-- -- PGP Armor -- -- ensure consistent test output regardless of the default bytea format SET bytea_output TO escape; select armor(''); armor ----------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----+ + =twTO + -----END PGP MESSAGE----- + (1 row) select armor('test'); armor ----------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----+ + dGVzdA== + =+G7Q + -----END PGP MESSAGE----- + (1 row) select dearmor(armor('')); dearmor --------- (1 row) select dearmor(armor('zooka')); dearmor --------- zooka (1 row) select armor('0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef'); armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- + + MDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZjAxMjM0NTY3ODlhYmNkZWYwMTIzNDU2Nzg5YWJjZGVmCjAxMjM0NTY3+ ODlhYmNkZWYwMTIzNDU2Nzg5YWJjZGVmMDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZg== + =JFw5 + -----END PGP MESSAGE----- + (1 row) -- lots formatting select dearmor(' a pgp msg: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Comment: Some junk em9va2E= =D5cR -----END PGP MESSAGE-----'); dearmor --------- zooka (1 row) -- lots messages select dearmor(' wrong packet: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- d3Jvbmc= =vCYP -----END PGP MESSAGE----- right packet: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- cmlnaHQ= =nbpj -----END PGP MESSAGE----- use only first packet -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- d3Jvbmc= =vCYP -----END PGP MESSAGE----- '); dearmor --------- right (1 row) -- bad crc select dearmor(' -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- em9va2E= =ZZZZ -----END PGP MESSAGE----- '); ERROR: Corrupt ascii-armor