/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * parse_target.c * handle target lists * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_target.c,v 1.47 1999/11/01 05:06:21 tgl Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "parser/parse_coerce.h" #include "parser/parse_expr.h" #include "parser/parse_func.h" #include "parser/parse_relation.h" #include "parser/parse_target.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" static Node *SizeTargetExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, Oid attrtype, int32 attrtypmod); static List *ExpandAllTables(ParseState *pstate); static char *FigureColname(Node *expr, Node *resval); /* * transformTargetEntry() * Transform any ordinary "expression-type" node into a targetlist entry. * This is exported so that parse_clause.c can generate targetlist entries * for ORDER/GROUP BY items that are not already in the targetlist. * * node the (untransformed) parse tree for the value expression. * expr the transformed expression, or NULL if caller didn't do it yet. * colname the column name to be assigned, or NULL if none yet set. * resjunk true if the target should be marked resjunk, ie, it is not * wanted in the final projected tuple. */ TargetEntry * transformTargetEntry(ParseState *pstate, Node *node, Node *expr, char *colname, bool resjunk) { Oid type_id; int32 type_mod; Resdom *resnode; /* Transform the node if caller didn't do it already */ if (expr == NULL) expr = transformExpr(pstate, node, EXPR_COLUMN_FIRST); type_id = exprType(expr); type_mod = exprTypmod(expr); if (colname == NULL) { /* Generate a suitable column name for a column without any * explicit 'AS ColumnName' clause. */ colname = FigureColname(expr, node); } resnode = makeResdom((AttrNumber) pstate->p_last_resno++, type_id, type_mod, colname, (Index) 0, (Oid) InvalidOid, resjunk); return makeTargetEntry(resnode, expr); } /* * transformTargetList() * Turns a list of ResTarget's into a list of TargetEntry's. * * At this point, we don't care whether we are doing SELECT, INSERT, * or UPDATE; we just transform the given expressions. */ List * transformTargetList(ParseState *pstate, List *targetlist) { List *p_target = NIL; while (targetlist != NIL) { ResTarget *res = (ResTarget *) lfirst(targetlist); if (IsA(res->val, Attr)) { Attr *att = (Attr *) res->val; if (att->relname != NULL && strcmp(att->relname, "*") == 0) { /* * Target item is a single '*', expand all tables * (eg. SELECT * FROM emp) */ p_target = nconc(p_target, ExpandAllTables(pstate)); } else if (att->attrs != NIL && strcmp(strVal(lfirst(att->attrs)), "*") == 0) { /* * Target item is relation.*, expand that table * (eg. SELECT emp.*, dname FROM emp, dept) */ p_target = nconc(p_target, expandAll(pstate, att->relname, att->relname, &pstate->p_last_resno)); } else { /* Plain Attr node, treat it as an expression */ p_target = lappend(p_target, transformTargetEntry(pstate, res->val, NULL, res->name, false)); } } else { /* Everything else but Attr */ p_target = lappend(p_target, transformTargetEntry(pstate, res->val, NULL, res->name, false)); } targetlist = lnext(targetlist); } return p_target; } /* * updateTargetListEntry() * This is used in INSERT and UPDATE statements only. It prepares a * TargetEntry for assignment to a column of the target table. * This includes coercing the given value to the target column's type * (if necessary), and dealing with any subscripts attached to the target * column itself. * * pstate parse state * tle target list entry to be modified * colname target column name (ie, name of attribute to be assigned to) * attrno target attribute number * indirection subscripts for target column, if any */ void updateTargetListEntry(ParseState *pstate, TargetEntry *tle, char *colname, int attrno, List *indirection) { Oid type_id = exprType(tle->expr); /* type of value provided */ Oid attrtype; /* type of target column */ int32 attrtypmod; Resdom *resnode = tle->resdom; Relation rd = pstate->p_target_relation; Assert(rd != NULL); if (attrno <= 0) elog(ERROR, "Cannot assign to system attribute '%s'", colname); attrtype = attnumTypeId(rd, attrno); attrtypmod = rd->rd_att->attrs[attrno - 1]->atttypmod; /* * If there are subscripts on the target column, prepare an * array assignment expression. This will generate an array value * that the source value has been inserted into, which can then * be placed in the new tuple constructed by INSERT or UPDATE. * Note that transformArraySubscripts takes care of type coercion. */ if (indirection) { Attr *att = makeNode(Attr); Node *arrayBase; ArrayRef *aref; att->relname = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(rd)->data); att->attrs = lcons(makeString(colname), NIL); arrayBase = ParseNestedFuncOrColumn(pstate, att, &pstate->p_last_resno, EXPR_COLUMN_FIRST); aref = transformArraySubscripts(pstate, arrayBase, indirection, pstate->p_is_insert, tle->expr); if (pstate->p_is_insert) { /* * The command is INSERT INTO table (arraycol[subscripts]) ... * so there is not really a source array value to work with. * Let the executor do something reasonable, if it can. * Notice that we forced transformArraySubscripts to treat * the subscripting op as an array-slice op above, so the * source data will have been coerced to array type. */ aref->refexpr = NULL; /* signal there is no source array */ } tle->expr = (Node *) aref; } else { /* * For normal non-subscripted target column, do type checking * and coercion. But accept InvalidOid, which indicates the * source is a NULL constant. */ if (type_id != InvalidOid) { if (type_id != attrtype) { tle->expr = CoerceTargetExpr(pstate, tle->expr, type_id, attrtype); if (tle->expr == NULL) elog(ERROR, "Attribute '%s' is of type '%s'" " but expression is of type '%s'" "\n\tYou will need to rewrite or cast the expression", colname, typeidTypeName(attrtype), typeidTypeName(type_id)); } /* * If the target is a fixed-length type, it may need a length * coercion as well as a type coercion. */ if (attrtypmod > 0 && attrtypmod != exprTypmod(tle->expr)) tle->expr = SizeTargetExpr(pstate, tle->expr, attrtype, attrtypmod); } } /* * The result of the target expression should now match the destination * column's type. Also, reset the resname and resno to identify * the destination column --- rewriter and planner depend on that! */ resnode->restype = attrtype; resnode->restypmod = attrtypmod; resnode->resname = colname; resnode->resno = (AttrNumber) attrno; } Node * CoerceTargetExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, Oid type_id, Oid attrtype) { if (can_coerce_type(1, &type_id, &attrtype)) expr = coerce_type(pstate, expr, type_id, attrtype, -1); #ifndef DISABLE_STRING_HACKS /* * string hacks to get transparent conversions w/o explicit * conversions */ else if ((attrtype == BPCHAROID) || (attrtype == VARCHAROID)) { Oid text_id = TEXTOID; if (type_id == TEXTOID) { } else if (can_coerce_type(1, &type_id, &text_id)) expr = coerce_type(pstate, expr, type_id, text_id, -1); else expr = NULL; } #endif else expr = NULL; return expr; } /* * SizeTargetExpr() * * If the target column type possesses a function named for the type * and having parameter signature (columntype, int4), we assume that * the type requires coercion to its own length and that the said * function should be invoked to do that. * * Currently, "bpchar" (ie, char(N)) is the only such type, but try * to be more general than a hard-wired test... */ static Node * SizeTargetExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, Oid attrtype, int32 attrtypmod) { char *funcname; Oid oid_array[MAXFARGS]; HeapTuple ftup; int i; funcname = typeidTypeName(attrtype); oid_array[0] = attrtype; oid_array[1] = INT4OID; for (i = 2; i < MAXFARGS; i++) oid_array[i] = InvalidOid; /* attempt to find with arguments exactly as specified... */ ftup = SearchSysCacheTuple(PRONAME, PointerGetDatum(funcname), Int32GetDatum(2), PointerGetDatum(oid_array), 0); if (HeapTupleIsValid(ftup)) { FuncCall *func; A_Const *cons; func = makeNode(FuncCall); func->funcname = funcname; cons = makeNode(A_Const); cons->val.type = T_Integer; cons->val.val.ival = attrtypmod; func->args = lappend(lcons(expr, NIL), cons); expr = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) func, EXPR_COLUMN_FIRST); } return expr; } /* * checkInsertTargets - * generate a list of column names if not supplied or * test supplied column names to make sure they are in target table. * Also return an integer list of the columns' attribute numbers. * (used exclusively for inserts) */ List * checkInsertTargets(ParseState *pstate, List *cols, List **attrnos) { *attrnos = NIL; if (cols == NIL) { /* * Generate default column list for INSERT. */ Form_pg_attribute *attr = pstate->p_target_relation->rd_att->attrs; int numcol = pstate->p_target_relation->rd_rel->relnatts; int i; for (i = 0; i < numcol; i++) { Ident *id = makeNode(Ident); id->name = palloc(NAMEDATALEN); StrNCpy(id->name, attr[i]->attname.data, NAMEDATALEN); id->indirection = NIL; id->isRel = false; cols = lappend(cols, id); *attrnos = lappendi(*attrnos, i+1); } } else { /* * Do initial validation of user-supplied INSERT column list. */ List *tl; foreach(tl, cols) { char *name = ((Ident *) lfirst(tl))->name; int attrno; /* Lookup column name, elog on failure */ attrno = attnameAttNum(pstate->p_target_relation, name); /* Check for duplicates */ if (intMember(attrno, *attrnos)) elog(ERROR, "Attribute '%s' specified more than once", name); *attrnos = lappendi(*attrnos, attrno); } } return cols; } /* * ExpandAllTables - * turns '*' (in the target list) into a list of attributes * (of all relations in the range table) */ static List * ExpandAllTables(ParseState *pstate) { List *target = NIL; List *rt, *rtable; rtable = pstate->p_rtable; if (pstate->p_is_rule) { /* * skip first two entries, "*new*" and "*current*" */ rtable = lnext(lnext(rtable)); } /* SELECT *; */ if (rtable == NIL) elog(ERROR, "Wildcard with no tables specified."); foreach(rt, rtable) { RangeTblEntry *rte = lfirst(rt); /* * we only expand those listed in the from clause. (This will * also prevent us from using the wrong table in inserts: eg. * tenk2 in "insert into tenk2 select * from tenk1;") */ if (!rte->inFromCl) continue; target = nconc(target, expandAll(pstate, rte->relname, rte->refname, &pstate->p_last_resno)); } return target; } /* * FigureColname - * if the name of the resulting column is not specified in the target * list, we have to guess a suitable name. The SQL spec provides some * guidance, but not much... * */ static char * FigureColname(Node *expr, Node *resval) { /* Some of these are easiest to do with the untransformed node */ switch (nodeTag(resval)) { case T_Ident: return ((Ident *) resval)->name; case T_Attr: { List *attrs = ((Attr *) resval)->attrs; if (attrs) { while (lnext(attrs) != NIL) attrs = lnext(attrs); return strVal(lfirst(attrs)); } } break; default: break; } /* Otherwise, work with the transformed node */ switch (nodeTag(expr)) { case T_Expr: if (((Expr *) expr)->opType == FUNC_EXPR && IsA(resval, FuncCall)) return ((FuncCall *) resval)->funcname; break; case T_Aggref: return ((Aggref *) expr)->aggname; case T_CaseExpr: { char *name; name = FigureColname(((CaseExpr *) expr)->defresult, resval); if (strcmp(name, "?column?") == 0) name = "case"; return name; } break; default: break; } return "?column?"; }