/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * list.c * various list handling routines * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/nodes/list.c,v 1.41 2002/06/20 20:29:29 momjian Exp $ * * NOTES * XXX a few of the following functions are duplicated to handle * List of pointers and List of integers separately. Some day, * someone should unify them. - ay 11/2/94 * This file needs cleanup. * * HISTORY * AUTHOR DATE MAJOR EVENT * Andrew Yu Oct, 1994 file creation * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "nodes/parsenodes.h" /* * makeInteger */ Value * makeInteger(long i) { Value *v = makeNode(Value); v->type = T_Integer; v->val.ival = i; return v; } /* * makeFloat * * Caller is responsible for passing a palloc'd string. */ Value * makeFloat(char *numericStr) { Value *v = makeNode(Value); v->type = T_Float; v->val.str = numericStr; return v; } /* * makeString * * Caller is responsible for passing a palloc'd string. */ Value * makeString(char *str) { Value *v = makeNode(Value); v->type = T_String; v->val.str = str; return v; } /* * makeBitString * * Caller is responsible for passing a palloc'd string. */ Value * makeBitString(char *str) { Value *v = makeNode(Value); v->type = T_BitString; v->val.str = str; return v; } /* * lcons * * Add obj to the front of list, or make a new list if 'list' is NIL */ List * lcons(void *obj, List *list) { List *l = makeNode(List); lfirst(l) = obj; lnext(l) = list; return l; } /* * lconsi * * Same as lcons, but for integer data */ List * lconsi(int datum, List *list) { List *l = makeNode(List); lfirsti(l) = datum; lnext(l) = list; return l; } /* * lappend * * Add obj to the end of list, or make a new list if 'list' is NIL * * MORE EXPENSIVE THAN lcons */ List * lappend(List *list, void *obj) { return nconc(list, makeList1(obj)); } /* * lappendi * * Same as lappend, but for integers */ List * lappendi(List *list, int datum) { return nconc(list, makeListi1(datum)); } /* * nconc * * Concat l2 on to the end of l1 * * NB: l1 is destructively changed! Use nconc(listCopy(l1), l2) * if you need to make a merged list without touching the original lists. */ List * nconc(List *l1, List *l2) { List *temp; if (l1 == NIL) return l2; if (l2 == NIL) return l1; if (l1 == l2) elog(ERROR, "tryout to nconc a list to itself"); for (temp = l1; lnext(temp) != NIL; temp = lnext(temp)) ; lnext(temp) = l2; return l1; /* list1 is now list1+list2 */ } /* * nth * * Get the n'th element of the list. First element is 0th. */ void * nth(int n, List *l) { /* XXX assume list is long enough */ while (n > 0) { l = lnext(l); n--; } return lfirst(l); } /* * nthi * * Same as nthi, but for integers */ int nthi(int n, List *l) { /* XXX assume list is long enough */ while (n > 0) { l = lnext(l); n--; } return lfirsti(l); } /* this is here solely for rt_store. Get rid of me some day! */ void set_nth(List *l, int n, void *elem) { /* XXX assume list is long enough */ while (n > 0) { l = lnext(l); n--; } lfirst(l) = elem; } /* * length * * Get the length of l */ int length(List *l) { int i = 0; while (l != NIL) { l = lnext(l); i++; } return i; } /* * llast * * Get the last element of l ... error if empty list */ void * llast(List *l) { if (l == NIL) elog(ERROR, "llast: empty list"); while (lnext(l) != NIL) l = lnext(l); return lfirst(l); } /* * llasti * * As above, but for integer lists */ int llasti(List *l) { if (l == NIL) elog(ERROR, "llasti: empty list"); while (lnext(l) != NIL) l = lnext(l); return lfirsti(l); } /* * freeList * * Free the List nodes of a list * The pointed-to nodes, if any, are NOT freed. * This works for integer lists too. * */ void freeList(List *list) { while (list != NIL) { List *l = list; list = lnext(list); pfree(l); } } /* * equali * compares two lists of integers */ bool equali(List *list1, List *list2) { List *l; foreach(l, list1) { if (list2 == NIL) return false; if (lfirsti(l) != lfirsti(list2)) return false; list2 = lnext(list2); } if (list2 != NIL) return false; return true; } /* * sameseti * * Returns t if two integer lists contain the same elements * (but unlike equali(), they need not be in the same order) * * Caution: this routine could be fooled if list1 contains * duplicate elements. It is intended to be used on lists * containing only nonduplicate elements, eg Relids lists. */ bool sameseti(List *list1, List *list2) { List *temp; if (list1 == NIL) return list2 == NIL; if (list2 == NIL) return false; if (length(list1) != length(list2)) return false; foreach(temp, list1) { if (!intMember(lfirsti(temp), list2)) return false; } return true; } /* * Generate the union of two lists, * ie, l1 plus all members of l2 that are not already in l1. * * NOTE: if there are duplicates in l1 they will still be duplicate in the * result; but duplicates in l2 are discarded. * * The result is a fresh List, but it points to the same member nodes * as were in the inputs. */ List * set_union(List *l1, List *l2) { List *retval = listCopy(l1); List *i; foreach(i, l2) { if (!member(lfirst(i), retval)) retval = lappend(retval, lfirst(i)); } return retval; } List * set_unioni(List *l1, List *l2) { List *retval = listCopy(l1); List *i; foreach(i, l2) { if (!intMember(lfirsti(i), retval)) retval = lappendi(retval, lfirsti(i)); } return retval; } /* * member() * nondestructive, returns t iff l1 is a member of the list l2 */ bool member(void *l1, List *l2) { List *i; foreach(i, l2) { if (equal((Node *) l1, (Node *) lfirst(i))) return true; } return false; } /* * like member(), but use when pointer-equality comparison is sufficient */ bool ptrMember(void *l1, List *l2) { List *i; foreach(i, l2) { if (l1 == ((void *) lfirst(i))) return true; } return false; } /* * membership test for integer lists */ bool intMember(int l1, List *l2) { List *i; foreach(i, l2) { if (l1 == lfirsti(i)) return true; } return false; } /* * lremove * Removes 'elem' from the linked list (destructively changing the list!). * * This version matches 'elem' using simple pointer comparison. * See also LispRemove. */ List * lremove(void *elem, List *list) { List *l; List *prev = NIL; List *result = list; foreach(l, list) { if (elem == lfirst(l)) break; prev = l; } if (l != NIL) { if (prev == NIL) result = lnext(l); else lnext(prev) = lnext(l); } return result; } /* * LispRemove * Removes 'elem' from the linked list (destructively changing the list!). * * This version matches 'elem' using equal(). * (If there is more than one equal list member, the first is removed.) * See also lremove. */ List * LispRemove(void *elem, List *list) { List *l; List *prev = NIL; List *result = list; foreach(l, list) { if (equal(elem, lfirst(l))) break; prev = l; } if (l != NIL) { if (prev == NIL) result = lnext(l); else lnext(prev) = lnext(l); } return result; } /* * lremovei * lremove() for integer lists. */ List * lremovei(int elem, List *list) { List *l; List *prev = NIL; List *result = list; foreach(l, list) { if (elem == lfirsti(l)) break; prev = l; } if (l != NIL) { if (prev == NIL) result = lnext(l); else lnext(prev) = lnext(l); } return result; } /* * ltruncate * Truncate a list to n elements. * Does nothing if n >= length(list). * NB: the list is modified in-place! */ List * ltruncate(int n, List *list) { List *ptr; if (n <= 0) return NIL; /* truncate to zero length */ foreach(ptr, list) { if (--n == 0) { lnext(ptr) = NIL; break; } } return list; } /* * set_difference * * Return l1 without the elements in l2. * * The result is a fresh List, but it points to the same member nodes * as were in l1. */ List * set_difference(List *l1, List *l2) { List *result = NIL; List *i; if (l2 == NIL) return listCopy(l1); /* slightly faster path for empty l2 */ foreach(i, l1) { if (!member(lfirst(i), l2)) result = lappend(result, lfirst(i)); } return result; } /* * set_differencei * * Same as set_difference, but for integers */ List * set_differencei(List *l1, List *l2) { List *result = NIL; List *i; if (l2 == NIL) return listCopy(l1); /* slightly faster path for empty l2 */ foreach(i, l1) { if (!intMember(lfirsti(i), l2)) result = lappendi(result, lfirsti(i)); } return result; } /* * Reverse a list, non-destructively */ List * lreverse(List *l) { List *result = NIL; List *i; foreach(i, l) result = lcons(lfirst(i), result); return result; } /* * Return t if two integer lists have no members in common. */ bool nonoverlap_setsi(List *list1, List *list2) { List *x; foreach(x, list1) { int e = lfirsti(x); if (intMember(e, list2)) return false; } return true; } /* * Return t if all members of integer list list1 appear in list2. */ bool is_subseti(List *list1, List *list2) { List *x; foreach(x, list1) { int e = lfirsti(x); if (!intMember(e, list2)) return false; } return true; }