"""Additional CI configuration, using the starlark language. See https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/programming-tasks/#introduction-into-starlark See also the starlark specification at https://github.com/bazelbuild/starlark/blob/master/spec.md See also .cirrus.yml and src/tools/ci/README """ load("cirrus", "env", "fs") def main(): """The main function is executed by cirrus-ci after loading .cirrus.yml and can extend the CI definition further. As documented in .cirrus.yml, the final CI configuration is composed of 1) the contents of .cirrus.yml 2) if defined, the contents of the file referenced by the, repository level, REPO_CI_CONFIG_GIT_URL variable (see https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/programming-tasks/#fs for the accepted format) 3) .cirrus.tasks.yml """ output = "" # 1) is evaluated implicitly # Add 2) repo_config_url = env.get("REPO_CI_CONFIG_GIT_URL") if repo_config_url != None: print("loading additional configuration from \"{}\"".format(repo_config_url)) output += config_from(repo_config_url) else: output += "\n# REPO_CI_CONFIG_URL was not set\n" # Add 3) output += config_from(".cirrus.tasks.yml") return output def config_from(config_src): """return contents of config file `config_src`, surrounded by markers indicating start / end of the the included file """ config_contents = fs.read(config_src) config_fmt = """ ### # contents of config file `{0}` start here ### {1} ### # contents of config file `{0}` end here ### """ return config_fmt.format(config_src, config_contents)