.\" This is -*-nroff-*- .\" XXX standard disclaimer belongs here.... .\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/man/Attic/initdb.1,v 1996/08/18 22:14:24 scrappy Exp $ .TH INITDB UNIX 11/05/95 Postgres95 Postgres95 .SH NAME initdb \(em initalize the database templates and primary directories .SH SYNOPSIS .BR "initdb" [\c .BR "-v" ] [\c .BR "-d" ] [\c .BR "-n" ] .SH DESCRIPTION .IR Initdb sets up the initial template databases and is normally executed as part of the installation process. The template database is created under the directory specified by the the environment variable .SM PGDATA, or to a default specified at compile-time. The template database is then .BR vacuum ed. .PP .IR Initdb is a shell script that invokes the backend server directly. Hence, it must be executed by the Postgres super-user. .PP .IR Initdb understands the following command-line options: .TP .BR "-v" Produce verbose output, printing messages stating where the directories are being created, etc. .TP .BR "-d" Print debugging output from the backend server. This option generates a tremendous amount of information. This option also turns off the final vacuuming step. .TP .BR "-n" Run in \*(lqnoclean\*(rq mode. By default, .IR initdb cleans up (recursively unlinks) the data directory if any error occurs, which also removes any core files left by the backend server. This option inhibits any tidying-up. .SH FILES .TP \&$PGDATA/base The location of global (shared) classes. .TP \&$PGDATA/base/template1 The location of the template database. .TP \&$PGDATA/files/{global1,local1_template1}.bki Command files used to generate the global and template databases, generated and installed by the initial compilation process. .SH "SEE ALSO" createdb(1), vacuum(l), bki(files), template(files).