/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * syscache.c-- * System cache management routines * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/cache/syscache.c,v 1996/07/09 06:22:07 scrappy Exp $ * * NOTES * These routines allow the parser/planner/executor to perform * rapid lookups on the contents of the system catalogs. * * see catalog/syscache.h for a list of the cache id's * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "c.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "access/htup.h" #include "catalog/catname.h" #include "utils/catcache.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #include "utils/palloc.h" #include "nodes/pg_list.h" /* ---------------- * hardwired attribute information comes from system catalog files. * ---------------- */ #include "catalog/pg_am.h" #include "catalog/pg_amop.h" #include "catalog/pg_attribute.h" #include "catalog/pg_group.h" #include "catalog/pg_index.h" #include "catalog/pg_inherits.h" #include "catalog/pg_language.h" #include "catalog/pg_opclass.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc.h" #include "catalog/pg_class.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "catalog/pg_rewrite.h" #include "catalog/pg_aggregate.h" #include "catalog/pg_user.h" #include "storage/large_object.h" #include "catalog/pg_listener.h" extern bool AMI_OVERRIDE; /* XXX style */ #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "catalog/indexing.h" typedef HeapTuple (*ScanFunc)(); /* ---------------- * Warning: cacheinfo[] below is changed, then be sure and * update the magic constants in syscache.h! * ---------------- */ static struct cachedesc cacheinfo[] = { { AccessMethodOperatorRelationName, /* AMOPOPID */ 3, { Anum_pg_amop_amopclaid, Anum_pg_amop_amopopr, Anum_pg_amop_amopid, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_amop), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { AccessMethodOperatorRelationName, /* AMOPSTRATEGY */ 3, { Anum_pg_amop_amopid, Anum_pg_amop_amopclaid, Anum_pg_amop_amopstrategy, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_amop), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { AttributeRelationName, /* ATTNAME */ 2, { Anum_pg_attribute_attrelid, Anum_pg_attribute_attname, 0, 0 }, ATTRIBUTE_TUPLE_SIZE, AttributeNameIndex, (ScanFunc) AttributeNameIndexScan }, { AttributeRelationName, /* ATTNUM */ 2, { Anum_pg_attribute_attrelid, Anum_pg_attribute_attnum, 0, 0 }, ATTRIBUTE_TUPLE_SIZE, AttributeNumIndex, (ScanFunc) AttributeNumIndexScan }, { IndexRelationName, /* INDEXRELID */ 1, { Anum_pg_index_indexrelid, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_index, indpred), NULL, NULL }, { LanguageRelationName, /* LANNAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_language_lanname, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_language, lancompiler), NULL, NULL }, { OperatorRelationName, /* OPRNAME */ 4, { Anum_pg_operator_oprname, Anum_pg_operator_oprleft, Anum_pg_operator_oprright, Anum_pg_operator_oprkind }, sizeof(FormData_pg_operator), NULL, NULL }, { OperatorRelationName, /* OPROID */ 1, { ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_operator), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { ProcedureRelationName, /* PRONAME */ 3, { Anum_pg_proc_proname, Anum_pg_proc_pronargs, Anum_pg_proc_proargtypes, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_proc, prosrc), ProcedureNameIndex, (ScanFunc) ProcedureNameIndexScan }, { ProcedureRelationName, /* PROOID */ 1, { ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_proc, prosrc), ProcedureOidIndex, (ScanFunc) ProcedureOidIndexScan }, { RelationRelationName, /* RELNAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_class_relname, 0, 0, 0 }, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE, ClassNameIndex, (ScanFunc) ClassNameIndexScan }, { RelationRelationName, /* RELOID */ 1, { ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, 0, 0 }, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE, ClassOidIndex, (ScanFunc) ClassOidIndexScan }, { TypeRelationName, /* TYPNAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_type_typname, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(TypeTupleFormData,typalign)+sizeof(char), TypeNameIndex, TypeNameIndexScan }, { TypeRelationName, /* TYPOID */ 1, { ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, 0, 0}, offsetof(TypeTupleFormData,typalign)+sizeof(char), TypeOidIndex, TypeOidIndexScan }, { AccessMethodRelationName, /* AMNAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_am_amname, 0, 0, 0}, sizeof(FormData_pg_am), NULL, NULL }, { OperatorClassRelationName, /* CLANAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_opclass_opcname, 0, 0, 0}, sizeof(FormData_pg_opclass), NULL, NULL }, { IndexRelationName, /* INDRELIDKEY */ 2, { Anum_pg_index_indrelid, Anum_pg_index_indkey, 0, 0}, offsetof(FormData_pg_index, indpred), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { InheritsRelationName, /* INHRELID */ 2, { Anum_pg_inherits_inhrel, Anum_pg_inherits_inhseqno, 0, 0}, sizeof(FormData_pg_inherits), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { RewriteRelationName, /* RULOID */ 1, { ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_rewrite, ev_qual), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { AggregateRelationName, /*AGGNAME*/ 2, { Anum_pg_aggregate_aggname, Anum_pg_aggregate_aggbasetype, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_aggregate, agginitval1), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { ListenerRelationName, /* LISTENREL */ 2, { Anum_pg_listener_relname, Anum_pg_listener_pid, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_listener), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { UserRelationName, /* USENAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_user_usename, 0, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_user), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { UserRelationName, /* USESYSID */ 1, { Anum_pg_user_usesysid, 0, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_user), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { GroupRelationName, /* GRONAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_group_groname, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_group, grolist[0]), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { GroupRelationName, /* GROSYSID */ 1, { Anum_pg_group_grosysid, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_group, grolist[0]), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { RewriteRelationName, /* REWRITENAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_rewrite_rulename, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_rewrite, ev_qual), NULL, (ScanFunc) NULL }, { ProcedureRelationName, /* PROSRC */ 1, { Anum_pg_proc_prosrc, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_proc, prosrc), ProcedureSrcIndex, (ScanFunc) ProcedureSrcIndexScan } }; static struct catcache *SysCache[lengthof(cacheinfo)]; static int32 SysCacheSize = lengthof(cacheinfo); /* * zerocaches-- * * Make sure the SysCache structure is zero'd. */ void zerocaches() { memset((char *) SysCache, 0, SysCacheSize * sizeof(struct catcache *)); } /* * Note: * This function was written because the initialized catalog caches * are used to determine which caches may contain tuples which need * to be invalidated in other backends. */ void InitCatalogCache() { int cacheId; /* XXX type */ if (!AMI_OVERRIDE) { for (cacheId = 0; cacheId < SysCacheSize; cacheId += 1) { Assert(!PointerIsValid((Pointer)SysCache[cacheId])); SysCache[cacheId] = InitSysCache(cacheinfo[cacheId].name, cacheinfo[cacheId].indname, cacheId, cacheinfo[cacheId].nkeys, cacheinfo[cacheId].key, cacheinfo[cacheId].iScanFunc); if (!PointerIsValid((char *)SysCache[cacheId])) { elog(WARN, "InitCatalogCache: Can't init cache %.16s(%d)", cacheinfo[cacheId].name, cacheId); } } } } /* * SearchSysCacheTuple-- * * A layer on top of SearchSysCache that does the initialization and * key-setting for you. * * Returns the tuple if one is found, NULL if not. * * XXX The tuple that is returned is NOT supposed to be pfree'd! */ HeapTuple SearchSysCacheTuple(int cacheId, /* cache selection code */ Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4) { register HeapTuple tp; if (cacheId < 0 || cacheId >= SysCacheSize) { elog(WARN, "SearchSysCacheTuple: Bad cache id %d", cacheId); return((HeapTuple) NULL); } if (!AMI_OVERRIDE) { Assert(PointerIsValid(SysCache[cacheId])); } else { if (!PointerIsValid(SysCache[cacheId])) { SysCache[cacheId] = InitSysCache(cacheinfo[cacheId].name, cacheinfo[cacheId].indname, cacheId, cacheinfo[cacheId].nkeys, cacheinfo[cacheId].key, cacheinfo[cacheId].iScanFunc); if (!PointerIsValid(SysCache[cacheId])) { elog(WARN, "InitCatalogCache: Can't init cache %.16s(%d)", cacheinfo[cacheId].name, cacheId); } } } tp = SearchSysCache(SysCache[cacheId], key1, key2, key3, key4); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) { #ifdef CACHEDEBUG elog(DEBUG, "SearchSysCacheTuple: Search %s(%d) %d %d %d %d failed", (*cacheinfo[cacheId].name)->data, cacheId, key1, key2, key3, key4); #endif return((HeapTuple) NULL); } return(tp); } /* * SearchSysCacheStruct-- * Fills 's' with the information retrieved by calling SearchSysCache() * with arguments key1...key4. Retrieves only the portion of the tuple * which is not variable-length. * * NOTE: we are assuming that non-variable-length fields in the system * catalogs will always be defined! * * Returns 1L if a tuple was found, 0L if not. */ int32 SearchSysCacheStruct(int cacheId, /* cache selection code */ char *returnStruct, /* (preallocated!) */ Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4) { HeapTuple tp; if (!PointerIsValid(returnStruct)) { elog(WARN, "SearchSysCacheStruct: No receiving struct"); return(0); } tp = SearchSysCacheTuple(cacheId, key1, key2, key3, key4); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) return(0); memmove(returnStruct, (char *) GETSTRUCT(tp), cacheinfo[cacheId].size); return(1); } /* * SearchSysCacheGetAttribute-- * Returns the attribute corresponding to 'attributeNumber' for * a given cached tuple. * * XXX This re-opens a relation, so this is slower. * * [callers all assume this returns a (struct varlena *). -ay 10/94] */ void * SearchSysCacheGetAttribute(int cacheId, AttrNumber attributeNumber, Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4) { HeapTuple tp; char *cacheName; Relation relation; int32 attributeLength, attributeByValue; bool isNull; char *attributeValue; void *returnValue; tp = SearchSysCacheTuple(cacheId, key1, key2, key3, key4); cacheName = cacheinfo[cacheId].name; if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) { #ifdef CACHEDEBUG elog(DEBUG, "SearchSysCacheGetAttribute: Lookup in %s(%d) failed", cacheName, cacheId); #endif /* defined(CACHEDEBUG) */ return(NULL); } relation = heap_openr(cacheName); if (attributeNumber < 0 && attributeNumber > FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber) { attributeLength = heap_sysattrlen(attributeNumber); attributeByValue = heap_sysattrbyval(attributeNumber); } else if (attributeNumber > 0 && attributeNumber <= relation->rd_rel->relnatts) { attributeLength = relation->rd_att->attrs[attributeNumber-1]->attlen; attributeByValue = relation->rd_att->attrs[attributeNumber-1]->attbyval; } else { elog(WARN, "SearchSysCacheGetAttribute: Bad attr # %d in %s(%d)", attributeNumber, cacheName, cacheId); return(NULL); } attributeValue = heap_getattr(tp, (Buffer) 0, attributeNumber, RelationGetTupleDescriptor(relation), &isNull); if (isNull) { /* * Used to be an elog(DEBUG, ...) here and a claim that it should * be a FATAL error, I don't think either is warranted -mer 6/9/92 */ return(NULL); } if (attributeByValue) { returnValue = (void *)attributeValue; } else { char *tmp; int size = (attributeLength < 0) ? VARSIZE((struct varlena *) attributeValue) /* variable length */ : attributeLength; /* fixed length */ tmp = (char *) palloc(size); memmove(tmp, attributeValue, size); returnValue = (void *)tmp; } heap_close(relation); return(returnValue); } /* * TypeDefaultRetrieve-- * * Given a type OID, return the typdefault field associated with that * type. The typdefault is returned as the car of a dotted pair which * is passed to TypeDefaultRetrieve by the calling routine. * * Returns a fixnum for types which are passed by value and a ppreserve'd * vectori for types which are not. * * [identical to get_typdefault, expecting a (struct varlena *) as ret val. * some day, either of the functions should be removed -ay 10/94] */ void * TypeDefaultRetrieve(Oid typId) { HeapTuple typeTuple; TypeTupleForm type; int32 typByVal, typLen; struct varlena *typDefault; int32 dataSize; void *returnValue; typeTuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(TYPOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(typId), 0,0,0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple)) { #ifdef CACHEDEBUG elog(DEBUG, "TypeDefaultRetrieve: Lookup in %s(%d) failed", (*cacheinfo[TYPOID].name)->data, TYPOID); #endif /* defined(CACHEDEBUG) */ return(NULL); } type = (TypeTupleForm) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple); typByVal = type->typbyval; typLen = type->typlen; typDefault = (struct varlena *) SearchSysCacheGetAttribute(TYPOID, Anum_pg_type_typdefault, ObjectIdGetDatum(typId), 0,0,0); if (typDefault == (struct varlena *)NULL) { #ifdef CACHEDEBUG elog(DEBUG, "TypeDefaultRetrieve: No extractable typdefault", (*cacheinfo[TYPOID].name)->data, TYPOID); #endif /* defined(CACHEDEBUG) */ return (NULL); } dataSize = VARSIZE(typDefault) - VARHDRSZ; if (typByVal) { int8 i8; int16 i16; int32 i32; if (dataSize == typLen) { switch (typLen) { case sizeof(int8): memmove((char *) &i8, VARDATA(typDefault), sizeof(int8)); i32 = i8; break; case sizeof(int16): memmove((char *) &i16, VARDATA(typDefault), sizeof(int16)); i32 = i16; break; case sizeof(int32): memmove((char *) &i32, VARDATA(typDefault), sizeof(int32)); break; } returnValue = (void *)i32; } else { returnValue = NULL; } } else { if ((typLen < 0 && dataSize < 0) || dataSize != typLen) returnValue = NULL; else { returnValue = (void *)palloc(VARSIZE(typDefault)); memmove((char *) returnValue, (char *) typDefault, (int) VARSIZE(typDefault)); } } return(returnValue); }