' PASSING BY REF data); count ------- 2 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(id) FROM xmltest WHERE xmlexists('/menu/beers/name[text() = ''Molson'']' PASSING BY REF data); count ------- 1 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(id) FROM xmltest WHERE xpath_exists('/menu/beer',data); count ------- 0 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(id) FROM xmltest WHERE xpath_exists('/menu/beers',data); count ------- 2 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(id) FROM xmltest WHERE xpath_exists('/menu/beers/name[text() = ''Molson'']',data); count ------- 1 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(id) FROM xmltest WHERE xpath_exists('/myns:menu/myns:beer',data,ARRAY[ARRAY['myns','']]); count ------- 0 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(id) FROM xmltest WHERE xpath_exists('/myns:menu/myns:beers',data,ARRAY[ARRAY['myns','']]); count ------- 2 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(id) FROM xmltest WHERE xpath_exists('/myns:menu/myns:beers/myns:name[text() = ''Molson'']',data,ARRAY[ARRAY['myns','']]); count ------- 1 (1 row) CREATE TABLE query ( expr TEXT ); INSERT INTO query VALUES ('/menu/beers/cost[text() = ''lots'']'); SELECT COUNT(id) FROM xmltest, query WHERE xmlexists(expr PASSING BY REF data); count ------- 2 (1 row) -- Test xml_is_well_formed and variants SELECT xml_is_well_formed_document('bar'); xml_is_well_formed_document ----------------------------- t (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed_document('abc'); xml_is_well_formed_document ----------------------------- f (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed_content('bar'); xml_is_well_formed_content ---------------------------- t (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed_content('abc'); xml_is_well_formed_content ---------------------------- t (1 row) SET xmloption TO DOCUMENT; SELECT xml_is_well_formed('abc'); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- f (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed('<>'); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- f (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed(''); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- t (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed('bar'); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- t (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed('barbaz'); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- f (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed('number one'); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- t (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed('bar'); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- f (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed('bar'); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- t (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed('&'); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- f (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed('&idontexist;'); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- f (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed(''); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- t (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed(''); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- t (1 row) SELECT xml_is_well_formed('&idontexist;'); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- f (1 row) SET xmloption TO CONTENT; SELECT xml_is_well_formed('abc'); xml_is_well_formed -------------------- t (1 row) -- Since xpath() deals with namespaces, it's a bit stricter about -- what's well-formed and what's not. If we don't obey these rules -- (i.e. ignore namespace-related errors from libxml), xpath() -- fails in subtle ways. The following would for example produce -- the xml value -- -- which is invalid because '<' may not appear un-escaped in -- attribute values. -- Since different libxml versions emit slightly different -- error messages, we suppress the DETAIL in this test. \set VERBOSITY terse SELECT xpath('/*', ''); ERROR: could not parse XML document \set VERBOSITY default -- Again, the XML isn't well-formed for namespace purposes SELECT xpath('/*', ''); ERROR: could not parse XML document DETAIL: line 1: Namespace prefix nosuchprefix on tag is not defined ^ CONTEXT: SQL function "xpath" statement 1 -- XPath deprecates relative namespaces, but they're not supposed to -- throw an error, only a warning. SELECT xpath('/*', ''); WARNING: line 1: xmlns: URI relative is not absolute ^ xpath -------------------------------------- {""} (1 row) -- External entity references should not leak filesystem information. SELECT XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT ']>&c;'); xmlparse ----------------------------------------------------------------- ]>&c; (1 row) SELECT XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT ']>&c;'); xmlparse ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ]>&c; (1 row) -- This might or might not load the requested DTD, but it mustn't throw error. SELECT XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT ' '); xmlparse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   (1 row)