From: Massimo Dal Zotto Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 14:31:18 +0200 (MET DST) Subject: [PG95]: new postgres functions - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Some time ago I read in the mailing list requests of people looking for more time and date functions. I have now written some of them: time_difference(time1, time2) ,also defined as operator '-' hour(time) minutes(time) seconds(time) asMinutes(time) asSeconds(time) currentTime() currentDate() The file can be compiled as shared library and loaded as dynamic module without need to recompile the backend. This can also be taken as an example of the extensibility of postgres (user-defined functions, operators, etc). I would be nice to see more of these user contributed modules posted to this list and hopefully accessible from the Postgres home page.