/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * pg_aggregate.c * routines to support manipulation of the pg_aggregate relation * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2015, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/catalog/pg_aggregate.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "catalog/dependency.h" #include "catalog/indexing.h" #include "catalog/pg_aggregate.h" #include "catalog/pg_language.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc_fn.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "parser/parse_coerce.h" #include "parser/parse_func.h" #include "parser/parse_oper.h" #include "utils/acl.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" static Oid lookup_agg_function(List *fnName, int nargs, Oid *input_types, Oid variadicArgType, Oid *rettype); /* * AggregateCreate */ ObjectAddress AggregateCreate(const char *aggName, Oid aggNamespace, char aggKind, int numArgs, int numDirectArgs, oidvector *parameterTypes, Datum allParameterTypes, Datum parameterModes, Datum parameterNames, List *parameterDefaults, Oid variadicArgType, List *aggtransfnName, List *aggfinalfnName, List *aggmtransfnName, List *aggminvtransfnName, List *aggmfinalfnName, bool finalfnExtraArgs, bool mfinalfnExtraArgs, List *aggsortopName, Oid aggTransType, int32 aggTransSpace, Oid aggmTransType, int32 aggmTransSpace, const char *agginitval, const char *aggminitval) { Relation aggdesc; HeapTuple tup; bool nulls[Natts_pg_aggregate]; Datum values[Natts_pg_aggregate]; Form_pg_proc proc; Oid transfn; Oid finalfn = InvalidOid; /* can be omitted */ Oid mtransfn = InvalidOid; /* can be omitted */ Oid minvtransfn = InvalidOid; /* can be omitted */ Oid mfinalfn = InvalidOid; /* can be omitted */ Oid sortop = InvalidOid; /* can be omitted */ Oid *aggArgTypes = parameterTypes->values; bool hasPolyArg; bool hasInternalArg; bool mtransIsStrict = false; Oid rettype; Oid finaltype; Oid fnArgs[FUNC_MAX_ARGS]; int nargs_transfn; int nargs_finalfn; Oid procOid; TupleDesc tupDesc; int i; ObjectAddress myself, referenced; AclResult aclresult; /* sanity checks (caller should have caught these) */ if (!aggName) elog(ERROR, "no aggregate name supplied"); if (!aggtransfnName) elog(ERROR, "aggregate must have a transition function"); if (numDirectArgs < 0 || numDirectArgs > numArgs) elog(ERROR, "incorrect number of direct args for aggregate"); /* * Aggregates can have at most FUNC_MAX_ARGS-1 args, else the transfn * and/or finalfn will be unrepresentable in pg_proc. We must check now * to protect fixed-size arrays here and possibly in called functions. */ if (numArgs < 0 || numArgs > FUNC_MAX_ARGS - 1) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS), errmsg_plural("aggregates cannot have more than %d argument", "aggregates cannot have more than %d arguments", FUNC_MAX_ARGS - 1, FUNC_MAX_ARGS - 1))); /* check for polymorphic and INTERNAL arguments */ hasPolyArg = false; hasInternalArg = false; for (i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) { if (IsPolymorphicType(aggArgTypes[i])) hasPolyArg = true; else if (aggArgTypes[i] == INTERNALOID) hasInternalArg = true; } /* * If transtype is polymorphic, must have polymorphic argument also; else * we will have no way to deduce the actual transtype. */ if (IsPolymorphicType(aggTransType) && !hasPolyArg) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("cannot determine transition data type"), errdetail("An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument."))); /* * Likewise for moving-aggregate transtype, if any */ if (OidIsValid(aggmTransType) && IsPolymorphicType(aggmTransType) && !hasPolyArg) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("cannot determine transition data type"), errdetail("An aggregate using a polymorphic transition type must have at least one polymorphic argument."))); /* * An ordered-set aggregate that is VARIADIC must be VARIADIC ANY. In * principle we could support regular variadic types, but it would make * things much more complicated because we'd have to assemble the correct * subsets of arguments into array values. Since no standard aggregates * have use for such a case, we aren't bothering for now. */ if (AGGKIND_IS_ORDERED_SET(aggKind) && OidIsValid(variadicArgType) && variadicArgType != ANYOID) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("a variadic ordered-set aggregate must use VARIADIC type ANY"))); /* * If it's a hypothetical-set aggregate, there must be at least as many * direct arguments as aggregated ones, and the last N direct arguments * must match the aggregated ones in type. (We have to check this again * when the aggregate is called, in case ANY is involved, but it makes * sense to reject the aggregate definition now if the declared arg types * don't match up.) It's unconditionally OK if numDirectArgs == numArgs, * indicating that the grammar merged identical VARIADIC entries from both * lists. Otherwise, if the agg is VARIADIC, then we had VARIADIC only on * the aggregated side, which is not OK. Otherwise, insist on the last N * parameter types on each side matching exactly. */ if (aggKind == AGGKIND_HYPOTHETICAL && numDirectArgs < numArgs) { int numAggregatedArgs = numArgs - numDirectArgs; if (OidIsValid(variadicArgType) || numDirectArgs < numAggregatedArgs || memcmp(aggArgTypes + (numDirectArgs - numAggregatedArgs), aggArgTypes + numDirectArgs, numAggregatedArgs * sizeof(Oid)) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("a hypothetical-set aggregate must have direct arguments matching its aggregated arguments"))); } /* * Find the transfn. For ordinary aggs, it takes the transtype plus all * aggregate arguments. For ordered-set aggs, it takes the transtype plus * all aggregated args, but not direct args. However, we have to treat * specially the case where a trailing VARIADIC item is considered to * cover both direct and aggregated args. */ if (AGGKIND_IS_ORDERED_SET(aggKind)) { if (numDirectArgs < numArgs) nargs_transfn = numArgs - numDirectArgs + 1; else { /* special case with VARIADIC last arg */ Assert(variadicArgType != InvalidOid); nargs_transfn = 2; } fnArgs[0] = aggTransType; memcpy(fnArgs + 1, aggArgTypes + (numArgs - (nargs_transfn - 1)), (nargs_transfn - 1) * sizeof(Oid)); } else { nargs_transfn = numArgs + 1; fnArgs[0] = aggTransType; memcpy(fnArgs + 1, aggArgTypes, numArgs * sizeof(Oid)); } transfn = lookup_agg_function(aggtransfnName, nargs_transfn, fnArgs, variadicArgType, &rettype); /* * Return type of transfn (possibly after refinement by * enforce_generic_type_consistency, if transtype isn't polymorphic) must * exactly match declared transtype. * * In the non-polymorphic-transtype case, it might be okay to allow a * rettype that's binary-coercible to transtype, but I'm not quite * convinced that it's either safe or useful. When transtype is * polymorphic we *must* demand exact equality. */ if (rettype != aggTransType) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("return type of transition function %s is not %s", NameListToString(aggtransfnName), format_type_be(aggTransType)))); tup = SearchSysCache1(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(transfn)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for function %u", transfn); proc = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tup); /* * If the transfn is strict and the initval is NULL, make sure first input * type and transtype are the same (or at least binary-compatible), so * that it's OK to use the first input value as the initial transValue. */ if (proc->proisstrict && agginitval == NULL) { if (numArgs < 1 || !IsBinaryCoercible(aggArgTypes[0], aggTransType)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("must not omit initial value when transition function is strict and transition type is not compatible with input type"))); } ReleaseSysCache(tup); /* handle moving-aggregate transfn, if supplied */ if (aggmtransfnName) { /* * The arguments are the same as for the regular transfn, except that * the transition data type might be different. So re-use the fnArgs * values set up above, except for that one. */ Assert(OidIsValid(aggmTransType)); fnArgs[0] = aggmTransType; mtransfn = lookup_agg_function(aggmtransfnName, nargs_transfn, fnArgs, variadicArgType, &rettype); /* As above, return type must exactly match declared mtranstype. */ if (rettype != aggmTransType) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("return type of transition function %s is not %s", NameListToString(aggmtransfnName), format_type_be(aggmTransType)))); tup = SearchSysCache1(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(mtransfn)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for function %u", mtransfn); proc = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tup); /* * If the mtransfn is strict and the minitval is NULL, check first * input type and mtranstype are binary-compatible. */ if (proc->proisstrict && aggminitval == NULL) { if (numArgs < 1 || !IsBinaryCoercible(aggArgTypes[0], aggmTransType)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("must not omit initial value when transition function is strict and transition type is not compatible with input type"))); } /* Remember if mtransfn is strict; we may need this below */ mtransIsStrict = proc->proisstrict; ReleaseSysCache(tup); } /* handle minvtransfn, if supplied */ if (aggminvtransfnName) { /* * This must have the same number of arguments with the same types as * the forward transition function, so just re-use the fnArgs data. */ Assert(aggmtransfnName); minvtransfn = lookup_agg_function(aggminvtransfnName, nargs_transfn, fnArgs, variadicArgType, &rettype); /* As above, return type must exactly match declared mtranstype. */ if (rettype != aggmTransType) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("return type of inverse transition function %s is not %s", NameListToString(aggminvtransfnName), format_type_be(aggmTransType)))); tup = SearchSysCache1(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(minvtransfn)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for function %u", minvtransfn); proc = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tup); /* * We require the strictness settings of the forward and inverse * transition functions to agree. This saves having to handle * assorted special cases at execution time. */ if (proc->proisstrict != mtransIsStrict) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("strictness of aggregate's forward and inverse transition functions must match"))); ReleaseSysCache(tup); } /* handle finalfn, if supplied */ if (aggfinalfnName) { /* * If finalfnExtraArgs is specified, the transfn takes the transtype * plus all args; otherwise, it just takes the transtype plus any * direct args. (Non-direct args are useless at runtime, and are * actually passed as NULLs, but we may need them in the function * signature to allow resolution of a polymorphic agg's result type.) */ Oid ffnVariadicArgType = variadicArgType; fnArgs[0] = aggTransType; memcpy(fnArgs + 1, aggArgTypes, numArgs * sizeof(Oid)); if (finalfnExtraArgs) nargs_finalfn = numArgs + 1; else { nargs_finalfn = numDirectArgs + 1; if (numDirectArgs < numArgs) { /* variadic argument doesn't affect finalfn */ ffnVariadicArgType = InvalidOid; } } finalfn = lookup_agg_function(aggfinalfnName, nargs_finalfn, fnArgs, ffnVariadicArgType, &finaltype); /* * When finalfnExtraArgs is specified, the finalfn will certainly be * passed at least one null argument, so complain if it's strict. * Nothing bad would happen at runtime (you'd just get a null result), * but it's surely not what the user wants, so let's complain now. */ if (finalfnExtraArgs && func_strict(finalfn)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("final function with extra arguments must not be declared STRICT"))); } else { /* * If no finalfn, aggregate result type is type of the state value */ finaltype = aggTransType; } Assert(OidIsValid(finaltype)); /* * If finaltype (i.e. aggregate return type) is polymorphic, inputs must * be polymorphic also, else parser will fail to deduce result type. * (Note: given the previous test on transtype and inputs, this cannot * happen, unless someone has snuck a finalfn definition into the catalogs * that itself violates the rule against polymorphic result with no * polymorphic input.) */ if (IsPolymorphicType(finaltype) && !hasPolyArg) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("cannot determine result data type"), errdetail("An aggregate returning a polymorphic type " "must have at least one polymorphic argument."))); /* * Also, the return type can't be INTERNAL unless there's at least one * INTERNAL argument. This is the same type-safety restriction we enforce * for regular functions, but at the level of aggregates. We must test * this explicitly because we allow INTERNAL as the transtype. */ if (finaltype == INTERNALOID && !hasInternalArg) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("unsafe use of pseudo-type \"internal\""), errdetail("A function returning \"internal\" must have at least one \"internal\" argument."))); /* * If a moving-aggregate implementation is supplied, look up its finalfn * if any, and check that the implied aggregate result type matches the * plain implementation. */ if (OidIsValid(aggmTransType)) { /* handle finalfn, if supplied */ if (aggmfinalfnName) { /* * The arguments are figured the same way as for the regular * finalfn, but using aggmTransType and mfinalfnExtraArgs. */ Oid ffnVariadicArgType = variadicArgType; fnArgs[0] = aggmTransType; memcpy(fnArgs + 1, aggArgTypes, numArgs * sizeof(Oid)); if (mfinalfnExtraArgs) nargs_finalfn = numArgs + 1; else { nargs_finalfn = numDirectArgs + 1; if (numDirectArgs < numArgs) { /* variadic argument doesn't affect finalfn */ ffnVariadicArgType = InvalidOid; } } mfinalfn = lookup_agg_function(aggmfinalfnName, nargs_finalfn, fnArgs, ffnVariadicArgType, &rettype); /* As above, check strictness if mfinalfnExtraArgs is given */ if (mfinalfnExtraArgs && func_strict(mfinalfn)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("final function with extra arguments must not be declared STRICT"))); } else { /* * If no finalfn, aggregate result type is type of the state value */ rettype = aggmTransType; } Assert(OidIsValid(rettype)); if (rettype != finaltype) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("moving-aggregate implementation returns type %s, but plain implementation returns type %s", format_type_be(aggmTransType), format_type_be(aggTransType)))); } /* handle sortop, if supplied */ if (aggsortopName) { if (numArgs != 1) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("sort operator can only be specified for single-argument aggregates"))); sortop = LookupOperName(NULL, aggsortopName, aggArgTypes[0], aggArgTypes[0], false, -1); } /* * permission checks on used types */ for (i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) { aclresult = pg_type_aclcheck(aggArgTypes[i], GetUserId(), ACL_USAGE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error_type(aclresult, aggArgTypes[i]); } aclresult = pg_type_aclcheck(aggTransType, GetUserId(), ACL_USAGE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error_type(aclresult, aggTransType); if (OidIsValid(aggmTransType)) { aclresult = pg_type_aclcheck(aggmTransType, GetUserId(), ACL_USAGE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error_type(aclresult, aggmTransType); } aclresult = pg_type_aclcheck(finaltype, GetUserId(), ACL_USAGE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error_type(aclresult, finaltype); /* * Everything looks okay. Try to create the pg_proc entry for the * aggregate. (This could fail if there's already a conflicting entry.) */ myself = ProcedureCreate(aggName, aggNamespace, false, /* no replacement */ false, /* doesn't return a set */ finaltype, /* returnType */ GetUserId(), /* proowner */ INTERNALlanguageId, /* languageObjectId */ InvalidOid, /* no validator */ "aggregate_dummy", /* placeholder proc */ NULL, /* probin */ true, /* isAgg */ false, /* isWindowFunc */ false, /* security invoker (currently not * definable for agg) */ false, /* isLeakProof */ false, /* isStrict (not needed for agg) */ PROVOLATILE_IMMUTABLE, /* volatility (not * needed for agg) */ parameterTypes, /* paramTypes */ allParameterTypes, /* allParamTypes */ parameterModes, /* parameterModes */ parameterNames, /* parameterNames */ parameterDefaults, /* parameterDefaults */ PointerGetDatum(NULL), /* proconfig */ 1, /* procost */ 0); /* prorows */ procOid = myself.objectId; /* * Okay to create the pg_aggregate entry. */ /* initialize nulls and values */ for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_aggregate; i++) { nulls[i] = false; values[i] = (Datum) NULL; } values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggfnoid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(procOid); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggkind - 1] = CharGetDatum(aggKind); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggnumdirectargs - 1] = Int16GetDatum(numDirectArgs); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggtransfn - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(transfn); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggfinalfn - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(finalfn); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggmtransfn - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(mtransfn); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggminvtransfn - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(minvtransfn); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggmfinalfn - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(mfinalfn); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggfinalextra - 1] = BoolGetDatum(finalfnExtraArgs); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggmfinalextra - 1] = BoolGetDatum(mfinalfnExtraArgs); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggsortop - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(sortop); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggtranstype - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(aggTransType); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggtransspace - 1] = Int32GetDatum(aggTransSpace); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggmtranstype - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(aggmTransType); values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggmtransspace - 1] = Int32GetDatum(aggmTransSpace); if (agginitval) values[Anum_pg_aggregate_agginitval - 1] = CStringGetTextDatum(agginitval); else nulls[Anum_pg_aggregate_agginitval - 1] = true; if (aggminitval) values[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggminitval - 1] = CStringGetTextDatum(aggminitval); else nulls[Anum_pg_aggregate_aggminitval - 1] = true; aggdesc = heap_open(AggregateRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); tupDesc = aggdesc->rd_att; tup = heap_form_tuple(tupDesc, values, nulls); simple_heap_insert(aggdesc, tup); CatalogUpdateIndexes(aggdesc, tup); heap_close(aggdesc, RowExclusiveLock); /* * Create dependencies for the aggregate (above and beyond those already * made by ProcedureCreate). Note: we don't need an explicit dependency * on aggTransType since we depend on it indirectly through transfn. * Likewise for aggmTransType if any. */ /* Depends on transition function */ referenced.classId = ProcedureRelationId; referenced.objectId = transfn; referenced.objectSubId = 0; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); /* Depends on final function, if any */ if (OidIsValid(finalfn)) { referenced.classId = ProcedureRelationId; referenced.objectId = finalfn; referenced.objectSubId = 0; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); } /* Depends on forward transition function, if any */ if (OidIsValid(mtransfn)) { referenced.classId = ProcedureRelationId; referenced.objectId = mtransfn; referenced.objectSubId = 0; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); } /* Depends on inverse transition function, if any */ if (OidIsValid(minvtransfn)) { referenced.classId = ProcedureRelationId; referenced.objectId = minvtransfn; referenced.objectSubId = 0; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); } /* Depends on final function, if any */ if (OidIsValid(mfinalfn)) { referenced.classId = ProcedureRelationId; referenced.objectId = mfinalfn; referenced.objectSubId = 0; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); } /* Depends on sort operator, if any */ if (OidIsValid(sortop)) { referenced.classId = OperatorRelationId; referenced.objectId = sortop; referenced.objectSubId = 0; recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL); } return myself; } /* * lookup_agg_function * common code for finding transfn, invtransfn and finalfn * * Returns OID of function, and stores its return type into *rettype * * NB: must not scribble on input_types[], as we may re-use those */ static Oid lookup_agg_function(List *fnName, int nargs, Oid *input_types, Oid variadicArgType, Oid *rettype) { Oid fnOid; bool retset; int nvargs; Oid vatype; Oid *true_oid_array; FuncDetailCode fdresult; AclResult aclresult; int i; /* * func_get_detail looks up the function in the catalogs, does * disambiguation for polymorphic functions, handles inheritance, and * returns the funcid and type and set or singleton status of the * function's return value. it also returns the true argument types to * the function. */ fdresult = func_get_detail(fnName, NIL, NIL, nargs, input_types, false, false, &fnOid, rettype, &retset, &nvargs, &vatype, &true_oid_array, NULL); /* only valid case is a normal function not returning a set */ if (fdresult != FUNCDETAIL_NORMAL || !OidIsValid(fnOid)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_FUNCTION), errmsg("function %s does not exist", func_signature_string(fnName, nargs, NIL, input_types)))); if (retset) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("function %s returns a set", func_signature_string(fnName, nargs, NIL, input_types)))); /* * If the agg is declared to take VARIADIC ANY, the underlying functions * had better be declared that way too, else they may receive too many * parameters; but func_get_detail would have been happy with plain ANY. * (Probably nothing very bad would happen, but it wouldn't work as the * user expects.) Other combinations should work without any special * pushups, given that we told func_get_detail not to expand VARIADIC. */ if (variadicArgType == ANYOID && vatype != ANYOID) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("function %s must accept VARIADIC ANY to be used in this aggregate", func_signature_string(fnName, nargs, NIL, input_types)))); /* * If there are any polymorphic types involved, enforce consistency, and * possibly refine the result type. It's OK if the result is still * polymorphic at this point, though. */ *rettype = enforce_generic_type_consistency(input_types, true_oid_array, nargs, *rettype, true); /* * func_get_detail will find functions requiring run-time argument type * coercion, but nodeAgg.c isn't prepared to deal with that */ for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { if (!IsBinaryCoercible(input_types[i], true_oid_array[i])) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("function %s requires run-time type coercion", func_signature_string(fnName, nargs, NIL, true_oid_array)))); } /* Check aggregate creator has permission to call the function */ aclresult = pg_proc_aclcheck(fnOid, GetUserId(), ACL_EXECUTE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_PROC, get_func_name(fnOid)); return fnOid; }