CREATE EXTENSION pg_visibility; -- -- recently-dropped table -- \set VERBOSITY sqlstate BEGIN; CREATE TABLE droppedtest (c int); SELECT 'droppedtest'::regclass::oid AS oid \gset SAVEPOINT q; DROP TABLE droppedtest; RELEASE q; SAVEPOINT q; SELECT * FROM pg_visibility_map(:oid); ROLLBACK TO q; -- ERROR: could not open relation with OID 16xxx SAVEPOINT q; SELECT 1; ROLLBACK TO q; SAVEPOINT q; SELECT 1; ROLLBACK TO q; SELECT pg_relation_size(:oid), pg_relation_filepath(:oid), has_table_privilege(:oid, 'SELECT'); SELECT * FROM pg_visibility_map(:oid); -- ERROR: could not open relation with OID 16xxx ROLLBACK; \set VERBOSITY default -- -- check that using the module's functions with unsupported relations will fail -- -- partitioned tables (the parent ones) don't have visibility maps create table test_partitioned (a int) partition by list (a); -- these should all fail select pg_visibility('test_partitioned', 0); select pg_visibility_map('test_partitioned'); select pg_visibility_map_summary('test_partitioned'); select pg_check_frozen('test_partitioned'); select pg_truncate_visibility_map('test_partitioned'); create table test_partition partition of test_partitioned for values in (1); create index test_index on test_partition (a); -- indexes do not, so these all fail select pg_visibility('test_index', 0); select pg_visibility_map('test_index'); select pg_visibility_map_summary('test_index'); select pg_check_frozen('test_index'); select pg_truncate_visibility_map('test_index'); create view test_view as select 1; -- views do not have VMs, so these all fail select pg_visibility('test_view', 0); select pg_visibility_map('test_view'); select pg_visibility_map_summary('test_view'); select pg_check_frozen('test_view'); select pg_truncate_visibility_map('test_view'); create sequence test_sequence; -- sequences do not have VMs, so these all fail select pg_visibility('test_sequence', 0); select pg_visibility_map('test_sequence'); select pg_visibility_map_summary('test_sequence'); select pg_check_frozen('test_sequence'); select pg_truncate_visibility_map('test_sequence'); create foreign data wrapper dummy; create server dummy_server foreign data wrapper dummy; create foreign table test_foreign_table () server dummy_server; -- foreign tables do not have VMs, so these all fail select pg_visibility('test_foreign_table', 0); select pg_visibility_map('test_foreign_table'); select pg_visibility_map_summary('test_foreign_table'); select pg_check_frozen('test_foreign_table'); select pg_truncate_visibility_map('test_foreign_table'); -- check some of the allowed relkinds create table regular_table (a int, b text); alter table regular_table alter column b set storage external; insert into regular_table values (1, repeat('one', 1000)), (2, repeat('two', 1000)); vacuum (disable_page_skipping) regular_table; select count(*) > 0 from pg_visibility('regular_table'); select count(*) > 0 from pg_visibility((select reltoastrelid from pg_class where relname = 'regular_table')); truncate regular_table; select count(*) > 0 from pg_visibility('regular_table'); select count(*) > 0 from pg_visibility((select reltoastrelid from pg_class where relname = 'regular_table')); create materialized view matview_visibility_test as select * from regular_table; vacuum (disable_page_skipping) matview_visibility_test; select count(*) > 0 from pg_visibility('matview_visibility_test'); insert into regular_table values (1), (2); refresh materialized view matview_visibility_test; select count(*) > 0 from pg_visibility('matview_visibility_test'); -- regular tables which are part of a partition *do* have visibility maps insert into test_partition values (1); vacuum (disable_page_skipping) test_partition; select count(*) > 0 from pg_visibility('test_partition', 0); select count(*) > 0 from pg_visibility_map('test_partition'); select count(*) > 0 from pg_visibility_map_summary('test_partition'); select * from pg_check_frozen('test_partition'); -- hopefully none select pg_truncate_visibility_map('test_partition'); -- test copy freeze create table copyfreeze (a int, b char(1500)); -- load all rows via COPY FREEZE and ensure that all pages are set all-visible -- and all-frozen. begin; truncate copyfreeze; copy copyfreeze from stdin freeze; 1 '1' 2 '2' 3 '3' 4 '4' 5 '5' 6 '6' 7 '7' 8 '8' 9 '9' 10 '10' 11 '11' 12 '12' \. commit; select * from pg_visibility_map('copyfreeze'); select * from pg_check_frozen('copyfreeze'); -- load half the rows via regular COPY and rest via COPY FREEZE. The pages -- which are touched by regular COPY must not be set all-visible/all-frozen. On -- the other hand, pages allocated by COPY FREEZE should be marked -- all-frozen/all-visible. begin; truncate copyfreeze; copy copyfreeze from stdin; 1 '1' 2 '2' 3 '3' 4 '4' 5 '5' 6 '6' \. copy copyfreeze from stdin freeze; 7 '7' 8 '8' 9 '9' 10 '10' 11 '11' 12 '12' \. commit; select * from pg_visibility_map('copyfreeze'); select * from pg_check_frozen('copyfreeze'); -- Try a mix of regular COPY and COPY FREEZE. begin; truncate copyfreeze; copy copyfreeze from stdin freeze; 1 '1' 2 '2' 3 '3' 4 '4' 5 '5' \. copy copyfreeze from stdin; 6 '6' \. copy copyfreeze from stdin freeze; 7 '7' 8 '8' 9 '9' 10 '10' 11 '11' 12 '12' \. commit; select * from pg_visibility_map('copyfreeze'); select * from pg_check_frozen('copyfreeze'); -- cleanup drop table test_partitioned; drop view test_view; drop sequence test_sequence; drop foreign table test_foreign_table; drop server dummy_server; drop foreign data wrapper dummy; drop materialized view matview_visibility_test; drop table regular_table; drop table copyfreeze;