use strict; use warnings; use Cwd; use TestLib; use Test::More tests => 35; program_help_ok('pg_basebackup'); program_version_ok('pg_basebackup'); program_options_handling_ok('pg_basebackup'); my $tempdir = tempdir; start_test_server $tempdir; command_fails(['pg_basebackup'], 'pg_basebackup needs target directory specified'); command_fails( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup" ], 'pg_basebackup fails because of hba'); open HBA, ">>$tempdir/pgdata/pg_hba.conf"; print HBA "local replication all trust\n"; print HBA "host replication all trust\n"; print HBA "host replication all ::1/128 trust\n"; close HBA; system_or_bail 'pg_ctl', '-s', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata", 'reload'; command_fails( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup" ], 'pg_basebackup fails because of WAL configuration'); open CONF, ">>$tempdir/pgdata/postgresql.conf"; print CONF "max_wal_senders = 10\n"; print CONF "wal_level = archive\n"; close CONF; restart_test_server; command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup" ], 'pg_basebackup runs'); ok(-f "$tempdir/backup/PG_VERSION", 'backup was created'); command_ok( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup2", '--xlogdir', "$tempdir/xlog2" ], 'separate xlog directory'); ok(-f "$tempdir/backup2/PG_VERSION", 'backup was created'); ok(-d "$tempdir/xlog2/", 'xlog directory was created'); command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup", '-Ft' ], 'tar format'); ok(-f "$tempdir/tarbackup/base.tar", 'backup tar was created'); my $superlongname = "superlongname_" . ("x"x100); system_or_bail 'touch', "$tempdir/pgdata/$superlongname"; command_fails([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup_l1", '-Ft' ], 'pg_basebackup tar with long name fails'); unlink "$tempdir/pgdata/$superlongname"; # Create a temporary directory in the system location and symlink it # to our physical temp location. That way we can use shorter names # for the tablespace directories, which hopefully won't run afoul of # the 99 character length limit. my $shorter_tempdir = tempdir_short . "/tempdir"; symlink "$tempdir", $shorter_tempdir; mkdir "$tempdir/tblspc1"; psql 'postgres', "CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc1 LOCATION '$shorter_tempdir/tblspc1';"; psql 'postgres', "CREATE TABLE test1 (a int) TABLESPACE tblspc1;"; command_ok([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup2", '-Ft' ], 'tar format with tablespaces'); ok(-f "$tempdir/tarbackup2/base.tar", 'backup tar was created'); my @tblspc_tars = glob "$tempdir/tarbackup2/[0-9]*.tar"; is(scalar(@tblspc_tars), 1, 'one tablespace tar was created'); command_fails( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup1", '-Fp' ], 'plain format with tablespaces fails without tablespace mapping'); command_ok( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup1", '-Fp', "-T$shorter_tempdir/tblspc1=$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1" ], 'plain format with tablespaces succeeds with tablespace mapping'); ok(-d "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1", 'tablespace was relocated'); opendir(my $dh, "$tempdir/pgdata/pg_tblspc") or die; ok( ( grep { -l "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_" and readlink "$tempdir/backup1/pg_tblspc/$_" eq "$tempdir/tbackup/tblspc1" } readdir($dh)), "tablespace symlink was updated"); closedir $dh; mkdir "$tempdir/tbl=spc2"; psql 'postgres', "DROP TABLE test1;"; psql 'postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc1;"; psql 'postgres', "CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc2 LOCATION '$shorter_tempdir/tbl=spc2';"; command_ok( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup3", '-Fp', "-T$shorter_tempdir/tbl\\=spc2=$tempdir/tbackup/tbl\\=spc2" ], 'mapping tablespace with = sign in path'); ok(-d "$tempdir/tbackup/tbl=spc2", 'tablespace with = sign was relocated'); psql 'postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc2;"; command_fails( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-T=/foo" ], '-T with empty old directory fails'); command_fails( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-T/foo=" ], '-T with empty new directory fails'); command_fails( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-T/foo=/bar=/baz" ], '-T with multiple = fails'); command_fails( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-Tfoo=/bar" ], '-T with old directory not absolute fails'); command_fails( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-T/foo=bar" ], '-T with new directory not absolute fails'); command_fails( [ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/backup_foo", '-Fp', "-Tfoo" ], '-T with invalid format fails'); mkdir "$tempdir/$superlongname"; psql 'postgres', "CREATE TABLESPACE tblspc3 LOCATION '$tempdir/$superlongname';"; command_fails([ 'pg_basebackup', '-D', "$tempdir/tarbackup_l3", '-Ft' ], 'pg_basebackup tar with long symlink target fails'); psql 'postgres', "DROP TABLESPACE tblspc3;";