/* Module: execute.c * * Description: This module contains routines related to * preparing and executing an SQL statement. * * Classes: n/a * * API functions: SQLPrepare, SQLExecute, SQLExecDirect, SQLTransact, * SQLCancel, SQLNativeSql, SQLParamData, SQLPutData * * Comments: See "notice.txt" for copyright and license information. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "psqlodbc.h" #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include "iodbc.h" #include "isqlext.h" #else #include #include #endif #include "connection.h" #include "statement.h" #include "qresult.h" #include "convert.h" #include "bind.h" #include "lobj.h" // Perform a Prepare on the SQL statement RETCODE SQL_API SQLPrepare(HSTMT hstmt, UCHAR FAR *szSqlStr, SDWORD cbSqlStr) { static char *func = "SQLPrepare"; StatementClass *self = (StatementClass *) hstmt; mylog( "%s: entering...\n", func); if ( ! self) { SC_log_error(func, "", NULL); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } /* According to the ODBC specs it is valid to call SQLPrepare mulitple times. In that case, the bound SQL statement is replaced by the new one */ switch(self->status) { case STMT_PREMATURE: mylog("**** SQLPrepare: STMT_PREMATURE, recycle\n"); SC_recycle_statement(self); /* recycle the statement, but do not remove parameter bindings */ break; case STMT_FINISHED: mylog("**** SQLPrepare: STMT_FINISHED, recycle\n"); SC_recycle_statement(self); /* recycle the statement, but do not remove parameter bindings */ break; case STMT_ALLOCATED: mylog("**** SQLPrepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy\n"); self->status = STMT_READY; break; case STMT_READY: mylog("**** SQLPrepare: STMT_READY, change SQL\n"); break; case STMT_EXECUTING: mylog("**** SQLPrepare: STMT_EXECUTING, error!\n"); self->errornumber = STMT_SEQUENCE_ERROR; self->errormsg = "SQLPrepare(): The handle does not point to a statement that is ready to be executed"; SC_log_error(func, "", self); return SQL_ERROR; default: self->errornumber = STMT_INTERNAL_ERROR; self->errormsg = "An Internal Error has occured -- Unknown statement status."; SC_log_error(func, "", self); return SQL_ERROR; } if (self->statement) free(self->statement); self->statement = make_string(szSqlStr, cbSqlStr, NULL); if ( ! self->statement) { self->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR; self->errormsg = "No memory available to store statement"; SC_log_error(func, "", self); return SQL_ERROR; } self->prepare = TRUE; self->statement_type = statement_type(self->statement); // Check if connection is readonly (only selects are allowed) if ( CC_is_readonly(self->hdbc) && STMT_UPDATE(self)) { self->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR; self->errormsg = "Connection is readonly, only select statements are allowed."; SC_log_error(func, "", self); return SQL_ERROR; } return SQL_SUCCESS; } // - - - - - - - - - // Performs the equivalent of SQLPrepare, followed by SQLExecute. RETCODE SQL_API SQLExecDirect( HSTMT hstmt, UCHAR FAR *szSqlStr, SDWORD cbSqlStr) { StatementClass *stmt = (StatementClass *) hstmt; RETCODE result; static char *func = "SQLExecDirect"; mylog( "%s: entering...\n", func); if ( ! stmt) { SC_log_error(func, "", NULL); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } if (stmt->statement) free(stmt->statement); // keep a copy of the un-parametrized statement, in case // they try to execute this statement again stmt->statement = make_string(szSqlStr, cbSqlStr, NULL); if ( ! stmt->statement) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "No memory available to store statement"; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } mylog("**** %s: hstmt=%u, statement='%s'\n", func, hstmt, stmt->statement); stmt->prepare = FALSE; stmt->statement_type = statement_type(stmt->statement); // Check if connection is readonly (only selects are allowed) if ( CC_is_readonly(stmt->hdbc) && STMT_UPDATE(stmt)) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "Connection is readonly, only select statements are allowed."; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } mylog("%s: calling SQLExecute...\n", func); result = SQLExecute(hstmt); mylog("%s: returned %hd from SQLExecute\n", func, result); return result; } // Execute a prepared SQL statement RETCODE SQL_API SQLExecute( HSTMT hstmt) { static char *func="SQLExecute"; StatementClass *stmt = (StatementClass *) hstmt; ConnectionClass *conn; int i, retval; mylog("%s: entering...\n", func); if ( ! stmt) { SC_log_error(func, "", NULL); mylog("%s: NULL statement so return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE\n", func); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } /* If the statement is premature, it means we already executed it from an SQLPrepare/SQLDescribeCol type of scenario. So just return success. */ if ( stmt->prepare && stmt->status == STMT_PREMATURE) { stmt->status = STMT_FINISHED; if (stmt->errormsg == NULL) { mylog("%s: premature statement but return SQL_SUCCESS\n", func); return SQL_SUCCESS; } else { SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); mylog("%s: premature statement so return SQL_ERROR\n", func); return SQL_ERROR; } } mylog("%s: clear errors...\n", func); SC_clear_error(stmt); conn = SC_get_conn(stmt); if (conn->status == CONN_EXECUTING) { stmt->errormsg = "Connection is already in use."; stmt->errornumber = STMT_SEQUENCE_ERROR; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); mylog("%s: problem with connection\n", func); return SQL_ERROR; } if ( ! stmt->statement) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_STMTSTRING; stmt->errormsg = "This handle does not have a SQL statement stored in it"; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); mylog("%s: problem with handle\n", func); return SQL_ERROR; } /* If SQLExecute is being called again, recycle the statement. Note this should have been done by the application in a call to SQLFreeStmt(SQL_CLOSE) or SQLCancel. */ if (stmt->status == STMT_FINISHED) { mylog("%s: recycling statement (should have been done by app)...\n", func); SC_recycle_statement(stmt); } /* Check if the statement is in the correct state */ if ((stmt->prepare && stmt->status != STMT_READY) || (stmt->status != STMT_ALLOCATED && stmt->status != STMT_READY)) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_STATUS_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "The handle does not point to a statement that is ready to be executed"; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); mylog("%s: problem with statement\n", func); return SQL_ERROR; } /* The bound parameters could have possibly changed since the last execute of this statement? Therefore check for params and re-copy. */ stmt->data_at_exec = -1; for (i = 0; i < stmt->parameters_allocated; i++) { /* Check for data at execution parameters */ if ( stmt->parameters[i].data_at_exec == TRUE) { if (stmt->data_at_exec < 0) stmt->data_at_exec = 1; else stmt->data_at_exec++; } } // If there are some data at execution parameters, return need data // SQLParamData and SQLPutData will be used to send params and execute the statement. if (stmt->data_at_exec > 0) return SQL_NEED_DATA; mylog("%s: copying statement params: trans_status=%d, len=%d, stmt='%s'\n", func, conn->transact_status, strlen(stmt->statement), stmt->statement); // Create the statement with parameters substituted. retval = copy_statement_with_parameters(stmt); if( retval != SQL_SUCCESS) /* error msg passed from above */ return retval; mylog(" stmt_with_params = '%s'\n", stmt->stmt_with_params); return SC_execute(stmt); } // - - - - - - - - - RETCODE SQL_API SQLTransact( HENV henv, HDBC hdbc, UWORD fType) { static char *func = "SQLTransact"; extern ConnectionClass *conns[]; ConnectionClass *conn; QResultClass *res; char ok, *stmt_string; int lf; mylog("entering %s: hdbc=%u, henv=%u\n", func, hdbc, henv); if (hdbc == SQL_NULL_HDBC && henv == SQL_NULL_HENV) { CC_log_error(func, "", NULL); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } /* If hdbc is null and henv is valid, it means transact all connections on that henv. */ if (hdbc == SQL_NULL_HDBC && henv != SQL_NULL_HENV) { for (lf=0; lf henv == henv) if ( SQLTransact(henv, (HDBC) conn, fType) != SQL_SUCCESS) return SQL_ERROR; } return SQL_SUCCESS; } conn = (ConnectionClass *) hdbc; if (fType == SQL_COMMIT) { stmt_string = "COMMIT"; } else if (fType == SQL_ROLLBACK) { stmt_string = "ROLLBACK"; } else { conn->errornumber = CONN_INVALID_ARGUMENT_NO; conn->errormsg ="SQLTransact can only be called with SQL_COMMIT or SQL_ROLLBACK as parameter"; CC_log_error(func, "", conn); return SQL_ERROR; } /* If manual commit and in transaction, then proceed. */ if ( ! CC_is_in_autocommit(conn) && CC_is_in_trans(conn)) { mylog("SQLTransact: sending on conn %d '%s'\n", conn, stmt_string); res = CC_send_query(conn, stmt_string, NULL, NULL); CC_set_no_trans(conn); if ( ! res) { // error msg will be in the connection CC_log_error(func, "", conn); return SQL_ERROR; } ok = QR_command_successful(res); QR_Destructor(res); if (!ok) { CC_log_error(func, "", conn); return SQL_ERROR; } } return SQL_SUCCESS; } // - - - - - - - - - RETCODE SQL_API SQLCancel( HSTMT hstmt) // Statement to cancel. { static char *func="SQLCancel"; StatementClass *stmt = (StatementClass *) hstmt; mylog( "%s: entering...\n", func); // Check if this can handle canceling in the middle of a SQLPutData? if ( ! stmt) { SC_log_error(func, "", NULL); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } // Not in the middle of SQLParamData/SQLPutData so cancel like a close. if (stmt->data_at_exec < 0) return SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE); // In the middle of SQLParamData/SQLPutData, so cancel that. // Note, any previous data-at-exec buffers will be freed in the recycle // if they call SQLExecDirect or SQLExecute again. stmt->data_at_exec = -1; stmt->current_exec_param = -1; stmt->put_data = FALSE; return SQL_SUCCESS; } // - - - - - - - - - // Returns the SQL string as modified by the driver. RETCODE SQL_API SQLNativeSql( HDBC hdbc, UCHAR FAR *szSqlStrIn, SDWORD cbSqlStrIn, UCHAR FAR *szSqlStr, SDWORD cbSqlStrMax, SDWORD FAR *pcbSqlStr) { static char *func="SQLNativeSql"; mylog( "%s: entering...\n", func); strncpy_null(szSqlStr, szSqlStrIn, cbSqlStrMax); return SQL_SUCCESS; } // - - - - - - - - - // Supplies parameter data at execution time. Used in conjuction with // SQLPutData. RETCODE SQL_API SQLParamData( HSTMT hstmt, PTR FAR *prgbValue) { static char *func = "SQLParamData"; StatementClass *stmt = (StatementClass *) hstmt; int i, retval; mylog( "%s: entering...\n", func); if ( ! stmt) { SC_log_error(func, "", NULL); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } mylog("%s: data_at_exec=%d, params_alloc=%d\n", func, stmt->data_at_exec, stmt->parameters_allocated); if (stmt->data_at_exec < 0) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_SEQUENCE_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "No execution-time parameters for this statement"; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } if (stmt->data_at_exec > stmt->parameters_allocated) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_SEQUENCE_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "Too many execution-time parameters were present"; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } /* close the large object */ if ( stmt->lobj_fd >= 0) { lo_close(stmt->hdbc, stmt->lobj_fd); stmt->lobj_fd = -1; } /* Done, now copy the params and then execute the statement */ if (stmt->data_at_exec == 0) { retval = copy_statement_with_parameters(stmt); if (retval != SQL_SUCCESS) return retval; stmt->current_exec_param = -1; return SC_execute(stmt); } /* Set beginning param; if first time SQLParamData is called , start at 0. Otherwise, start at the last parameter + 1. */ i = stmt->current_exec_param >= 0 ? stmt->current_exec_param+1 : 0; /* At least 1 data at execution parameter, so Fill in the token value */ for ( ; i < stmt->parameters_allocated; i++) { if (stmt->parameters[i].data_at_exec == TRUE) { stmt->data_at_exec--; stmt->current_exec_param = i; stmt->put_data = FALSE; *prgbValue = stmt->parameters[i].buffer; /* token */ break; } } return SQL_NEED_DATA; } // - - - - - - - - - // Supplies parameter data at execution time. Used in conjunction with // SQLParamData. RETCODE SQL_API SQLPutData( HSTMT hstmt, PTR rgbValue, SDWORD cbValue) { static char *func = "SQLPutData"; StatementClass *stmt = (StatementClass *) hstmt; int old_pos, retval; ParameterInfoClass *current_param; char *buffer; mylog( "%s: entering...\n", func); if ( ! stmt) { SC_log_error(func, "", NULL); return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE; } if (stmt->current_exec_param < 0) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_SEQUENCE_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "Previous call was not SQLPutData or SQLParamData"; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } current_param = &(stmt->parameters[stmt->current_exec_param]); if ( ! stmt->put_data) { /* first call */ mylog("SQLPutData: (1) cbValue = %d\n", cbValue); stmt->put_data = TRUE; current_param->EXEC_used = (SDWORD *) malloc(sizeof(SDWORD)); if ( ! current_param->EXEC_used) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (1)"; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } *current_param->EXEC_used = cbValue; if (cbValue == SQL_NULL_DATA) return SQL_SUCCESS; /* Handle Long Var Binary with Large Objects */ if ( current_param->SQLType == SQL_LONGVARBINARY) { /* store the oid */ current_param->lobj_oid = lo_creat(stmt->hdbc, INV_READ | INV_WRITE); if (current_param->lobj_oid == 0) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "Couldnt create large object."; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } /* major hack -- to allow convert to see somethings there */ /* have to modify convert to handle this better */ current_param->EXEC_buffer = (char *) ¤t_param->lobj_oid; /* store the fd */ stmt->lobj_fd = lo_open(stmt->hdbc, current_param->lobj_oid, INV_WRITE); if ( stmt->lobj_fd < 0) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_EXEC_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "Couldnt open large object for writing."; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } retval = lo_write(stmt->hdbc, stmt->lobj_fd, rgbValue, cbValue); mylog("lo_write: cbValue=%d, wrote %d bytes\n", cbValue, retval); } else { /* for handling text fields and small binaries */ if (cbValue == SQL_NTS) { current_param->EXEC_buffer = strdup(rgbValue); if ( ! current_param->EXEC_buffer) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (2)"; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } } else { current_param->EXEC_buffer = malloc(cbValue + 1); if ( ! current_param->EXEC_buffer) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (2)"; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } memcpy(current_param->EXEC_buffer, rgbValue, cbValue); current_param->EXEC_buffer[cbValue] = '\0'; } } } else { /* calling SQLPutData more than once */ mylog("SQLPutData: (>1) cbValue = %d\n", cbValue); if (current_param->SQLType == SQL_LONGVARBINARY) { /* the large object fd is in EXEC_buffer */ retval = lo_write(stmt->hdbc, stmt->lobj_fd, rgbValue, cbValue); mylog("lo_write(2): cbValue = %d, wrote %d bytes\n", cbValue, retval); *current_param->EXEC_used += cbValue; } else { buffer = current_param->EXEC_buffer; if (cbValue == SQL_NTS) { buffer = realloc(buffer, strlen(buffer) + strlen(rgbValue) + 1); if ( ! buffer) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (3)"; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } strcat(buffer, rgbValue); mylog(" cbValue = SQL_NTS: strlen(buffer) = %d\n", strlen(buffer)); *current_param->EXEC_used = cbValue; /* reassign buffer incase realloc moved it */ current_param->EXEC_buffer = buffer; } else if (cbValue > 0) { old_pos = *current_param->EXEC_used; *current_param->EXEC_used += cbValue; mylog(" cbValue = %d, old_pos = %d, *used = %d\n", cbValue, old_pos, *current_param->EXEC_used); /* dont lose the old pointer in case out of memory */ buffer = realloc(current_param->EXEC_buffer, *current_param->EXEC_used + 1); if ( ! buffer) { stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR; stmt->errormsg = "Out of memory in SQLPutData (3)"; SC_log_error(func, "", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } memcpy(&buffer[old_pos], rgbValue, cbValue); buffer[*current_param->EXEC_used] = '\0'; /* reassign buffer incase realloc moved it */ current_param->EXEC_buffer = buffer; } else { SC_log_error(func, "bad cbValue", stmt); return SQL_ERROR; } } } return SQL_SUCCESS; }