/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * parse_expr.c * handle expressions in parser * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_expr.c,v 1.56 1999/08/05 02:33:53 tgl Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "nodes/params.h" #include "nodes/relation.h" #include "parse.h" #include "parser/analyze.h" #include "parser/gramparse.h" #include "parser/parse_coerce.h" #include "parser/parse_expr.h" #include "parser/parse_func.h" #include "parser/parse_relation.h" #include "parser/parse_target.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" static Node *parser_typecast(Value *expr, TypeName *typename, int32 atttypmod); static Node *transformAttr(ParseState *pstate, Attr *att, int precedence); static Node *transformIdent(ParseState *pstate, Ident *ident, int precedence); static Node *transformIndirection(ParseState *pstate, Node *basenode, List *indirection); /* * transformExpr - * analyze and transform expressions. Type checking and type casting is * done here. The optimizer and the executor cannot handle the original * (raw) expressions collected by the parse tree. Hence the transformation * here. */ Node * transformExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, int precedence) { Node *result = NULL; if (expr == NULL) return NULL; switch (nodeTag(expr)) { case T_Attr: { result = transformAttr(pstate, (Attr *) expr, precedence); break; } case T_A_Const: { A_Const *con = (A_Const *) expr; Value *val = &con->val; if (con->typename != NULL) result = parser_typecast(val, con->typename, -1); else result = (Node *) make_const(val); break; } case T_ParamNo: { ParamNo *pno = (ParamNo *) expr; int paramno = pno->number; Oid toid = param_type(paramno); Param *param; if (!OidIsValid(toid)) elog(ERROR, "Parameter '$%d' is out of range", paramno); param = makeNode(Param); param->paramkind = PARAM_NUM; param->paramid = (AttrNumber) paramno; param->paramname = ""; param->paramtype = (Oid) toid; param->param_tlist = (List *) NULL; result = transformIndirection(pstate, (Node *) param, pno->indirection); break; } case T_A_Expr: { A_Expr *a = (A_Expr *) expr; switch (a->oper) { case OP: { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr, precedence); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr, precedence); result = (Node *) make_op(a->opname, lexpr, rexpr); } break; case ISNULL: { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr, precedence); result = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, "nullvalue", lcons(lexpr, NIL), &pstate->p_last_resno, precedence); } break; case NOTNULL: { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr, precedence); result = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, "nonnullvalue", lcons(lexpr, NIL), &pstate->p_last_resno, precedence); } break; case AND: { Expr *expr = makeNode(Expr); Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr, precedence); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr, precedence); if (exprType(lexpr) != BOOLOID) elog(ERROR, "left-hand side of AND is type '%s', not bool", typeidTypeName(exprType(lexpr))); if (exprType(rexpr) != BOOLOID) elog(ERROR, "right-hand side of AND is type '%s', not bool", typeidTypeName(exprType(rexpr))); expr->typeOid = BOOLOID; expr->opType = AND_EXPR; expr->args = makeList(lexpr, rexpr, -1); result = (Node *) expr; } break; case OR: { Expr *expr = makeNode(Expr); Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr, precedence); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr, precedence); if (exprType(lexpr) != BOOLOID) elog(ERROR, "left-hand side of OR is type '%s', not bool", typeidTypeName(exprType(lexpr))); if (exprType(rexpr) != BOOLOID) elog(ERROR, "right-hand side of OR is type '%s', not bool", typeidTypeName(exprType(rexpr))); expr->typeOid = BOOLOID; expr->opType = OR_EXPR; expr->args = makeList(lexpr, rexpr, -1); result = (Node *) expr; } break; case NOT: { Expr *expr = makeNode(Expr); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr, precedence); if (exprType(rexpr) != BOOLOID) elog(ERROR, "argument to NOT is type '%s', not bool", typeidTypeName(exprType(rexpr))); expr->typeOid = BOOLOID; expr->opType = NOT_EXPR; expr->args = makeList(rexpr, -1); result = (Node *) expr; } break; } break; } case T_Ident: { result = transformIdent(pstate, (Ident *) expr, precedence); break; } case T_FuncCall: { FuncCall *fn = (FuncCall *) expr; List *args; /* transform the list of arguments */ foreach(args, fn->args) lfirst(args) = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) lfirst(args), precedence); result = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, fn->funcname, fn->args, &pstate->p_last_resno, precedence); break; } case T_SubLink: { SubLink *sublink = (SubLink *) expr; List *qtrees; Query *qtree; pstate->p_hasSubLinks = true; qtrees = parse_analyze(lcons(sublink->subselect, NIL), pstate); if (length(qtrees) != 1) elog(ERROR, "parser: bad query in subselect"); qtree = (Query *) lfirst(qtrees); if (qtree->commandType != CMD_SELECT || qtree->resultRelation != 0) elog(ERROR, "parser: bad query in subselect"); sublink->subselect = (Node *) qtree; if (sublink->subLinkType != EXISTS_SUBLINK) { char *op = lfirst(sublink->oper); List *left_list = sublink->lefthand; List *right_list = qtree->targetList; List *elist; foreach(elist, left_list) lfirst(elist) = transformExpr(pstate, lfirst(elist), precedence); if (length(left_list) > 1 && strcmp(op, "=") != 0 && strcmp(op, "<>") != 0) elog(ERROR, "parser: '%s' is not relational operator", op); sublink->oper = NIL; /* Scan subquery's targetlist to find values that will be * matched against lefthand values. We need to ignore * resjunk targets, so doing the outer iteration over * right_list is easier than doing it over left_list. */ while (right_list != NIL) { TargetEntry *tent = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(right_list); Node *lexpr; Expr *op_expr; if (! tent->resdom->resjunk) { if (left_list == NIL) elog(ERROR, "parser: Subselect has too many fields."); lexpr = lfirst(left_list); left_list = lnext(left_list); op_expr = make_op(op, lexpr, tent->expr); if (op_expr->typeOid != BOOLOID && sublink->subLinkType != EXPR_SUBLINK) elog(ERROR, "parser: '%s' must return 'bool' to be used with quantified predicate subquery", op); sublink->oper = lappend(sublink->oper, op_expr); } right_list = lnext(right_list); } if (left_list != NIL) elog(ERROR, "parser: Subselect has too few fields."); } else sublink->oper = NIL; result = (Node *) expr; break; } case T_CaseExpr: { CaseExpr *c = (CaseExpr *) expr; CaseWhen *w; List *args; Oid ptype; CATEGORY pcategory; /* transform the list of arguments */ foreach(args, c->args) { w = lfirst(args); if (c->arg != NULL) { /* shorthand form was specified, so expand... */ A_Expr *a = makeNode(A_Expr); a->oper = OP; a->opname = "="; a->lexpr = c->arg; a->rexpr = w->expr; w->expr = (Node *) a; } lfirst(args) = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) w, precedence); } /* * It's not shorthand anymore, so drop the implicit * argument. This is necessary to keep the executor from * seeing an untransformed expression... */ c->arg = NULL; /* transform the default clause */ if (c->defresult == NULL) { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Null; c->defresult = (Node *) n; } c->defresult = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) c->defresult, precedence); /* now check types across result clauses... */ c->casetype = exprType(c->defresult); ptype = c->casetype; pcategory = TypeCategory(ptype); foreach(args, c->args) { Oid wtype; w = lfirst(args); wtype = exprType(w->result); /* move on to next one if no new information... */ if (wtype && (wtype != UNKNOWNOID) && (wtype != ptype)) { /* so far, only nulls so take anything... */ if (!ptype) { ptype = wtype; pcategory = TypeCategory(ptype); } /* * both types in different categories? then not * much hope... */ else if ((TypeCategory(wtype) != pcategory) || ((TypeCategory(wtype) == USER_TYPE) && (TypeCategory(c->casetype) == USER_TYPE))) { elog(ERROR, "CASE/WHEN types '%s' and '%s' not matched", typeidTypeName(c->casetype), typeidTypeName(wtype)); } /* * new one is preferred and can convert? then take * it... */ else if (IsPreferredType(pcategory, wtype) && can_coerce_type(1, &ptype, &wtype)) { ptype = wtype; pcategory = TypeCategory(ptype); } } } /* Convert default result clause, if necessary */ if (c->casetype != ptype) { if (!c->casetype) { /* * default clause is NULL, so assign preferred * type from WHEN clauses... */ c->casetype = ptype; } else if (can_coerce_type(1, &c->casetype, &ptype)) { c->defresult = coerce_type(pstate, c->defresult, c->casetype, ptype, -1); c->casetype = ptype; } else { elog(ERROR, "CASE/ELSE unable to convert to type %s", typeidTypeName(ptype)); } } /* Convert when clauses, if not null and if necessary */ foreach(args, c->args) { Oid wtype; w = lfirst(args); wtype = exprType(w->result); /* * only bother with conversion if not NULL and * different type... */ if (wtype && (wtype != ptype)) { if (can_coerce_type(1, &wtype, &ptype)) { w->result = coerce_type(pstate, w->result, wtype, ptype, -1); } else { elog(ERROR, "CASE/WHEN unable to convert to type %s", typeidTypeName(ptype)); } } } result = expr; break; } case T_CaseWhen: { CaseWhen *w = (CaseWhen *) expr; w->expr = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) w->expr, precedence); if (exprType(w->expr) != BOOLOID) elog(ERROR, "WHEN clause must have a boolean result"); /* * result is NULL for NULLIF() construct - thomas * 1998-11-11 */ if (w->result == NULL) { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Null; w->result = (Node *) n; } w->result = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) w->result, precedence); result = expr; break; } /* Some nodes do _not_ come from the original parse tree, * but result from parser transformation in this phase. * At least one construct (BETWEEN/AND) puts the same nodes * into two branches of the parse tree; hence, some nodes * are transformed twice. * Another way it can happen is that coercion of an operator or * function argument to the required type (via coerce_type()) * can apply transformExpr to an already-transformed subexpression. * An example here is "SELECT count(*) + 1.0 FROM table". * Thus, we can see node types in this routine that do not appear in the * original parse tree. Assume they are already transformed, and just * pass them through. * Do any other node types need to be accepted? For now we are taking * a conservative approach, and only accepting node types that are * demonstrably necessary to accept. */ case T_Expr: case T_Var: case T_Const: case T_Param: case T_Aggref: case T_ArrayRef: { result = (Node *) expr; break; } default: /* should not reach here */ elog(ERROR, "transformExpr: does not know how to transform node %d", nodeTag(expr)); break; } return result; } static Node * transformIndirection(ParseState *pstate, Node *basenode, List *indirection) { if (indirection == NIL) return basenode; return (Node *) transformArraySubscripts(pstate, basenode, indirection, false, NULL); } static Node * transformAttr(ParseState *pstate, Attr *att, int precedence) { Node *basenode; basenode = ParseNestedFuncOrColumn(pstate, att, &pstate->p_last_resno, precedence); return transformIndirection(pstate, basenode, att->indirection); } static Node * transformIdent(ParseState *pstate, Ident *ident, int precedence) { Node *result = NULL; RangeTblEntry *rte; /* try to find the ident as a relation ... but not if subscripts appear */ if (ident->indirection == NIL && refnameRangeTableEntry(pstate, ident->name) != NULL) { ident->isRel = TRUE; result = (Node *) ident; } if (result == NULL || precedence == EXPR_COLUMN_FIRST) { /* try to find the ident as a column */ if ((rte = colnameRangeTableEntry(pstate, ident->name)) != NULL) { /* Convert it to a fully qualified Attr, and transform that */ Attr *att = makeNode(Attr); att->relname = rte->refname; att->paramNo = NULL; att->attrs = lcons(makeString(ident->name), NIL); att->indirection = ident->indirection; return transformAttr(pstate, att, precedence); } } if (result == NULL) elog(ERROR, "attribute '%s' not found", ident->name); return result; } /* * exprType - * returns the Oid of the type of the expression. (Used for typechecking.) */ Oid exprType(Node *expr) { Oid type = (Oid) InvalidOid; if (!expr) return type; switch (nodeTag(expr)) { case T_Func: type = ((Func *) expr)->functype; break; case T_Iter: type = ((Iter *) expr)->itertype; break; case T_Var: type = ((Var *) expr)->vartype; break; case T_Expr: type = ((Expr *) expr)->typeOid; break; case T_Const: type = ((Const *) expr)->consttype; break; case T_ArrayRef: type = ((ArrayRef *) expr)->refelemtype; break; case T_Aggref: type = ((Aggref *) expr)->aggtype; break; case T_Param: type = ((Param *) expr)->paramtype; break; case T_SubLink: { SubLink *sublink = (SubLink *) expr; if (sublink->subLinkType == EXPR_SUBLINK) { /* return the result type of the combining operator */ Expr *op_expr = (Expr *) lfirst(sublink->oper); type = op_expr->typeOid; } else { /* for all other sublink types, result is boolean */ type = BOOLOID; } } break; case T_CaseExpr: type = ((CaseExpr *) expr)->casetype; break; case T_CaseWhen: type = exprType(((CaseWhen *) expr)->result); break; case T_Ident: /* is this right? */ type = UNKNOWNOID; break; default: elog(ERROR, "exprType: don't know how to get type for %d node", nodeTag(expr)); break; } return type; } /* * exprTypmod - * returns the type-specific attrmod of the expression, if it can be * determined. In most cases, it can't and we return -1. */ int32 exprTypmod(Node *expr) { if (!expr) return -1; switch (nodeTag(expr)) { case T_Var: return ((Var *) expr)->vartypmod; case T_Const: { /* Be smart about string constants... */ Const *con = (Const *) expr; switch (con->consttype) { case BPCHAROID: if (! con->constisnull) return VARSIZE(DatumGetPointer(con->constvalue)); break; default: break; } } break; default: break; } return -1; } /* * Produce an appropriate Const node from a constant value produced * by the parser and an explicit type name to cast to. */ static Node * parser_typecast(Value *expr, TypeName *typename, int32 atttypmod) { Const *adt; Datum lcp; Type tp; char *const_string = NULL; bool string_palloced = false; switch (nodeTag(expr)) { case T_String: const_string = DatumGetPointer(expr->val.str); break; case T_Integer: string_palloced = true; const_string = int4out(expr->val.ival); break; case T_Float: string_palloced = true; const_string = float8out(&expr->val.dval); break; default: elog(ERROR, "parser_typecast: cannot cast this expression to type '%s'", typename->name); } if (typename->arrayBounds != NIL) { char type_string[NAMEDATALEN+2]; sprintf(type_string, "_%s", typename->name); tp = (Type) typenameType(type_string); } else tp = (Type) typenameType(typename->name); lcp = stringTypeDatum(tp, const_string, atttypmod); adt = makeConst(typeTypeId(tp), typeLen(tp), (Datum) lcp, false, typeByVal(tp), false, /* not a set */ true /* is cast */ ); if (string_palloced) pfree(const_string); return (Node *) adt; }