CREATE EXTENSION plpython2u; CREATE EXTENSION hstore_plpython2u; -- test hstore -> python CREATE FUNCTION test1(val hstore) RETURNS int LANGUAGE plpythonu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE hstore AS $$ assert isinstance(val, dict) i = val.items() i.sort() return len(val) $$; SELECT test1('aa=>bb, cc=>NULL'::hstore); -- the same with the versioned language name CREATE FUNCTION test1n(val hstore) RETURNS int LANGUAGE plpython2u TRANSFORM FOR TYPE hstore AS $$ assert isinstance(val, dict) i = val.items() i.sort() return len(val) $$; SELECT test1n('aa=>bb, cc=>NULL'::hstore); -- test hstore[] -> python CREATE FUNCTION test1arr(val hstore[]) RETURNS int LANGUAGE plpythonu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE hstore AS $$ return len(val) $$; SELECT test1arr(array['aa=>bb, cc=>NULL'::hstore, 'dd=>ee']); -- test python -> hstore CREATE FUNCTION test2() RETURNS hstore LANGUAGE plpythonu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE hstore AS $$ val = {'a': 1, 'b': 'boo', 'c': None} return val $$; SELECT test2(); -- test python -> hstore[] CREATE FUNCTION test2arr() RETURNS hstore[] LANGUAGE plpythonu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE hstore AS $$ val = [{'a': 1, 'b': 'boo', 'c': None}, {'d': 2}] return val $$; SELECT test2arr(); -- test as part of prepare/execute CREATE FUNCTION test3() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpythonu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE hstore AS $$ rv = plpy.execute("SELECT 'aa=>bb, cc=>NULL'::hstore AS col1")[0]["col1"])) val = {'a': 1, 'b': 'boo', 'c': None} plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT $1::text AS col1", ["hstore"]) rv = plpy.execute(plan, [val])[0]["col1"])) $$; SELECT test3(); -- test trigger CREATE TABLE test1 (a int, b hstore); INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1, 'aa=>bb, cc=>NULL'); SELECT * FROM test1; CREATE FUNCTION test4() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpythonu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE hstore AS $$"Trigger row: {'a': %r, 'b': %r}" % (TD["new"]["a"], TD["new"]["b"])) if TD["new"]["a"] == 1: TD["new"]["b"] = {'a': 1, 'b': 'boo', 'c': None} return "MODIFY" $$; CREATE TRIGGER test4 BEFORE UPDATE ON test1 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE test4(); UPDATE test1 SET a = a; SELECT * FROM test1;