RESET SQL - Language Statements RESET Restores run-time parameters for session to default values 1998-09-01 RESET variable 1998-09-01 Inputs variable Refer to the SET statement for more information on available variables. 1998-04-15 Outputs RESET VARIABLE Message returned if successfully. 1998-04-15 Description The RESET statement restores variables to the default values. Refer to the SET command for details on allowed values and defaults. RESET is an alternate form for SET variable = DEFAULT 1998-04-15 Notes The RESET statement is a Postgres language extension. Refer to SET/SHOW statements to set/show variable values. Usage -- reset DateStyle to its default; RESET DateStyle; -- reset Geqo to its default; RESET GEQO; Compatibility 1998-04-15 SQL92 There is no RESET statement in SQL92.