UNLISTEN SQL - Language Statements UNLISTEN Stop listening for notification on a notify condition 1998-10-07 UNLISTEN notifyname | "*" 1998-10-07 Inputs notifyname Name of notify condition to stop listening to. If "*", all current listen registrations for this backend are cleared. 1998-10-07 Outputs status UNLISTEN Acknowledgement that statement has executed. 1998-10-07 Description UNLISTEN cancels any existing registration of the current Postgres backend as a listener on the notify condition notifyname. The special condition name "*" means to cancel all listener registrations for the current backend. The backend does not complain if you UNLISTEN something you were not listening for. Each backend will automatically execute UNLISTEN "*" when exiting. The reference page for NOTIFY contains a more extensive discussion of the use of LISTEN and NOTIFY. Usage postgres=> listen virtual; LISTEN postgres=> notify virtual; NOTIFY ASYNC NOTIFY of 'virtual' from backend pid '12317' received postgres=> unlisten virtual; UNLISTEN postgres=> notify virtual; NOTIFY -- notice no NOTIFY event is received postgres=> Compatibility 1998-10-07 SQL92 There is no UNLISTEN in SQL92.