setup { DROP TABLE IF EXISTS do_write; CREATE TABLE do_write(id serial primary key); } teardown { DROP TABLE IF EXISTS do_write; SELECT 'stop' FROM pg_drop_replication_slot('isolation_slot'); } session "s0" setup { SET synchronous_commit=on; } step "s0init" {SELECT 'init' FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('isolation_slot', 'test_decoding');} step "s0start" {SELECT data FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('isolation_slot', NULL, NULL, 'include-xids', 'false');} step "s0alter" {ALTER TABLE do_write ADD column ts timestamptz; } step "s0w" { INSERT INTO do_write DEFAULT VALUES; } session "s1" setup { SET synchronous_commit=on; } step "s1begin" {BEGIN;} step "s1sharepgclass" { SELECT count(*) > 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM pg_class FOR SHARE) s; } step "s1keysharepgclass" { SELECT count(*) > 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM pg_class FOR KEY SHARE) s; } step "s1commit" {COMMIT;} session "s2" setup { SET synchronous_commit=on; } step "s2begin" {BEGIN;} step "s2sharepgclass" { SELECT count(*) > 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM pg_class FOR SHARE) s; } step "s2keysharepgclass" { SELECT count(*) > 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM pg_class FOR KEY SHARE) s; } step "s2commit" {COMMIT;} # test that we're handling an update-only mxact xmax correctly permutation "s0init" "s0start" "s1begin" "s1sharepgclass" "s2begin" "s2sharepgclass" "s0w" "s0start" "s2commit" "s1commit" # test that we're handling an update-only mxact xmax correctly permutation "s0init" "s0start" "s1begin" "s1keysharepgclass" "s2begin" "s2keysharepgclass" "s0alter" "s0w" "s0start" "s2commit" "s1commit"