findoidjoins This program scans the a database, and prints oid fields, and the tables they join to. PostgreSQL version 6.3.2 crashes with aggregates on views, so I have removed the view pg_user from the list of relations to examine. It requires /pgsql/contrib/pginterface to be compiled first. Run on am empty database, it returns the system join relationships: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join pg_aggregate.aggtransfn1 => pg_proc.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggtransfn2 => pg_proc.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggfinalfn => pg_proc.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggbasetype => pg_proc.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggbasetype => pg_type.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggtranstype1 => pg_proc.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggtranstype1 => pg_type.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggtranstype2 => pg_type.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggfinaltype => pg_proc.oid Join pg_aggregate.aggfinaltype => pg_type.oid Join pg_am.amgettuple => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.aminsert => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.amdelete => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.ambeginscan => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.amrescan => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.amendscan => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.ammarkpos => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.amrestrpos => pg_proc.oid Join pg_am.ambuild => pg_proc.oid Join pg_amop.amopid => pg_am.oid Join pg_amop.amopclaid => pg_opclass.oid Join pg_amop.amopopr => pg_operator.oid Join pg_amop.amopselect => pg_proc.oid Join pg_amop.amopnpages => pg_proc.oid Join pg_amproc.amid => pg_am.oid Join pg_amproc.amopclaid => pg_opclass.oid Join pg_amproc.amopclaid => pg_operator.oid Join pg_amproc.amopclaid => pg_proc.oid Join pg_amproc.amproc => pg_operator.oid Join pg_amproc.amproc => pg_proc.oid Join pg_attribute.attrelid => pg_class.oid Join pg_attribute.atttypid => pg_type.oid Join pg_class.reltype => pg_type.oid Join pg_class.relam => pg_am.oid Join pg_description.objoid => pg_proc.oid Join pg_description.objoid => pg_type.oid Join pg_index.indexrelid => pg_class.oid Join pg_index.indrelid => pg_class.oid Join pg_index.indproc => pg_proc.oid Join pg_opclass.opcdeftype => pg_type.oid Join pg_operator.oprleft => pg_type.oid Join pg_operator.oprright => pg_type.oid Join pg_operator.oprresult => pg_type.oid Join pg_operator.oprcom => pg_operator.oid Join pg_operator.oprnegate => pg_operator.oid Join pg_operator.oprlsortop => pg_operator.oid Join pg_operator.oprrsortop => pg_operator.oid Join pg_operator.oprcode => pg_proc.oid Join pg_operator.oprrest => pg_proc.oid Join pg_operator.oprjoin => pg_proc.oid Join pg_parg.parproid => pg_operator.oid Join pg_parg.parproid => pg_proc.oid Join pg_parg.partype => pg_type.oid Join pg_proc.prolang => pg_language.oid Join pg_proc.prorettype => pg_type.oid Join pg_rewrite.ev_class => pg_class.oid Join pg_type.typrelid => pg_class.oid Join pg_type.typelem => pg_operator.oid Join pg_type.typelem => pg_proc.oid Join pg_type.typelem => pg_type.oid Join pg_type.typinput => pg_proc.oid Join pg_type.typoutput => pg_proc.oid Join pg_type.typreceive => pg_proc.oid Join pg_type.typsend => pg_proc.oid --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce Momjian (