-- -- TEMP -- Test temp relations and indexes -- -- test temp table/index masking CREATE TABLE temptest(col int); CREATE INDEX i_temptest ON temptest(col); CREATE TEMP TABLE temptest(tcol int); CREATE INDEX i_temptest ON temptest(tcol); SELECT * FROM temptest; tcol ------ (0 rows) DROP INDEX i_temptest; DROP TABLE temptest; SELECT * FROM temptest; col ----- (0 rows) DROP INDEX i_temptest; DROP TABLE temptest; -- test temp table selects CREATE TABLE temptest(col int); INSERT INTO temptest VALUES (1); CREATE TEMP TABLE temptest(tcol float); INSERT INTO temptest VALUES (2.1); SELECT * FROM temptest; tcol ------ 2.1 (1 row) DROP TABLE temptest; SELECT * FROM temptest; col ----- 1 (1 row) DROP TABLE temptest; -- test temp table deletion CREATE TEMP TABLE temptest(col int); \c SELECT * FROM temptest; ERROR: relation "temptest" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT * FROM temptest; ^ -- Test ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS CREATE TEMP TABLE temptest(col int) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; BEGIN; INSERT INTO temptest VALUES (1); INSERT INTO temptest VALUES (2); SELECT * FROM temptest; col ----- 1 2 (2 rows) COMMIT; SELECT * FROM temptest; col ----- (0 rows) DROP TABLE temptest; BEGIN; CREATE TEMP TABLE temptest(col) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS AS SELECT 1; SELECT * FROM temptest; col ----- 1 (1 row) COMMIT; SELECT * FROM temptest; col ----- (0 rows) DROP TABLE temptest; -- Test ON COMMIT DROP BEGIN; CREATE TEMP TABLE temptest(col int) ON COMMIT DROP; INSERT INTO temptest VALUES (1); INSERT INTO temptest VALUES (2); SELECT * FROM temptest; col ----- 1 2 (2 rows) COMMIT; SELECT * FROM temptest; ERROR: relation "temptest" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT * FROM temptest; ^ BEGIN; CREATE TEMP TABLE temptest(col) ON COMMIT DROP AS SELECT 1; SELECT * FROM temptest; col ----- 1 (1 row) COMMIT; SELECT * FROM temptest; ERROR: relation "temptest" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT * FROM temptest; ^ -- ON COMMIT is only allowed for TEMP CREATE TABLE temptest(col int) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; ERROR: ON COMMIT can only be used on temporary tables CREATE TABLE temptest(col) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS AS SELECT 1; ERROR: ON COMMIT can only be used on temporary tables -- Test foreign keys BEGIN; CREATE TEMP TABLE temptest1(col int PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TEMP TABLE temptest2(col int REFERENCES temptest1) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; INSERT INTO temptest1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO temptest2 VALUES (1); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM temptest1; col ----- 1 (1 row) SELECT * FROM temptest2; col ----- (0 rows) BEGIN; CREATE TEMP TABLE temptest3(col int PRIMARY KEY) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; CREATE TEMP TABLE temptest4(col int REFERENCES temptest3); COMMIT; ERROR: unsupported ON COMMIT and foreign key combination DETAIL: Table "temptest4" references "temptest3", but they do not have the same ON COMMIT setting. -- Test manipulation of temp schema's placement in search path create table public.whereami (f1 text); insert into public.whereami values ('public'); create temp table whereami (f1 text); insert into whereami values ('temp'); create function public.whoami() returns text as $$select 'public'::text$$ language sql; create function pg_temp.whoami() returns text as $$select 'temp'::text$$ language sql; -- default should have pg_temp implicitly first, but only for tables select * from whereami; f1 ------ temp (1 row) select whoami(); whoami -------- public (1 row) -- can list temp first explicitly, but it still doesn't affect functions set search_path = pg_temp, public; select * from whereami; f1 ------ temp (1 row) select whoami(); whoami -------- public (1 row) -- or put it last for security set search_path = public, pg_temp; select * from whereami; f1 -------- public (1 row) select whoami(); whoami -------- public (1 row) -- you can invoke a temp function explicitly, though select pg_temp.whoami(); whoami -------- temp (1 row) drop table public.whereami; -- For partitioned temp tables, ON COMMIT actions ignore storage-less -- partitioned tables. begin; create temp table temp_parted_oncommit (a int) partition by list (a) on commit delete rows; create temp table temp_parted_oncommit_1 partition of temp_parted_oncommit for values in (1) on commit delete rows; insert into temp_parted_oncommit values (1); commit; -- partitions are emptied by the previous commit select * from temp_parted_oncommit; a --- (0 rows) drop table temp_parted_oncommit; -- Check dependencies between ON COMMIT actions with a partitioned -- table and its partitions. Using ON COMMIT DROP on a parent removes -- the whole set. begin; create temp table temp_parted_oncommit_test (a int) partition by list (a) on commit drop; create temp table temp_parted_oncommit_test1 partition of temp_parted_oncommit_test for values in (1) on commit delete rows; create temp table temp_parted_oncommit_test2 partition of temp_parted_oncommit_test for values in (2) on commit drop; insert into temp_parted_oncommit_test values (1), (2); commit; -- no relations remain in this case. select relname from pg_class where relname like 'temp_parted_oncommit_test%'; relname --------- (0 rows) -- Using ON COMMIT DELETE on a partitioned table does not remove -- all rows if partitions preserve their data. begin; create temp table temp_parted_oncommit_test (a int) partition by list (a) on commit delete rows; create temp table temp_parted_oncommit_test1 partition of temp_parted_oncommit_test for values in (1) on commit preserve rows; create temp table temp_parted_oncommit_test2 partition of temp_parted_oncommit_test for values in (2) on commit drop; insert into temp_parted_oncommit_test values (1), (2); commit; -- Data from the remaining partition is still here as its rows are -- preserved. select * from temp_parted_oncommit_test; a --- 1 (1 row) -- two relations remain in this case. select relname from pg_class where relname like 'temp_parted_oncommit_test%'; relname ---------------------------- temp_parted_oncommit_test temp_parted_oncommit_test1 (2 rows) drop table temp_parted_oncommit_test; -- Check dependencies between ON COMMIT actions with inheritance trees. -- Using ON COMMIT DROP on a parent removes the whole set. begin; create temp table temp_inh_oncommit_test (a int) on commit drop; create temp table temp_inh_oncommit_test1 () inherits(temp_inh_oncommit_test) on commit delete rows; insert into temp_inh_oncommit_test1 values (1); commit; -- no relations remain in this case select relname from pg_class where relname like 'temp_inh_oncommit_test%'; relname --------- (0 rows) -- Data on the parent is removed, and the child goes away. begin; create temp table temp_inh_oncommit_test (a int) on commit delete rows; create temp table temp_inh_oncommit_test1 () inherits(temp_inh_oncommit_test) on commit drop; insert into temp_inh_oncommit_test1 values (1); insert into temp_inh_oncommit_test values (1); commit; select * from temp_inh_oncommit_test; a --- (0 rows) -- one relation remains select relname from pg_class where relname like 'temp_inh_oncommit_test%'; relname ------------------------ temp_inh_oncommit_test (1 row) drop table temp_inh_oncommit_test; -- Tests with two-phase commit -- Transactions creating objects in a temporary namespace cannot be used -- with two-phase commit. -- These cases generate errors about temporary namespace. -- Function creation begin; create function pg_temp.twophase_func() returns void as $$ select '2pc_func'::text $$ language sql; prepare transaction 'twophase_func'; ERROR: cannot PREPARE a transaction that has operated on temporary namespace -- Function drop create function pg_temp.twophase_func() returns void as $$ select '2pc_func'::text $$ language sql; begin; drop function pg_temp.twophase_func(); prepare transaction 'twophase_func'; ERROR: cannot PREPARE a transaction that has operated on temporary namespace -- Operator creation begin; create operator pg_temp.@@ (leftarg = int4, rightarg = int4, procedure = int4mi); prepare transaction 'twophase_operator'; ERROR: cannot PREPARE a transaction that has operated on temporary namespace -- These generate errors about temporary tables. begin; create type pg_temp.twophase_type as (a int); prepare transaction 'twophase_type'; ERROR: cannot PREPARE a transaction that has operated on temporary tables begin; create view pg_temp.twophase_view as select 1; prepare transaction 'twophase_view'; ERROR: cannot PREPARE a transaction that has operated on temporary tables begin; create sequence pg_temp.twophase_seq; prepare transaction 'twophase_sequence'; ERROR: cannot PREPARE a transaction that has operated on temporary tables -- Temporary tables cannot be used with two-phase commit. create temp table twophase_tab (a int); begin; select a from twophase_tab; a --- (0 rows) prepare transaction 'twophase_tab'; ERROR: cannot PREPARE a transaction that has operated on temporary tables begin; insert into twophase_tab values (1); prepare transaction 'twophase_tab'; ERROR: cannot PREPARE a transaction that has operated on temporary tables begin; lock twophase_tab in access exclusive mode; prepare transaction 'twophase_tab'; ERROR: cannot PREPARE a transaction that has operated on temporary tables begin; drop table twophase_tab; prepare transaction 'twophase_tab'; ERROR: cannot PREPARE a transaction that has operated on temporary tables -- Corner case: current_schema may create a temporary schema if namespace -- creation is pending, so check after that. First reset the connection -- to remove the temporary namespace, and make sure that non-parallel plans -- are used. \c - SET max_parallel_workers = 0; SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0; SET search_path TO 'pg_temp'; BEGIN; SELECT current_schema() ~ 'pg_temp' AS is_temp_schema; is_temp_schema ---------------- t (1 row) PREPARE TRANSACTION 'twophase_search'; ERROR: cannot PREPARE a transaction that has operated on temporary namespace