-- -- first, define the functions. Turn off echoing so that expected file -- does not depend on contents of tablefunc.sql. -- \set ECHO none -- -- normal_rand() -- no easy way to do this for regression testing -- SELECT avg(normal_rand)::int FROM normal_rand(100, 250, 0.2, EXTRACT(SECONDS FROM CURRENT_TIME(0))::int); avg ----- 250 (1 row) -- -- crosstab() -- CREATE TABLE ct(id int, rowclass text, rowid text, attribute text, val text); \copy ct from 'data/ct.data' SELECT * FROM crosstab2('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' and (attribute = ''att2'' or attribute = ''att3'') ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 ----------+------------+------------ test1 | val2 | val3 test2 | val6 | val7 (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab3('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' and (attribute = ''att2'' or attribute = ''att3'') ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 ----------+------------+------------+------------ test1 | val2 | val3 | test2 | val6 | val7 | (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab4('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' and (attribute = ''att2'' or attribute = ''att3'') ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 | category_4 ----------+------------+------------+------------+------------ test1 | val2 | val3 | | test2 | val6 | val7 | | (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab2('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 ----------+------------+------------ test1 | val1 | val2 test2 | val5 | val6 (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab3('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 ----------+------------+------------+------------ test1 | val1 | val2 | val3 test2 | val5 | val6 | val7 (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab4('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 | category_4 ----------+------------+------------+------------+------------ test1 | val1 | val2 | val3 | val4 test2 | val5 | val6 | val7 | val8 (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab2('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' and (attribute = ''att1'' or attribute = ''att2'') ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 ----------+------------+------------ test3 | val1 | val2 test4 | val4 | val5 (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab3('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' and (attribute = ''att1'' or attribute = ''att2'') ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 ----------+------------+------------+------------ test3 | val1 | val2 | test4 | val4 | val5 | (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab4('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' and (attribute = ''att1'' or attribute = ''att2'') ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 | category_4 ----------+------------+------------+------------+------------ test3 | val1 | val2 | | test4 | val4 | val5 | | (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab2('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 ----------+------------+------------ test3 | val1 | val2 test4 | val4 | val5 (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab3('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 ----------+------------+------------+------------ test3 | val1 | val2 | val3 test4 | val4 | val5 | val6 (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab4('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group2'' ORDER BY 1,2;'); row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3 | category_4 ----------+------------+------------+------------+------------ test3 | val1 | val2 | val3 | test4 | val4 | val5 | val6 | (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;', 2) AS c(rowid text, att1 text, att2 text); rowid | att1 | att2 -------+------+------ test1 | val1 | val2 test2 | val5 | val6 (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;', 3) AS c(rowid text, att1 text, att2 text, att3 text); rowid | att1 | att2 | att3 -------+------+------+------ test1 | val1 | val2 | val3 test2 | val5 | val6 | val7 (2 rows) SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM ct where rowclass = ''group1'' ORDER BY 1,2;', 4) AS c(rowid text, att1 text, att2 text, att3 text, att4 text); rowid | att1 | att2 | att3 | att4 -------+------+------+------+------ test1 | val1 | val2 | val3 | val4 test2 | val5 | val6 | val7 | val8 (2 rows) -- -- hash based crosstab -- create table cth(id serial, rowid text, rowdt timestamp, attribute text, val text); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "cth_id_seq" for SERIAL column "cth.id" insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','temperature','42'); insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_result','PASS'); -- the next line is intentionally left commented and is therefore a "missing" attribute -- insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','test_startdate','28 February 2003'); insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test1','01 March 2003','volts','2.6987'); insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','temperature','53'); insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_result','FAIL'); insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','test_startdate','01 March 2003'); insert into cth values(DEFAULT,'test2','02 March 2003','volts','3.1234'); -- return attributes as plain text SELECT * FROM crosstab( 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1', 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1') AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text); rowid | rowdt | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+-------- test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 42 | PASS | | 2.6987 test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 | 53 | FAIL | 01 March 2003 | 3.1234 (2 rows) -- this time without rowdt SELECT * FROM crosstab( 'SELECT rowid, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1', 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1') AS c(rowid text, temperature text, test_result text, test_startdate text, volts text); rowid | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts -------+-------------+-------------+----------------+-------- test1 | 42 | PASS | | 2.6987 test2 | 53 | FAIL | 01 March 2003 | 3.1234 (2 rows) -- convert attributes to specific datatypes SELECT * FROM crosstab( 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1', 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 1') AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8); rowid | rowdt | temperature | test_result | test_startdate | volts -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------+-------- test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 42 | PASS | | 2.6987 test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 | 53 | FAIL | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 3.1234 (2 rows) -- source query and category query out of sync SELECT * FROM crosstab( 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1', 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute IN (''temperature'',''test_result'',''test_startdate'') ORDER BY 1') AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp); rowid | rowdt | temperature | test_result | test_startdate -------+--------------------------+-------------+-------------+-------------------------- test1 | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 | 42 | PASS | test2 | Sun Mar 02 00:00:00 2003 | 53 | FAIL | Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 2003 (2 rows) -- if category query generates no rows, get expected error SELECT * FROM crosstab( 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1', 'SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM cth WHERE attribute = ''a'' ORDER BY 1') AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8); ERROR: provided "categories" SQL must return 1 column of at least one row -- if category query generates more than one column, get expected error SELECT * FROM crosstab( 'SELECT rowid, rowdt, attribute, val FROM cth ORDER BY 1', 'SELECT DISTINCT rowdt, attribute FROM cth ORDER BY 2') AS c(rowid text, rowdt timestamp, temperature int4, test_result text, test_startdate timestamp, volts float8); ERROR: provided "categories" SQL must return 1 column of at least one row -- -- connectby -- -- test connectby with text based hierarchy CREATE TABLE connectby_text(keyid text, parent_keyid text, pos int); \copy connectby_text from 'data/connectby_text.data' -- with branch, without orderby SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_text', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', 'row2', 0, '~') AS t(keyid text, parent_keyid text, level int, branch text); keyid | parent_keyid | level | branch -------+--------------+-------+--------------------- row2 | | 0 | row2 row4 | row2 | 1 | row2~row4 row6 | row4 | 2 | row2~row4~row6 row8 | row6 | 3 | row2~row4~row6~row8 row5 | row2 | 1 | row2~row5 row9 | row5 | 2 | row2~row5~row9 (6 rows) -- without branch, without orderby SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_text', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', 'row2', 0) AS t(keyid text, parent_keyid text, level int); keyid | parent_keyid | level -------+--------------+------- row2 | | 0 row4 | row2 | 1 row6 | row4 | 2 row8 | row6 | 3 row5 | row2 | 1 row9 | row5 | 2 (6 rows) -- with branch, with orderby SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_text', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', 'pos', 'row2', 0, '~') AS t(keyid text, parent_keyid text, level int, branch text, pos int) ORDER BY t.pos; keyid | parent_keyid | level | branch | pos -------+--------------+-------+---------------------+----- row2 | | 0 | row2 | 1 row5 | row2 | 1 | row2~row5 | 2 row9 | row5 | 2 | row2~row5~row9 | 3 row4 | row2 | 1 | row2~row4 | 4 row6 | row4 | 2 | row2~row4~row6 | 5 row8 | row6 | 3 | row2~row4~row6~row8 | 6 (6 rows) -- without branch, with orderby SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_text', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', 'pos', 'row2', 0) AS t(keyid text, parent_keyid text, level int, pos int) ORDER BY t.pos; keyid | parent_keyid | level | pos -------+--------------+-------+----- row2 | | 0 | 1 row5 | row2 | 1 | 2 row9 | row5 | 2 | 3 row4 | row2 | 1 | 4 row6 | row4 | 2 | 5 row8 | row6 | 3 | 6 (6 rows) -- test connectby with int based hierarchy CREATE TABLE connectby_int(keyid int, parent_keyid int); \copy connectby_int from 'data/connectby_int.data' -- with branch SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_int', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', '2', 0, '~') AS t(keyid int, parent_keyid int, level int, branch text); keyid | parent_keyid | level | branch -------+--------------+-------+--------- 2 | | 0 | 2 4 | 2 | 1 | 2~4 6 | 4 | 2 | 2~4~6 8 | 6 | 3 | 2~4~6~8 5 | 2 | 1 | 2~5 9 | 5 | 2 | 2~5~9 (6 rows) -- without branch SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_int', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', '2', 0) AS t(keyid int, parent_keyid int, level int); keyid | parent_keyid | level -------+--------------+------- 2 | | 0 4 | 2 | 1 6 | 4 | 2 8 | 6 | 3 5 | 2 | 1 9 | 5 | 2 (6 rows) -- recursion detection INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(10,9); INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(11,10); INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(9,11); -- should fail due to infinite recursion SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_int', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', '2', 0, '~') AS t(keyid int, parent_keyid int, level int, branch text); ERROR: infinite recursion detected -- infinite recursion failure avoided by depth limit SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_int', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', '2', 4, '~') AS t(keyid int, parent_keyid int, level int, branch text); keyid | parent_keyid | level | branch -------+--------------+-------+------------- 2 | | 0 | 2 4 | 2 | 1 | 2~4 6 | 4 | 2 | 2~4~6 8 | 6 | 3 | 2~4~6~8 5 | 2 | 1 | 2~5 9 | 5 | 2 | 2~5~9 10 | 9 | 3 | 2~5~9~10 11 | 10 | 4 | 2~5~9~10~11 (8 rows) -- test for falsely detected recursion DROP TABLE connectby_int; CREATE TABLE connectby_int(keyid int, parent_keyid int); INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(11,NULL); INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(10,11); INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(111,11); INSERT INTO connectby_int VALUES(1,111); -- this should not fail due to recursion detection SELECT * FROM connectby('connectby_int', 'keyid', 'parent_keyid', '11', 0, '-') AS t(keyid int, parent_keyid int, level int, branch text); keyid | parent_keyid | level | branch -------+--------------+-------+---------- 11 | | 0 | 11 10 | 11 | 1 | 11-10 111 | 11 | 1 | 11-111 1 | 111 | 2 | 11-111-1 (4 rows)