/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/citext/uninstall_citext.sql,v 1.2 2008/07/30 17:08:52 tgl Exp $ */ -- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped. SET search_path = public; DROP OPERATOR CLASS citext_ops USING btree CASCADE; DROP OPERATOR CLASS citext_ops USING hash CASCADE; DROP AGGREGATE min(citext); DROP AGGREGATE max(citext); DROP OPERATOR = (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR <> (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR < (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR <= (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR >= (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR > (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR ~ (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR ~* (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR !~ (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR !~* (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR ~~ (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR ~~* (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR !~~ (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR !~~* (citext, citext); DROP OPERATOR ~ (citext, text); DROP OPERATOR ~* (citext, text); DROP OPERATOR !~ (citext, text); DROP OPERATOR !~* (citext, text); DROP OPERATOR ~~ (citext, text); DROP OPERATOR ~~* (citext, text); DROP OPERATOR !~~ (citext, text); DROP OPERATOR !~~* (citext, text); DROP CAST (citext AS text); DROP CAST (citext AS varchar); DROP CAST (citext AS bpchar); DROP CAST (text AS citext); DROP CAST (varchar AS citext); DROP CAST (bpchar AS citext); DROP FUNCTION citext(bpchar); DROP FUNCTION citext_eq(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION citext_ne(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION citext_lt(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION citext_le(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION citext_gt(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION citext_ge(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION citext_cmp(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION citext_hash(citext); DROP FUNCTION citext_smaller(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION citext_larger(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION texticlike(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION texticnlike(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION texticregexeq(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION texticregexne(citext, citext); DROP FUNCTION texticlike(citext, text); DROP FUNCTION texticnlike(citext, text); DROP FUNCTION texticregexeq(citext, text); DROP FUNCTION texticregexne(citext, text); DROP TYPE citext CASCADE;