# Copyright (c) 2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group # Test CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY with concurrent modifications use strict; use warnings; use Config; use PostgresNode; use TestLib; use Test::More tests => 4; my ($node, $result); # # Test set-up # $node = get_new_node('CIC_test'); $node->init; $node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', 'lock_timeout = 180000'); $node->start; $node->safe_psql('postgres', q(CREATE EXTENSION amcheck)); $node->safe_psql('postgres', q(CREATE TABLE tbl(i int))); $node->safe_psql('postgres', q(CREATE INDEX idx ON tbl(i))); # # Stress CIC with pgbench # # Run background pgbench with CIC. We cannot mix-in this script into single # pgbench: CIC will deadlock with itself occasionally. my $pgbench_out = ''; my $pgbench_timer = IPC::Run::timeout(180); my $pgbench_h = $node->background_pgbench( '--no-vacuum --client=1 --transactions=200', { '002_pgbench_concurrent_cic' => q( DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx; CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx ON tbl(i); SELECT bt_index_check('idx',true); ) }, \$pgbench_out, $pgbench_timer); # Run pgbench. $node->pgbench( '--no-vacuum --client=5 --transactions=200', 0, [qr{actually processed}], [qr{^$}], 'concurrent INSERTs', { '002_pgbench_concurrent_transaction' => q( BEGIN; INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(0); COMMIT; ), '002_pgbench_concurrent_transaction_savepoints' => q( BEGIN; SAVEPOINT s1; INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(0); COMMIT; ) }); $pgbench_h->pump_nb; $pgbench_h->finish(); $result = ($Config{osname} eq "MSWin32") ? ($pgbench_h->full_results)[0] : $pgbench_h->result(0); is($result, 0, "pgbench with CIC works"); # done $node->stop; done_testing();