/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * unicode_category.c * Determine general category and character properties of Unicode * characters. Encoding must be UTF8, where we assume that the pg_wchar * representation is a code point. * * Portions Copyright (c) 2017-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * * IDENTIFICATION * src/common/unicode_category.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef FRONTEND #include "postgres.h" #else #include "postgres_fe.h" #endif #include "common/unicode_category.h" #include "common/unicode_category_table.h" /* * Create bitmasks from pg_unicode_category values for efficient comparison of * multiple categories. For instance, PG_U_MN_MASK is a bitmask representing * the general category Mn; and PG_U_M_MASK represents general categories Mn, * Me, and Mc. * * The number of Unicode General Categories should never grow, so a 32-bit * mask is fine. */ #define PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(X) ((uint32)(1 << (X))) #define PG_U_LU_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_UPPERCASE_LETTER) #define PG_U_LL_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_LOWERCASE_LETTER) #define PG_U_LT_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_TITLECASE_LETTER) #define PG_U_LC_MASK (PG_U_LU_MASK|PG_U_LL_MASK|PG_U_LT_MASK) #define PG_U_LM_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_MODIFIER_LETTER) #define PG_U_LO_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_OTHER_LETTER) #define PG_U_L_MASK (PG_U_LU_MASK|PG_U_LL_MASK|PG_U_LT_MASK|PG_U_LM_MASK|\ PG_U_LO_MASK) #define PG_U_MN_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_NONSPACING_MARK) #define PG_U_ME_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_ENCLOSING_MARK) #define PG_U_MC_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_SPACING_MARK) #define PG_U_M_MASK (PG_U_MN_MASK|PG_U_MC_MASK|PG_U_ME_MASK) #define PG_U_ND_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_DECIMAL_NUMBER) #define PG_U_NL_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_LETTER_NUMBER) #define PG_U_NO_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_OTHER_NUMBER) #define PG_U_N_MASK (PG_U_ND_MASK|PG_U_NL_MASK|PG_U_NO_MASK) #define PG_U_PC_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION) #define PG_U_PD_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_DASH_PUNCTUATION) #define PG_U_PS_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_OPEN_PUNCTUATION) #define PG_U_PE_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_CLOSE_PUNCTUATION) #define PG_U_PI_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_INITIAL_PUNCTUATION) #define PG_U_PF_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_FINAL_PUNCTUATION) #define PG_U_PO_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_OTHER_PUNCTUATION) #define PG_U_P_MASK (PG_U_PC_MASK|PG_U_PD_MASK|PG_U_PS_MASK|PG_U_PE_MASK|\ PG_U_PI_MASK|PG_U_PF_MASK|PG_U_PO_MASK) #define PG_U_SM_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_MATH_SYMBOL) #define PG_U_SC_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_CURRENCY_SYMBOL) #define PG_U_SK_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_MODIFIER_SYMBOL) #define PG_U_SO_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_OTHER_SYMBOL) #define PG_U_S_MASK (PG_U_SM_MASK|PG_U_SC_MASK|PG_U_SK_MASK|PG_U_SO_MASK) #define PG_U_ZS_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_SPACE_SEPARATOR) #define PG_U_ZL_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_LINE_SEPARATOR) #define PG_U_ZP_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR) #define PG_U_Z_MASK (PG_U_ZS_MASK|PG_U_ZL_MASK|PG_U_ZP_MASK) #define PG_U_CC_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_CONTROL) #define PG_U_CF_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_FORMAT) #define PG_U_CS_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_SURROGATE) #define PG_U_CO_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_PRIVATE_USE) #define PG_U_CN_MASK PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(PG_U_UNASSIGNED) #define PG_U_C_MASK (PG_U_CC_MASK|PG_U_CF_MASK|PG_U_CS_MASK|PG_U_CO_MASK|\ PG_U_CN_MASK) #define PG_U_CHARACTER_TAB 0x09 static bool range_search(const pg_unicode_range * tbl, size_t size, pg_wchar code); /* * Unicode general category for the given codepoint. */ pg_unicode_category unicode_category(pg_wchar code) { int min = 0; int mid; int max = lengthof(unicode_categories) - 1; Assert(code <= 0x10ffff); if (code < 0x80) return unicode_opt_ascii[code].category; while (max >= min) { mid = (min + max) / 2; if (code > unicode_categories[mid].last) min = mid + 1; else if (code < unicode_categories[mid].first) max = mid - 1; else return unicode_categories[mid].category; } return PG_U_UNASSIGNED; } bool pg_u_prop_alphabetic(pg_wchar code) { if (code < 0x80) return unicode_opt_ascii[code].properties & PG_U_PROP_ALPHABETIC; return range_search(unicode_alphabetic, lengthof(unicode_alphabetic), code); } bool pg_u_prop_lowercase(pg_wchar code) { if (code < 0x80) return unicode_opt_ascii[code].properties & PG_U_PROP_LOWERCASE; return range_search(unicode_lowercase, lengthof(unicode_lowercase), code); } bool pg_u_prop_uppercase(pg_wchar code) { if (code < 0x80) return unicode_opt_ascii[code].properties & PG_U_PROP_UPPERCASE; return range_search(unicode_uppercase, lengthof(unicode_uppercase), code); } bool pg_u_prop_cased(pg_wchar code) { uint32 category_mask; if (code < 0x80) return unicode_opt_ascii[code].properties & PG_U_PROP_CASED; category_mask = PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(unicode_category(code)); return category_mask & PG_U_LT_MASK || pg_u_prop_lowercase(code) || pg_u_prop_uppercase(code); } bool pg_u_prop_case_ignorable(pg_wchar code) { if (code < 0x80) return unicode_opt_ascii[code].properties & PG_U_PROP_CASE_IGNORABLE; return range_search(unicode_case_ignorable, lengthof(unicode_case_ignorable), code); } bool pg_u_prop_white_space(pg_wchar code) { if (code < 0x80) return unicode_opt_ascii[code].properties & PG_U_PROP_WHITE_SPACE; return range_search(unicode_white_space, lengthof(unicode_white_space), code); } bool pg_u_prop_hex_digit(pg_wchar code) { if (code < 0x80) return unicode_opt_ascii[code].properties & PG_U_PROP_HEX_DIGIT; return range_search(unicode_hex_digit, lengthof(unicode_hex_digit), code); } bool pg_u_prop_join_control(pg_wchar code) { if (code < 0x80) return unicode_opt_ascii[code].properties & PG_U_PROP_JOIN_CONTROL; return range_search(unicode_join_control, lengthof(unicode_join_control), code); } /* * The following functions implement the Compatibility Properties described * at: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr18/#Compatibility_Properties * * If 'posix' is true, implements the "POSIX Compatible" variant, otherwise * the "Standard" variant. */ bool pg_u_isdigit(pg_wchar code, bool posix) { if (posix) return ('0' <= code && code <= '9'); else return unicode_category(code) == PG_U_DECIMAL_NUMBER; } bool pg_u_isalpha(pg_wchar code) { return pg_u_prop_alphabetic(code); } bool pg_u_isalnum(pg_wchar code, bool posix) { return pg_u_isalpha(code) || pg_u_isdigit(code, posix); } bool pg_u_isword(pg_wchar code) { uint32 category_mask = PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(unicode_category(code)); return category_mask & (PG_U_M_MASK | PG_U_ND_MASK | PG_U_PC_MASK) || pg_u_isalpha(code) || pg_u_prop_join_control(code); } bool pg_u_isupper(pg_wchar code) { return pg_u_prop_uppercase(code); } bool pg_u_islower(pg_wchar code) { return pg_u_prop_lowercase(code); } bool pg_u_isblank(pg_wchar code) { return code == PG_U_CHARACTER_TAB || unicode_category(code) == PG_U_SPACE_SEPARATOR; } bool pg_u_iscntrl(pg_wchar code) { return unicode_category(code) == PG_U_CONTROL; } bool pg_u_isgraph(pg_wchar code) { uint32 category_mask = PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(unicode_category(code)); if (category_mask & (PG_U_CC_MASK | PG_U_CS_MASK | PG_U_CN_MASK) || pg_u_isspace(code)) return false; return true; } bool pg_u_isprint(pg_wchar code) { pg_unicode_category category = unicode_category(code); if (category == PG_U_CONTROL) return false; return pg_u_isgraph(code) || pg_u_isblank(code); } bool pg_u_ispunct(pg_wchar code, bool posix) { uint32 category_mask; if (posix) { if (pg_u_isalpha(code)) return false; category_mask = PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(unicode_category(code)); return category_mask & (PG_U_P_MASK | PG_U_S_MASK); } else { category_mask = PG_U_CATEGORY_MASK(unicode_category(code)); return category_mask & PG_U_P_MASK; } } bool pg_u_isspace(pg_wchar code) { return pg_u_prop_white_space(code); } bool pg_u_isxdigit(pg_wchar code, bool posix) { if (posix) return (('0' <= code && code <= '9') || ('A' <= code && code <= 'F') || ('a' <= code && code <= 'f')); else return unicode_category(code) == PG_U_DECIMAL_NUMBER || pg_u_prop_hex_digit(code); } /* * Description of Unicode general category. */ const char * unicode_category_string(pg_unicode_category category) { switch (category) { case PG_U_UNASSIGNED: return "Unassigned"; case PG_U_UPPERCASE_LETTER: return "Uppercase_Letter"; case PG_U_LOWERCASE_LETTER: return "Lowercase_Letter"; case PG_U_TITLECASE_LETTER: return "Titlecase_Letter"; case PG_U_MODIFIER_LETTER: return "Modifier_Letter"; case PG_U_OTHER_LETTER: return "Other_Letter"; case PG_U_NONSPACING_MARK: return "Nonspacing_Mark"; case PG_U_ENCLOSING_MARK: return "Enclosing_Mark"; case PG_U_SPACING_MARK: return "Spacing_Mark"; case PG_U_DECIMAL_NUMBER: return "Decimal_Number"; case PG_U_LETTER_NUMBER: return "Letter_Number"; case PG_U_OTHER_NUMBER: return "Other_Number"; case PG_U_SPACE_SEPARATOR: return "Space_Separator"; case PG_U_LINE_SEPARATOR: return "Line_Separator"; case PG_U_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR: return "Paragraph_Separator"; case PG_U_CONTROL: return "Control"; case PG_U_FORMAT: return "Format"; case PG_U_PRIVATE_USE: return "Private_Use"; case PG_U_SURROGATE: return "Surrogate"; case PG_U_DASH_PUNCTUATION: return "Dash_Punctuation"; case PG_U_OPEN_PUNCTUATION: return "Open_Punctuation"; case PG_U_CLOSE_PUNCTUATION: return "Close_Punctuation"; case PG_U_CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION: return "Connector_Punctuation"; case PG_U_OTHER_PUNCTUATION: return "Other_Punctuation"; case PG_U_MATH_SYMBOL: return "Math_Symbol"; case PG_U_CURRENCY_SYMBOL: return "Currency_Symbol"; case PG_U_MODIFIER_SYMBOL: return "Modifier_Symbol"; case PG_U_OTHER_SYMBOL: return "Other_Symbol"; case PG_U_INITIAL_PUNCTUATION: return "Initial_Punctuation"; case PG_U_FINAL_PUNCTUATION: return "Final_Punctuation"; } Assert(false); return "Unrecognized"; /* keep compiler quiet */ } /* * Short code for Unicode general category. */ const char * unicode_category_abbrev(pg_unicode_category category) { switch (category) { case PG_U_UNASSIGNED: return "Cn"; case PG_U_UPPERCASE_LETTER: return "Lu"; case PG_U_LOWERCASE_LETTER: return "Ll"; case PG_U_TITLECASE_LETTER: return "Lt"; case PG_U_MODIFIER_LETTER: return "Lm"; case PG_U_OTHER_LETTER: return "Lo"; case PG_U_NONSPACING_MARK: return "Mn"; case PG_U_ENCLOSING_MARK: return "Me"; case PG_U_SPACING_MARK: return "Mc"; case PG_U_DECIMAL_NUMBER: return "Nd"; case PG_U_LETTER_NUMBER: return "Nl"; case PG_U_OTHER_NUMBER: return "No"; case PG_U_SPACE_SEPARATOR: return "Zs"; case PG_U_LINE_SEPARATOR: return "Zl"; case PG_U_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR: return "Zp"; case PG_U_CONTROL: return "Cc"; case PG_U_FORMAT: return "Cf"; case PG_U_PRIVATE_USE: return "Co"; case PG_U_SURROGATE: return "Cs"; case PG_U_DASH_PUNCTUATION: return "Pd"; case PG_U_OPEN_PUNCTUATION: return "Ps"; case PG_U_CLOSE_PUNCTUATION: return "Pe"; case PG_U_CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION: return "Pc"; case PG_U_OTHER_PUNCTUATION: return "Po"; case PG_U_MATH_SYMBOL: return "Sm"; case PG_U_CURRENCY_SYMBOL: return "Sc"; case PG_U_MODIFIER_SYMBOL: return "Sk"; case PG_U_OTHER_SYMBOL: return "So"; case PG_U_INITIAL_PUNCTUATION: return "Pi"; case PG_U_FINAL_PUNCTUATION: return "Pf"; } Assert(false); return "??"; /* keep compiler quiet */ } /* * Binary search to test if given codepoint exists in one of the ranges in the * given table. */ static bool range_search(const pg_unicode_range * tbl, size_t size, pg_wchar code) { int min = 0; int mid; int max = size - 1; Assert(code <= 0x10ffff); while (max >= min) { mid = (min + max) / 2; if (code > tbl[mid].last) min = mid + 1; else if (code < tbl[mid].first) max = mid - 1; else return true; } return false; }